This is an extraordinary book by an exceptionally talented Malaysian writer and thinker. The author, Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin has strong views on the place of democratic principles, values and practice in a modern society. He has an instinctive grasp of social, economic and political issues that have dominated the newspaper headlines and plagued this nation of ours for more than half a century of its existence as an independent nation.
The pieces that grace this book have come straight out of the pages of theSun newspaper for which they were written originally. His regular column, ‘Abiding Times’, has attracted a considerable following of discerning readers. This is not surprising because quite apart from the elegance of his style, what he writes resonates with the aspirations, hopes and dreams of the overwhelming majority of Malaysians of all ages for a truly democratic Malaysia. Writing for theSun is an inspired decision on his part because it is regarded by many as the only newspaper worth reading and writing for in this country where ‘political correctness’ is valued above all else. theSun hits where it hurts most—abuse of power and corruption in public life—just as Tunku ’Abidin does, with candour and openness.
Tunku ’Abidin’s passion for the rule of law, firmly grounded in equity and justice, is clear for all to see. It runs from page to page and cover to cover. Some may even question his sincerity because it is difficult for them to understand why a young prince would be interested in how the country is governed, and would want to immerse himself in studying the impact of bad governance on the people as a whole. While he may not have had the exposure and experience of a seasoned diplomat or politician, his observations on the critical issues of the day have an air of freshness and relevance about them, devoid of the biases often to be found in the writings of the so-called diplomatic service veterans and academic country experts.
These articles, written in a straightforward, easy-to-read fashion, accurately reflect the author’s deep-seated passion for democratic principles and values, an unusual concern for a prince born into a privileged life. As we get to know him better through these brilliantly crafted literary gems, we will all agree that Tunku ’Abidin is a highly principled young man who will assuredly play a constructive role in the development of a New Malaysia for all.
I wish Abiding Times every success.
YBM Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim
Former Special Adviser on Ethics
to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
June 2010