Thank You

from Kirsty Ferry

Thank you so much for reading, and hopefully enjoying, this novel – the next instalment in the Hartsford Mysteries Series. I hope you enjoyed Cassie’s Living History weekend as much as she did, although I suspect the divine Aidan had something to do with Cassie’s joy! I also hope you were pleased with the way things worked out for Stella and Rob. I was, even though I wrote it — because I’ve learned that characters do their own thing and you never can tell.

Authors need to know they are doing the right thing as well, and keeping our readers happy is a huge part of the job. So it would be wonderful if you could find a moment just to write a quick review on the retail site where you purchased this ebook, Goodreads or any of the other websites to let me know that you enjoyed the book. Thank you once again, and do feel free to contact me at any time on Facebook, Twitter, through my website or through my lovely publishers Choc Lit.

Thanks again, and much love to you all,



Read about Kirsty and her novels next …