The Sacred Feminine VA
and the Galactic Heart

The universal medicine for the Soul is the Supreme Reason and Absolute Justice; for the mind, mathematical and practical Truth.

–Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

The beauty in our human species is that almost every race and culture has a holy book or creation legend they think is so different but, basically, the stories are truly very similar in their core, about creation, eternity, and an almighty spirit god. This is true, from the Siberian shamans to the Sumerian Magyars, all the way to the Babylonian magi and Keltic druids, and from the spiritual Hebrew scholars to the Egyptian and Mayan astronomy priests. For a lot of us, the precious Greco-Roman classical myths can carry an exact account of the ancient changes that happened to the Earth several thousands of years ago. Even the simple and nature-based animalistic rituals of African shamans and Native American medicine men hide well-built and precise astronomical tales that lead us to the UNIVERSAL MONOMYTH. By actively examining those tales, participating in their rituals, allowed us to solve the cosmic model that opened up a Pandora’s Box of ancient secrets that are still pouring our way. We think that by understanding the past and the natural rhythms that the Ancients based their legends and calendars on we can predict the near future.

We believe that the knowledge of Astronomy will provide the importance of the characters of certain animal figures, heroes, and villains and, most importantly, we cherish the Magical Tree standing in the center of our world protecting Creation. Interestingly, only after twelve years of Heroic Journey, meeting the Harlot and then killing the Minotaur and Fire Breathing Dragons can we understand what happened to the Earth almost 12,000 years ago. We need Twelve Tribes of Israel, Twelve Disciples of Christ, Twelve Knights of King Arthur, Twelve Labors of Hercules, the Last Twelve Hours of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and Twelve Years of the Babylonian Gilgamesh to Kill the Bull and Cut out the Cedar of Lebanon. Only by going through all those life-threatening events and then cutting out that magical World Tree, burning everything to ashes and then bringing the flood to wash it off the face of our Earth would allow a new World Tree to sprout and our Hero to Reborn.

Almost every corner of our globe has a tribe or ancient civilization that went to incredible efforts to record their creation stories, almost always including massive earth changes culminating in World Burning and then a Huge Flood. With the approaching date of 2012-2013, we are potentially at the doorstep of similar Earth shaking events.

As our good friend and accomplished author John Jay Harper would state in his excellent book titled Tranceformers, Shamans of the 21st Century:

Despite all the marvels of the modern world, these are perilous times. Our world is on the brink of cataclysmic changes that need to be brought to the attention of the general public and media by all of us who have some insight into them.

Our conversation with John Jay Harper goes back over 10 years when we both predicted that soon the issue of global warming will be resolved, since the approaching global cooling and possible axis shift would start a new Ice Age. This was not too long ago, but most scientists would ignore our messages as they expected further warming for decades to come. As our average temperature of the Earth fell back to the 1936 level in 2008, scientists should look at some of our theories that seem to predict the future better than their computer models.


Figure 1-1: The All-Seeing Eye is the Center Bulge of the Super Sun positioned in our Milky Way Galaxy. The Black Hole of our Galaxy is to the west of our Solar System. Modified from a Map of the Milky Way Galaxy from the National Geography

Naturally, we tried to assemble this book recognizing our differences and celebrating our ONENESS! We understand that every religion and spirituality carries the seeds of a yearning to understand the wonders of our changing cosmos. We shall demonstrate in our book that the basic elements of the Mono-Myth are found in most creation stories around the world and it means very precise astronomical chain of events and precise timing with predictable earth changes. This World Wide Mythology likely originated from a highly technologically advanced society that existed prior to the Deluge and prior to the sinking of the continent of Atlantis.

We believe that ancient wisdom, sacred teachings, and the precise cosmological messages are not equal to a Rorschach Inkblot Test, where the spiritual teacher can guess about what the meanings of certain animal symbols might be. This will not be the case for our research. Yes, we realize that there are several levels of understanding on the same subjects. There are historical, personal, moral, astrological, and spiritual meanings for those mythological animals. What we are emphasizing here is that, with the current level of scientific understanding in astronomy there is ONLY ONE COSMOLOGICAL MEANING TO THE POLAR BEAR or the EGYPTIAN JACKAL Anubis! The Polar Bear amongst the northerners or the Jackal in the case of the ancient Egyptian society solely stands for the POLAR NORTH! The Swooping HAWK stands for the Magnetic North.


Figure 1-2: The Swooping HAWK or Horus in Egypt stands for the Magnetic North direction of the Core of the Earth, and the JACKAL or Anubis stands for the Polar North. The existence of these two poles of our globe allows the geo-dynamo to produce inner heat for Mother Earth. (Drawing by William Gaspar)

The two animals that represent the two pillars of our Earth are the HAWK and the JACKAL in Egypt. As matter of fact, the main star of the Harp constellation is the Swooping Hawk. The Harp is the only musical instrument amongst the 88 star constellations we find in the sky. According to the science of Astronomy, the star Vega that was called the Swooping Hawk by the Persian astronomers is positioned straight up to the north and represents the Magnetic North, which is also synonymous in Cosmology with the Keystone, the Core of the Earth. To the Polar North sits Polaris, the Polar Bear that was designated to be the Jackal in tropical Egypt. In September in the month of the Virgin we can also detect the Throne of Isis, or Cassiopeia near the Polar North. Anybody who has seen the Egyptian Horus recognizes the fact that the Hawk Headed Prince is often sitting on the Throne and wears the Sun with a Serpent on its head. These important relationships of cosmology is what we will crack open.

In most legends there are Two Brothers or Two Sisters, the Old King, the Queen, the Sacred Baby of the Sun, the Virgin and the Harlot, the magical fire-breathing Dragon and the evil Serpent. The Bull Minotaur plays an important role in the Mithraic Mysteries of the pre-Christian Mediterranean’s and to this day the Bull fight remained an ancient ritual of great importance for the Latin cultures of Spain and Mexico. In the Nativity scenes of the Christians the Cow, Donkey and the Dog have a constant presence around the sacred baby. The Bee and the Beehive, the Cat, Lion, or Jaguar is extremely important. The Dog, Fox, Wolf, Goose or Wild Turkey is also major players in the theater of world mythology. These animals and others, along with the heroes, heroines and villains seem to be part of most legends and will help us decipher the astronomical secrets of the Ages.

This is what we learn from the world-renowned Catholic scholar in his classic book, Patterns in Comparative Religion about the World Tree of Nordic mythology:

The prophetess, the VÖLVA awoken from a deep sleep by Odin to reveal the beginning and end of the world to the gods, declares: I remember giants born at the dawn of time and those who first gave birth to me. I know nine worlds, nine spheres covered by the tree of the world. That tree set up in wisdom which grows down to the Bosom of the earth. I know there is an ash tree they call Yggdrasil.

—Mircea Eliade, Patterns in Comparative Religion

First, we are taken aback by the bluntness and the clearly vulgar appearing name of this Scandinavian prophetess, the VÖLVA! We just cannot imagine that holy men and holy women throughout our long history would have allowed a derogatory title for the seer of the Earth changes that reduces her to one important body part. This spiritually and mythologically lasting name for the Vagina of this Nordic Prophetess has to contain so much Wisdom of Cosmology to survive the tests of time that we decided to spend more time on exploring her secret. We assume that the language of Sex and Vulgarity of the Wise Ancients were cleverly employed to discourage average seekers to touch the subject in its entirety. Therefore, the tales could stay open to the public and kept an important secret in plain sight. The clichés of sexually oriented secrets, such as the ‘Pussy Cat’ and the ‘Diamonds are girl’s best friend’ will be explained in later chapters.


Figure 1-3: The FOUR DIRECTIONAL MODEL Here to the ‘Del’ side view shown on the horizontal plane of the Solar System. The two main views will be the above and the Secret one from the west originating in the heart of the Super Massive Black Hole.

Once the legends entertain half animal half god creatures who mate with humans or even just Harlots with lose morals who fornicate with the kings of the Earth what insane seeker would try to obtain a sacred understanding of God’s creation in that tale? Certainly, we the authors would like to do that. The perceived vulgar tone of the sacred tales do not alienate us rather, we start suspecting that these legends must hide enormous cosmic enigmas that can only be discovered if we apply our best minds to research most creation stories and hidden metaphysical knowledge to find the meaning of this important female body part as a cosmic principle (VA).

We based the Four Directional Model on the ancient colors of the Lakota Indians, the Egyptians, and the Mayans. Although, out of the Four Main Colors of the Galaxy the Two Colors of Mother Earth and her Two Pillars, the RED and WHITE is present on most flags of various countries around the world. Even Santa Claus is in favor of only those two colors. This might explain why the Old Man of Winter set up residence at the North Pole – one of the Two Pillars of Mother Earth.

The Two famous Pillars that hold up Earth in the big empty sky are the Magnetic North (LaVA-red) and Polar North (Snow-white). Just observing the Four Directional Model of the Earth’s geo-dynamo with its two North Poles, we sense that we shall be able to solve how the Sacred Feminine “VA” from the ‘völ-VA’ developed and will fit into our theory.

The ancient astronomy priests who originally developed this symbol were in possession of the real Cosmic Model and its alignments, and certainly understood human psyche extremely well. They picked a vehicle (VA) that seemed sacred and sturdy, and also one that is surrounded by enough desire to build and destroy countries, decide kingships, and motivate people—from the poorest to the most noble— to be able to give everything up and to follow the call of nature.

In the ancient cosmic language of signs and symbols, there existed a complex cosmologically-based vocabulary in which the VOL or VUL syllables denoted a Cosmic Female Birth Canal that was conceptually connected to the perfect VA-lley and the VOL-canism from VUL-can and a few other concepts, such as the Wolverines and the Scandinavian Volvo / ’turning’ concept. Certainly, the Vulcan name was the title of one of the Greek gods and when those unruly deities began their wars against the unsuspecting heroes of humanity then huge earth changes happened.

From the earlier quote about our Nordic prophetess, Völva, one can certainly sense that the story is about the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. In later chapters, discovering an ancient system of solving the enigma of cosmic sexual union, Völva will give up her secret in a very specific, albeit symbolic, fashion.


Figure 1-4: The bird view of the Pyramid displays the letter ‘X’ that also reads out the ‘VA’ when the X is sliced in half on the Horizontal plane. We noticed that it also provided the letter A as the enigmatic Pyramid with the cut off top we find on the US One Dollar bill (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)}

This VA is the Sacred Valley of cosmology that shall be more than just a place to us. She will be much more than the biblical harlot who fornicates with the kings, as is implied in the book of Revelation of the Bible. She will be the sacred feminine of this beautiful globe we live on, and her painful fertility role will slowly roll out of our worldwide legends. Could she be Mother Earth or her mythical sister, the planet, Venus? Maybe she is the First Woman of Native creation lore in the heart of our galaxy. Why not think of her as the first woman born to the Judeo-Christian tales whose name is the Hebrew E-VA.

We began to recognize that a number of legendary female and deity names end in VA, such as E-VA (Hebrew), Ší-VA (Hindu), Völ-VA (Scandinavian) and Miner-VA (Roman) and we felt that we were on the right path. We also know from ancient Magyar tongue that there is a spell-bind connection between the Valley, Lady and the Oak Tree (Völgy/Hölgy/Tölgy) as all three words spelled very closely suggesting a linguistic cosmic relatedness. Thus, the Magyar VÖL-gy (=VA-lley) and the Scandinavian Viking word of VÖL-VA have a close relatedness then will explain why the VA-gina and the VA-lley connected in our upside down woman called Mother Earth,


Figure 1-5: The shape of the PYRAMID buildings that we so readily find in Egypt and Mexico was derived from the knowledge of the Elemental structure of GOLD and DIAMOND before the Big Flood and the sinking of the continent of Atlantis. That in itself is a proof to us that ancient civilizations were highly developed technologically. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar

Thus, we begin our search for the ‘VA’ syllable in other Creation legends and feminine related concepts to arrive to the conclusion that we will find much more words than just VÖL-VA, E-VA, O-VA, DiVA, Ši-VA and Miner-VA that relate to this Cosmic secret. Naturally, even these early discoveries provided us with an important reassurance that our search is progressing in the right direction!

It cannot be a mere coincidence that the elemental structure of Gold and Diamond was used to represent Mother Earth in the secret ancient formula of the Pyramid. The eight sided double pyramid represents the sacred number 8 and also reminds us of the concept of the ‘as above so below’. The top pyramid represents Mother Earth on the surface and then the mirror image of that pyramid below the surface likely stands for the Core of the Earth. This suggests that the pre-diluvian Atlanteans had to possess a technologically superb society before the sinking of their continent almost 12,000 years ago. They had to be far more advanced if they readily understood and employed the knowledge of the elemental shapes of metals and precious stones along with the workings of the Earth’s geo-dynamo.

Their science had to be superior to ours due to the fact that they were able to erect huge stone pyramids in such accuracy that most builders today would not be able to reproduce. Certainly, the glass and metal objects broke since and rusted away, the fine electronic equipments disintegrated, but the enormous sized blocks that they used to build some of those structures with, are still standing there tall in honor of the skills of the ancient masons. Those huge blocks were not pulled by half naked slaves. The likes of levitation, magnetic motors, plasma, and hydrogen engines had to be in the possessions of the Atlanteans to do the work that needed to be done. At least they poured the fine cement in place without dragging blocks. The history that we have learnt in our class rooms do not explain the complexity of our past prior to the Deluge.

Certainly, the Secret Formula of the Sacred Feminine of Mother Earth was assembled with such a superb cosmic knowledge, simplicity and universality amongst the Ancients that it points to a civilization that passed us in knowledge and spirituality. They did not ascend out of a dark cave as historians would have us believe. The caveman stage of human existence might have arrived for us after the Flood wiped out almost everybody and everything. Before that Flood, a golden age of humanity must have existed that was capable of long distance interplanetary travels and other magical things we cannot conceive. To assemble and maintain a complex secret cosmic language and letter making formula that in one form or another was preserved in all corners of the world definitely speaks for past greatness.

We certainly gained scholarly amazement about the VA as our First Sacred Feminine emerged out the shape of the pyramid that was based on elemental gold and diamond. She is a virgin-like being as the Egyptian Isis Mother, but she also has the qualities of a sensual being Hathor, the Harlot, who behaved with a sense of looseness. Just judging from the ancient tales, she must be old, very old! In the Magyar tongue, we call very old VÉN, a word that is almost pronounced as the English VAIN and maybe a reminder for the planet VENus. In Spanish and English, VEN-ison refers to the meat of the DEER. So we are NOT surprised that by the conclusion of our book this cosmic hunt will end up in the ORION ZONE where the daughter of Orion (Orion=Hindu Prajãpati), the DEER called DAWN (conceived by incest) will be born. That is the specific beginning in the earth change scenarios. We are planning to analyze the world mythologies and calendars until we know exactly when and how to expect the approaching cataclysm.

Continuing on with a few more special words let me mention that the Spanish / Latin / Magyar VÉNA word, that means the blood carrying VEIN in English. This VÉNA also linguistically connects us to the idea of the VEN-ous blood that flows during the time of cosmic menstruation. But this is not a flesh-and-blood, human menstruation; rather, this is the menstruation of Mother Earth that is related to ORIGINAL SIN. This “blood” connects us to the menstruation that happened, according to the Hindu myths, while Mother Earth was making “cosmic love” to the incarnate WILD BOAR aspects of Vishnu, who is known in Hindu myths as the Pervader, originally a solar god, but then becomes a supreme ruler.

First of all, there is a god / goddess named Vena in the Rig Veda of Hindu Myths whose identification with the Sun, Soma, high ocean waves and a celestial birth of a calf.

Next, we observe in the Hindu Myths by Penguin Classics the idea of a menstruating Mother Earth who was full of desire for the fiery seed of the Lord of the Universe:

The earth, in the water, is full of desire and behaving like a woman; she has been violated and has conceived a cruel embryo from your fiery seed; she is menstruating, however, and therefore unfit for the embryo with which you impregnated her, O lord of the universe.

Hindu Myths, Penguin Classic

A Cosmic Sex scenario is opening up to us where the female partner is Mother Earth and the male participant is the Lord of the Universe himself! So, at least now we know that the VA (VÖL-VA) is a part of Mother Earth who is making cosmic love to the LORD OF THE UNIVERSE!

Let us continue and find out if a baby was born out of this cosmic union? A few more sentences from this tale of the Káliká Purána:

Therefore the son who will be born will also carry off unrestrained women; he will develop a demonic nature and harm the gods and Gandharvas [celestial musicians, authors]. Thus the lord of the world spoke to Vishnu, who had a shameful look, about a vicious son begotten by sexual pleasure with a menstruating woman, a son who would do unpleasant things: “Abandon this lustful boar-body, lord of the world; you alone are the cause of creation, preservation, and destruction; you are the cause of the world . . .”

But the boar went to his own mountain, named World-non-World, and he made love with the earth, who had the form of a lovely female boar, and though he made love with her for a very long time on that supreme mountain the lord of the world was still unsatisfied, as his lust for the female boar was so strong.

Hindu Myths, Penguin Classic, pg. 188-189

We learn from the above quote that a ‘vicious son’ had been born from the Cosmic Union! We would like to know his birthday so we can prepare for his return:

In the Saiva version of this Hindu myth, this is how Ši-VA chastises the boar:

Even in the Vaisnava story of the boar avatar there are hints of incidental destruction caused by the boar… and explains the boar’s fatal flaw in social, ritual, and cosmic terms: he becomes too attached to his family, makes love to a polluted woman (as Agni / “the Fire god” makes love to the Krittikás /Pleiades when they are monstrous, according to some versions), and is unable to control his destructive fire once it has been loosed. On the first level, the earth herself shares his ambivalence: both of them know what should be done, but they are unable to do it without the help of Šiva. On the ritual level, the polluting “blood” is expiated by a blood sacrifice of the boar . . . Doomsday is imminent:

Vishnu takes the form of a fish and saves the Vedas, as he does at the final flood.”

Hindu Myths, Penguin Classics

From the above quote, one need to remember that this event is put together with the Hindu Fire God, Agni who makes cosmic love at the Krittikás (Pleiades) where the Boar is on the astronomical chart. The Seven Sisters of Pleiades is the Shoulder Blade of the Taurus Bull in the sky, thus we need to pay special attention to that since the Toreador or the Matador, who is ritually risking his life fighting the Bull in the ancient Latino cultures is sacred. When we checked the date of the Pleiades, the Seven Sister – the Killing of the Celestial Bull on the Egyptian calendar of the Zodiac of Dendera we realized that it fell on January 1st ! Then, we began to suspect that the specific date of the burning of the Earth was tied to the ‘birth of the Sacred Child of the Sun’. This Son of the Sun in the Hindu myths would be found in the tales of Krishna or Lord Skanda.

The supreme purification of this entire universe is to be accomplished by ashes; I place my seed in ashes and sprinkle creatures with it. … By means of ashes, my seed, one is released from all sins. … I am Agni of great energy, and this woman, my wife Ambiká, is Soma; and I am both Agni and Soma, as I am myself the Man together with Nature.

–Penguin Classics, Hindu Myths

Certainly, not desiring to be ambiguous about the source of the Fire, we search the Hindu Myths to find out from where this ‘vicious son’ would be arriving?

When the noble sages had performed the sacrifice in the proper way, they offered the oblation into the Oblation-devourer kindled with good fuel for all the dwellers in heaven. The marvelous fire, the carrier of oblations, the lord, was summoned there; he came out from the orb of the sun, …

–Penguin Classics, Hindu Myths

Now, we are very certain about the fact that the world mythologies secret language will be talking about a Hero, THE LORD, as it is stated above, CAME OUT OF THE ORB OF THE SUN!

Naturally, it makes good sense to have the Son of the Sun, as this is what the Egyptians keep calling the Hero, come from the Sun, as that obvious cosmic scenario explains why everybody would be able to see that ‘illuminated Son of the Sun’.

Then as we feverishly searched for more clues about the ‘Fire’ in mythology we found out that the Fire started as “angry bees and flying feathered serpents” arrived from the sun in the Fourth hour of the last twelve hours of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Studying the depictions it was even more surprising that those half-naked Egyptians carried a sacrificial Boar in their legend of the Judgment related to this changing period! Thus, in this multi-cultural mythology search we already detected close relations between what the Mayans, Egyptians and Hindu myths would store for us.

Now, after that faithful year in the past when the Sun erupted and burned the Earth to ashes in the fourth years of the last twelve of world mythology, we noticed that it was first followed by abundant water and then the infamous Lake of Fire in the Fifth Year. Not only this Lake of Fire is presented in the Bible, but it seems to involve the magic of turning water to wine or even into blood. Well, blood is an important media in most religions and spiritualities and it is part of the command and the sacred Covenant with the Lord in both the Torah and the New Testament. Even the frightening book of Revelation places the ‘lake of fire’ as the second death. That is, because the fourth hour’s Sun eruption causes the first big mass death and then the fifth hour’s axis shift causes the second death.

14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

–Bible, Revelation 20:14

The Lake of Fire was the time when after the Magnetic Axis shift caused the underwater volcanoes to erupt and their rusty sulfur content colored the water. Thus, when the Pharaoh did not allow the Jews to leave Egypt, Moses threw his rod into the river that turned red. Cosmologically, that Rod was the Iron Rod of the Magnetic North. The blood related ritual became ritualistic even amongst the ancient Jews.

6 Moses took one part of the blood and put it in basins, and the other part of the blood he dashed against the altar. 7 Then he took the record of the covenant and read it aloud to the people. And they said, “All that the Lord has spoken we will faithfully do!” 8 Moses took the blood and dashed it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord now makes with you concerning all these commands.”

–Berlin & Brettler, The Jewish Study Bible, Tanakh Translation

Thus, the magical covenant of Adon, the Jewish Lord was made with the people of Israel. The amazing history and the resilience of the Hebrew tribes from the extended areas of Egypt remains one of the marvels of ancient and even current written recorded history.

17 ‘Thus says the LORD: “By this you shall know that I am the LORD. Behold, I will strike the waters which are in the river with the rod that is in my hand, and they shall be turned to blood.

–Bible, Exodus 7:17

The critical last 12 years of the Cataclysm that culminated in the Great Flood really perked up our interest. Is there a way to date the exact year when the last cataclysm happened and when the new one could? How did the Ancients tried to convey that to us? Where do we start? Maybe understanding how the cycles are broken down in the Ice Ages is one thing, but what about first cluing in on the Iron Rod that God gave to His favorite kings to rule over the land. Is it a magic wand of our Creator or is simply an enigmatic language of the old bards to describe the way the Earth’s geo-dynamo works?

Now, this famous ‘rod’ of Astronomy and Cosmology shares a possession between Mother Earth and the Sun King. We only recalled one important metal component of the Earth, which was its Iron Core, thus the Rod that emerged from the Core of the Earth was the Magnetic North. So far it seemed fitting and we also found another VA or WA in the name of the Egyptian Iron Rod that was titled ‘WA-S’ or ‘VA-S’. The symbolic representation of this Iron Rod is also found on the Christmas tree in the form of the Candy Cain that is commonly decorated with the colors of red and white.

If the ancient songs are about our Mother Earth and her demise, then everything that we will learn about mythology shall be translated into the workings of the inner heat producing Geo-dynamo of the Globe and how it is controlled from the west and the east. This ‘Iron Rod’ that is emerging from the Iron Core of the Earth and divides the Galactic space in half between the westerly Northern Cross and the easterly Sun is a major pillar of our cosmic scenario. We will spend time on this concept since the VA-S iron rod is supported by the Sun, and its fall decides our faith periodically. When God / Allah or the Great Spirit decides to ‘throw’ that Rod to the ground then the axis shift began and the waters of the oceans shall take on the color of blood or wine.

This Iron Rod that is called VAS / WAS in the Egyptian hieroglyphic language is extremely important to our theory, not only because it fits our VA linguistic test, but because it is a Staff that was depicted as the medical Caduceus Staff with wings. Since the Swooping HAWK perches on top of that Magnetic North / Iron Rod we sense that the wings were that of the Hawk. We realized at that point that we have even seen angels of mythology depicted with a harp and with hawk wings on a painting somewhere. Where was it? We forgot! We can’t find anything when we need it the most.

Well, after an insane search through a number of Art History books, works of famous painters, we finally stumbled on the right one. It was in the book edited by Deborah Cannarella titled Christmas Treasures. It was truly a treasure. It was a painting from the Pinacoteca, Vatican Museums – another secret VA – where Melozza da Forli painted the Music-making Angel. One could call it the Cosmic Angel of the Magnetic North! This Angel was a Red-headed Lady (the Red color represents the Magnetic North) who was playing on the Harp (the Harp also represents the Magnetic North) and she wore on her back, Hawk wings (the Swooping Hawk star Vega also stands for the Magnetic North) - but on top of all this revelation about the Magnetic North, this red-headed angel had the yellow halo of the Sun behind her head to tie this whole Iron Rod business to the Sun.


Figure 1-6: The Iron Rod of Mythology in the Bible is the Magnetic North Pillar emerging from the Iron Core of the Earth. In this view as we are observing the Earth we sense that this Iron Rod rules our faith and our lives (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar

This famous painting was housed in the Vatican Museum where the Cosmic Angel displayed at least three major markers of secret cosmology standing for the Magnetic North / Iron Rod / Keystone Core of the Earth and all of it tied to the Sun. What was the most amazing thing about this is that the famous painter Melozza da Forli lived and painted during the centuries of the Dark Ages. Naturally, a flat Earth does not need a Magnetic North or a Core and certainly not a dynamo. Just as a tire, if the dynamo is flat it does not spin – and we know that our Earth spins.

This dichotomy of cosmic knowledge hidden in religious art remains a great enigma not only for the Dark Ages, but for all religions and spiritualities of all times.

It started feeling like someone is hiding something and we did not understand who and why. We instinctively knew to begin to look for answers where few would search for the advanced knowledge of Astronomy and Cosmology. We began searching for light in the gloomiest appearing times of recent history - we looked for answers in the religious art of the Dark Ages.

The Dark Ages probably began when the Roman Latin Empire - that already inherited the cosmic teachings of the Persians, Babylonians, Jews and the ancient Egyptians – now set its sight on Jerusalem that was a Holy City of the Jews, Muslims and the Christians. When the First Crusaders captured Jerusalem and established a Latin Kingdom with their first king as the French Godfrey of Bouillon, the power struggle became more intense between Christians and Muslims. When the advancing Turks generally exterminated the combined German and French forces of the Second Crusade with Louis VII, the French king barely escaping, it should had been a sign for the Christians to forever avoid fighting for that region. The popularity of the Knight Templars of the Crusades fluctuated with their successes and failures.

When we dig deeper into the Knight Templars’ history, it seems that it was not the cosmic knowledge or the roundness of the Earth that came between the Pope and his secret society rather it was the greed of the French King Phillip the Fair. The story of the Knight Templars or otherwise known as The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon began in 1128 when Hugues de Payens founded the organization to guard the road to Jerusalem for the pilgrims of the Catholic faith. The Holy See of the Vatican sanctioned The Poor Fellow Soldiers of Jesus Christ to secure the road to Jerusalem that was slowly taken over by the army of Saladin, the great general of the Saracens. For a while, these not so poor knights were able to hold off the advances of the Muslim horsemen and were able to maintain their Headquarters in the city of Jerusalem, in the Dome of the Rock that was built by Muslims.

The Knight Templars, who were at the forefront of the Crusades, began to lose their popularity as they were losing the war for Jerusalem. This was the time when the 23rd Grand Master of the Knight Templars, Jacques De Molay came to power. When Pope Boniface, VIII declared that the French king had no right to tax the Knight Templars who officially were the servants of the Papacy - that created a strain between the French King Phillip IV and the Italian Pope Boniface. Certainly, a lot of rich nobles of France took advantage of this tax credit and joined the Knight Templars, further robbing the French king of cash reserves. After, Guillaume de Nogaret, the willing henchman of King Phillip kidnapped an important Bishop – the furious Pope Boniface VIII excommunicated both Phillip IV and his loyal soldier. This religious and financial power struggle erupted into a vicious war between the French King and the Italian Pope. Shortly after that event Pope Boniface was kidnapped and held by the French King for 3 days. During that time of the imprisonment, the Pope was apparently severely beaten and died a month later. His unlucky successor, Pope Benedict XI also died of suspected poisoning by de Nogaret only after a year as the Pope at the Vatican. The next Pope, the Frenchman Clement V, who was handpicked and groomed by the French king Phillip IV, in an unexpected action moved to Avignon, France thereby throwing the Vatican into chaos.

Finally this era opened up the possibilities for Phillip IV to deal with the rebellious Knight Templars, who until then only answered to the Pope and no earthly kings. After seven years of torture and the brutal execution of the charismatic Grand Master of the Knight Templars Jacques DeMolay on March 18th 1,314 AD on the Island of the Jews - the Cosmic Knowledge went underground. The hidden secrets of Astronomy and Cosmology that was always the domain of the Priesthood in past great empires now became disconnected of the Papacy. Thus, during the worst power outages of the Dark Ages the secret societies were forced to establish prominent art schools throughout Europe to keep the cosmic knowledge alive.

One of the main cosmic secrets was the action of the Iron Rod of Mother Earth that now with the alienation of the Order of the Knight Templars eluded the Vatican. The stories of the Torah and the Bible were kept alive, but the secret knowledge of its astronomical meanings officially was separated from the Church. It was now the responsibility of the Secret Societies with or without the help of the Pope to keep the cosmic knowledge alive. The Bible still talked about the Iron Rod and the role of Venus in the calendar counting, except the religious majority had and still has no idea of what was being said.

The Rod of Iron of the Magnetic North and the Morning Star of Venus still seemed important in the Bible, except nobody could translate it anymore.


Figure 1-7: Cassiopeia in the sky is the Throne of Isis, the Queen Bee representing the famous celestial letter W of astronomy. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar

27 “He shall rule them with a rod of iron; … “

28 “And I will give him the morning star”

-Bible, Revelation 3:27-28

Well, with important historical understanding we began our search for the Cosmic Mother, for the planet Venus and a Queen in the sky that could further our limited understanding of the workings of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Searching for at least One Astronomical Queen in the Egyptian Sky, we remembered the magical Throne of Isis shone as the Cassiopeia star constellation in the night sky. It is seen near the Pole Star, Polaris in September in the month of the Virgin when one looks north. As we will later realize, the Throne of Isis has a very important mythological function, as it is the place where Horus, the hawk-headed young prince, the SON OF THE SUN would be crowned as the new SUN KING. We understood that there had to be a mythological and cosmic interrelatedness of the Egyptian Queen to the Judeo-Christian tales and to the Cosmic Mother Earth. The Sacred Cosmic Marriage of the Hindu Wild Boar to Mother Earth began to yield fruit.

Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.

—Bible, Revelation, 19:7

We stopped and rested. After a little siesta, we decided to halt searching for more females for now and we gladly returned to complete the discussion on the significance of numbers.

“The number Eight is the Number of Years it takes the planet Venus to go around the sun. Remember, it takes eight years for the VENUS TRANSITS of the “two sisters” to occur around the sun. The first Venus Transit of our century happened on June 8, 2004, and then the second one will be Eight Years later, on June 6, 2012. That is two days short of eight years! That is why we think the eight is a significant number, since the Mayans fervently monitored and recorded down the cycles of our sister planet, Venus.

We remembered that the planet Venus took Eight years and Five stations to go around the sun once, from our earthly perspective. Both the five and the eight are numbers in the Fibonacci number sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13, …) of spiral growth and likely important counting measures. Noticing the planet Venus taking eight years around the sun we realized that we needed to compute with the number eight! We also remembered that in the Buddhist spiritual believe it was The Eight Fold Path that a seeker needed to follow.


FIGURE 1-8: The ancient Mayan astronomy priests used the pyramid as a calculator! (Photo Credit Eva Gaspar)

We were certain that these numbers existed in various denominations around the world for maintaining a reminder to a cosmic knowledge of natural rhythms.


While the FIXED STARS OF THE SKY turned ONE DEGREE in the firmament of the heavens in 72 years, the planet Venus circled around the sun NINE times. Therefore, we realized that both the 8 and the 9 are Earth-Venus-Sun numbers relating to the One Degree of Precession! It almost seems that the number 9 is related to the cycles of the Sun, the planet Venus is definitely owns the number 5 and 8 and Mother Earth has to be known by the number 7, as it takes 52 x 7 days to go around the Sun once.

“We can see those numbers. Did we pass your kindergarten requirements?” Tawnia and Eva giggled listening in on our conversation.

We looked at each other, shaking our heads. “No! There is much more!”

“Even for a kindergarten grade?” Tawnia and Eva laughed as they ran after Tawnia’s little girl, Maya.

“Yes, a whole bunch more.” we assured them.

Pepe turned back toward me. “I am not going to talk about the Venus numbers of 117 and 2340 in the first chapter of our book!” Dr. Jose Jaramillo stated with conviction as we reviewed the higher multiplications of these natural numbers.

“I agree. Let’s first build up the framework of the Mayan and the Egyptian astronomy and cosmology as we see it in comparison to the Ice Age rhythms.

There were many more calculations than we show here, but for our purposes, that Mayan priests used the number 52 YEARS as a marker of time. Out of the four brightest lights in the ancient sky, the two most luminous, the sun and the moon, met at the point of the Pleiades every 52 years. That was the year of the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE popularized by José Argüelles. The last year that 52-year meeting took place was in 1987. Even today we calculate 52 weeks to be One Year around our Sun, thus we tie the One Year Cycle of the Sun to the number 52!

Thus, with the unusual spelling and presentations for the meaning of the Sun the Egyptian RÁ Priests hoped that we will understand the complex wisdom they hid behind the simple body parts as letters.


Figure 1-9: The Egyptian spelling of the Sun consists of the letter ‘R’ (=’Mouth’) and the letter ‘A’ (=’Arm’). Our book demonstrates clearly why the ancients Egyptians did not simply pick a Round Circle with Rays coming out of it (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

The Sun, the Moon and the planet Venus was important marker in the sky together. Therefore, if we involve the third brightest light in the sky, the planet VENUS, those THREE bright ones—The Sun, the Moon and planet Venus—meet every 104 YEARS!

The fourth brightest light in the ancient sky was the Dog Star, Sirius – the ‘Scorcher’ as the ancient Greeks named it - and this Sothic Sirius Cycle is about 1,460–1,461 year long. These numbers, along with the 117, 2340, 96, 100, and more will become important later!

We sat down to reflect on the Force that turns our Earth from the west to the east. This region is symbolically identified by the Goose or the Northern Cross in the HEART of our Super Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is in the active, embryonic region of the Super Massive Black Hole where most ancient sacred births originate from. We began to compare the actual rhythms in the Ice Ages to the numbers used by the ancient Mayan astronomer priests. The Mayan numbers kept showing a detailed knowledge of these Natural Cosmic Rhythms that are scientifically recorded down in the Ice Core samples of Antarctica (Vostok) and Greenland (GRIP / GISP)!


Figure 1-10: CYGNUS, the GOOSE, SWAN, shown here as the RESONANT CROSS, seems to be the proposed HEART and POWERHOUSE of our Milky Way Galaxy! (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)}

As NASA showed us in the spring of the year 2000, there is an area around the Super Massive Black Hole of our Milky Way Galaxy that we mythologically identify with the Heart of the Goose that is the star Cygnus X-3 or X-1.

Only since about 1972, when the scientists began to study the Gamma Ray radiation emanating from Cygnus X-3 that is the star in the Crossing of the Northern Cross. This assumed binary system, with Cygnus X-3 in its center, from our point of view is thought to be not only a very powerful micro quasar, but likely the strongest gamma ray emitter source that turns our Earth from the west toward the east. The fact that the gamma ray radiation has a 4.8 hour periodicity, in our opinion makes Cygnus X-3 even more likely to be the originator of the force near the Galactic Plane that in five successive waves daily (5 x 4.8 = 24 hours) turns our Mother Earth toward the Sun. Recently, the Italian astronomer Marco Tavani’s research provided valuable research into the understanding of this important micro quasar.

Naturally, if Cygnus was not an important constellation in the west that has to do with the alignment of the Sun and the subsequent eruption and burning of the Earth then the Classical Greek Mythology would not connect the two celestial bodies, the Cygnus Swan or Goose and the Sun, but they did. According to one Greek legend Cygnus, the Swan was best friend with Phaeton the son of Helios, the SUN GOD. One day PHAETON, the Son of the Sun asked his famous father to let him drive the Chariot of the Sun. Helios was reluctant first, but then gave in to the pleading cries of his son. Naturally, Phaeton’s reckless driving of the Chariot too close to the Sun threatened the Earth to be burn to ashes by the heat of the sun. Zeus, the main god intervened and shot a thunderbolt at Phaeton who fell into the River Eridanus (starts at the star Rigel, the foot of Orion) that is still known as the ‘steaming river’ due to Phaeton’s fall. Phaeton’s best friend, Cygnus dived into the river to save Phaeton. For his brave action Zeus made Cygnus into a Swan and placed him in the sky.

Now, this Greek myth clearly connects the alignment of the westerly Cygnus and the easterly Sun and also warns us about the overheating of Earth from the Sun. Furthermore, because all of this happened at and around the constellation Orion, the tale brings in the River Eridanus that begins at Rigel, the foot of Orion. Even more, the newer poetic tales of Smith refers to the impending Axis shift of the Magnetic North to the Polar North in a southwardly fashion by revoking the alternative title, the Northern Cross name of the Cygnus constellation and connecting it to the name of the Sacred Baby of the Sun - who was actually cosmologically born from the alignment of the Swan, the Northern Cross with the Sun. If Smith, the writer was a pious uninitiated Christian, the Northern Cross of Calvary designation would be sufficient without the mentioning of the Swan and its flight to the south. Thus, Smith was likely a good Christian with some knowledge of the Cosmic Mysteries Christ would only teach to His disciples:

Yonder goes Cygnus, the Swan, flying southward,-

Sign of the Cross and of Christ

Now, if someone thinks that these connotations are made up and Cygnus has no mythological connections to the Magnetic North (LYRE / Harp / Hawk / Stone) then we would like to offer the following quote from the beautiful book of Skywatching by David H. Levy:

One story claims that Cygnus is Orpheus, the great hero of Thrace, who sang and played his lyre so beautifully that wild animals and even the trees would come to hear him. It is said that Orpheus was transported to the sky as a swan, so that he could be near his cherished lyre.

Thus, the celestial music of the earth changes began. It should be progressively more evident, as we review the world wide mythology that the same cosmic elements prop up in every religion and spirituality, thus we begin to sense that interconnectedness of ancient cultures that were teaching us the same basic history, morality and cosmology.

One last thing we would like to demonstrate in this first chapter of our book is the fact that this Northern Cross of world mythology existed in Egypt, in the Mayan creation legend much before the advent of Christianity. Therefore, we assume that the advanced scientific knowledge about the importance of the star constellation of Cygnus, the Swan, the Galactic Goose or Northern Cross has existed for several thousands of years. This cosmic realization of how the Geo-dynamo is controlled by the Cross from the west, and the Sun from the east might have been around for over 50,000 years or longer. The accumulated knowledge of cosmology about the recurrent earth changes that caused the repeated near annihilation of humanity over and over again -created a scientific and spiritual store house of languages, religious signs and symbols that we employ in our everyday lives most of the time without the actual recognition of what they stand for in the sky. The colors of the Olympic Rings also display the five of the six colors of The Four Directional model. The rings are Blue, Black and Red on top and Yellow and Green on the bottom. The only color missing is White that they are using for the back ground. The Blue color naturally stands for the sky and the Green is the color of Mother Earth in full bounty.


Figure 1-11: The examples of the Galactic Cross at the center of the Creation legends were present in ancient Egypt and with the astronomy minded Mayans much before the advent of Christianity. (Drawing and photo by Wm. Gaspar)


Figure 1-12: The Olympic Symbol of World Unity the Five Circles interlocking at Four Meeting points strangely represents the Five Precessions of a ~120,000 year Ice Age with Four Divisions within each Precession. This multiplies out to the sum of 20, reflecting both the number of reversals in an Ice Age and the sacred Mayan number found in the T’zolkin Calendar (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

We need to begin to comprehend that most celestial symbols, colors, signs and languages of Cosmology is part of our shared past as the descendants of the surviving members of the multitudes of earth changes. These ageless symbols are not there to divide and separate us from the One Uniting Power in the Universe that is an Almighty Spirit Force or Creator that gave us lives. Maybe at the end times of each major earth changes the gates become narrow and limiting, thus those of us who will be able to crowd through it together will have to learn to respect, love and help each other. We shall walk hand in hand as proud reminders of outstanding specimens of an extremely rare and special species called the Human Race.