Venus, Darkness and Beheading

Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, With whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

—Bible, Revelation 17:1, 2

The concept of ‘beheading’ is not only a Mayan concept, but it is encountered in every corner of the Earth. Its mythological examples are numerous and the cosmological meaning represents the Axis shift of Earth from the Magnetic North to the Polar North.

The ancient astronomy priests were very concerned about the Beheading of the Earth and therefore with the natural rhythms of the PLANET VENUS that they used to count the long-term time keeping. Planet Venus, along with Mother Earth, is known in mythology as the goddess of beauty, and is an integral part of most creation stories and religious tales involving princesses, queens, the Harlot, and the Virgin. What appeared so unique and important about the Venus cycles for the astronomers? What were they counting so meticulously in the cycles of the planet Venus? Could the astronomers foretell the ending of an era just by knowing the cosmological characters of our sister planet? We believe so.

The ancients counted 96 pairs of Venus Transits in front of the Sun, at about 121.5 years apart. At the last pair, they would mark the end of a Half Precession of the Equinoxes. When they arrived to the end of that Portal – which we assume begins with the year 2012 – then first with the beginning of the larger earth changes, the Harlot would entice the old Sun King to erupt prematurely then the birth of the Son of the Sun would began a process of an axis shift that would close the gaping legs of the Harlot Mother Earth and make her to be like a Virgin. Following that, the erupting underwater ocean would turn the waters of the oceans blood colored and the erupting land volcanoes of the Fifth Hour of the Book of the Dead would create the Lake of Fire and the subsequent darkening of the sky. From the 4th and the 5th hours of the extreme hot, next year we entered a year that was so cold that people barely could imagine. Then it got very dark from the metallic dust of the volcanism. The ancient classical Greeks maintained a story of this period as the flight of the metallic Stymphalian birds that darkened the entire sky. The Darkness lasted about Three and a Half years. How dark was it? At least as dark as what happened in the 6th Hour of Christ on the Cross.

33 Now when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

–Bible, book of Mark 15:33,

Naturally, if we believe that there was a universal Mono-myth that has been derived from at least as far as the sinking of Atlantis, then we hope to find evidence of the Secret Formula of marking these teachings down as the Last 12 years of the Hero’s Journey before Death and Flood arrive. Now, we can check back before the time of pre-Christian Egypt, Babylonia, and the classical Greco-Roman times to find similar timelines recorded. We investigate to see if there was darkness during the 6th to the 9th years of the Labors of Hercules. Certainly, we expect to find similar allegories in the stories of the last Twelve Hours of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and in the Last Twelve years of the Labors of Hercules. Furthermore, in the Twelve tablets of the Babylonian Gilgamesh and again in the Twelve Hours on the Cross in the Sacrifice of Christ – then we can begin to collect the astronomical sequences of events the ancient seers, prophets and sons of gods brought us to remember. Therefore, we examine the Sixth Labor of Hercules.

Hercules next journeyed off to Crete to accomplish his sixth task, the capture of a mad bull given by Neptune to Minos, king of the island. The god had sent the animal with directions that he should be offered up in a sacrifice; but Minos, charmed with his unusual size and beauty, resolved to keep him, and substituted a bull from his own herds for the religious ceremony. Angry at seeing his express command so wantonly disobeyed, Neptune maddened the bull, which rushed wildly all over the island, causing great damage.

–H.A. Guerber, The Myths of Greece and Rome

Although, we have not noticed any darkness in Guerber’s rendition that anyway sounded like the Seventh Labor in other versions, we registered the great damage and a reference to the Ocean in the form of Neptune. One thing we did identify as part of the Mono-myth from ancient Egypt was the name of the king MIN-os! We have seen that name for the Egyptian God of Male Fertility and Rain whose name was MIN! Not only the Greek Minos was charmed by a beautiful BULL, but we remember that the sacred animal of the Egyptian Min was a White Bull. Any bovine being white and bigger than that can only be the White Buffalo Maiden of the Lakota Indians.

We returned to the Sixth Labors of Hercules to see what we could find in the way of darkness that will be resolving in the Ninth Labor.

The sixth labour was hunting out the Stymphalides, those same arrow-feathered birds of prey that troubled the voyage of the Argonauts. Lake Stymphalis in Arcadia was their breeding place, which Hercules found black with such a throng of the mischievous fowl that he knew not how to deal with them.

–A. R. Hope Moncrieff, A Treasury of Classical Mythology,

Then we find again a few words about the metal clawed Stymphalian birds and the stagnant waters of the Lake in Guerber’s book.

The Stymphalian Birds

Eurystheus, well pleased with the manner in which Hercules had accomplished eight out of the twelve tasks, bade him no go forth and slay the dangerous, brazen-clawed birds which hovered over the stagnant waters of Lake Stymphalus.

–H.A. Guerber, The Myths of Greece and Rome,


Figure 4-1: The Pattern of the planet Venus observed from Mother Earth is shown to yield a 121.5 year cycle. This was part of the secret counting measure of the ancient Astronomy Priests that remained well hidden from the public (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

Thus, the stinky stagnant waters from the Lake from before had resolved by the Ninth Labor. The Darkness resolved when the Mother Earth, now with legs tied together as a Virgin’s, experienced another birth of the Son of the old Sun King. Now, who would want to find a woman greater than Mother Earth? Would any earthly flesh woman – even when sanctioned by a deity - could be a more important female then our own Mother Earth, who provides us with everything on the physical level that we need to live? We would have a hard time finding any greater Harlot or Virgin than our Mother Earth.


Figure 4-2: The Planet Venus is the second planet from our Sun and is the best counting measure for long-term cycles of thousands of years. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

Every 121.5 years, Venus would pass in front of the Sun, as it is seen from the Earth. Mostly, it happens in pairs, eight years apart, but there are times with only single transit, if the first easterly meeting between Venus and the Sun is further down than the edge of the Sun. This last 96th VENUS TRANSIT PAIR that we are experiencing began on June 8, 2004, which, in the Mayan calendar, was the day 6 WIND kin 162. The transit on June 6, 2012, will be the day 1 WIND kin 222. This is the Portal, the heavenly gate that will open up to us by the hinges of the year 2012 to see the rebirth of a New Age.


Figure 4-3: The VENUS TRANSITS of 2004 and 2012 in front of the SUN when the Sun is between the Horns of the Bull, Taurus (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

Will it be a dimensional change, physical destruction, enlightenment or all of the above? A very important date in the Center of all of the Venus Transit Pairs is halfway around the Sun, when the planet Venus is practically in dead center of the Sun in the West, looking at it from our Earth. Venus is then behind the Sun. This most important station and date in her 121.5 year journey about the Sun is the time when she is IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SUN, behind it! That is the year Zero for the 121.5 years journey, thus the remainder ~120 years is marked in religious writings as ‘God gave men 120 years to live’.

One of the most famous and vocal proponent of the Sun induced Earth changes is our good friend and colleague Mitch Battros, whose book titled Solar Rain is one of a kind theory being proven by the emerging solar science. His web site about the earth changes is an excellent source of daily news of earth change weather. He readily joined us on our 2006 Taos Earth Changes conference with John Major Jenkins and he also came to San Diego in May 2008 for the Between Two Worlds conference where Dr. Jaramillo, Dr. Gaspar, the descendants of Mayan kings Don Gaspar Antonio Xiu and Mitch Battros were the main speakers. We attempted to raise awareness to the approaching possible earth devastations awaiting our changing globe. He is relentlessly interviewing Mayan Elders alongside the European Space Agency, NASA and NOAA scientists to bring a scientific understanding to the complex issues of Sun directed earth changes and the parallel wisdom of ancient holy books.

Hathor is commonly shown with the Taurian Bull Horn and with the Sun between the Horns. This can represent 2004 or 2012, but today we believe that it will be marking the infamous year of 2012 and the beginnings of the more severe Earth changes.

Thus, the three important years connected to the Venus Transit Pairs are the years 2004, then 2008 and the well-known year of 2012. In classical Greek mythology, the Three Muses are shown around the Sacred Tree with a Serpent around it. All the way across the continent, in Egypt, it is slightly more difficult to differentiate between the Three Goddesses. The most well-known trio of females is Hathor, the sensual goddess of love, Isis, the perfect wife, and Mut, the elderly female, the widow. Naturally, this late in the game we certainly think that the unlucky female who is being torched as much as the widow of a Hindu Maharaja - would be the Old Widow, the Egyptian Mut who is usually shown dressed in dark apparel. Again, this revives the international Cult of the Black Virgin adored by many throughout the ages. Whether it is the Harlot, the Virgin or the poor Widow, the burning from the Sun is still happening to only old Mother Earth.

Just recently,, operated by NASA and NOAA, reported that the SUN was growing “MICKEY MOUSE” EARS. Naturally, it could only be detected by certain sensitive instruments, not with the naked eye. The interesting fact of the radiation making the ears on the round sun also made the sun appear more ‘square’: SQUARING OF THE CIRCLE! The squaring of the Sun was happening in all four quadrants, and those who are interested in it can find it in the archives of the Spaceweather web pages. Shortly after the Mickey Mouse Ears, we started hearing so much more about the vivid blue NOCTILUCENT clouds that appeared electric in their shape as Blue Great Whales floating through the sky.

A few northern European observers reported that they began to see wrinkled noctilucent clouds in the sky that resembled the skin of the Great Blue Whale. Both of the above facts were a bit scary, because we started thinking back to the ancient mythologies when the Whale swallowed Jonah and also the stories about the Old King (Sun!), such as Midas and others who grew BIG EARS. Certainly, the inference was usually in the form of a contestant getting blessed with Dumbo ears after losing a contest to Apollo, the Sun King. Are we loosing the contest to the old Sun King and began to see the obvious signs of impending earth changes that we were not supposed to know about until the End Days? In the Egyptian atlases, we also found examples of an erupting Sun on the cow-eared Hathor, the Harlot, who may have represented Mother Earth teasing Father Sky for a steamy rendezvous. Thus, the growing ears do concern us.


Figure 4-4: Hathor, Mistress of the West (Drawing by William Gaspar.


Figure 4-5: The Sun erupts on Hathor. In this picture, and in many others, Hathor is depicted with Cow Ears. Hathor is likely the representation of Mother Earth (Modified from an image on the ceiling of the Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Drawing by William Gaspar.

In the story of Marsyas, this is how the tale develops, according to H. A. Guerber:

“A young shepherd, lying in the cool grass one summer afternoon, became aware of a distant sound of music . . . These weird, delightful tones were produced by Minerva, who, seated by the banks of a small stream, was trying her skill on the flute.

—H. A. Guerber, The Myths of Greece and Rome

As we mentioned earlier, we have discovered another example of a goddess, this time from Greco-ROMAN times, whose name contains the VA: Min-er-VA! The word miner, a person who works in the mines, is the same in both Spanish and English, although with a different pronunciation. The MALE FERTILITY GOD with erect Phallus in Egypt is ‘MIN’! Was the Union of MIN with VA one of the ways the Ancients hid the secrets in the name of MIN-er-VA? Well, knowing that the VA stands for the Sacred Feminine, we are not surprised about the Egyptian male god MIN being the MINER of those treasures. As we are searching for the MIN word in major star constellations, we find that the famous Belt of Orion consists of Three Stars. Generally, in metaphysical circles theses stars are accepted as the Three Kings or the Magi from the East. Orion is certainly number one on our list along with Hercules to fulfill the requirements of the Giant Hero of Astronomy and Mythology who symbolically for the war against the Titans and lost.

The Three Stars of the Orion Belt in today’s Astronomy are called by their old Arabic name as 1, MIN-Ta-Ka (‘Belt’), 2, Alnilam (‘the String of Pearls’) and 3, Alnitak (‘the Girdle). We know from the Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols that the biliteral (‘two letter’) word ‘TA’ is shown as the ‘Belt with Three stars’ and the ‘KA’ syllable is shown as ‘Two Upheld Arms’ that Orion definitely has. Thus, the question becomes why we have the ‘MIN’ syllable that denotes the Fertility God with an Erect Phallus! Is Orion the Phallic God MIN? Is he the ROD that we read about in the Bible where the Hebrew, who reads backward - read NIM instead of MIN, thus we know him as NIM-ROD?

The pre-Christian Sumerian Magyars also had a Great Hunter, just as Orion or Nimrod in the Legend of the White Stag written by Kate Seredy. The hunter’s name was MénRót that is similar to Nimrod. The MÉN word in Magyar means HORSE or even Stud, of which we are not surprised, since the Horse head Nebula is at the Belt of Orion. The magyar ‘Rot’ word means ‘Red’, similar to the German Róth (‘red’). Why we are writing about this, because the Magyar word ‘Ménes’ means ‘A Herd of Horses’, and that was the first version of the name of the famous Egyptian ruler MIN, his name was MENES. Then we seen MEN and the third version was MIN. A number of words with different vowels came to mind, such as ‘MaN’, MoNey, MoNkey, MooN, MiNt, all of them some ways related to the initial concept. This MIN word is what the Egyptians, Arabs, Latinos and others use for the Minister and Minerva. MIN is the best Egyptian version that describes the Hero with a phallic symbol. It is not a linguistic mystery that the English Rod (staff/rod) word, the Magyar Rúd (‘rod’) the German Róth (red) the Spanish Rojo (Red) and a number of others relate to either a RED ROD or a Red Giant. The star constellation Orion is the Lower Brother to the South, below the Bull and by cosmic symbolism tied to the Magnetic North that has a number of connotations included. Thus, we find the Core of the Earth the Rock, the Keystone that is the body of Hercules, the Iron Rod, the Hawk, the Red Color, the Horse and the Hunter Orion, NimRod, Min with the Phallic symbol ALL tied to the Hercules, the Giant who is the Red Hero of the Magnetic North. The Red Hero will overtake and make love to the Polar North, the Princess who is dressed up in white wedding dress as a Bride should be. The Cosmic Marriage Ceremony of the Red Hero and the White Princess has the Two Kingdom of Egypt unified. That is why the Hawk headed Horus ‘Heru’ (‘Hero’) is wearing the Red and White Hat of Unification! We know that a lot of different sounding ideas are tied to this one concept, but the more we read about it, the easier it will get. It is also interesting to note that the capital city of Mongolia is called ‘Ulan Baator’ that means ‘Red Hero’. Thus, the Red headed westerly man does not mean ethnic designation in mythology, but it hides the secret of the Four Directional Colors of our rediscovered Cosmic Model.

The earliest and most famous Egyptian Male God’s name, MIN remained in a number of aspects of our lives where the male authority dominates. The MIN-isters of political offices, the MIN-isters of the Churches, the coin and money makers of the MINts and the MIN-arets of the Arabs all stayed around for thousands of years to remind us the concept of the power of MIN (MeN & WoMeN). But to have the Cosmic Union idea in our languages, we invented MIN-er-VA, who would be the female Prophetess in Rome.

Minerva is not the only proto-typical female seer. Commonly, the females with lose morals had to be around for the myth makers of the male power to exert itself. These secretive female goddesses are present in every part of this world. The Russians and the Magyars call the hooker or street girl Kur-VA. This is the original Latin word from which curva or curve is derived and that mirrors the concept of the Hooker in English. The sacred VA is coming closer to revealing all her secrets. We will not rest until we find all aspects and all parts of this deep secret of the ancients.

As we learn more about the story of Marsyas in H. A. Guerber’s work, we find out that the beautiful Minerva looked into the limpid waters of a small stream—as Snow White’s mother would look into the mirror—to find her face less than desirable. Minerva dropped her flute into the water.

Before we peer into the Greco-Roman tale, let us think about another story that many more of us grew up with. Naturally, most of us heard or read about the evil stepmother of Snow White who, similar to the beautiful Greek goddess, Athena or her Roman equivalent Minerva, looked into the mirror to see herself as an ugly witch. Possibly, even more than an ugly witch, she saw a face of the devil looking back at her from the mirror.

We assume that this is a cosmological reminder of what happens when the Old Mother Earth reaches the half cycle switch of the Galactic Heart and, in this rare alignment, the Sun erupts. A red, poisoned apple is her last attempt to prevent the New Princess from taking power. The Red Apple is the ancient synonym for the geo-dynamo of the Earth, with its core being Core of the Earth.


Figure 4-6: The earliest Egyptian Male Fertility god MIN. His erect Phallus represents the Male Eruptive Power of Nature during the Earth changes every 12,000 years. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

The Core of the Apple and the Philosopher’s Stone, as much as they sound like two different concepts, both hide the ancient secret of an active Core of the Earth’s geo-dynamo. Without that core, we would not have the ability to maintain life on Earth, for a number of reasons that the astrophysicists provide us with. Without that magical stone / core, we would not have the Gaspar de CORIOLES Forces protecting the Earth from harmful UV radiations. Also, we would not have inner heat production on Earth, and we could freeze to death.

Let’s return to the story of Marsyas. In numerous tales from the past, we find references to a Keystone, the Stone of the Philosopher, and the Three Stones that the Maya household keeps in the kitchen.

Some of the ancient cosmic legends survived in a childishly entertaining non threatening matter to keep the idea of the half way switch as a mirror and the passing on the Kingdom to the next young Queen. Ugly Mother Earth is reborn into a beautiful young Princess.

We have seen countless of stories from Slavic, Magyar, Scandinavian, African, Native American Indian, Arabian and classical Greek sources, to conclude that almost all of these tales present elements of the universal mono-myth. The famous classical Greek mythologies are likely the best known and read stories available today. Thus, we return to our Flute flinging Greek hero Marsyas to see what we can learn from that tale.


Figure 4-7: Scandinavian / Viking Rock Carvings / Germanic Coins paralleling the Egyptian Cosmic Message in Europe several thousands of years ago. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)


Figure 4-8: The ugly witch Queen step-mother of Snow White (Drawing by William Gaspar, modified from Disney’s beloved tales.)

Marsyas, the young shepherd, saw the flute floating in the stream, and quickly retrieved it. He started playing magical flute music on it and claimed that he could play better music than the god Apollo, and challenged the old deity to a musical duel.

Intending to punish him for his presumption, Apollo, accompanied by the nine muses, the patronesses of poetry and music, appeared before the musician and challenged him to make good his boastful words . . . Apollo joined the harmonious accents of his godlike voice to the tones of his instrument, causing all present, and the very Muses too, to hail him as conqueror . . . According to a previous arrangement—that the victor should have the privilege of flaying his opponent alive—Apollo bound Marsyas to a tree and slew him cruelly. When the mountain nymphs heard of their favorite’s sad death, they began to weep and shed such torrents of tears that they formed a river, called Marsyas, in memory of the sweet musician.

—H. A. Guerber, The Myths of Greece and Rome


Figure 4-9: Orion in the winter. His name in the Bible is Nimrod. If we subtract the Rod from his name and read it backwards – it reads MIN. Likely a coincidence. This astronomical arrangement of the sky is based on looking toward the North Star, Polaris (Bear / Anubis) and it provides us with important dates to events of mythology! This is also how the Egyptian Dendera Zodiac is arranged. Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)


Figure 4-10: The astronomy of Christmas to Easter. This drawing is slightly modified from the outline of the Egyptian Dendera Zodiac. The Baboon stands for the Perseus/Mithra that lines up with CHRISTMAS. The shoulder blade of the Bull, PLEIADES, is lined up with January 1st. Orion aligns around the third week of January, at the time of the Chinese New Year. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)

Our astronomic conclusion of this tale leads us to the bank of a stream—as we so often read about in the Torah and the Old Testament—and it brings the star, Rigel, into view. Rigel is the FOOT of ORION, and starts the longest star constellation in the sky, named the RIVER. In the above story, the tears of the mountain nymphs formed a river. The name of the shepherd, Marsyas, sounds similar to marsh land, and it might take us back to the idea of the eruption of underground fountains as one of the initial events before the axis shift would happen. Let us see, then, the astronomy of Orion in the sky when we are looking toward the North Star, Polaris, and the Bear for the Nordics, and Anubis, the Jackal, for the Egyptians.

The Wild BOAR of the Egyptians, and probably the Hindu Boar A-VA-Tar is ALIGNING on January 1! Thus, maybe, Pope Silvestre, who mysteriously changed the date of the Gregorian calendar’s New Year to JANUARY first, was aware of more enigmas of cosmology then we can imagine. Was the Pope then and may be even now an initiate of the Cosmic Mysteries? Frequently, as we encounter these enigmatic dates and amazing coincidences of cosmology we wonder how much truly the Holy See knows. Following the excellent books of Dan Brown, increasingly more people subscribe to the concept that the Popes themselves may have been initiated into their own secret societies, not on the level of the Knights of Columbus, but at a much higher degree of Cosmology. The unusual assumption may have some merit as we learn more about the interests and the secrets of the Vatican. We subscribe to the credo that anybody, including the Popes of the Holy See, was keeping the cosmic knowledge alive throughout the ages for altruistic and noble purposes for the future of mankind.

Thus, the cosmology may proceed this way:

On Christmas Eve, the first amazing light appeared in the night sky as a warning sign for everybody on our globe. This likely happened on December 25th, 2012 or the year 2013 and began another predetermined awful, but required metamorphosis in the history of humanity and Mother Earth. This event likely signaled the birthing pains to the maturation of the Sacred Child of the Sun, as the ancient Egyptians would claim. Then, eight days later—at the time of circumcision of the Hebrew boys— the Egyptian and amorous Hindu Boar gave its first knock to Mother Earth. The day was December 31st, in the year of 2012 or 2013. Less than a month later, once the shield of Orion failed and the eruption of the fiery Sun broke through, the ancients also experienced a watery eruption of the underground fountains. The Core inside Mother Earth moved just a tiny bit, enough to apply pressure on the upper crust of the Third Rock from the Sun.

The future calendar showed the date January 26, 2013 or likely the year 2014. This was also the beginning part of the intense heat as the Chariot of Fire / the Chariot of the Sun departed in the sky on a deadly mission. The Charioteer star constellation, whose body contains the star Capella with its goat-like DEVILNESS, provided us with another clue about the timing and the origin of burning in the eternal fires of Hell. In the next few years, in the spring the Axis was ready to shift from the Magnetic North to the Polar North and therefore the Lake of Fire of the Fifth Hour of the Book of the Dead caused the land and the underwater Volcanoes to erupt and color the oceans red and cover the sky with a dark cloud. The summer time brought us the wormwood of the Scorpion and then a little more than three and a half years later the sacred life giving Light appeared again and the axis of the Eart moved again. Did it happen in a few years as we assume from 2013 – 2017 or did it take more than a few years? According to mythology, the first Big Hit from the Sun happened in the Fourth Hour and then 9 - 10 years later, at the end of the 12 years the Big Flood happened. This time frame coincides with the words of the Torah and the Bible, when Noah was given a 10 year warning to build his Ark.

This sequence of possible events is what most mythology marks with endless stories about warring gods and clever astronomical animals. The argument about certain specific years is up for grab. Our job is to provide the seekers of Cosmology with a working model. Anybody, who possesses a deeper understanding into the specifics of the earth changes, is certainly welcome to improve on our theory and correct our well meaning loose assumptions with the correct scientific facts.

For some, our writings may appear as pure conjecture or insane guessing, but our work is based on more than two decades of research into the scientific and cosmological studies of the parts of the Universal Mono-myth. Therefore, these dates around Christmas, New Year, and Chinese New Year are very prominent time periods in the ancient sky when, about 11,680 years ago, our Mother Earth went through some challenging times when the climate and the cosmic climax of the amorous Father Sky (PAD) / Sun King () made love to our female Mother Earth. The SACRED COSMIC MARRIAGE, as the wise Ancients and a recent book by William Gaspar would name this time, borrowing the term from the Egyptians and the Babylonians.

The Sacred Cosmic Marriage concept can be presented in a number of different ways, not always necessarily in the form of a wedding. Interestingly, in a parallel thought we can detect the idea of the harpist tied to the movement of the millstone (Core of the Earth) in the next quote from the Scripture. Then in the following quote we will hear about the harlot. This is how the excellent book of Revelation talks about the harpists.

The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters shall not be heard in you anymore. No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore, and the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore.”

—Bible, Revelation, 18:22

First in the above verse, we hear about the Harp, then the Craftsman, and following that, the Millstone that, in the Finish Epic of the Kalevala, means earth changes and a possible axis shift. Then a paragraph later, we hear about a harlot.

2: For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornications; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.

4: And again the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sat on the THRONE . . .

5: Then a voice came from the THRONE,

6:[T]he voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thundering,

7: Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.

15: Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

—Bible, Revelation, 19:2–15,

On the Dendera Zodiac, with its Polar North orientation and centering, the Aries / Ram star constellation shows up in December, right before the Bull of New Year, thus the MARRIAGE CEREMONY of the LAMB may refer to the time period starting with December and ending at the end of March. Anyway, this Dendera Zodiac provides us with an incredible accuracy of comparing different mythologies from different continents to point to the same time period of the year almost to the accuracy of the day to day basis.

One of the interesting enigmas in different religions is the Black Virgin. We think, since Venus is in the west only once every 121.5 years behind the Sun in its center, it may hide the riddle of the ancient secret for the BLACK VIRGIN or the Black Widow. The Year Zero for the Venus could be 2008 and the fourth and fifth year of burning would then point to the years of 2012 – 2013. Then we discovered another VA in the vul-VA of Rocamadour:

Roland’s sword, Durendal, rightly reposes in the vulva-cleft of Rocamadour and brings fertility to brides . . . The Black Virgins are often associated with esoteric teaching and schools of initiation.

—Ean Begg, The Cult of The Black Virgin

We should start asking ourselves if this OPERA of the heavens is not closely related to the harpies and the harp players of the classical Greco-Roman mythologies. The angels in the book of Revelation are also sounding off their Harps to warn us of danger. Since the Harp is the only musical instrument in the sky, and it is associated with the Magnetic North, it tells us that the Music here may be not a good thing. Not only can one observe the Two Sisters on the temple walls of Angkor Wat in Asia, but one must take specific notice of the fact that they have Cobras hanging off these beauties’ heads. There are also other little cosmological markers.

In our theory, we think that the ending of ‘RA’ was placed in the names of the Roman / Latin serpents to provide us with a clue that the Snake is representing the energy of the Sun, as a Cobra or a Rattlesnake ready to strike the Sun displayed that same character during those half precessional switches. Names such as RA-ttlesnake, Hyd-RA, Cob-RA, Vipe-RA all contained the ‘RA’, just as the OPE-RA contains the RA ending to keep the knowledge of cosmology.

Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.

2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth,

-Bible, book of Revelation 12:1-2,


Figure 4-11: The Egyptian Opera hieroglyphic sign is hiding the same cosmological concept as the Black Virgin, the planet Venus in the west in the Center of the Sun! Today’s date would be June 9th, 2008 and then the next station would be on June 5-6, 2012 (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)


Figure 4-12: The Virgin of Guadalupe represents the Sacred Feminine. She is dressed with the rays of the Sun and she is wearing a crown on her head, and she is standing over the moon, which in our cosmic model, are the horns of the Bull / Taurus during the Venus Transit. Certainly, the west designation of Venus can be understood in different ways (Photo by Eva Gaspar)

Very clearly we are being told that the woman is a celestial being and not a flesh and blood human. The birth that she gives also is to a celestial being. When this happens, we know the End Days are near. This Christian judgment has its cosmological roots in the teachings of the Egyptian Astronomy Priests of Rá.

Thus, we examine again the JUDGMENT scene of the Egyptians to find that there are TWO SISTERS or goddesses who are standing behind the Pharaoh whose headdress shows the Unification, and who sits on a THRONE with a RED BRICK under it. We already know that the Red Brick under the Throne represents the Magnetic Axis shift that had to happen in relations to the ending of the Two Venus Transits. That is why we see the Two Sisters behind the Pharaoh, who is mummified and cannot move. The parallel arms of the Pharaoh also mean that the Magnetic North Axis went parallel with the Polar North.


Figure 4-13: In an Egyptian Judgment Scene, the Two Sisters stand behind the Mummified Pharaoh. These represent the Two Pillars of the Earth and also relate to the Venus Transits in front of the Sun and the time of the Judgment. (Drawing by Wm. Gaspar)


Figure 4-14: Mayan cosmology from Uxmal, The GATE. It is also present in the Mayan Cosmology and it seems to represent the Male Force penetrating Mother Earth at the end of the Portal of 2004 – 2012 (Drawing and photo courtesy of Wm. Gaspar)

The Closing Shut of the Cosmic Door of Heaven is displayed in the book of Revelation of the Bible in the following manner:

And I will give power to my two witnesses, these are the two olive trees and the two lamps stand Standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth, these have power to shut heaven . . .

—Bible, Revelation, 11:3-6

So, are the Two Olive Trees the Two Northern Axes of our Earth’s heat producing geo-dynamo? It is a scientific fact that the Earth’s Polar North is currently tilting away from the Magnetic North about by 23.4 degrees.

Naturally, the 23.4 degree tilt represents one third, and the difference remains an evil number that is 666, or the 66.6 degrees count two-thirds from the Horizontal plain.

Let us quote from the Epic of Gilgamesh as regards his connection with one third and two thirds:

Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance, he is the hero, born of URUK, the goring wild bull . . . It was he who opened the mountain passes, who dug wells on the flank of the mountain it was he who crossed the ocean, the vast seas, to the rising sun who explored the world regions, seeking life. It was he who reached by his own sheer strength UTANAPISHTIM, the faraway, who restored the sanctuaries (or cities) that the flood had destroyed for teeming mankind. Who can compare with him in kingliness? Who can say like GILGAMESH: I am King! Whose name, from the day of his birth, was called GILGAMESH? Two thirds of him is God, One third of him is Human.”

—Maureen Gallery Kovacs, Epic of Gilgamesh

We learn from this quote so many things that are associated with our theory, but it is important to notice the connection of the last sentence of the quote, where Gilgamesh is two-thirds god and one-third human. We definitely now know that the number 666 in GEMATRIA it is associated with the Messiah. In our next chapter, we will introduce the exact enigmatic cosmological secret of Jonah’s WHALE, since Christ was teaching about the Fishermen concept and the Old Testament talks about a Great Whale. What can be the synonym for a Great Whale in this already complicated Mono-myth? We will answer that deeply held secret that our readers have never heard before from any writers of ancient mysteries.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

–Bible, book of Revelation 13:18,

If we look at the 90 degree angle hold of the Solar Plane on the Magnetic North and subtract the current angle tilt of the Polar North, which is 23.4 degrees, then we will arrive to 66.6 degrees. That 666 is likely the sum number we can calculate from the superb knowledge of the Freemasonic SQUARE (90?) and the opening angle of the COMPASS (23.4?). We hope that more and more members of Secret Societies, such as all degrees of the Freemasons, Knight Templars, Shiners, and the marvelous 32 degrees of Scottish Rites, along with the members of the Knights of Columbus will pick up this book and other books like this to learn the real astronomical secrets of their trade.

Average folks think that secrets are abound in these organizations just for the asking, but it is not so, only by a studious approach to study science, astronomy, art and the languages under the guidance of the right mentor will provide the seeker with some understandings of the hidden. As matter of fact, we believe that nothing is hidden only the limitations and the blinded imaginations of the seekers will stop them to further themselves in the knowledge. There is no conspiracy to hide any knowledge. Only we ourselves conspire to accept the dogmas of varied teachings that narrow our understandings of the Sacred. If one believes in an Almighty Universal Spirit God, then the spelling of the name of their ‘local’ gods should not stop them to look across the fence to realize that we humans fenced up the landscape, but the Almighty known under the varied names of God, Gott, Thor, Isten, Vishnu, El Señor, Dios, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Kukulcan, or Wakan Tanka created both parcels on either side of the fences. The dogmatic behavior in a one ‘small local god’ who only serves me, but hates everybody else, will not provide the advanced cosmological knowledge that can only come from the Universal Almighty! Let us look at each other for the millions of similarities we share as humans, rather than limit our understanding by the minute differences that we created during our local customs. Nature will provide us with plenty of fireworks when the appointed time arrives, thus no need for us to carelessly allow the nuclear weapons to serve the unexplained needs of local deities.

Before we conclude this chapter, we would like to share the story about the Long Ears of King Midas, as we promised earlier:

Apollo found himself engaged in another musical contest with Pan, King Midas’ favorite flute-player. Upon this occasion Midas himself retained the privilege of awarding the prize, and, blinded by partiality, gave it to Pan, in spite of the marked inferiority of his playing. Apollo was so incensed by this injustice that he determined to show his opinion of the dishonest judge by causing generous sized ASS’s EARS to grow on either side of his head.

—H. A. Guerber, The Myths of Greece and Rome

We think that all these ancient tales talk about natural earth changes and sudden shift!

In a few years or decades, we might experience it ourselves.

Since the ASS / Donkey stars are part of the CANCER constellation, we need to look at the Cancer constellation in more details. Within the Egyptian Zodiac of Dendera, Cancer corresponds closer to the month of March, but when one looks at the Hebrew calendar, it seems to show the month of TAMMUZ. Actually, the Hebrew holiday TAMMUZ 17, 5769 (corresponding to July 9 in 2009) is a prominent day in the history of the Jews, marking the date when, after forty days, Moshe (Moses) came down from Mount Zion. On the regular Sun Zodiac we find Tammuz 17 in July, but transposed on the Zodiac of Dendera the date would be around the start of the spring season. Tammuz 17 is a very sacred date for the Children of Israel, because that was the day when the breach of the walls of Jerusalem happened. This same day in the past, Moses broke the Twin Tablets of the Ten Commandments. Is the secret cosmological teachings of the Hebrew Moses also point to a disaster that may have happened around the Spring Equinox? It most certainly appears that way. All we can do is to bow to the greatness of past prophets, seers, shamans and medicine people who advocated an advanced knowledge of Cosmology to save portions of the human race in that insane period of the turmoil of Mother Earth and Father Sky. No blind hatred, no evil ethnic genocide, no religious persecution should be the lot and vicious reward of those, who kept mysterious cosmic stories of human sacrifices to record the sufferings of all humanity when Mother Earth cried out with a loud shriek to give birth to the Egyptian Son of the Sun, SA-RA!