Thanksgiving of 2014. I flew out to Montana to visit my parents with my oldest son, David, and we were sitting around the breakfast table talking to my father, who was reading the paper. He showed me an article about the rescue via SAR chopper of a hunter who’d been shot.
“You know,” Dad said, “that might make an interesting book series—an SAR team out of Glacier National Park.”
It just so happened I was already noodling on that idea. Having loved my Team Hope series (a SAR series), and my Noble Legacy books (set in Montana), I wanted to combine my love for the “family” series (The Christiansen Family) and small-town life (Deep Haven) with something more along the lines of romantic adventure.
I went upstairs to his bonus room armed with big sheets of Post-it paper, markers, and my son, David, who is an amazing storycrafter. Three days later, we’d fleshed out the entire series, with characters, theme, and book blurbs. Montana Rescue, and the PEAK team, was born.
And it continues to grow—because it takes a team to raise a book, and I’m so grateful to those who helped bring Wild Montana Skies from baby idea to full-fledged novel. My deepest gratitude goes to:
MaryAnn Lund, my beloved mother, who loved the PEAK Rescue idea, handed me magazines and ideas, and cheered us on as we plotted. Wow, do I miss you—and I know you’re still cheering me on in heaven.
Curt Lund, for your support and enthusiasm for this project! I love the way you think! Thank you for your continued ideas.
Ken Justus, ALERT chopper pilot. Thank you for the answers to endless questions and for what you do every day to save people. Any mistakes are all mine.
Tobi Leidy, reader friend who suggested the name Jubal Sackett for Chet’s dog! Thank you for your excellent suggestion—Jubal it is!
David Warren, brilliant storycrafter, encourager, and plotter. Thank you for sticking in the brainstorming fight with me, seeing my vision, and helping me flesh out characters and scenes. I know I’ve said this before, but really, you’re brilliant.
Rachel Hauck, writing partner and best friend. Thank you for being on the other end of the phone with the answer to the question: what next? You, too, are brilliant.
Andrew Warren, who knows the right answer to the question: what’s for supper? (You decide! And, um, can you fix it too?) I am so grateful for your support and encouragement. With you, I’m home.
Noah Warren, Peter Warren, and Sarah and Neil Erredge, for giving me a reason to finish my deadlines so we can all have fun!
Steve Laube, for loving the Montana Rescue series, and being in my corner.
Andrea Doering, for seeing my vision and for having the enthusiasm to bring it to life. I am so grateful for you!
The amazing Revell team, who believed in this series and put their best into making it come to life—from editing to cover design to marketing. I’m so delighted to partner with you!
To my Lord Jesus Christ, who, in every scene of this story, showed up, my Good Shepherd, to lead and guide me. To fill my cup to overflowing and to remind me that he is always there to rescue me.