
The writing of Crystal Blue Murder has been a treasured journey, enriched by the many knowledgeable, experienced, and generous people who have shared of themselves to authenticate details in the book. My deep appreciation to Richard D. Buchanan of Archer & Buchanan Architecture; Peggy Hart Earle; Missy Schaffer and Ben Barnett; and Scott Richard and Mamie Duff of Brandywine Valley. Their explanations and tours of bank barns and Brandywine Conservancy land gave substance to Claire’s renovated barn and her plans for Sweetgrass.

Tim Brainard provided hundreds of details about meth and
other drugs, as well as information about Wyatt Wukitch’s struggles. Holly Gross gave me details about real estate, pertinent to Tonya’s home search. Sheila Lowe shared her handwriting expertise, and Dr. Ike Silverman assisted with medical procedures used by EMTs and hospital personnel. Bette Berns, Camille Downes, Glen McGlothin, and Minette Lauren helped “feed” Detective Parrott.

I’m gratified that the Galveston Elks Lodge, including Asta Timm and Karen Crummett Sawyer, honored this book and Bad Blood Sisters by hosting a charitable event benefitting the Texas Elks Children’s Services, and I’m especially pleased that Tammie Caballero contributed so generously to that worthy cause.

I’m eternally grateful to Lieutenant Destin Sims for his invaluable assistance and support in fleshing out the details of Parrott’s investigation. Destin knows Parrott almost as well as I do, and he’s always willing to listen to my scenarios and supply insightful suggestions. Dan Royse, formerly of the Tennessee Federal Bureau of Investigation, also assisted with procedural information.

Last, but not least, are three more debts of gratitude. My two author critique groups have helped me in huge and tiny ways to bring clarity to the story. I’m so fortunate to have a husband who encourages my passion for writing and helps with everything, including, but not limited to, brainstorming, legal advice, alpha-reading, revising, business decisions, events, and more. He also puts up with all the hours I am holed up writing or on zooms, when I could be doing something he wants us to do together. Thank you, Ed Richard.

Finally, a book doesn’t live until it’s read and enjoyed, so I thank you for reading Crystal Blue Murder. I hope you will leave an honest reader review, and I invite you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter at so you can join the fun adventures that comprise the reading-and-writing life.