absolute zero 112

alpha decay 126

Anderson, Carl David 28

Andromeda galaxy 38, 82, 122

angular momentum, conservation of 72, 76

angular size 12

Anthropocene Extinction 112, 116

anti-electrons see positrons

antimatter 28

antiparticles 28, 36, 60

Aristarchus of Samos 75

Aristotle 94, 100

Arrest, Heinrich d’ 88

astrolabes 75

ATLAS 54, 62

atomic clocks 20

atoms 60, 64


Barish, Barry 150

baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) 26

baryonic matter 48

baryons 60, 72

Beauvoir, Simone de 106

Becquerel, Henri 56

beta decay 68, 126

Big Bang 16, 22 see also Hot Big Bang

binary star systems 73

black bodies 12, 30

black holes 80, 84, 115, 128

Bôhm, Karl Heinz 120

Bôhm-Vitense, Erika 120

Bondi, Hermann 102

bosons 64 see also Higgs boson

Brahe, Tycho 76

branes 134, 148

Broglie, Louis de 58

Brownlee, Donald 116

bulk 134


Cannon, Annie Jump 84

CERN 154

Chadwick, John 68

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 124

CMS 54, 62

compactification 134, 142

Copernican principle 94, 102

cosmic background temperature 112

cosmic horizon 12, 18, 94, 102

cosmic microwave background 26, 30

cosmic rays 12

cosmological argument 100

cosmological constant 26, 44 see also dark energy

cosmological principle 102

cosmology 94

Cowan, Clyde 68

critical density 36, 42

Curie, Marie 56

Curtis, Heber 82


dark energy 12, 26, 50

dark matter 38, 39, 48, 72, 144

deductive reasoning 100

deism 94, 100

Democritus 60

Descartes, René 108

Dewitt, Bryce Seligman 140

Dirac, Paul 28

discrete values/energy 54

duality 54, 58

dwarf planets 72, 88


Earth 20, 118

Eddington limit 36, 40

Einstein, Albert 40, 46, 58, 78

Einstein field equations 36, 42, 44

E=mc2 66

general relativity 36, 40, 42, 64

electromagnetic force 24, 64

electrons 28, 54, 60, 68, 112

energy, law of conservation of 54

entropy 112, 113, 130

Essen, Louis 20

European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) 154

event horizons 112

Everett, Hugh 140

existentialism 94, 106

exoplanets 72, 88

extraterrestrial life 90


Fermi, Enrico 68

Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) 155

fission 12

flavours 55, 68`

Freedman, Wendy 44

Friedmann, Alexander 42

Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric 36, 42

fundamental forces 24, 54, 64

fusion 12, 84, 86, 124


Gaillard, Mary K. 144

galaxies 26, 82, 122

Galle, Gottfried 88

Gates, S. James 144

Gell-Mann, Murray 60

general relativity 36, 40, 42, 64

geocentric model 98

Georgi, Howard 24, 126

Glashow, Sheldon Lee 24, 126

gluons 60, 64, 66

Gold, Thomas 102

grand unified theory 126

gravitational lenses 72

gravitational waves 64, 150

gravitons 36, 46, 64, 148

gravity 24, 46, 64, 78

Greeks, ancient 60, 74, 98, 100

Gürsey, Feyza 24

Guth, Alan 138


half-life 112

Harmonic Law 76

Hawking, Stephen 114

Hawking radiation 112, 115, 128

Heisenberg uncertainty principle 58

heliocentric model 98

Herschel, Caroline 38

Herschel, William 88

Higgs boson 54, 60, 62, 66

Higgs field 54

Higgs, Peter 62

Hot Big Bang 30 see also Big Bang

Hoyle, Fred 102

Hubble, Edwin 15, 16, 44

Huchra, John 26

human consciousness 108

Hypatia of Alexandria 74

hyperbolic paraboloids 36


Iben, Icko 118

inductive reasoning 100

inflationary cosmology model 138

interferometers 134 see also LIGO

interstellar medium 86

inverse beta decay 68

inverse-square law 73

ions 12


Julian year 20

Jupiter 88, 90


Kachru, Shamit 144

Kaluza, Theodor 142

Kant, Immanuel 96

Kennicutt, Robert 44

Kepler, Johannes 76

Klein, Oskar 142


Laplace, Pierre-Simon 104

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 54, 55, 62, 144, 148, 155

Le Verrier, Urbain 88

Leavitt, Henrietta Swan 14

Lee, Tsung-Dao 66

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 100

Lemaître, Georges 42

lepton family 55, 60

Levay, Zolt 86

LHC see Large Hadron Collider

Liebert, James 118

life on Earth 90, 116

human consciousness 108

light 32, 50, 55

light year 12

LIGO 150, 156 see also interferometers

Linde, Andrei 138

Lyman-alpha forest 12, 32


M-theory 146, 148

Majorana, Ettore 68

many-worlds interpretation (MWI) 134, 137, 140

Mars 88, 90

mass 62, 66

mass extinction 112, 116

Meer, Simon van der 64

megaparsecs 13

Mercury 88, 118

mesons 60, 66

metals 73

metaphysics 94, 100, 102, 104, 106

Michell, John 80

Milky Way 20, 82, 122

Misner, Charles 46, 128

Mitchell, Maria 38, 39

monads 94, 100

Mould, Jeremy 44

multiverse 13, 134

muons 55, 60, 68

MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation) 134, 137, 140


nebulae 86, 113

neuropsychology 94

neutrinos 55, 60, 64, 68

neutron stars 84, 113

neutrons 60

Newton, Isaac 46, 78


‘observable universe’ 18

orbital motion 76, 78


Parry, Jack 20

Pauli, Wolfgang 68

Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia 84

Penzias, Arno 30

Perlmutter, Saul 50

photons 13, 28, 30, 50, 58, 60, 64

Pickering, Charles 15

Planck, Max 58

planets 88

Plato 94

Pluto 88

polonium 56, 57

positive cosmological constant 37

positrons 28, 112

prime mover 94

probability wave 55, 58

protons 13, 60, 66

proton decay 126

protostars 73, 86

Ptolemy, Claudius 75, 98

Pythagorean theorem 42


quantum fluctuation 13, 22

quantum gravity 37, 46

quantum mechanics 37, 46

quantum tunnelling 113, 128

quark–gluon plasma 55, 66

quarks 60, 66

quasars 13, 73


radioactive decay 13, 64, 126

radioactivity 56

radium 56, 57

Randall–Sundrum model 134, 148

recombination 13, 30

red giants 84, 113, 124

redshift 13, 30

Reines, Frederick 68

reionization 32

RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) 155

Riess, Adam 50

Robertson, Howard 42

Rubbia, Carlo 64

Rubin, Vera 38


Sagan, Carl 90

Sakharov, Andrei 126

Sandage, Allan 18

Sargent, Wallace 32

Sartre, Jean-Paul 106

Saturn 88, 90

Schmidt, Brian 50

Schrödinger, Erwin 136

Shapley, Harlow 82

Silverstein, Eva 144

space-time 13, 40

sparticles 135, 144

Spergel, David 130

Standard Model 60

stars 84, 124

stellar cores 73

Steinhardt, Paul 22, 130

string theory 142

strong nuclear force 24, 64, 66

‘sufficient reason’ 94, 100

Sun 20, 84, 116, 118, 120, 124

Sundrum, Raman 148

superdimensionality 135

supernovae 84, 113, 124

superstring theory 144, 146

supersymmetry 144


Tarter, Jill 90

taus 55, 60, 68

Tevatron 135, 144, 155

theism 94, 100

Theon 74

thermodynamics, second law of 113, 130

Thompson, J.J. 60

Thorne, Kip S. 46, 128, 150

Tombaugh, Clyde 88

Toomre, Alar and Jüri 122

Turok, Neil 22


uncertainty principle 58

underdetermination 95


Venus 88, 118


W bosons 60, 64

Walker, Arthur 42

Ward, Peter 116

weak nuclear force 24, 64

Weiss, Rainer 150

Wheeler, John A. 42, 46, 80

white dwarfs 84, 113, 124

Wigner, Eugene 66

Wilson, Robert 30

Witten, Edward 146


X-ray binaries 73


Z bosons 60, 64

Zwicky, Fritz 48