Prince George County, Virginia, 1812
“Gingersnap” Cavendish waltzed her way through the scandalous steps, tilting her head back to giggle prettily as she’d practiced in the mirror. If all went according to plan, her copper curls would bounce and catch the firelight just right.
“It doesn’t look so scandalous to me.” Robert Montgomery—the man of her dreams—leaned against the rich mahogany bookshelves in Papa’s library as music drifted in from the enormous marble foyer beyond.
“That’s because you haven’t joined me yet.” Humming along to the tune, she continued to glide and twirl, brushing her stocking-clad feet against the plush carpet. She lifted the silken, rosy skirt of her high-waisted gown for him to better watch the pattern of her steps. “One, two, three. One, two, three. Down, up, up. Are you grasping it? I’ve never attempted the man’s part, but you are an expert dancer. I’m certain you’ll manage.”
“All right. I shall give it a try if you insist. We can’t hide here much longer. How did you persuade me of this?”
“Excellent!” She clapped her hands and rocked on her toes to set her curls bouncing once again. “Come close.” As if he needed such an instruction.
“Gladly, my princess.”
Pleasure bloomed warm in her chest. She loved it when he called her princess; she certainly planned to reign over Robbie’s kingdom at the Montgomery family plantation soon enough.
He stood before her, toe to toe, and she reveled in his nearness, in his twinkling blue eyes and the glossy black hair waving over his forehead. Had ever such a beautiful man walked the earth? She took a deep whiff of his spicy scent and raised her arms to him.
Robbie raked his fingers through his hair. “You’re a heap of trouble. You know that, don’t you?” She wrinkled her nose. Of course she did. She’d heard as much nearly every day of her sixteen years.
“Now put your right hand here.” She took his sculpted fingers and placed his palm on the back of her rib cage. The skin beneath her gown tingled at his touch. Draping one arm on his shoulder, she took his free hand in her own. She’d abandoned her gloves hours ago, and sparks ignited between their bare fingers.
“That’s my little hoyden. I think I could grow accustomed to this.” His eyes twinkled again as he teased about her reckless ways.
“We must strive to maintain a twelve-inch distance between our torsos.” She ignored his pretended insult and took a step back, although he seemed to draw her like a magnet.
“Twelve you say, Gingersnap?” He tugged her near, using her parents’ pet name for her, as did most of their friends.
“Well, approximately twelve. It’s not as if I’ve brought a ruler.”
“Nor I.” He pressed in tighter, leaning down to nuzzle her neck.
“Now stop that.” She smacked his shoulder. “We cannot dance that way.”
“We could try.” His masculine chuckle and the twitch of his lips caused her own lips to ache for his as she grew limp in his arms.
She had not felt his mouth against hers since that first ball months ago when she had convinced him that every young lady deserved one kiss upon her coming out. “I’m serious.” She attempted to right their position.
He stood up straight and snapped his heels together. “Yes. Serious.”
Of course, one kiss that night had turned to five, and he had forbidden them to succumb to their desire for more kisses since. He declared them far too combustible, much like her fiery personality. She’d managed to sneak a few kisses from her other beaux, but they were not at all the same.
She led him through the waltz steps—two times, then three. The dance had grown popular in France and Italy, but it was still forbidden in the respectable ballrooms of England and the colonies. They rocked in and out toward one another, gazes locked. Then they performed the swirling series of underarm passes. Before long he caught on and took over the lead.
“Is this correct?” He looked down into her eyes. Her stomach performed its own little flip.
“It’s perfect. Now direct me around the room. Use your fingers against the small of my back to guide me, light tugs and pushes on my hand.”
And he did it perfectly, gliding her across the floor like magic. “You’ve done this before.” She turned down her bottom lip in a pout.
“If so, I’m never telling.”
“You can spin as we go.”
He reeled her in closer to him and threw in a twirl. The force of the rotation left her dizzy. Before long they both giggled as he spun her again and again. She tossed back her head, not in artifice, but in delight. A giddy buoyancy overtook her, as if she were drunk on love.
Of all the secretive times her French dance instructor, Mademoiselle Cartier, had led her through this dance, it had never felt like this—like floating on a cloud in a warm, fuzzy haze. This held no resemblance to the stiffly separated dance to which she had grown accustomed. No, this was nothing short of divine. She abandoned herself to Robbie’s lead, responding to his subtle shifts and sways.
Heaven. Bliss. Oh to lose herself in this moment forever.
Switching the hold, Robbie pressed their bodies close together while their arms wrapped about one another’s waists and their right hands joined overhead. Their faces mere inches apart, she reveled in his masculine scent, in the intensity of his deep blue gaze.
After a few passes about the room, he drew her against him in the window niche. Already breathing hard, the air left her entirely after one look into his eyes. She nestled her body closer to his in the moonlight, being his little hoyden after all. But who would dare speak ill of her—the pet daughter of the richest plantation owner in Virginia, his darling Gingersnap Cavendish, the belle of every ball?
Furthermore, she had every intention of marrying this man. She trailed her fingers along his chest and tipped her face up to him. No one else would do. He had flooded her thoughts every moment since they met two months ago. There might be richer men, smarter men. Perhaps even handsomer, she consented. But no one left her heart racing and her head in a tizzy like Mr. Robert Montgomery.
He sighed and ran his thumb down her cheek and over her lips, which parted, trembling beneath his touch. If she could, she would capture this sensation in a bottle and hold tight to it for the rest of her life.
His lips met hers, gentle, tentative at first. Sweet as candy. One kiss. Two. Then he crushed her to him as they both longed for more. She could drown herself in this man and never surface for air. Nothing mattered. Only her. Only him.
Suddenly he thrust her away, his hands firm on her forearms. “We must stop.”
“Why?” The word escaped as a sad, lonely rasp.
“Oh my princess, you are full of passion. Someday, Gingersnap, I promise, I shall marry you. We’ll enjoy all the kisses we want and much, much more. But for tonight we must return before we’re missed. As you’ve chosen to evade our chaperones, someone must be the responsible party. It’s my job to care for your reputation. And I don’t want to end up on the receiving end of your father’s infamous temper.”
She wanted to argue, to hurl herself against him again. Melt into the heat of his embrace and never emerge. She could think of far worse fates than a ruined reputation and a forced wedding to Robert Montgomery of Albemarle County.
His face took on a commanding look, surely the expression he used to manage his plantation at only twenty-one years of age. “Move.”
She rather liked it.
“I’m serious.” He turned her by the shoulders and steered her toward her shoes and then to the door. But she smiled through her dreamy haze as his words echoed in her head again and again.
Someday I will marry you.
She would cling to that promise.
* * *
Hours later, her maid, Sissy, woke her in the middle of the night. Shaking her by the shoulder, Sissy whispered, “Miss Ginger, Miss Ginger. Get yourself up out of bed. It’s an emergency, ma’am. You got to listen to me.”
She blinked awake and stared into Sissy’s dark features. In all these long years, Sissy had never woken her so. She sat up straight. “What is it, Sissy? Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t. I wish I could, but I can’t. Oh!” Sissy paused, searching the room as if for an answer she could not find. “Do you trust me?”
Looking into Sissy’s earnest brown eyes glowing in the candlelight, eyes Gingersnap had depended on most of her life as sources of truth and love, she said, “You know I do.”
“Then run away. Run away fast. Get your mama, grammy, and sisters, and run far away. To the shack down by the river. And don’t come out, no matter what happens. Do you hear me? Don’t come out ’til mornin’.” The fear on Sissy’s face begged her not to question the reason.
A matching knot of fright formed in the pit of Gingersnap’s belly and squeezed her chest. The smell of smoke tinged the air. “I hear you. Please, Sissy. Come with me.” She gripped Sissy’s hands in hers.
“I’ll help you wake them and join you just as soon as I can. Hurry! We ain’t got no time to waste.”
And in that moment, Gingersnap somehow knew. Her gilded dream was about to dissolve into a nightmare.