
Dear Prospective Law Student:

Congratulations on your decision to purchase The Princeton Review’s Cracking the LSAT. This self-study guide will help you achieve your highest possible score on the LSAT—arguably the most significant single factor in law school admissions decisions.

While most applicants understand the importance that the LSAT plays in their law school applications, many are unaware that the score they receive can have far-reaching consequences—often determining much more than just which law school they will attend. For example, many law schools consider LSAT scores when awarding merit scholarships and grants. Given that the average full-time Juris Doctor degree costs more than $150,000, a high score on the LSAT may well translate into tens of thousands of dollars in financial aid that can significantly reduce your law school debt upon graduation.

The LSAT purports to gauge your reading comprehension, reasoning, and analytical skills in an effort to predict your ability to survive a demanding law school curriculum. Those who hone their LSAT test-taking skills usually score the highest. Indeed, a strong LSAT score can be as much an indication of a strong work ethic as it is of intellect.

So invest the time and master The Princeton Review’s proven test-taking strategies. While that investment begins with Cracking the LSAT, it should not end there. To get the most out of your self-study, take advantage of the many resources that accompany this book. By registering your book at, you can gain access to additional practice tests, personalized score reports, online exercises, tutorials, and more.

The Princeton Review’s master instructors are devoted to sharing their wisdom and inspiration so that you can conquer the LSAT. Cracking the LSAT and its online supplement are the fruits of their efforts. I firmly believe that The Princeton Review, with its personalized instruction and test-taking techniques, is the very best way for you to prepare comprehensively for the LSAT.

Good luck!


Donald W. Macaulay, Esq.
President and Founder, Law Preview