Chapter 28: Interview with Eli Summers (Ebook Only)

This interview is from the writing website, Questions were asked by fans of Eli Summers about this book, the sequel, and maybe some other questions. The username of the individual will be listed with their question, and then Eli will answer.

Jenny (@Skogsraet) asks: Where did you get the idea for “The Winter Experience”?
Eli Answers: I wanted to write a cute, fluffy story about two boys falling in love. With a few other books before, I tried this, but they always threw in some very unneeded drama between other characters. I just wanted it to be cute, which I think I did just right. (Well, maybe not the ending)

Jenny (@Skogsraet) asks: There is a sequel, how did that come about?
Eli Answers: I actually did not expect to write another book about Mattie. I finished off the first book and then some people were asking about a sequel, and I didn’t honestly know I would do it. I thought about the idea of it, and then I thought about writing more books and eventually, the idea of the “Season Experience Series” came about.

Marie (@Simaagn) asks: This is very different from your other works (such as Abaddon or Killer). What made you want to write a romance story instead of a story that has romance?
Eli answers: I knew I always wanted to do a romance story, seeing as most of my books do include scenes with love between characters. I wanted a book with the main focus being the love of two characters. I wanted it to be cliched, corny, and just all around cute. With “The Winter Experience” I did try to just make them love each other, which I think I succeeded.

Ray (@Pay_Ray) asks: You seem to favour smaller word counts in your chapters. Several books consist of 1000 words each chapter. Is there a reason behind this?
Eli answers: It’s all for fun, really. When you’re working full-time, going to school and just being lazy; you tend to get lost in trying to write chapters that are 2000-4000 words long because it gets tedious and boring. When I write 1000 word chapters, I can finish in a few hours and have a new chapter out to my audience, which they appreciate. It also helps the readers out, so even if I can’t update for a week or two, they don’t forget what happened the chapter before.

Shy (@HRHpotterhead) asks: Do you regret anything about this novel? The ending was pretty upsetting.
Eli answers: I decided on the ending much before the ending even came about, and I think a lot of people saw it coming as well. When you read the book, the little blurbs at the start of the chapter seem to get darker and darker, so you know something is coming. At chapter two, I knew what was going to happen, and I knew Morgan would leave Mattie. That’s why the sequel came in; I wanted Mattie to be happy, even if it wasn’t with Morgan.

Avylinn (@Avylinn) asks: Any big plans for the second installment? Or do you just plan on ending the second book the same way?
Eli answers: *laughing* I'm actually not quite sure about the direction of the second book. I want there to be two more books after the second is done to make it a complete seasons collection. But I guess we'll see, maybe Mattie will love and be loved or maybe not.

Charis (@mydearcc) asks: I've always wondered how you write stories so quickly.
Eli answers: Sadly, sometimes I am hit with writer’s block to a thousand degrees. One time, I spent a year and a half toiling over a book and not knowing where to take it. It takes me time to hone the skill and write, but when I do; I can write a lot.