The bathroom designs here employ a variety of methods to achieve a contemporary effect, from overall concept in some cases to small but telling details in others. The examples here have in common a choice of minimal furnishing, a generally white and pure backdrop, as well as carefully planned lighting, all of which combine to give a more spacious impression visually and to make the space more enjoyable. Harmony and simplicity rule, and in this way contemporary bathroom interiors are designed to bring peace, balance and serenity to the space. In what are relatively uncluttered spaces, a careful choice of decorative elements is important. Flowers and candles do this in the bathroom at left, an exquisite antique miniature furniture piece is the choice above, while items that reference Chinese traditions are found at right, including a porcelain drum stool but with a chrome metallic finish, and towel racks in bamboo or wood that recall the tapering shape of traditional Chinese ladders. In these styles of contemporary bathroom, lighting is an essential component of the space. Good lighting design contributes two things in a bathroom: one is to add to the ambience and decor of the room, and the second, not quite so obvious, is to attractively light the figure of whoever is using the bathroom—mirrors are, of course, mandatory in bathrooms, and the view into them needs to be good. Concealed lighting and artfully positioned downlights both make useful contributions.
A miniature display stand on a bathroom ledge. Chinese miniature furniture is a popular collectible.
A bathroom in Pudong features a glass bowl washbasin and glass vases with agapanthus against a wall mirror.
A silver-enameled porcelain drum stool adds a hint of tradition to this contemporary bathroom, with its recessed sliding sandblasted glass door.
A glass wall separates this bathroom from its bedroom. The bamboo towel rack references traditional Chinese ladders.
The toilet of the apartment featured on page 84 utilizes the same multifaceted arrangement of triangular-doored cabinets for storage.
A bathroom and toilet in a Hong Kong apartment, tiled with mosaics and with a freestanding tub. The towel rack hints at a traditional Chinese ladder. The mirrored wall helps to expand the small space.
A square steel cap on this washbasin tap serves as a temporary place for toiletry items.