The Un-Diet Food Guide is the key to unlocking the age-old mystery of eating properly. It is the premier part of the Un-Diet program.

By focusing on the right food categories (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) at the right times of day you will see miraculous things begin to occur both inside and outside your BBG. Remarkably, you will see this happen even if you do not eat ideal Food by God.

If you have any issues or conditions with your health, your weight, or your physical appearance, you will see drastic improvements simply by eating according to the Un-Diet Food Guide.

Eating Food by God is important. However, eating the way God designed you to eat can be of equal or even greater importance. For maximum BBG health and beauty, it is important not only to eat more of what God wants you to eat, but to eat when He wants you to eat it.

Following this Food Guide is so effective that even if you do not change the foods you eat but just eat them when you are supposed to according to the guide, you will see remarkable results in how you look and feel.

The Un-Diet Food Guide is based on the different needs for carbohydrates, protein, and fats the BBG has throughout the day. These needs are as follows:

Serving Size Key

HIGH = 2+ Servings
MODERATE = 1 to 2 Servings
LOW = .5 to 1 Serving

Serving sizes are approximate. In the Un-Diet when you eat and what type of food you eat is far more important than how much.


Carbohydrates: It has typically been six to twelve hours since your BBG was fueled, and you still have an entire day ahead of you. Therefore, you need a significant amount of energy- and nutrient-rich foods. God made energy and the most significant amount of nutrients to come from the foods in the carbohydrate category.

Proteins: Because the body has been at rest, there is not a significant need for proteins and vegetables, which God made as your “building and repair” foods.

Fats: High carbohydrates are always accompanied by a low amount of good fats.

Morning: High to Moderate Carbohydrates /
Low Proteins / Low Fats


Carbohydrates: There is now less day ahead of your BBG, and some carbohydrates are still in the system from the morning meal. As a result, there is less need for energy so less need for carbohydrates.

Protein: Because the body has been used to a moderate degree, God created you to add a moderate amount of protein and vegetables at this time.

Fats: Moderate proteins and carbohydrates together are accompanied by low to moderate good fats.

Afternoon: Moderate to Low Carbohydrates / Low to
Moderate Proteins / Low to Moderate Fats


Carbohydrates: During sleep, there is not a need for “energy foods,” so the body was not built with the intention of consuming high carbohydrate foods during this time.

Proteins: There has now been an entire day of body use, so God designed the body to require rebuilding and repair proteins in the evening. Additionally, your BBG will be moving into sleep mode. Sleep is the time when you were created to accomplish most of your rebuilding and repair.

Fats: A high-protein, low-carbohydrate meal can be accompanied by moderate to larger amounts of fats.

Evening: Low to Zero Carbohydrates / Moderate to
High Proteins / Moderate Fats

The Un-Diet Food Guide
