Chapter Twenty-One
The director practically cackled when she caught sight of them strolling onto the set together. It only lasted a moment before she was back to business and barking an order at a passerby. People scrambled around the set, rushing to make sure everything looked exactly as it should.
Lorena looked just as smug as she should, a grin on her face and her arms crossed as she watched the crew. When she caught sight of Rowes and Izzy’s arrival, her smile widened to something almost predatory.
“Don’t let it go to your head,” said Izzy as they stopped in front of Lorena. Her smile didn’t dim in the least.
“It’s the biggest win of my career,” said Lorena, motioning around the set. “The show goes on sans a singular scene, your contracts are amended and everyone keeps their jobs, including me.”
It wasn’t a complete win, which Izzy had been very prompt at pointing out. After Connley had approached the executive producer and let him know that Ainslie and he were goners if they terminated Rowes, things had changed pretty quickly.
With the loss of one cast member, the show would have gone on, but the entire main cast? There would be no recovering from it. And there was too much at stake to let it become just another canceled show in television history.
Lorena had jumped on that vulnerability right away, getting their contracts reworked in a way that gave Rowes more freedom than he’d had in months. The only kicker had been the kiss scene.
The planned kiss scene had been cut, and the one between himself and Izzy had been tossed in the trash. The rest of the season had been rewritten as if the event had never happened. But the innuendos had been left in place, the teases and snippets there to tantalize the audience.
There was no time to think before the scene was set and Izzy was doing his first take in front of the camera.
“Think more dangerous,” said Rowes, as soon as the director called cut and everything was reset. “You’re out for blood, and you don’t need a gun to shed it,” said Rowes. Izzy slid right into character until Rowes struggled not to take a step back from the sheer intimidation of his look. He was surprised that the camera didn’t burst into flames on the next take. The director certainly looked a little ruffled.
* * * *
“You good to go?” asked Rowes, yawning behind his hand as he snuck a package of gummies from Lorena’s purse. He didn’t have any more shots, and he was beyond tired. They had been shooting for hours straight, and it was way past time for bed. They had a lot of catching up to do after the pause in the show.
Izzy looked around the set, slipping into a chair beside where Rowes was as few of the crew bustled about. Rowes had such a profound respect for them, setting up every day and taking things down every night. It would get easier once they were doing indoor shots, but they couldn’t exactly leave cameras outside. What if it rained?
“Not yet,” said Izzy, letting out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair.
“Not yet, what?” Rowes yawned again, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. He handed Lorena’s purse back to her as she headed home for the day, his stomach grumbling from the lack of a real meal for dinner. “What are you talking about?”
“You asked me if I was ready to go,” said Izzy, chuckling as he patted his knee.
“Did I?” He could barely keep his eyes open, and there was still so much to do. Eventually, he’d hit a point where he got used to the lack of sleep, but the first few days back were always the worst. The limbo had spoiled him.
“You did good today,” said Izzy, creeping his hand up Rowes’ thigh.
That had him wide awake, pulling away and standing as he blinked at the people around them. It was already a little too late. The director had spied them, giving them a smirk and a little wave as Rowes flushed.
“You’re a tease,” said Rowes, setting his bag on the ground and fanning his face. “The contract is gone—but have a little decency.” He couldn’t believe he was actually saying it. This was their chance to go all the way, and he was dragging his heels.
Is it nerves or something else? Maybe he was more tired than he thought. He was horny, so it couldn’t be that. He couldn’t wait to have Izzy, but maybe not in public?
Izzy shrugged. “Like a little contract could stop me. You’re mine, Rowes, and now everyone knows it.” Tugging Rowes back into his chair, he settled his hand on his knee, squeezing once.
“Lorena told me about a bunch of calls she got today,” said Rowes, his jaw cracking as he yawned. “Two were television interviews—I said no to one because I figured we’d still be shooting—and one was radio. Undecided on that one. We’re television stars, not rock stars.”
“Sounds good,” said Izzy. He looked unreasonably wide awake, without a single blemish besides the smudged makeup from his last scene.
“Do you want me to order dinner?” asked Rowes, closing his eyes and picturing the warmth of hotel food. He wavered, his mouth watering.
“First, come here,” said Izzy, patting his thigh again.
Rowes glanced around. There were still a lot of people moving about, including Connley, who was smiling at them for some reason. Izzy’s hand on his back felt too good to protest, though.
“What are we waiting for?” asked Rowes as he sat, letting out a sigh as he leaned into Izzy’s chest. It felt so amazing to be held after a long day, and Izzy smelled so good. He was still in some of his wardrobe, the scent of leather clinging to him from his jacket that he’d discarded at some point.
“Are you wearing the plug?”
Rowes almost shot right back up again, but Izzy held him firm, whispering into his ear. “I was wondering all day. Was that a limp I saw, or did you just lose your footing for a second? I thought I saw you wince once or twice, too. Did it hit your spot?”
“No.” Trying to squirm out of Izzy’s arms, he gave up after a moment or two, giving in to the beautiful feeling of utter powerlessness. “I didn’t wear it today. I didn’t know what today would be like…and the wince was when I got stung by a bee. Almost ruined one of your shots.”
The truth was, he’d worn it for short stints on set before, but he’d been so stressed about how it would go today that he hadn’t been able to bear it. As for ruining the shot, he’d almost screamed his brains out when the hornet had stung him twice consecutively.
“Where?” Izzy grasped Rowes’ hand, placing a kiss on the tip of his swollen finger. It still smarted, and it was almost completely red to boot. Hornets were the worst.
“It’s fine.” Rowes looked over his shoulder. There were only a few people left, but they were sending an awful lot of glances their way. Soon, the only ones left would be the security crew, who would keep an eye on the area after everyone was gone. “Stop it.”
“You safewording?” asked Izzy, taking his hand right back and kissing along his wrist.
“No,” Rowes kept his voice low, a thrill running up his spine at the same time. Holy shit. We are doing this. “What are you doing?”
“Well, first I was going to give you another kiss,” said Izzy, placing a kiss on Rowes’ other wrist, “then I was going to ask you if you wanted to stay behind on set and maybe christen that wall over there.”
He waggled his eyebrows, glancing at the same wall that he’d kissed Rowes against. His heart pounded as Rowes stared at the brick. The hottest kiss of his life had happened there. It needed a plaque or something.
“Maybe you could fight it a little,” Izzy continued, his eyes going dark. “Pretend you don’t want it and try to get away. Maybe it would be fun.”
He was going to hyperventilate if Izzy kept this up, which was a strange sensation when he was hard. They’d talked about more limits after their last scene, and consensual non-consent had come up as a possible interest. It almost seemed a little rough for Izzy, though, who was careful with Rowes to his core.
Could he admit that it thrilled him? The thought of being pinned and struggling against Izzy’s hands had him going even harder. But how far would they go? Even after everyone was gone, there would still be security guards, although they probably wouldn’t be in the exact vicinity.
He’d never pictured their first time as something overly romantic. At this rate, he’d wondered if he’d have to climb on Izzy’s cock himself in the middle of the night and wake up his Dom with a nice surprise. It would be different not to be treated as if he were made of glass, though.
“What if I fought a lot?” asked Rowes, tucking his face into Izzy’s neck. His neck strained from his position as he lowered his eyelids, trying to give off relaxed vibes. “What if I screamed?”
“You could try.” Izzy’s voice was unreadable. “I’d love to see it, baby. You’re strong, but I’m way stronger.”
Rowes narrowed his eyes. Was that really what Izzy thought of him? He was pretty sure Izzy was the stronger of the two of them, but he spent his fair share of time in the gym. It just wasn’t fair.
Is Izzy fucking with me again? He slowly pulled away, leaving his empty juice box by the chair and strolling to the wall in question. Izzy tracked him with his gaze, his eyes going even darker as Rowes leaned against the wall, running his hands over the brick.
One of the crew members shot him a strange look before packing up some complicated sound equipment. Let them see. Maybe he was done hiding their relationship. It was time to live in the limelight.
The surface was rough under his hands and hot from the summer sun that had faded long ago. The area itself was fairly open, considering an entire film crew had to set up there, but it was still off the beaten path. The dumpster down the line was real, with a few additional holes in it to replicate the bullets that had flown around during their firefight.
The whole alley and a nearby warehouse were the set for two-and-a-half episodes, so they’d already spent a hell of a lot of time on it. People lined up outside the sectioned-off area every day, trying to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars. They didn’t stay long when they realized they couldn’t see or hear a thing and they weren’t going to get a part in the show just by spending three hours being annoying.
It also made their continuity checkers all the more important. There were ‘no parking’ and ‘no trespassing’ signs everywhere to keep a lot of the public out, but it would be easy enough for someone to mark the wall with graffiti and completely ruin their next shot without some serious editing. Their security guards were good, but there were usually only two at night, and they had fair amount of ground to cover.
Rowes tugged at the button on his shirt, popping the top one as he let out a sigh. It was too easy to tilt his head back, swallowing and bringing up his foot to rest on the wall. It was the best seductive posture he knew, and from the way Izzy leaned forward in his chair, it was working.
“What are you going to do about the security guards?” asked Rowes softly, licking his lips and grinning as Izzy cleared his throat.
“I took care of it.”
That sounded ominous as all hell.
“No one to hear me scream.” A straggler jolted, nearly dropping their case.
“Sorry, just practicing for a role I’m auditioning for.” He raised his hands in surrender, but the person was already moving on. It was crazy how many people believed that line. He could probably get away with murder if he used it right.
Not going to happen. He’d never had the desire to delve into the darker parts of his mind that he had to display so openly on set. He’d never thought about fighting back during sex either, though.
“You think I could get away with murder?” asked Rowes, touching his lip as he waited for the last person to get the hell out of their play space. There were so many surfaces and still a fair amount of equipment strewn around. What would Izzy do? There was no way he’d just push him up against the wall and have his way.
“Absolutely.” Izzy leaned his chin on his hand. “But you’re too sweet to hurt anyone, let alone murder somebody.”
“I don’t feel sweet.” There was something in his gut that wasn’t sweetness at all. It was almost gritty, sliding through his veins and bringing dark thoughts along with it. “I feel like I need to be punished.”
That got Izzy’s attention right quick. He stood from the chair, crossing the distance between them in a few short strides.
“Let’s get something clear right now, Ro. This”—he wrapped his hand around Rowes’ neck—“isn’t punishment. You wouldn’t like your punishment or get hard from it. You would hate it. I have a feeling that you are gonna love what we do on the set.”
Things were so twisted and confused in his mind that he let out a giggle, leaning into Izzy’s hand. It cut off his breath just a tiny bit, so his face felt strange, but he could still breathe.
“What’s funny?” asked Izzy, tightening the pressure for a moment before he relaxed again.
“Everything is so backward.” Rowes grabbed Izzy’s hand, tightening his grip when he thought Izzy might pull away. “I love the things people tell me I shouldn’t—spanking, the plug, the humiliation. They should be punishments, but I love them. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t imagine something you could give me that I wouldn’t want.”
“So sweet, but so naïve,” said Izzy, pulling his hand away. “There are many things I could do to punish you, but I’ll give you one example, just so you get the picture.”
“If it’s spanking, I’m game,” said Rowes, quirking his lips at Izzy’s glower. They were close, but the coast was officially clear. Hopefully, no one would come back for something they forgot. They would get a big surprise if they did.
“How about you sleep in your own bed for a month—or better yet, you don’t get to come. I would still fuck you, tease you and come on your face, but you wouldn’t get to…for a whole month.”
Now they were getting into serious territory. A month? His balls would probably shrivel up and die in that amount of time.
“I’ll be good,” said Rowes, moving his hands to Izzy’s hips and resting them there. “I won’t even be a brat.”
“I like when you’re a brat,” said Izzy, leaning his forehead against Rowes’. “It reminds me not to take things too seriously. You’re a lot of fun, Ro. Never change that.”
He was more than a little confused, but that was nothing new. This entire journey together had all been about confusion and discovery. There was so much for him to learn, and they had all the time in the world.
“What are you going to do to me?” asked Rowes, pushing at Izzy’s hips when he felt their hard cocks meet. If they started grinding, he was going to come in his pants before they even got to the good part.
“What’s your safeword?” asked Izzy, never moving his hand from Rowes’ neck.
“Red. I’m green right now, Iz.” Rowes rolled his hips ahead, grinding into Izzy’s for a brief moment. He still could believe that they were doing this…in public, even if the area was guarded and deserted.
“You know this is the same spot you kissed Clarke,” said Izzy, drooping his hand and taking a step back. “You were such a slut for it—mouth open, licking your lips and clenching on that plug in your ass.”
It was the first time he’d even been called a slut in his life, but he could see it becoming an addiction. Was that really what he’d looked like? It felt like it had happened so long ago. “I didn’t mean to.”
“No?” Izzy crossed his arms, his gaze going dark. There was sweat on his neck, his T-shirt damp between his pecs. He was probably filthy from such a hard day of work, but Rowes loved it. He wanted to lick every dirty inch. Where is that coming from?
“You moaned for him,” said Izzy, clenching his jaw as he pointed to the side. “I was waiting there for you, watching as you humiliated yourself and moaned as he kissed you. Did you get hard for him?”
What? Rowes sucked in a breath. “What? No!”
Gripping the wall, he stood to his full height, energy zipping through his limbs. What the hell was going on? Fear shivered up his spine, his muscles snapping taut.
“What’s your color?”
Izzy’s question slammed into him and the fear drained away in an instant. “Green. I just thought—”
“Try not to think too much,” said Izzy, cutting him off. “And don’t lie. I saw that hard cock of yours and so did every camera on this set. Did he slip you some good tongue and you just had to offer him the whole package? You did. Such a slut.”
He’d never imagined a scene would be anything like this. It was almost as if Izzy were trying to start a fight. How far would he go? Well, if you want to play like that.
“Yes,” said Rowes, biting his lips as his face flushed. “I wanted him. I got hard for him, too. I wish he would have pinned me here and pulled my pants down, fucking me where everyone could see. The director would have kept rolling, selling our tapes to the tabloids so everyone could see how much I wanted him.”
He deserved an academy award or something. Izzy looked ready to hulk out, minus the CGI. “What’s your color, Izzy?”
Izzy smirked, his slipping control back in an instant. “I’m so green I don’t know if you’ll be able to handle it. I’m also wondering how I missed how much of a slut you are. Would you let him come in your ass?”
Rowes shuddered, goosebumps prickling over his skin. “Yes.”
Taking a step closer, Izzy touched the wall above Rowes’ head, boxing him in.
“Then I’d get on my knees and suck his cock. I wouldn’t want to waste a single drop.”
“Shit.” Izzy closed his eyes for a moment, licking his lips. “Turn around so I can fuck you just like that.”
Rowes crossed his arms, turning his head away. There was only a small amount of room between them, and it was so hard not to give in and do exactly what Izzy wanted of him. “No. I said I’d do that for him, not for you.”
“A cock is a cock, slut.” Izzy moved one hand to Rowes’ hip, urging him to turn with a nudge.
“I said no.” Rowes stood firm, leaning as far away as he could as Izzy grazed his lips over his throat. “We’re out in the open. Anyone could walk by. And maybe I’m all fucked out. I went to his place after that scene together, and he gave me a hand as I sucked him off. I—”
Izzy’s lips on his cut him off, stealing his breath all over again as he was pinned to the brick wall. Only this time there were no cameras, just him and Izzy beneath the hazy alley light that had nothing on the set lights. Relaxing into the kiss, he almost let himself get swept away until Izzy tightened his grip on his hip.
The kiss was too sweet for what he really wanted at the moment. There would be other times for exploration and kisses, but for now, he wanted something hot.
Jerking his face to the side, he broke their connection. “Can you taste his cum on my lips? I still can.” He ran his tongue over his lower lip as if he were searching for the little bit of white gold.
“Fuck.” Izzy grabbed him by the chin, but Rowes resisted, pushing against Izzy’s chest. He wanted to prove himself. He could be more than just Izzy’s sweetheart. He was a motherfucking brat when he needed to be.
Izzy staggered back, reaching for something at his waistband and tugging it free before pressing it to the side of Rowes’ head. His heart stopped when he caught sight of what looked like one of the prop guns on set.
It’s not loaded. His heart pounded as he struggled for real, jerking to the side only to have Izzy drag him back, the gun tracking his every move. People had died on movie sets from guns that had gone off accidentally or from a blank at close range.
Izzy drew back, the darkness dropping from his face and morphing into concern. “The gun?”
“Yeah.” Rowes looked at it as Izzy pulled it away. It wasn’t a set prop at all, but a cheap plastic replica that Izzy had probably bought at the dollar store. Now that he could see it, he spotted a bit of orange peeking through where it looked as if Izzy had blacked it out with a permanent marker.
“I’ll put it away,” said Izzy, slipping it into the back of his waistband. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” said Rowes, grabbing it and putting it back into Izzy’s hand. “I thought it was a prop gun, and you nearly gave me a heart attack. You know how dangerous those are.”
“That’s why I got this beast,” said Izzy, flicking the plastic with his fingernail. “All the intimidation, none of the risk. Besides, you know how closely they guard the prop weapons. You okay? You want to stop? I have some amazing aftercare planned for us, and we could jump straight to that.”
“No. We’re doing this,” said Rowes. “With the gun, too. Next time, just give me a heads-up. I trust you, but I was scared—and not in a good way.” It had been like meeting a bear in the woods, freaking out, only to realize it was just someone’s really big dog that had wandered off. It wasn’t the good kind of adrenaline that he’d gotten from previous scenes.
“You sure?” asked Izzy, biting his lip as he adjusted his grip on the fake gun.
“Yeah. Green. Call me a slut again. I’m still hard.” Rowes nudged Izzy with his cock to try to get the point across.
“You are a slut,” said Izzy, slipping back into the scene in seconds. Rowes could see the change in his features and the sudden flicker of anticipation in his eyes. “And for the record, I couldn’t taste his cum on your lips. I think it’s best you get on your knees for a refresher.”
Rowes glanced to the ground where gravel was strewn throughout. His knees would be bruised to hell if he did. He could picture admiring those bruises as long as they lasted.
“You won’t shoot me,” said Rowes, shaking his head and putting a quiver into his voice. It didn’t take much. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins, giving him a high that was sure to be exultant.
Grabbing him by his shoulder, Izzy spun him violently, planting his arm across the back of Rowes’ neck as he fumbled with his pants. He must’ve stashed the gun for a moment because he seemed to get them down all too easily as Rowes struggled. Before he knew it, Izzy had dropped them just past his ass.
Something cool and hard pressed between Rowes’ cheeks and he went stiff, grappling with the brick. It was the gun, Izzy sliding it against his hole like a threat. He flushed hot, his cock going so hard that he had to struggle not to come.
“Who said anything about shooting you? I have much better things I could do with this baby.” Izzy pressed harder, until he ached from the pressure on his hole. “I could see how loose he fucked you open—how wet you still were from it.”
“Fuck, yes.” Closing his eyes, Rowes leaned into the touch, groaning as his hole burned. The gun disappeared, a slap ringing out a moment later that almost had him in tears. It was so fucking good—and exactly what he needed.
“I think I should film this,” said Izzy, his grip going light. “All the fans get to watch you anytime, but I need something just for me. Not even Clarke will get this.”
Rowes hissed, starting to look over his shoulder as Izzy’s grip loosened.
“Move and you won’t come for a week. Nod if you understand.”
Rowes nodded, sucking in a breath as Izzy let him go. Is he serious? He had to look like a mess with his pants now around his knees and his legs spread as wide as they would go. It probably didn’t help that he was panting exactly like the slut Izzy had called him.
“There we go.”
He wanted to look, but he wasn’t willing to face Izzy’s punishment if he moved to see the camera. He needed to come as soon as possible. A week would be torture, especially if he had to watch Izzy on set, probably touching the wall where he was currently splayed out.
“And here you go,” said Izzy, suddenly pressed against Rowes again. Slick fingers were at his entrance, pushing inside before Rowes could register what was happening. Izzy must’ve grabbed lube at some point, because when he nudged two fingers deep, there was no burn, only the zing as he found his prostate immediately.
“Fuck, Iz.” Rowes turned his head into his arm, trying to muffle his cries. The sounds were ricocheting off the brick, probably traveling way too far. The security guard would hear him, then all hell would break loose.
“Two fingers and you give in already? So easy.” Izzy dug his teeth into the back of Rowes’ neck before sucking hard. He would probably leave a bruise, marking Rowes in a place he couldn’t even see. It was too hot for a scarf, and he couldn’t exactly wear a turtleneck.
“Don’t.” Rowes twisted. He wasn’t sure if he was saying ‘don’t’ to the mark or to the third finger pressing inside, but it didn’t really matter. He wanted them both more than he’d ever wanted anything.
“He must’ve had a small cock, because you’re still pretty tight. Good news for me, but not for you,” said Izzy as he settled the third finger deep.
It was so much. If not for the plug that he’d worn on and off lately, it would have stung something fierce. But it would be nothing to Izzy’s cock. Rowes knew intimately the girth and length of it, and taking it would be no easy task.
“Don’t fuck me. Please.” Rowes played into the part desperately, struggling even as he rolled his hips into the touch.
“I’m gonna fuck you raw.” Izzy groaned as Rowes clenched around him. “You like that? Such a cum-slut. I want to see you dripping after.”
“Oh God. Oh God.” He was so close to coming that he had to sneak his hand down, clamping around the base of his cock to stave off his orgasm. His cheek scraped against the brick, probably scratching him raw. He barely felt it.
“I’m not going to have much to watch later if we stay like this,” said Izzy, his voice light. “I’ve got a better idea.” With a tug, he jerked Rowes away from the wall, spinning him around before forcing him to his knees.
Rowes dropped like a rag doll, stones stinging his skin as he landed. Before he could recover, Izzy pressed on the back of his neck, until he touched his hands to the ground.
Oh. Before him was Izzy’s phone, the reflection of his own face looking back at him. Tears were streaked down his face, one cheek bright red with a drop of blood near the middle. Along the bottom of the screen was a red circle next to a timer that was slowly climbing higher.
Izzy had started filming them. He’d been certain it was just a play—tying into the constant judgment on film. But this was something nobody but Izzy was going to judge.
Reaching past him, Izzy adjusted the screen so Rowes’ face was displayed, along with his cock that was purple and dangling between his legs. Next, Izzy tugged his pants the rest of the way off, folding them and tapping Rowes’ hip. “Lift your knees one at a time.”
He slid the folded pants under his knees, the uneven ground instantly more forgiving. Rowes let out a sigh of relief. He hadn’t been about to safeword or anything, but the fact that Izzy was still caring for him, even in the midst of a scene, filled him to the brim.
“Next time, I’ll have a few cameras so I can watch myself fuck your hole on one, and your facial expressions on the other. You won’t be able to hide a thing from me.” He knelt behind Rowes, returning his fingers to his hole. Thrusting three in at once, he stole Rowes’ breath.
“Next t-time?” Rowes struggled to keep up as his elbows wobbled. Every time Izzy touched his prostate, his arms turned into jelly.
“Every day after we film, I’m going to set you up just like this. It doesn’t matter where it is— I’ll have you. Maybe I’ll invite the sound crew around so they can hear every moan and gasp. Maybe Clarke will come so he can see exactly what he can’t have.”
His skin prickled, his cock throbbing as pre-cum dribbled from the head. His brain was officially offline, and there was no way he could do anything but go along with whatever Izzy whispered in his ear.
“Yes. Please. Every day. I don’t care if it’s in the middle of main street. I want everyone to know that you own me and that you can do whatever you want to me.”
He nearly sobbed as Izzy pressed his cock against his hole, so blunt and hard that it was sure to hurt. The pain was bliss as Izzy pushed his way inside, though, claiming Rowes in the final way he craved.
How could he have ever thought they were just friends? Izzy angled his cock over his prostate and Rowes sobbed, dropping to his elbows as his muscles went weak. He needed to come so badly that it hurt, his cock the single point of pain in a mass of pleasure.
“Get up,” said Izzy, grabbing him by the hair and tugging his head back until Rowes scrambled back onto his hands. He let out a shaky breath, trying to stay steady as Izzy picked up his pace, slamming into him so his knees almost left the protective cushion.
His rim ached, the lube easing the way but not the stretch. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever expected a cock like Izzy’s—as persistent as it was hard, with no sign of stopping.
“Look at yourself,” said Izzy, his voice strained and dark.
Rowes had hardly looked away. His own face looking back at him was mesmerizing. It didn’t even seem like him. It was someone else whose cheeks were wet, their eyelashes clumped together with tears. His cock wagged back and forth with each touch, dripping pre-cum every time Izzy nailed his spot.
Izzy’s breathing picked up, going harsh as he started snapping his hips that much harder. He was mostly hidden from view, except for the brief glances when Rowes dipped lower on the screen at a particularly hard thrust.
“Stay still while I come in your ass,” said Izzy, pressing something to the back of Rowes’ head. It was the gun, gleaming black in the low light and looking so real that Rowes could almost taste the acidic stench of sulfur.
The second Izzy stilled his hips, Rowes started to shoot hot cum. He couldn’t wait for permission or for a hand on his cock, the choice was taken from him, his balls emptying on the ground as Izzy pulsed inside him. He struggled to stay upright, watching his cock spurt, some of the dampness soaking into the pants beneath his knees.
He fell to his elbows, lowering his head to the ground as he sucked in huge breaths, his lungs screaming from the exertion as his ass ached, with Izzy’s cock still inside, huge and rigid.
“You with me, baby?” Izzy reached past him, grasping his phone and stopping the recording. The timer was much higher than Rowes would have expected. It felt like it had been over in an instant.
“Uh-huh.” Rowes turned his face into his arm, trying to smother all the noises that were trying to escape. He’d stopped crying at some point, which was a bonus, but he was still raw.
“I’ll get you cleaned up at the hotel, but for now, let’s get your clothes back on.”
He was still wearing his clothes except for his pants, which were probably filthy and full of rips now. He had no idea how he was going to move, though.
Hissing as Izzy pulled out, he slowly went limp until he was lying on his side on the ground. The gravel digging into him was almost pleasant as his skin buzzed.
Rowes only grunted, closing his eyes as a peace like none other washed over him. He wasn’t sure how Izzy did it, but by the time that calmness started to retreat, they were back in their hotel room, the jacuzzi jets humming around them and Rowes leaning into the naked chest behind him.
Izzy moved his hand down the center of Rowes’ chest. “I got you, baby.”