

Aug., St. Augustine (Confessions)

Caes., Caesar

B.C., Bellum Civile

B.G., Bellum Gallicum

Catull., Catullus (Poems)

Cic., Cicero

Am., De Amicitia

Arch., Oratio pro Archia

Att., Epistulae ad Atticum

Cat., Orationes in Catilinam

De Or., De Oratore

Div., De Divinatione

Fam., Epistulae ad Familiares

Fin., De Finibus

Inv., De Inventione Rhetorica

Leg., De Legibus

Marcell, Oratio pro Marcello

Off., De Officiis

Or., Orator

Phil., Orationes Philippicae in M. Antonium

Pis., Oratio in Pisonem

Planc., Oratio pro Plancio

Q. Fr., Epistulae ad Q. Fratrem

Rep., De Re Publica

Sen., De Senectute

Sex. Rosc., Oratio pro Sex. Roscio

Sull., Oratio pro Sulla

Tusc., Tusculanae Disputationes

Verr., Actio in Verrem

Enn., Ennius (Poems)

Hor., Horace

A.P., Ars Poetica (Ep. 2.3)

Ep., Epistulae

Epod., Epodes

Od., Odes (Carmina)

Sat., Satires (Sermones)

Juv., Juvenal (Satires)

Liv., Livy (Ab Urbe Condita)

Lucr., Lucretius (De Natura Rerum)

Mart., Martial (Epigrams)

Macr., Macrobius (Saturnalia)

Nep., Nepos

Att., Atticus

Cim., Cimon

Milt., Miltiades

Ov., Ovid

A.A., Ars Amatoria

Am., Amores

Her., Heroides

Met., Metamorphoses

Pers., Persius (Satires)

Petron., Petronius (Satyricon)

Phaedr., Phaedrus (Fables)

Plaut., Plautus

Aul., Aulularia

Mil., Miles Gloriosus

Most., Mostellaria

Stich., Stichus

Plin., Pliny the Elder

H.N., Historia Naturalis

Plin., Pliny the Younger

Ep., Epistulae

Prop., Propertius (Elegies)

Publil. Syr., Publilius Syrus (Sententiae)

Quint., Quintilian

Inst., Institutiones Oratoriae

Sall., Sallust

Cat., Catilina

Sen., Seneca the Elder

Contr., Controversiae

Sen., Seneca the Younger

Brev. Vit., De Brevitate Vitae

Clem., De Clementia

Cons. Polyb., Ad Polybium de Consolatione

Ep., Epistulae

Suet., Suetonius

Aug., Augustus Caesar

Caes., Julius Caesar

Tac., Tacitus

Ann., Annales

Dial., Dialogus de Oratoribus

Ter., Terence

Ad., Adelphi

And., Andria

Heaut., Heauton Timoroumenos

Hec., Hecyra

Phorm., Phormio

Veg., Vegetius Renatus

Mil., De Re Militari

Vell., Velleius Paterculus (Histories)

Virg., Virgil

Aen., Aeneid

Ecl., Eclogues

Geor., Georgics

Vulg., Vulgate

Eccles., Ecclesiastes

Exod., Exodus

Gen., Genesis

abl. ablative case
abs. absolute
acc. accusative case
act. active voice
A.D. after Christ (Lat. annō dominī, lit., in the year of the Lord)
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
App. Appendix
B.C. before Christ
ca. about (Lat. circā)
cen(s). century(ies)
Ch(s). Chapter(s)
cl(s). clause(s)
comp. comparative (degree)
compl. complementary
Ger. German
Gk. Greek
ibid. in the same place (Lat. ibidem)
id. the same (Lat. idem)
i.e. that is (Lat. id est)
imper. imperative mood
impers. impersonal
impf. imperfect tense
ind. quest. indirect question
ind. state. indirect statement
indecl. indeclinable
indef. indefinite
indic. indicative mood
inf. infinitive
interj. interjection
Introd. Introduction
irreg. irregular
It. Italian
L.A. Locī Antīquī
Lat. Latin
L.I. Locī Immūtātī
lit. literally
loc. locative case
m./M./masc. masculine gender
mid. middle
n./N./neut. note or neuter gender
no(s). number(s)
nom. nominative case
obj. object or objective
p. page(s)
part. participle
conj. conjunction
contr. to fact contrary to fact
cp. compare (Lat. comparā)
dat. dative case
decl. declension
dep. deponent
e.g. for example (Lat. exemplī grātiā)
Eng. English
etc. and others (Lat. et cētera)
f./F./fem. feminine gender
ff. and the following (lines, pages)
Fr. French
fr. from
fut. future tense
fut. perf. future perfect tense
gen. genitive case
pass. passive voice
perf. perfect (present perfect) tense
pers. person
pl. plural
plupf. pluperfect (past perfect) tense
P.R. Practice and Review (sentences)
prep. preposition
pres. present tense
pron. pronoun
purp. purpose
ref. reference
rel. relative
Russ. Russian
sc. supply, namely (Lat. scīlicet)
sent. sentence
sg. singular
Sp. Spanish
spec. special
S.A. Sententiae Antīquae
S.S. Supplementary Syntax
(p. 442-45)
subj. subjunctive mood
superl. superlative
s.v. under the word (Lat. sub verbō)
vb(s). verb(s)
voc. vocative case
Vocab. Vocabulary
vs. as opposed to, in comparison with (Lat. versus)
w. with