I am grateful to everyone who lent their expertise and support to this book. Among them are my agent, Kim Lionetti, and the extraordinary team at Berkley Prime Crime. They include my insightful and wise editor, Jessica Wade, as well as Miranda Hill, Roxanne Jones, and Karen Haywood. There are numerous others that proof and polish and format and sell my books, not to mention the artist who created this enticing cover. I am also lucky to have so many talented writers in my life who critique, advise, encourage, and push me. Just a few are Laura Pritchett, Laura Resau, Mark Figlozzi, and Bob Trott. Then there are the dear friends who keep me going, including Mindy Ireland, Amy Lockwood, Barbara Clark, JoAnn Manzanares, Natasha Wing, Teresa Funke, and Jody Ivy. And finally, there’s Kevin Brookfield, who has been putting up my writerly habits for ten years. Love you so.