The Middle-Earth Paradigm: Sheldon and Physics Fashions
The Doppler Effect in fashion, and some other interesting ideas in physics clothing
The Earworm Reverberation: An Expectation of Extraterrestrials
The work of UNOOSA and the history of alien invasion
The Bat Jar Conjecture and Aliens: Imagining the Unimaginable
Imagining the unimaginable: How do we rationally imagine alien life?
The Grasshopper Experiment: The Indira Gandhi of Particle Astrophysics with a Penis
The wonderful Indian contribution to mathematics and astronomy
The Jerusalem Duality and the Problem with Teleportation
How teleportation in fiction has influenced theorists to dream up ways of teleporting in fact
The Geology Methodology: The Cracks That Lead to Civilization
A history of ancient civilizations through cracks in the Earth’s crust
The Valentino Submergence: Fun with Flags
Fun with flags as a story about the pursuit of empire, and the conquest of space
The Luminous Fish Effect: Sheldon Is Wrong about Caves
The importance of caves for those who dream of traveling into space
The Extract Obliteration: A Hawking-Cooper Radiation
Hawking and Cooper, under a night sky, watch stellar evolution unfold in one night
The Matrimonial Momentum and the Evolution of Particles
The cosmic origin of the chemical elements on Earth
The Helium Insufficiency: Life’s a Gas
The Great Oxygenation Event, and the discovery of oxygen gas
The Romance Resonance: Fun with Flags and Elements
A most unusual take on that famous Periodic Table
The Dumpling Paradox: Reductio-ad-absurdum
A potted history of the art of reductio-ad-absurdum, climaxing with Mark Twain
The Bachelor Party Corrosion and Archimedes
The genius of the ancient world: Archimedes
The Thanksgiving Decoupling: Fun with Farms
How farmers, like Penny’s family, changed the world
The Vengeance Formulation and the Genetic Line
How Coopers, Wolowitzes, and Hofstadters got to America
The Fuzzyboots Corollary: Sheldon and Automata
The hidden history of automata
The Porkchop Indeterminacy and Rocket Science
How Nazi rocket science led to one of the greatest American movies of the twentieth century
The Nerdvana Annihilation and Time Machines
The connoisseur’s guide to time machines
The Cooper-Hofstadter Galileo-Pope Polarization
The polarization of science and church in the days of Galileo’s telescope
The Mystery Date Observation, Revisited: The Joys of Atomic Spectroscopy
The wonder and mystery of those dark absorption lines and the spectroscope
The Big Bear Precipitation: Fun with Fire
Engine of human evolution: The discovery of fire
The Love Spell Potential: The Biggest Bangs in History
That terrestrial magma machine, the volcano
The 2003 Approximation and Filk Music!
The rarely told tale of rock music, machines, and science fiction
The Hamburger Postulate: Twilight of the Superheroes
The preposterous idea of the human as superhero
The Peanut Reaction and Pseudoscience
Aspects of monstrous pseudoscience that simply won’t die
The Bachelor Party Corrosion and Richard Feynman: Smarter than Sheldon Cooper
The wit and wonder of twentieth-century American physicist, Richard Feynman
The Dumpling Decoupling: Sheldon and Doctor Who
Sheldon’s controversial infatuation with The Doctor
The Mystery Date Observation: The Unlikely Dating Habits of Eggheads
The unlikely history of boffins and babes: Wolfgang Pauli, H. G. Wells, and Robert Hooke
The Earworm Reverberation, Revisited: The Idiosyncrasies of Scientists
Scientists as strange monsters, with Empedocles, Tesla, and the king of weird, Isaac Newton
The Einstein Approximation: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous Sheldon
Cliched and stereotypical images of scientists, and Sheldon Cooper