How to render lard

  1. First, find a good source of free-range pork from a butcher you trust. I just use normal back fat, but if you want perfectly snow-white lard you should try to get leaf lard, which comes from around the pig’s kidney.
  2. Chop the fat into small pieces.
  3. Add enough water to cover the base of a heavy-bottomed pot. The water prevents the fat from burning before it starts to melt. Add the chopped fat and simmer over a medium-low heat, stirring occasionally.
  4. After about an hour, the water will evaporate and the fat will be melted, and later, the solids (white crackling) will start to sink. You can strain it at this stage and use the more or less odourless, flavourless lard for baking or any time you want a neutral cooking oil. Let the rest of the crackling continue to simmer until brown and crispy, then strain again, using that savoury lard for flavourful frying.
  5. Keep the crackling (delicious salted and sprinkled over salads or noodles) and pour the strained fat into jars. When cooled, it will become a soft creamy semi-solid, the first batch whiter than the second one. It will keep in the fridge for about 2 months, or freeze for probably a year.