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First published 2014

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Copyright © Jordin Tootoo, 2014

Photo credits:

Tootoo playing to the Nashville fans: John Russell/Getty Images

Tootoo in a Red Wings jersey: Dave Reginek/Getty Images

All other photos courtesy of Jordin Tootoo

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Tootoo, Jordin, 1983–, author

All the way / Jordin Tootoo with Stephen Brunt.

ISBN 978-0-670-06762-6 (bound)

1. Tootoo, Jordin, 1983–. 2. Tootoo, Jordin, 1983– —Alcohol use. 3. Inuit hockey players—Biography. 4. Hockey players—Canada—Biography. 5. Recovering alcoholics—Canada—Biography. I. Brunt, Stephen, author II. Title.

GV848.5.T66A3 2014           796.962092                 C2014-902037-6

eBook ISBN 978-0-14-319310-4

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