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007 in New York 157


The Alexandra 208

Angostura bitters: The Avalanche 124

       Felix 140

       Goldfinger 174

       Old Fashioned 110

       Old Man’s Thing 184

       Pussy Galore 16

       Trigger Finger 56

       Whisky Sour 86

Aperol: Goldeneye 180

Armagnac: The Avalanche 124

Assam tea: Old Man’s Thing 184

Assassine 106–9

The Avalanche 124–7


banana liqueur: Honeychile 76

Barracuda Bite 212–15

basil liqueur: The Mighty Nightmare 52

beer: Black Velvet 150

       Octopussy 200

beetroot syrup: The Red Grant 102

Black Velvet 150

Blofeld 90–3

blood orange sherbet see orange sherbet

Bloody Mary 128

bourbon 5, 112–13

       The Doctor Bird 188

       Felix 140

       Old Fashioned 110

       Pussy Galore 16

       see also whiskey; whisky

brandy 5

       see also Armagnac; cognac

Breakfast Royale 154–7

buckwheat shochu: Kissy Suzuki 196


Calvados: Le Chiffre 132

Campari: Negroni 94

       The Red Grant 102

       Trueblood 82

       A Whisper of Love 44

caramel: salted caramel syrup 200

carrot juice:

       Bloody Mary 128

       Mondays Are Hell 116

Casino Royale 170

Casino Royale 15, 26, 32–5, 40–3, 46–7, 56, 58, 62, 88, 130, 134–5, 138–9, 142, 152, 156–7, 160, 170–3, 177

Chambord: That Old Devil M 158

Champagne 6, 152–3

       Black Velvet 150

       Breakfast Royale 154

       Casino Royale 170

       Diamonds Are Forever 162

       Goldfinger 174

       That Old Devil M 158

       The Tricky Gadget 166

Chartreuse: Le Chiffre 132

       SPECTRE 20

Le Chiffre 132–5

chilli and hibiscus syrup: Mr Big 216

chocolate liqueur: The Alexandra 208

chocolate vodka: The Tricky Gadget 166

cider: Le Chiffre 132

coconut palm sugar syrup: Tiger Tanaka 192

coffee: The Refresher 24

       The Supercharger 40

coffee liqueur: The Alexandra 208

       The Refresher 24

cognac: Goldfinger 174

       Stinger 48

       A Whisper of Love 44

Colonel Sun 31

cream: The Alexandra 208

       Dreamy Pines 120

       The Supercharger 40

crème de cassis: The Tricky Gadget 166

       Trueblood 82

crème de menthe: The Avalanche 124

       Pussy Galore 116

       Stinger 48

crème de mûre: A Whisper of Love 44

crème de poire: Assassine 106

       Diamonds Are Forever 162

crème de prune: Fugu Poison 72

cucumber syrup: The Ouroboros 98


Daiquiri 36–8

demerara syrup 9

The Diamond Smugglers 162

Diamonds Are Forever 162

Diamonds Are Forever 15, 44, 48, 50, 101, 112–13, 143, 152–3, 164–5

The Doctor Bird 188–91

Dr No 64–7

Dr No 56, 58, 64–7, 75, 78–9, 84–5, 101, 106, 147, 183, 191, 210, 214, 215

The Drax 68–71

Dreamy Pines 120–3

Dry Martini 12–15


egg whites: Assassine 106

       Breakfast Royale 154

       The Doctor Bird 188

       Dreamy Pines 120

       Whisky Sour 86

eggs: scrambled eggs James Bond 157

equipment 8


Felix 140–3

For Your Eyes Only 26, 94, 108–9, 153, 161, 164, 191

From Russia with Love 27, 59, 62, 63, 72, 74, 94, 104–5, 106, 143, 168

Fugu Poison 72–5


garnishes 9

gin 5, 6, 146–7

       Breakfast Royale 154

       Casino Royale 170

       Fugu Poison 72

       The Mighty Nightmare 52

       Moneypenny 136

       Negroni 94

       SPECTRE 20

       Tom Collins 144

       The Vesper 32

glasses 8

Goldeneye 180

Goldfinger 174

Goldfinger 16–19, 26, 40, 43, 54–5, 62, 85, 108, 112, 130, 143, 169, 174–7, 206–7

grapefruit juice: Breakfast Royale 154

green peppercorn tincture: The Drax 68

Guinness: Black Velvet 150

       Octopussy 200


The Hildebrand Rarity 215

honey syrup 9

Honeychile 76–9


ice 9

ingredients 9


jasmine flower syrup: Kissy Suzuki 196

Jinro soju: Oddjob 204


kirsch: That Old Devil M 158

Kissy Suzuki 196–9


Leiter, Felix 140–3

lemon juice: Assassine 106

       Bloody Mary 128

       Casino Royale 170

       Le Chiffre 132

       The Doctor Bird 188

       Dr No 64

       Goldfinger 174

       Mr Big 216

       Mondays Are Hell 116

       Old Man’s Thing 184

       Tom Collins 144

       Whisky Sour 86

lemon sherbet 9

       Old Man’s Thing 184

lemongrass tincture: Barracuda Bite 212

Lillet Blanc: Diamonds Are Forever 162

lime juice: Barracuda Bite 212

       Breakfast Royale 154

       Daiquiri 36

       Dreamy Pines 120

       Goldeneye 180

       Honeychile 76

       The Mighty Nightmare 52

       Moneypenny 136

lime sherbet 9

       The Mighty Nightmare 52

Live and Let Die 15, 27, 47, 62, 74, 88, 98, 100, 110, 113, 142, 143, 160, 190, 202, 215, 218–19

The Living Daylights 26, 59, 106, 109

Lynd, Vesper 32–5


The Man with the Golden Gun 28–31, 36, 38, 43, 74, 86, 113, 143, 147, 169, 210

mandarin sherbet 9

       Old Man’s Thing 184

maple water: Felix 140

Martinis 5, 6

       Dry Martini 12–15

       Scaramanga 28

Messervy, Admiral Sir Miles 158–61

mezcal: The Ouroboros 98

The Mighty Nightmare 52–5

mint: The Avalanche 124

       Moneypenny 136

Mr Big 216–19

Mondays Are Hell 116–19

Moneypenny 136–9

Moonraker 68–71, 96, 118–19, 131, 153, 157, 160–1, 173


Negroni 94–6

Nightmare Among the Mighty 55

Noilly Prat: black olive–infused Noilly Prat 60

       SMERSH 60

       Trigger Finger 56


Octopussy 200–3

Octopussy 200–3, 215

Oddjob 204–7

Old Fashioned 110

Old Man’s Thing 184–6

olives: black-olive infused Noilly Prat 60

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 23, 26, 36, 38, 44, 47, 90, 126–7, 131, 156

orange sherbet 9

       Goldfinger 174

       Mr Big 216

The Ouroboros 98–101


padrón pepper–infused tequila: Barracuda Bite 212

pandan water: Kissy Suzuki 196

passion fruit syrup: Goldeneye 180

peanut butter–infused rum: Honeychile 76

peppermint tea syrup: The Doctor Bird 188

pineapple juice: Goldeneye 180

pineapple sherbet 9

       Barracuda Bite 212

plum liqueur: Kissy Suzuki 196

Poor Man’s Thing 185–6

port: Goldfinger 174

punches: Old Man’s Thing 184

Pussy Galore 16–19


raspberry liqueur: That Old Devil M 158

The Red Grant 102–5

The Refresher 24–7

rich demerara syrup 9

Rider, Honeychile 76–9

Risico 94, 96, 208, 210

rooibos syrup: Dr No 64

rum 6, 210

       The Alexandra 208

       Daiquiri 36

       The Doctor Bird 188

       Goldeneye 180

       Honeychile 76

       Mr Big 216

       Octopussy 200

       Old Man’s Thing 184

       peanut butter–infused rum 76

       The Refresher 24


sake: Tiger Tanaka 192

salted caramel syrup: Octopussy 200

Scaramanga 28–31

scrambled eggs James Bond 157

       Oddjob 204

sherbets 9

sherry: Breakfast Royale 154

       Oddjob 204

simple syrup 9


soju: Oddjob 204


spice mix: Bloody Mary 128

The Spy Who Loved Me 23, 59, 122–3, 156, 164

Stinger 48–51

The Supercharger 40–3

Suzuki, Kissy 196–9

syrups 9


Tanaka, Tiger 192–5

tea: Old Man’s Thing 184

techniques 8–9

tequila: Barracuda Bite 212

       Mondays Are Hell 116

       The Ouroboros 98

That Old Devil M 158–61

Thrilling Cities 195

Thunderball 22–3, 27, 48, 51, 75, 92–3, 96, 113, 128, 130, 138, 143, 186, 214

thyme tincture: The Drax 68

Tiger Tanaka 192–5

Tom Collins 144

tomato juice: Bloody Mary 128

       Mondays Are Hell 116

tonka bean syrup: The Avalanche 124

The Tricky Gadget 166–9

Trigger Finger 56–9

Trigger Mortis 19

triple sec: Barracuda Bite 212

Trueblood 82–5


vanilla syrup: Dreamy Pines 120

Velvet Falernum: Old Man’s Thing 184

vermouth 5

       Blofeld 90

       The Doctor Bird 188

       Dry Martini 12

       Fugu Poison 72

       Negroni 94

       Pussy Galore 16

       The Red Grant 102

       SPECTRE 20

       Trueblood 82

       A Whisper of Love 44

The Vesper 32–5

vodka 5, 6, 130–1

       Blofeld 90

       Bloody Mary 128

       Diamonds Are Forever 162

       Dry Martini 12

       green peppercorn tincture 68

       lemongrass tincture 212

       The Mighty Nightmare 52

       SMERSH 60

       The Supercharger 40

       thyme tincture 68

       The Tricky Gadget 166

       The Vesper 32

       wasabi tincture 106


wasabi tincture:Assassine 106

whiskey: Dr No 64

       Dreamy Pines 120

       The Red Grant 102

       see also bourbon

whisky 6, 88

       Assassine 106

       Octopussy 200

       Scaramanga 28

       Tiger Tanaka 192

       Trigger Finger 56

       Trueblood 82

       Whisky Sour 86

A Whisper of Love 44–7

wine 5–6

       The Drax 68

       see also Champagne


You Only Live Twice 23, 44, 74, 90, 93, 147, 194–5, 198–9