Chapter Fourteen
He never thought he’d be stepping foot back in the club again, especially not for a scene. Like before, Malone met them at the door, skipping the tour this time and taking them straight to the hall where the private rooms were. Rowes looked around curiously as they passed each one.
Izzy had called Malone from outside their hotel room, and Rowes hadn’t even known they were headed to the club until they were in the car. Instead of filling him in, Izzy had spent the entire ride praising him. Some of the compliments had to be made up.
“I love your freckles. I dream about kissing each and every one of them…”
Rowes flushed at the memory. He had no idea how Izzy had managed to stay on the road in their rental car while Rowes had hardly been able to see straight. That hadn’t even been the worse one, either.
“Your lips are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” Izzy had said, taking one hand off the wheel and touching Rowes’ lower lip.
“Well, I just ate chocolate,” Rowes had huffed, crossing his arms, even as his cheeks burned.
“That’s not it.”
At the next stoplight, Izzy had leaned over and kissed him in the daylight. Anyone could have seen them, but he’d done it. It made his insides squirm in a way that he was just beginning to understand.
“You okay?” Izzy’s call pulled him from his thoughts as they passed by a couple who gave them a startled smile.
Even being in the kink club again somehow helped. There were people here just like them, who didn’t ask questions or make assumptions. It was nice to be free.
Eyeing the engraved name on the door Malone had stopped in front of, Rowes narrowed his eyes. Awake was not very explanatory at all. If Impact was full of things for slapping and whipping, then what the hell was in Awake? Energy drinks?
“I’d like to blindfold you,” said Izzy, pulling a thin leather strip from his pocket as he stopped at the door. It looked like he’d used one of his old ties from their promotion circuit and had reworked it into a blindfold. The gala he’d worn that to had been the opposite of this place, but Izzy had been there for him, his presence the only thing that had mattered. “What’s your color on that?”
“Green.” It was better than green. He’d only played with a blindfold once, and it had been amazing. The woman he’d been dating at the time had kissed him all over, every touch a surprise.
“If I may,” said Malone, glancing at the makeshift blindfold. “I have one that will be a little more suitable. There are too many gaps with a tie, even if they do look pretty. You need to go for something padded and soft but not slippery. Unless this one has some importance to you.”
“Sure,” said Izzy, stuffing it back into his pocket with a shrug. “This trip was a little impromptu, and we’re here to learn. It’s just a tie.”
Malone nodded before he disappeared into another room along the hall, and Rowes let out a soft breath. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever met someone so intimidating except Izzy in his role as Kemble. Kemble was a powerhouse with both money and weapons at his disposal, and Izzy played him almost too well.
“This isn’t a role, right?” asked Rowes, keeping his voice hushed in the hall. He had no idea how many people were behind those doors, and he didn’t want to disturb them—especially the people in the ‘wet’ room.
“Put your hand on my chest, Ro.” Izzy guided him to the spot over his heart, clasping their fingers together. He could feel the steady thumping of his heart that was just a little too fast to be normal and smell the sweat on his skin from the summer heat. “This here is real. Every part of the way I look at you and want to hold you tight is real and always has been.”
“Your heart is going fast,” said Rowes, pressing closer until he could almost hear it. If he could have, he would have crawled into Izzy’s arms, then closer still, until there was nothing separating them.
“I’m nervous,” said Izzy, shifting his feet along the floor.
“Nervous?” That didn’t make any sense. Izzy didn’t get nervous—not in front of the media or a thousand fans. He lived to be in the spotlight, and he did everything so well, that he never had to be nervous.
“I don’t want to hurt you by accident or mess up,” said Izzy, holding Rowes’ gaze steady. “You’re the most important person in my life, and I want to give you the world, but I need guidance. There have already been so many times I’ve screwed up without knowing it. That’s why I’ve asked Malone for help.”
That was another thing Izzy never did. He was the type of guy to struggle through lifting something on his own and pulling three muscles before he’d ever ask for help, not to mention directions. On their first trip to the club, they’d driven aimlessly for half an hour before Izzy had finally seemed to recognize a sign for the highway.
Izzy squeezed Rowes’ hand as Malone returned. “I want to be as perfect for you as you are for me.”
Malone grinned as he handed a new blindfold to Izzy. It looked to be some sort of soft fabric with a thick, fluffy lining. It was also about twice the size as Rowes had expected and would probably end up covering half his face.
“Why don’t you just put me in a hood?” he asked as he reached for it. Izzy clicked his tongue, motioning for Rowes to turn around.
It settled against his face, even softer than he’d expected. It also cut everything out. There was no light at all and no cracks to speak of. The little slip of light at the bottom that he’d expected of the tie blindfold was gone.
Izzy secured it tight, sliding his fingers underneath the strap and against Rowes’ scalp. He shivered at the touch, throwing his arms out as he nearly stumbled. Izzy was there to catch him, pulling him back and off balance.
“That’s not a bad idea, actually,” said Izzy, Rowes jumping at his voice that was right against his ear. His voice had gone low again, in that tone that had a whole new meaning between them. “I could take all your senses away except taste and touch, then sample every part of you.”
If he hadn’t been on his way to hard already, the speed that blood filled his cock would have been even more painful. He’d never heard dirtier words, and it called to something deep within him that urged him to tilt his head back and fall to his knees. The world seemed to wobble, his balance thrown off as Izzy twisted them around.
He couldn’t remember which way he was facing, let alone where the door was. He’d always had a terrible sense of direction, but now he was lost in a mass of darkness like a dream.
“Right here, Ro. You doing okay?”
His throat clicked as he swallowed, and he reached for Izzy’s hands that were on his chest. Letting out a sigh of relief when he found them, he rolled his shoulders, easing the tension away. He was just nervous.
“Still green. Don’t let me fall, okay?” His legs were wobbly for some reason, something rushing through his veins that hadn’t been there before.
He caught the sound of the door squeaking a bit as it presumably opened, and their footsteps as Izzy guided him into the room. It seemed warmer, somehow—or maybe he was just more aware of his clothing. A thin T-shirt and shorts were all he’d worn, but they felt like too much with Izzy’s hands on him, carefully guiding him into the room.
“Is Malone still here?” He turned his head back and forth, even though he was blind. There could have been twenty people and he wouldn’t have known, but he trusted Izzy to keep him safe.
“I am. Because you are my guests, I won’t be able to leave during the scene. If you need a moment, I can step outside.” Malone was even intimidating when Rowes wasn’t looking at him, his voice powerful in itself.
“Still here, Ro,” said Izzy, just a touch of humor in his voice.
“Is Malone like a mobster or something?” he asked quietly. Normally, he would never ask a question like that, but his lack of sight seemed to have infused some confidence into his limbs.
Malone snorted before chuckling. “I’m a lawyer, kid, but I’ll take that as a compliment. My boy is the only one who gets to see my soft side.”
Rowes scrunched up his nose. Lawyers were right up there with mobsters in his bad books at the moment. But as long as Malone wasn’t upset, then he wasn’t worried. “Are you going to hurt me?”
“Did you want me to?” asked Izzy, trailing a finger down Rowes’ spine. At least, he thought it was Izzy. He wasn’t sure if Izzy would let Malone touch him or not. He shivered, his skin prickling.
“I don’t know.” He imagined the scene he’d watched on his phone alone, where Dom had paddled his sub. The sub had seemed so blissed out, even as his skin turned red. But he didn’t like pain…at least, he didn’t think so.
“Hold this,” said Izzy, placing Rowes’ hands on something smooth and hard that was at the height of his waist. Rowes grabbed it, holding tight as he slipped his fingers over the surface. It was stable and strong, supporting him as he leaned against it. It almost wasn’t enough when Izzy’s hands left him.
A slap rang out a moment later and Rowes jumped, almost letting go of his support as Izzy spanked him. It didn’t hurt much through his pants, but it still tingled, leaving a warming bruise in its wake. His heart pounded, and he shuffled his feet.
“Did you like that?” asked Izzy, his voice coming from a different direction than the slap. Rowes turned his head, trying to track Izzy from the sound of his breathing. It was coming faster—excited and low, just like Rowes’.
“I don’t know,” said Rowes, shifting so his shorts rubbed against his ass. The sting hadn’t lingered, leaving nothing behind but a phantom touch. “Maybe try again?”
He heard Malone chuckle. “He’s hungry for it.”
Maybe he was. Maybe he was starving for something other than just a simple touch or a loving hand. Maybe he wanted to be broken until he couldn’t recognize himself in the mirror. If no one knew it was him, then there was nothing to worry about.
“Will you beat me?” asked Rowes, the question burning on his tongue. The need for it scorched through him in an instant, and he shifted his legs wider, inviting the touch.
A hand on his waist answered him and he jumped, expecting pain instead of a soft touch. Izzy’s breath tickled the back of his neck and his ear before something hard pressed against his ass.
Oh fuck. Izzy was harder than steel, his cock digging into Rowes’ ass as Izzy moved his hand to Rowes’ pants and slowly pushed them down. Rowes sucked in a breath, lifting his legs one at a time as he was stripped of both layers, leaving him bare from the waist down.
His shirt went next, and he struggled to let go of his support as Izzy pulled it off his arms and presumably tossed it somewhere in the room. The whisper of falling cloth was the only tell that he hadn’t folded it like he normally would have.
A hand came down on his naked ass a moment later, and Rowes tensed, yelping at the brutal sting of it. It was so much more without the layers of fabric protecting him, fire lancing across his skin before it settled deep. This one would definitely bruise and leave its mark for days.
“Where are the bruises from?” asked Malone, sounding slightly concerned.
“Rowes was injured on set.” Izzy skimmed his hand over the bruises, keeping his fingers light. Rowes hissed at the touch anyway, leaning into it. They had never felt good before, not even when Izzy had massaged him—but now they did. “Are they feeling better, Rowes?”
“Green.” Rowes nodded as he answered, moving his ass toward Izzy to try to get his attention back to where he wanted it.
“It’s a good idea to ask about injuries or ailments before a scene starts,” said Malone. “Once they are floating, a sub has no concept of mortality.”
“Noted,” said Izzy.
Why were they talking about him instead of doing something? He was naked, his legs spread wide and his cock dripping. Did they need an invitation or something? He arched his back, just in case, hoping that he looked more inviting. The move ignited the quiet spot in his back, but he pushed through it, gritting his teeth.
“A few rules, Ro.” Izzy’s voice came from the other side this time, far enough to be a few paces away. Why was he getting farther? Rowes stuck his ass out as much as he could, begging for another spank.
“Are you listening?” That was Malone this time, his voice even but somehow softer than before.
“Yes. Green. I don’t know what you want me to say, but hit me again, Izzy.” Rowes leaned against his wooden support, bringing his face to it. The blindfold was getting damp, his sweat soaking into it. He was too warm, even without clothes.
“I wasn’t talking to you, Mr. Keppel,” said Malone. “I never scene without my boy, and he’s been very good and quiet so far. Say hello, Oliver.”
Oh God, there were other people here. Rowes shuddered as he flamed hotter.
“I only want Izzy touching me,” said Rowes, flinching away from the touch on his hip.
“It’s me,” said Izzy, following Rowes’ movement before resting his hand over his heated skin. His palm was warm, making the nerves singe brighter. Rowes leaned into the warmth, taking everything he could get. “And that’s rule one. Only I’m going to touch you, unless I check in with you first.”
“Okay.” Rowes let out a sigh of relief, most of his tension melting away. Without it, he could sink deeper into the feeling that was trying to overtake him. The pain faded away to something else as he panted.
“Rule number two,” said Izzy. “If you want something you have to ask for it…nicely.”
“Hit me, please,” said Rowes, his back almost at its limit. It didn’t hurt so much anymore, but he was shaking, his muscles barely hanging on. In all his time at the gym, he’d never felt so weak.
The slap was instant, ringing out louder than any of the previous ones. Gasping, Rowes waited for the pain to roll over him, trembling when it didn’t. It was good, like the pleasant tingles of sitting too close to the fire, knowing that he would never be singed.
“Harder.” He clung to the post, shifting his legs wider to prepare himself for the blow.
Izzy trailed a finger up his spine, leaving a shiver in its wake. He whimpered, heaving in his next breath.
Whatever had been holding Izzy back, suddenly disappeared as he brought his hand down over and over. Rowes took every blow, soaking up the sharp tingles that spread all the way to his cock. He was sure he was dripping and making a mess, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. There could have been a camera pointed his way, and he would have smiled.
“If you have any more rules for him, tell him before he gets much deeper. He’s very close to subspace right now,” said Malone, his voice like a tether in the dark. Rowes clung to it as his hands slipped over the wood.
“Fuck.” Izzy’s voice was tight and strained. “How can you tell?”
“You see how relaxed he looks?” asked Malone. “And how his voice is slurring? His moans are more drawn out—longer, deeper. Ask him how he’s feeling.”
“Ro baby, how are you feeling?” asked Izzy.
Never in his life had Izzy called him ‘baby’, but it covered exactly what he was feeling. He was helpless yet comfortable. He wasn’t sure if he could move his arms or legs, but they seemed to be working on their own, keeping him from keeling over.
“I dunno…weird.” His voice was slurred like he’d been drinking. The strange thing was, he rarely drank, too worried he would spontaneously jump on social media and reveal every plot twist of an upcoming season.
“Wow.” Izzy let out a loud breath, and Rowes felt him against his back, his cock still hard as he rubbed himself against Rowes’ ass. The fabric of Izzy’s pants against his ass was like torture.
“The rest of the rules, Ro.” Izzy inhaled shakily. “I won’t penetrate you, not even with toys. That will be a hard limit that neither of us will be pushing. I bought that plug for you—the one I want you to wear the next time you’re on set. I want you to wear it now and all the way back to the hotel, so you get used to how it feels.” He let out a heavy breath against Rowes’ skin. “You have two choices.”
Rowes nodded, his groin going tight as he imagined the plug. He couldn’t believe Izzy had bought it for him. There were so many that he’d found online, with every shape and size imaginable.
“What does it look like?”
It was the first time he regretted not having his sight. He wouldn’t move his hand to pull his blindfold off because removing it seemed almost wrong.
“It’s big—maybe too big for some of the scenes in the script. You’ll wear it, anyway, even if it makes you hard.” Izzy caresses his ass, bringing a hiss to his lips. “That’s not the best part. Instead of a jewel at the base, I engraved my name. That way, if anyone sees it, they’ll know exactly who you belong to.”
Oh God. Rowes pushed his knees together as they almost gave out, leaning his full weight onto his hands and clutching his support.
“Do you like that?”
Nodding, Rowes’ throat clicked as he swallowed dry. “Please, Iz. I need it. I need it.”
“You have a choice to make, then. You can put it in yourself or ask Malone if his boy would put it in for you.”
There was no way he could put it in himself. He needed a steady hand to play with his ass, and if he let go, he would end up on the ground.
“Malone, Sir? Could he—I mean—your boy?” He wasn’t sure what the protocol was, but he hadn’t been properly introduced, so he wondered if they weren’t supposed to speak directly. It was the same way he loved when Izzy spoke for him, especially when he was feeling shy.
Rowes expected a touch at his ass, but when he arched his back, Izzy spanked him again. The numbness from the repeated strikes had had time to cool, and the touch sent a wave of real pain through him. Letting out a groan, he scrambled to stay standing. Izzy’s hand at his hip was the only thing that kept him upright.
“What’s your color?” asked Izzy, caressing the spot that he had just struck. He slapped twice more before Rowes finally managed a whimpered ‘green’. He moved to Rowes’ ass, pulling his cheeks wide as something cool and wet slid over his hole.
Clenching at the feeling, Rowes tried to squirm away. It had been so long since he’d been penetrated, and Izzy had said it would be big. It would probably hurt like hell, too.
Not that he wasn’t ready for it, but he wanted to struggle and have Izzy’s hands hold him down as it was forced inside.
“Make me take it?” asked Rowes, reaching for Izzy’s hand and turning into him. The move almost had him off balance, but he managed to hang on by grabbing Izzy’s shirt. Izzy adjusted his grip, wrapping his arms around him and reaching for his ass to pull it wide.
Rowes squirmed, rubbing his cock into the rough fabric of Izzy’s pants. He’d never thought denim would be so infuriating. It was enough to give him some stimulation, but he couldn’t imagine coming from it. If Izzy touched his cock with a bit of skin on the other hand, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
He wasn’t even worried if that was allowed or not. His contract was the furthest thing from his mind, and he trusted Izzy to take care of it.
“This is a big one, Sir. Are you sure it will fit?” It was Malone’s boy who asked, his voice so much softer than either Izzy’s or Malone’s. He sounded young, too, probably in his early twenties.
“Just do it,” said Rowes, clutching Izzy tight. Izzy moved his hand from his ass only to give him three hard spanks that took his breath away.
“That was rude, Ro,” said Izzy, giving one more hit that was stronger than all the previous ones. Rowes curled his toes, biting back a scream. It fucking hurt.
“I’m not sure what gave you the impression that you could order anyone around,” said Izzy, squeezing his ass in a way that made everything ache. “You should apologize before Malone changes his mind and lets you try to put that plug in all by yourself.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” said Rowes, leaning heavily against Izzy as his cheeks were spread wide again.
“Don’t let it happen again,” said Malone, the darkness in his voice sending shivers down Rowes’ spine. “I’m very protective of my things, just like Isthmus is.”
Rowes didn’t even want to think if he would get some sort of punishment when what he was going through was already torture. His balls had never ached quite so fiercely, his cock probably purple with need.
“I’m sorry, Malone. It won’t happen again, Sir. I promise.”
He never broke his promises.
Gasping at the touch of something hard and cool against his rim, Rowes froze as he tried to figure out what it was. He’d been expecting plastic, but it felt more like metal, and so smooth that it slid in easily, despite his resistance. The head must have been very narrow because he hardly felt it until it suddenly grew wider, stretching him sharply.
It wasn’t much, but it had been a long time. When he’d first started experimenting with pegging with a previous girlfriend, he’d learned to take a plastic cock hard and fast with minimal prep, but since Gunlover, he’d hardly explored himself that way.
“I’m not so sure. He’s awful tight,” said Malone’s boy, pausing with only what felt like the tip inside. Rowes pushed against it, relishing the stretch as he took a bit more. It didn’t hurt at all, sending a tingle directly to his cock. I can take more.
“Let me see,” said Izzy, pulling Rowes’ cheeks wider as he presumably looked. “Hmm, you might be right. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone for the extra large. What do you think, Malone?”
“Try again, boy, and go slow. He looks like he has the ass of a virgin.”
Wait. Rowes pushed back against the toy, but it moved away, barely sinking in at all.
“He’s too tight, Sir,” said Malone’s boy.
Are they fucking with me? Of all the times for a mindfuck, Izzy had chosen now?
Izzy had always liked to keep him on his toes, on the set and off, but this was too much.
Usually, he got a tad frustrated and embarrassed before he chuckled. But now? It put him right on the edge of orgasm. He had to still his hips in order to not come on Izzy’s leg, not knowing if had permission or not.
They were probably baiting him—the bastards—seeing if he would break down and yell at Malone’s boy again. But he never broke his promises. He was, however, damn good at getting his way with Izzy.
“Please, Izzy. I want to come with it inside me. I’ve been so good for you, and I can take it. I want to hurt for you and feel your marks on my skin. I want the plug inside me every time I’m on set so I can feel it when I move. Can you imagine what it would be like if I have to dodge a bullet? I will probably come in my pants and groan for the cameras. When Clarke kisses me, all I’ll feel is you inside me, and the memory of your lips on mine. All I’ll think about is you, and when I get hard, it will be for you.”
There was a beat of silence after Rowes trailed off, and he wondered if he’d pushed too hard. He had the habit of rambling when he got on a roll, and right now, his filter was lost, the blindfold only adding fuel to the fire.
“Give it to him,” said Izzy, his voice so thick that Rowes almost didn’t recognize him. “Give him the whole damn thing, and we’ll see how well he can take it.”
Oh fuck. In one motion, the plug was pushed inside him, the cold metal tip settling directly against his prostate. The brief stretch barely had a zing going up his spine, but it was heavy—so heavy that he clenched around it. That movement had it rubbing him on the inside where everything was so over sensitized that he could feel his orgasm building, already starting.
“Please.” Rowes grabbed Izzy by the waist, bringing their groins together. He was already shooting, the first few pulses probably ruining Izzy’s pants. But he couldn’t hold back.
Izzy reached between his cheeks, tapping the base of the plug, and Rowes choked as his prostate was nailed. His body jerked as his orgasm dragged on, sucking every ounce of energy from his bones.
Izzy caught him as he fell, slipping a hand behind his knees and picking him up bridal style as Rowes slipped away, letting the dark calm take over his thoughts. He could almost see himself from behind the blindfold as if he were watching from Malone’s perspective and not his own.
“You got him, Isthmus?” asked Malone. Rowes turned into Izzy’s chest as he was laid on something soft.
“That was so hot, Daddy.”
Malone chuckled, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. A quietness descended that hadn’t been there before.
“You asleep, Ro?”
Rowes shook his head. Izzy sounded so fucked out, his voice thick and dark. His hand was grabbed, his palm pressing against something rock-hard and hot. Izzy.
“Come on my cock,” said Rowes, the words like someone else had said them. He would never say something so filthy.
“Fuck, baby.”
He caught the sound of a zipper, then Izzy’s weight settled over him, naked flesh touching his spent cock. He twitched, his every nerve on fire.
“It’s like you’re inside me, Iz.” Rowes rolled his hips, meeting Izzy’s hard cock with his softening one. It was painful, but not as bad as his ass, which was burning against the bed. “You’re touching me just right and hitting my spot every time I move. Your name is on me—in me. You own me.”
Izzy dragged his teeth against his neck as something warm and wet landed on Rowes’ cock. He groaned at the filthiness of it, reaching to smear it all over himself. Izzy couldn’t fuck him, but he had been claimed one hundred percent.