The page numbers in Index represents the print page number and will differ with the eBook page numbers
AAP. See Africa Action Plan
Achebe, Chinua
Africa Action Plan (AAP)
“African,” defining
African Alternative Framework to Structural Adjustment Programs
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
African independent churches
African National Congress (ANC)
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
African Union: good governance and
peacekeeping and
Africanization of Christianity
under colonial rule
decline in exports
food security and
international commercial systems and
in lower Nile River valley
slave trade and
soil quality and
subsidies for
and sustainable villages
Ahmad, Muhammad
Ahmadiyya Muslim community
Aidoo, Ama Ata
Akan people
alcohol, slave trade and
Alliance for Zambia Informal Economy Associations (AZIEA)
AMETRAMO. See Associação de Medicina Tradicional de Moçambique
ANC. See African National Congress
ancient Egypt
Ansar Dine
“anthropology, shared”
apartheid: human rights and
labor migration and
literature and
during postcolonial era
APRM. See African Peer Review Mechanism
Arab world, cultural exchange with
Arabic-language schools
architecture: painted, in popular art
in traditional arts
Aristotle’s Plot
Armah, Ayi Kwei
armed conflict: children’s rights and
decline in
health and
humanitarian responses to
Arrow of God (Achebe)
arts. See visual arts
Asante: marriage and kinship among
traditional arts and
Associação de Medicina Tradicional de Moçambique (AMETRAMO)
Atlantic world, international commercial systems and
Auma, Alice
authenticity, literature and
L’aventure ambiguë (Kane)
AZIEA. See Alliance for Zambia Informal Economy Associations
Bâ, Mariama
Bachy, Victor, monographs of
Bamana people: arts apprenticeships among
families among
marriage and kinship among
Bamba, Amadu
al-Banna, Hassan
Bantu, migration and
Le baobab fou (Bugul)
Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine
Benin, traditional arts in
Bible, translation of
Biya, Paul
Boko Haram
Borom Sarret
Boughédir, Férid
Bound to Violence (Ouologuem)
Les bouts de bois de Dieu (Sembene)
brass, in traditional arts
Bretton Woods institutions: print and electronic resources on
structural adjustment programs and
Brutus, Dennis
Bugul, Ken
Bwami association
Bwiti movement
Bye-Bye Africa
call-and-response, in musical performances
Caméra d’Afrique
carving, as gendered art
cell phones
ceramics, in traditional arts
Un certain regard
Chahine, Youssef
charismatic churches
Cheriaa, Tahar
children: bridewealth and
colonial-era missionary efforts and
intergenerational relations and
kinship and
print and electronic resources on rights of
rights of
role of, in family
toys and
urban livelihood and. See also youth
China, economic involvement of
Christianity: appropriation of symbols of
colonialism and
domestic arrangements and family dynamics and
expansion of
history of, in Africa
music and
nineteenth-century missionary efforts
recent developments regarding
cinema. See film
circumnavigation of Africa
city-states, Swahili
civil rights. See also human rights; women’s rights
civil society organizations: humanitarian and charitable work of
as promoter of electoral democracy
women’s rights and
climate zones
cloth: Chinese-produced
in fine arts
gift giving and
as status symbol
in traditional arts
code de la famille
coffins, fantasy
colonialism: agriculture and
Christianity and
and economy of Indian Ocean world
film and
human rights and
impact of
Islam and
literature and
music and
politics under
religion and
study of social relations during
three-period view of history and
commerce. See economy
community, non-kin forms of. See also social relations
conflict, armed: children’s rights and
decline in
health and
humanitarian responses to
conflict resolution
consumption, urbanization and
contemporary art. See fine art
continental divide
Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
corruption: good governance and
literature and
Côte d’Ivoire, decentralization in
country ownership
courts: independence and integrity of
women’s rights and
credit societies
crop rotation
Cross-Border Traders Association
Crowther, Samuel Ajayi
“cults of affliction”
cultural exchange: migration and
music and
cultural relativism
cultural rights
culture: under colonial rule
in conception of human rights
film and
global networks and
Damongo, Ghana, food security in
dan Fodio, Uthman
Dangarembga, Tsitsi
Darfur, Sudan, food security in
death. See coffins, fantasy; funerals
Death and the King’s Horseman (Soyinka)
film and
literature and. See also postcolonial period
demand-side governance
democracy: debates regarding
and democratic culture
electoral, in post–Cold War era
future of
and good governance and development
at local level
mixed results of electoral
origins and introduction of, in Africa
and politics of representation
print and electronic resources on
and pursuit of human rights
demonstrating, as political involvement
descent systems
descriptive representation
deserts, names of
development: aid
challenges to sustainable human
country ownership and
democracy and good governance and
human rights and
improvements and challenges in
overview of
print and electronic resources on
structural adjustment programs and
trade and investment and
Diop, David
disease. See health; HIV/AIDS; malaria
diversification, and sustainable agriculture
diversity: in Africa
in health care
Le docker noir (Sembene)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
economic rights
economy: colonialism’s impact on
democracy and good governance and
and democratization and pursuit of human rights
development and
family and kinship and
globalization and
of Great Zimbabwe
growth of
health and
and human rights during colonial period
influence of HIV/AIDS on
intergenerational relations and
international commercial systems
marriage and
of middle Niger River valley
migration and
and nationalization of film industry
natural resources and
Pentecostal and charismatic churches and
population growth and
during postcolonial era
trade and investment and
urbanization and
weakening of
women’s rights and
women’s roles in. See also livelihood(s)
ECOWAS. See Economic Community of West African States
education: Arabic-language schools and
under colonial rule
colonial-era missionary efforts and
development and
in fine arts
history of
music and
Efuru (Nwapa)
Egypt: ancient
film and
Egypt (N’Dour)
EITI. See Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
electoral democracy: and democratic culture
ethnicity and
at local level
mixed results of
organizations promoting
in post–Cold War era
Emecheta, Buchi
employment, statistics on. See also livelihood(s)
L’enfant noir (Laye)
environment, human use and transformation of
ethnicity: and continental divide
diversity in
and institutionalization of political parties
livelihood and
marriage and
politics and
visual arts and. See also race
Europe: effect of, on traditional arts
and idea of Africa
international commercial systems and
as promoter of electoral democracy. See also colonialism
exchange relationships. See gift giving
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Faat Kine
fabric. See cloth
family: construction of
division of labor in
intergenerational relations. See also social relations
family law
The Famished Road (Okri)
Fandou Béri
fantasy coffins
Farah, Nuruddin
farming. See agriculture
al-Farsi, Abd Allah Salih
film: changing aesthetics of
future of
history of
Ousmane Sembene and
print and electronic resources on
problems of, production
as tool for revolution
Film for Development Trust
fine art: artists in
exhibitions, audiences, and patronage of
materials, techniques, subjects, and styles in
food, local
food security
forced labor
foreign investment
formal and informal work
France: and development of African cinema
emigration and
literature and. See also colonialism
FRELIMO government
Fugard, Athol
Fulto “family”
funerary coffins
gay rights
Gbarbea, James, funeral of
gbin sounds
gender: health and
housing and
traditional arts and
urbanization and
youth and. See also women; women’s rights
genocide: of Congolese
criminal prosecution of
effects of
in Rwanda and Burundi
geography: agriculture
climate and biogeography
colonial boundaries and
and continental divide
diversity of
human use and transformation of environments
and idea of Africa
physical landscape
print and electronic resources on
Ghana: colonial-era religion and
decentralization in
democracy in
electoral democracy in
fantasy coffins and
food security in
funerals in
labor migration and
urban livelihood and
gift giving: livelihood and
marriage and
urban youth and. See also bridewealth
glass painting
global cities
globalization: Africa and
agriculture and
commerce and
economy and
and future of democracy
Pentecostal and charismatic churches and
urbanization and
youth and
gold: in history of middle Niger River valley
in history of Zimbabwean plateau
in traditional arts
Gomes, Flora
good governance
Gordimer, Nadine
Great Zimbabwe
Groupe Bogolan Kasobané
Guerra, Ruy
Hammami, Omar
Head, Bessie
healers, traditional
healing: health care programs and
print and electronic resources on
social relations and. See also health; prophet healing
health: and categories and causations of illness
complexity of African
in global context
medical pluralism and
print and electronic resources on. See also healing
health care programs
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries’ (HIPC) Initiative
high Africa
HIPC. See Heavily Indebted Poor Countries’ Initiative
history: colonialism and
as field of inquiry
international commercial systems in
migration and cultural exchanges in
print and electronic resources on
social complexity and political centralization during precolonial period
three-period view of
traditional arts and
HIV/AIDS: human rights and
as obstacle to economic growth
as significant challenge to well-being
treatment policies for
women’s rights and
Holy Spirit Mobile Force
Holy Spirit Movement
Hommage aux Chasseurs du Mandé (Konaté)
housing and household(s): ideas of
and sustainable villages
urbanization and
women- and child-headed
human rights: advancement of
and African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
children’s rights and
colonialism and
cultural specificity versus universalism in
economic, social, and cultural rights and
institutional framework for promoting
and nation building in postcolonial period
in precolonial societies
print and electronic resources on
redemocratization and pursuit of
women’s rights and
hunters’ associations
hunting and gathering
Ibn Battuta, Abu Abdullah Muhammad
idea, Africa as
illness: categories and causations of
print and electronic resources on. See also disease; health
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
immigration. See also migration
independence. See decolonization; postcolonial period
independent churches, African
Indian Ocean world, international commercial systems and
indigeneity, politics and
indigenous institutions, and local-level politics
industrialization: colonial occupation and
impact of
international commercial systems and
informal sector. See formal and informal work
initiation societies
initiations, traditional arts and
instruments: and aesthetic practice
cultural exchange and
use of indigenous
intergenerational relations
International Monetary Fund (IMF): print and electronic resources on
structural adjustment programs and
internet connectivity
Islam: colonialism and
descent systems and
domestic arrangements and family dynamics and
history of, in Africa
international commercial systems and
marriage and
nineteenth-century revival, reform, and empire-building and
print and electronic resources on
recent developments regarding
rise of
Janzen, John
Johnson-Sirleaf, Ellen
judiciary: independence and integrity of
women’s rights and
Kaboré, Gaston
Kabre, exchange relationships among
Kane, Cheikh Hamidou
Karmen Gei
Kidjo, Angelique
Kingelez, Bodys Isek
kinship: forms and meanings of
marriage and
prophet healing and. See also social relations
Kòmò masks
Konaté, Abdoulaye
Kony, Joseph
Kosrof, Wosene Worke
Kourouma, Ahmadou
kpè sounds
Kwei, Kane
labor: division of
labor migration
Labou Tansi, Sony
land tenure, women’s rights and
landscape, physical. See also geography
language(s): Arabic-language schools and
Bible translation and
and continental divide
diversity in
film and
following independence
Islam and
literature and
of middle Niger River valley
migration and
Qur’an translation and
Laye, Camara
leadership, traditional arts and
legislatures, autonomous, as component for strengthening democracy
liberation cinema
library resources
literature: colonialism and self-representation in
as contestation
debates and challenges regarding
immigration and
neocolonial corruption and
overview of
portrayals of Africans in European
print and electronic resources on
in South Africa
livelihood(s): and Chinese economic involvement
concept of
factors affecting
food security
formal and informal work
gift giving and
mobile phones and
print and electronic resources on
and sustainable villages
urbanization and
youth and
Lord’s Resistance Army
love: marriage and
urban youth and
low Africa
lower Nile River valley
Maasai: religious practices of
traditional art of
Madame Brouette
Magaya v. Magaya (1998)
Maji-Maji movement
Mali. See also Bamana people
Mande hunters’ associations
Mande Kòmò masks
Mandela, Nelson
Mango, Alfayo Odongo
Marechera, Dambudzo
Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Arts
market towns
marriage: domestic arrangements and
relationships constructed through
social attachment and materiality of. See also weddings
matrilineal societies
Mauritania, exchange relationships in
Mbikayi, Maurice
merchandise exports
middle Niger River valley
migration: cultural exchanges and
to lower Nile River valley
remittances and. See also immigration
mobile phones
mobility. See migration
modernity and modernization: economic growth and
increase in
understanding and embracing
Mozambique: economic growth in
health and healing in
prophet healing in
Mubarak, Hosni
multinational corporations (MNCs)
Muridiyya movement
music: cultural exchange and
in daily life
film and
ideas and sound in
instruments and aesthetic practice and
as mosaic in motion
movement and flow and
print and electronic resources on
Muslim Brotherhood
Muslims. See Islam
name-giving ceremonies
naming places
Nana Tonga
National Democratic Institute
nationalism, film and
natural disasters, humanitarian responses to
natural resources: colonialism and
foreign investment in
of Great Zimbabwe
of middle Niger River valley
trade and investment and
uses of
Ndambuki, Berida
N’Dour, Youssou
Necho II
Nervous Conditions (Dangarembga)
Ngugi wa Thiong’o
Nha Pala
Niger River valley, middle
Nigeria: electoral democracy in
ethnicities in
film and
popular art in
rainfall in
traditional arts in
The Night of Truth
Nile, Ibn Battuta’s description of
Nile River valley, lower
North Africa: and continental divide
expansion of Roman Empire and
film and
history of
Islam and colonialism in
remittances and
Nwapa, Flora
ODA. See official development assistance
official development assistance (ODA)
oil crises
Okri, Ben
online resources. See print and electronic resources
Onobrakpeya, Bruce
Osofisan, Femi
Ouologuem, Yambo
ownership, country
Owoo, Ata
Oyono, Ferdinand
painting: in popular art
in traditional arts
Palm-Wine Drinkard, The(Tutuola)
Paris Declaration
patrilineal societies
p’Eitek, Okot
Peck, Raoul
Pentecostal churches
Phoenicians, sea journey of
physical landscape. See also geography
Piot, Charles
plantation system, American
political parties: and autonomous legislatures
ethnicity and
institutionalization of
political rights
politics: children and youth’s involvement in
under colonial rule
decolonization and
film and
funerals and
history of
and human rights in postcolonial period
literature and
music and
during precolonial period
print and electronic resources on
traditional arts and
transnational and global, and future of democracy
women’s involvement in. See also democracy; political parties
popular art: artists in
context of
materials and techniques in
overview of
problems with
tourist art and toys and
population growth
postcolonial period
challenges to Islam during
human rights and nation building in
three-period view of history and
urbanization during. See also decolonization
pottery, as gendered art
poverty: children’s rights and
domestic arrangements and
education and
health and
human rights and
“Prayer to the Masks” (Senghor)
precolonial period: human rights during
institutions and local-level politics during
literature and
politics of
social complexity and political centralization during
three-period view of history and
prestige arts
print and electronic resources: on development
on film
general resources
on geography
on health, illness, and healing
on history
on human rights
library resources
on literature
on music
on politics and future of democracy
on religion
on social relations and livelihoods
on urbanization
on visual arts
procedural democracy. See electoral democracy
prophet healing: case studies of
complexity of
healing through
illness categories and causations and
as ngoma
protesting, as political involvement
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
Qaddafi, Muammar
Quartier Mozart
Qur’an, translation of
race: and continental divide
literature and. See also ethnicity
racism: apartheid and
colonialism and
slave trade and
rain forest
relativism, cultural
religion(s): with African roots
bridewealth and
and continental divide
descriptions of
domestic arrangements and family dynamics and
livelihood and
marriage and
and non-kin forms of community
print and electronic resources on
traditional arts and. See also Christianity; Islam
religious specialists
remittances: foreign exchange earnings through
as global financial networks
impact of
representation, politics of
residential spaces
resources, print and electronic. See print and electronic resources
retail capitalists
rituals, purposes of religious
rivers, soils and
rock paintings
Roman Empire, expansion of
Rouch, Jean
el Saadawi, Nawal
Sachs, Albie Sahara Desert
Sahel savanna Les saignantes
San peoples
“secret societies”
self-representation, as literary theme
Seller, William
Sembene, Ousmane
Senegal, popular art in
Senghor, Leopold Sédar
sexuality: human rights and
urban youth and
women’s rights and
“shared anthropology”
Shonibare, Yinka
shrub savannas
Sidibé, Malick
Síthole, Clive
Sitou, Tijani
slave trade: and African ideas of Africa
colonialism and
cultural exchange and
and Europe’s negative view of Africa
international commercial systems and
So Long a Letter(Bâ)
social relations: colonial-era study of
domestic arrangements and family dynamics
forms and meanings of kinship
gift giving and
health and
intergenerational relations
livelihood and
marriage and
non-kin forms of community
print and electronic resources on
prophet healing and
transformations in
urbanization and
social rights
Les Soleils des indépendences(Kourouma)
Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality
sound, in music
South Africa: decolonization of
family dynamics in
film and
informal sector in
labor migration and
literature and
print and electronic resources on history of
retail capitalism in
South Sudan
Sovinka, Wole
spirits and spirit world: music and
prophet healing and
traditional arts and
steamer trunks
StreetNet International
structural adjustment programs
substantive representation
Sudan, food security in
Sufi orders
“sugar daddies”
Sunjata epic
Swahili literature
Swahili peoples, international commercial systems and
Sy, Kalidou
Tal, Umar
Tall, Papa Ibra
taxation, under colonial rule
technology: development and
in filmmaking
Tete, Mozambique
Tete, Zeye
Things Fall Apart (Achebe)
Third Cinema
third world cities
Tingatinga paintings
tourist art
trade: agriculture and
with Atlantic world
during colonial era
development and
globalization and
with Indian Ocean world
in middle Niger River valley
migration and
music and cultural exchange and
with Portugal
trans-Saharan. See also economy
tradition, versus modernity
traditional art: artists in
context of
history and
materials and techniques in
overview of
prestige and leadership and
role of, in initiations
spiritual practices and
traditional healers
Trevor-Roper, Hugh
trousseau. See bridewealth
Tuareg: armed resistance of
descent system of
non-kin forms of community and
Turner, Victor
Tutuola, Amos
Twins Seven Seven, Prince
Udju azul di Yonta
Unity Dow v. Attorney-General (1992)
urban, defined
urbanism: print and electronic resources on
versus urbanization
urbanization: agriculture and
consumption and sociality and
domestic arrangements and
economic transformations and
globalization and
growth of
health care and
livelihood and
of middle Niger River valley
music and
and population statistics
during postcolonial era
print and electronic resources on
scholarship on
spatial transformations and
terminology used in study of
youth and
Vera, Yvonne
La vie est belle
La vie sure terre
visual arts: fine art
popular art
portrayals of Africans in European
print and electronic resources on
types of
Viva Riva
Wend Kuuni
When Rain Clouds Gather (Head)
witchcraft illnesses
women: bridewealth and
as Christian converts
farming and
as filmmakers
football and
health and
human rights and
labor migration and
literature and
as Muslim converts
politics and
social relations of
and “sugar daddies” phenomenon
transnationalism and. See also gender
women’s rights
wood, as traditional arts material
woodland savannas
work. See livelihood(s)
World Bank: print and electronic resources on
structural adjustment programs and
world cities
World Trade Organization (WTO)
WTO. See World Trade Organization
Yoruba: Bible translated into
division of labor and
fine arts and
traditional arts and religion and
youth: consumption and sociality and
and dynamics of informalization
housing and
involvement of, in political process
population growth and
toys and
urbanization and. See also children
Zarma households
Zimbabwe, democracy in
Zimbabwean plateau