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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
abolitionists, 240–41
Absecon Lighthouse, 246
acetylene, xiii, 221–22
Achilles Tatius, 2
Active, 152–53
Adams, Abigail, 35, 37–38, 38
Adams, Henry Carter, 56
Adams, James, 297–99, 298, 301
Adams, John, 35, 45
Adams-Onís Treaty (1821), 86
Adventures of Leucippe and Clitophon, The (Achilles Tatius), 2
advertising, lighthouses in, 243–44, 243
Aeolus, 76
aerial tramway, 338–39
African Americans, 267–68
see also slaves, slavery
Age of Extermination, 360
Ahnighito meteorite, 219
for Flying Santa, 289–90, 289, 290
lighthouse in navigation of, 314
Alabama, 85, 159, 161, 367
Alabama, CSS, 163
Alaska, 139, 220, 240, 251, 275–76, 366, 386–89
lighthouse expansion to, 210–13
Albemarle Sound, 181
Albion, Mich., 263
Alcatraz Island Lighthouse, 145, 146, 150
alcohol abuse, 303
by keepers, 62–63, 250, 277, 286
Alcott, Louisa May, 301
Alert, 154
Aleutian Islands, 213
Aleuts (Native Alaskans), 210
Alexander, Barton S., 327–31
Alexandria, Pharos of, 2–3, 3
Allen, Judson, 276–77
Amelia Island Lighthouse, 411
coastline expansion of, 142–58, 210–15
colonial period in, xiii, 1–31, 125, 422
as emerging industrial power, 123, 218, 221
establishment and economic growth of, 49–79
first lighthouse in, 9
inferior lighthouse technology of, xiii, 91, 92, 102, 103–4, 107, 108–13, 115, 117–18, 124–27, 130, 132
America, 107, 283
American Coast Pilot, 103
American Lighthouse Foundation, 410
American Museum of Natural History, 360
American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU), 359, 361–62, 366
American Red Cross, 263
American Review, 123–24
American Revolution, xiv, 45, 54, 55, 60, 76, 163, 184, 190, 256, 418
end of, 46, 48, 50
prelude to, 31, 32–45
American Shoal Lighthouse, 288
American Society of Civil Engineers, 414
Ames, Mrs., 274–75
Ames, Stuart, 273–75
Among the Isle of Shoals (Thaxter), 357
Anderson, Robert, 159–62
Andros, Edmund, 20
Angel Island Lighthouse, 266
“Ann’s Eyes,” 31
Anthony, Susan B., 302
Antoine, Joseph, 324–25
Apalachee Bay, 178
Apostle Islands, 284–85
apprenticeships, 209
Arago, François, 95–97
Aransas Pass Lighthouse, 177
Argand, Aimé, 67
Argand lamps, 67–69, 68, 71–72, 72, 74, 93, 93, 184, 245
modified, 97, 104
multiple revolving, 69–70, 69, 71, 94
Armour Company, 243
Armstrong, John, 81
Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, 112, 119–23, 218, 321, 327, 332, 334
Arnau, Paul, 180–81
Arnold, Josiah, 18–19
Astoria, Oregon, 335, 337, 339
Atlantic City, N.J., 246
Atlantic puffin, 360
Attack on Cape Florida Lighthouse (Hughs), 89
Audubon societies, 359, 360
Austin, Joseph, 18–19
Austin, Thelma, 262–63, 270
Australia, 305–10
innovations of, xv, 221–22, 266, 304, 391–92, 422
keepers eliminated by, 222–24, 229, 239, 242, 390–93, 395
problems of, 396–97
Avery, Joseph, 28–29
avian migration flyways, 356–57, 360
Axelson, Gus, 194
Babcock, Edwin S. “Babbie,” 368–72
Bache, Alexander Dallas, 124, 131
Bache, George Mifflin, 108–9
Bache, Hartman, 119, 132, 150–51, 151, 155, 265
Bache, Richard, 117
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 357
Baker’s Island Lighthouse, xii–xiii, 74, 105, 134, 420
Ballantyne, Alexander, 337–42, 345–53
Baltic, 129
Bangs, Henry, 135
Baranov, Aleksandr, 210
Baranov’s Castle, 210
Barbier and Company, 215
Barker, N.Y., 217
Barnard, John Gross, 332
Barnegat Lighthouse, 105, 134
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste, 190
Barton, Clara, 301
Batchelder, David, 364
Bates, Rebecca and Abigail, 77–78, 78
Bates, Simeon, 77
“Battle Hymn of the Republic, The,” 241
Bay and Harbor of Boston (Wheeler), 8
beacons, 216, 398, 421
bonfire, 6, 60
candle, 23
unlighted, 52, 54, 60, 82
Beaumont, Tex., 311, 313
Beaver Island Lighthouse, 256–57
Beavertail Lighthouse, 17–19, 48
Bedloe’s (later Liberty) Island, 190
Beeman, Isabel, 283
Beeman, Royal, 282–84
Beeman, William and Wilhelmina, 282–84
Bell Rock Lighthouse, 320
bells, 203, 266, 273–74, 325, 370–71
Bennett, John W., 324–25
Bennett, S. L., 377
Bering Sea, 213
Bermuda, 76, 109, 290
Bierce, Ambrose, 208
Big Harcar Rock, 300
Billingsley, Dan, 407
Biloxi Lighthouse, 262
Biological Survey, U.S., 359–60
Bird of Paradise, 314–16, 316
behavior studies of, 359–60
lighthouses swarmed by, 355–60, 355, 366
protection for, 360–62, 366
see also common murre
bivalve (clamshell) lenses, 191–92, 193
Blackstone Island (later St. Clement’s Island), lighthouse on, 175
blasting, 339–40, 342, 347, 348
blockade-runners, 163, 176
Block Island, 77
Block Island Southeast Lighthouse, 207
Blunt, Edmund, 103–7, 113, 124
Blunt, Edmund March, 103–4
Blunt, George W., 103–7, 113, 124, 129
Blyth, Benjamin, 38
Board of Navy Commissioners, 108
Bolivar Point Lighthouse, 143–44, 180, 310–14, 312
Bonzano, Maximilian F., 181–82
Boon Island, shipwreck and tragedy of, 57–60
Boon Island Lighthouse, 57, 59, 60, 285–86, 291, 358–59
Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 239, 305
Borchers, Louis, 229
Bordeaux, France, 97
Borden Flats Lighthouse, 409, 409
Boston, Mass., 6–7, 9–10, 10, 13, 15, 21, 24–25, 27, 28, 30, 57, 58, 86, 106, 119, 152, 154, 286, 305, 323, 324, 330, 417, 419
in American Revolution, 32–41
Boston Daily Advertiser, 325
Boston Daily Journal, 324–25
Boston Globe, 277
Boston Harbor, 2, 6–8, 8, 33, 35–36, 75, 319, 407
Boston Harbor Islands Recreational Area, 418
Boston Lighthouse, xii, 1, 7–16, 14, 25, 50, 74, 107, 268n, 289, 391, 417
author’s visit to, 417–19
keeper retained at, xv, 396
in Revolution, 33–38, 43
Boston Marine Society, 57, 70, 74, 83, 115, 319
Boston Massacre (1770), 31
“Bostons” (fur traders), 153
Boston Tea Party, 31
bosun’s chair, 339–40
Bowdoin College, 53
Bowen, Vern, 249
Braddock, Michael Neptune, 328
Bradduck (keeper), 13–14
Bradner, Lawrence H., 370
Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse, 119–20, 120, 126, 137
Brannan, James, M., 173
Brant Point, Nantucket, 16
brasses, maintenance of, 234, 238
Brasswork or The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lament (Morong), 234
breeches buoy, 338–39, 338, 342
Brenton’s Cove, 303
Brooks, James P., 314
Brother Jonathan, wreck of, 346–47
Brown, Albert, 261
Brown, George H., 170
Buchanan, James, 130, 363
Buffalo, N.Y., 85
Bullocks Point Lighthouse, 382
Bull’s Bay Lighthouse, 174
bull’s-eye lenses, 96–97, 97, 99, 99, 140, 191
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 31, 32, 38
buoys, 52, 82, 129, 160, 210, 216, 348, 390
Bureau of Lighthouses, see Lighthouse Service
Burgess, Abbie, 253–55, 255, 268–69, 270
Burgess, Benjamin, 255
Burgess, Samuel, 253–54, 268–69
Burgis, William, 1
Burgoyne, John, 39
Burnham, Mills O., 180
Burnt Island Lighthouse, 239
Bush, George H. W., 395
Butler, Columbus, 200
Buzzards Bay, 375
Cabras Island Lighthouse, 214
cages, 349, 351
caisson disease, 199
caisson foundation, 234, 350–53, 362
caisson lighthouses, 197–202, 198, 199, 257, 276, 370, 393
California, 142, 144–52, 154–55, 245, 247, 345, 362–66, 398
Call of the Wild (London), 211
cannibalism, 59
canola oil, 188n
Cape Ann, Mass., 27–31, 33
Cape Blanco Lighthouse, 246
Cape Canaveral Lighthouse, 126, 180
Cape Charles Lighthouse, 174–75, 182, 197
Cape Cod, Mass., 24, 29, 56–57, 70, 87, 245
Cape Disappointment, Oregon Territory, 144, 145, 149, 337
Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, 132, 144, 235–37, 334
Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, 305–7
Cape Flattery (Tatoosh Island) Lighthouse, 152–54, 154, 251, 284
Cape Florida, 86
Cape Florida Lighthouse, 87–91, 89, 126, 172–73
Cape Hatteras, N.C., 61, 165, 171, 174, 229
Cape Hatteras Inlet, 165–67
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, 61, 126, 135, 137, 165–71, 168, 181, 185, 195, 233, 357
relocation of, 412–13, 413
Cape Hatteras National Seashore, 412
Cape Henlopen, 22–23, 46
Cape Henlopen Lighthouse, 46–48, 47, 110, 125, 411, 412
Cape Henry Lighthouse, 54–56, 62, 76, 125, 196, 243
Cape Hinchinbrook Lighthouse, 275–76
Cape Lookout Lighthouse, 195
Cape Page Lighthouse, 103
Cape Romain Lighthouse, 174
Cape St. Elias Lighthouse, 139
Cape Sarichef Lighthouse, 212, 240
Cape Small, 305
Captain January (film), 241–42
Captain January (Richards), 240–41
carbon arc lamps, 189–91, 221, 389
Carlson, Anna Marie, 284–85
Carter, Aaron, 88–90
Carysfort Reef Lighthouse, 121–23, 122, 173, 286–87
Casco Bay, Maine, 53, 305
Castine, Maine, 237
Castle Pinckney Lighthouse, 160
catadioptric lens, 100, 101, 126, 138, 140
catboats, 295–96
catoptric illumination, 70, 101
cats, 272, 323–24, 379
Cedar Point, Mass., 77
cement, 329–30
Chamberlin, John, 13–14
Chapman, Frank, 360
Chappaquiddick Island, 103
Charles II, king of England, 23
Charleston, S.C., 23–24, 91, 389, 390
Charleston Lighthouse, 24, 76, 157, 158–62, 174, 389, 390
Charleston Mercury, 174
Charlotte M. Allen, 311–12
charts, maritime, 7
Cherrystone Bar Lighthouse, 181, 284
Chesapeake Bay, 55, 100, 174, 181, 199, 201, 203, 227, 250, 284, 355, 360
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, 384, 398
Chicamacomico (Rodanthe), N.C., 167–69
Chilkat Range, 212
China, 146, 263
Christensen, Hans F., 245
Christmas, 288–90, 292
“Christmas Eve in a Lighthouse,” 235
cigarette cards, 243–44, 244
Cipra, David L., 177
civil service, keepers included in, 209–10, 224
Civil War, xiv, 119, 157–85, 241, 263, 301–2
coastal blockade in, 163–64, 173–74, 176, 177, 180, 181
end of, 180, 183, 346
lighthouse metaphor for, 331
lighthouses reestablished and relit in, 181–85, 186
lighthouses threatened or destroyed in, 165–82, 186, 311
M. Hanna’s heroism in, 307–8
prelude to, 134, 156, 157–62, 330–32
Claiborne, Harry C., 311–14
Claiborne, Liz, 401
Clara Nevada, wreck of, 211–12
Clay Pounds (Highlands of Truro), 57
Cleveland, Grover, 191, 209
Cleveland Harbor East Breakwater Lighthouse, 407
Cleveland Lighthouse (first), 85
Clifford, Mary Louise and J. Candace, 255
Clift, Amos, 363–64
climate change, 414
clockwork rotation mechanism, 99, 111, 141–42, 142, 164, 169, 180, 193, 233, 314, 345, 370
Clough, Samuel, 1–3, 6–7
Clunies, Sandra MacLean, 268
Coast and Geodetic Survey, 219–20, 230
Coast Guard, U.S., 263, 289–90, 298, 371
lighthouse management overseen by, 384–416
Lighthouse Service transferred to, 230, 385, 393
Coast Survey, U.S., 118, 124, 145, 148, 210
Cochin, C. N., 12
coffeepot lights, 199
cofferdams, 329
Cohasset, Mass., 319, 321, 324, 327, 330
Cohasset Rocks, 319
Colden, Cadwallader, 21
Colfax, Harriet, 291
Colossus of Rhodes, 3n
Colthurst, Lieutenant, 36–37
Columbia River, 132, 144, 149, 236, 333–34, 335n, 343
colza oil (rapeseed oil), 188, 233
Constitution on, 51
lighthouses’ value to, 6–8, 15–16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 31, 48, 53, 55, 145, 165, 185
maritime trade in, 6, 17, 20, 22, 25, 52, 70, 143, 164, 165, 210
New England’s dominance of, 56
Commerce and Labor Department, U.S., 218
Commission des Phares (Lighthouse Commission), 95, 101, 102, 126
commissioner of lighthouses, establishment of, 218–20, 219
Committee of Inspection and Observation, 42
Committee on Naval Affairs, Confederate, 161
common murre, 146–48, 147, 362–66
Common Sense (Paine), 41
Concord, 90
Concord Point Lighthouse, 415
concrete, reinforced, 202–3
Coney Island Lighthouse, 393–96, 394
Confederacy, 157, 159, 161–63
Confederate Lighthouse Bureau, 162, 164, 170–71, 182–83
stationery of, 183
Congress, U.S., 81, 87, 223, 224, 303, 384–85
first, xiii, 49–50, 74, 419
in lighthouse funding and construction, 55, 56, 57, 62, 75, 82–83, 86, 104, 107–12, 116, 118, 119, 129–30, 133, 145, 211, 214, 319, 320–21, 334, 336, 346–47, 351
lighthouse management investigations of, 108–11, 112–14
lighthouse management reform by, 124–31, 218
Congressional Medal of Honor, 308, 310
Conimicut Lighthouse, 285
Connecticut, 292, 302, 363, 383, 392
Connecticut River, 377
Connie (B. Ponsart’s cousin), 375–76
Conro, Isaac, 22
conservation movement, wildlife protection in, 360–62, 366
Constitution, Confederate, 161
Constitution, U.S., 245
ratification of, 49, 52
regulation of commerce in, 50–51
Twentieth Amendment to, 162n
Constitution, USS, 420
Continental Army, 32, 32, 38, 40, 42–43
Continental Congress, 32, 35, 45, 184
Contra Costa Shoreline Parks Committee, 399
Cook, Jim and Charlie, 371–72
Cook, John L., 292
Cooke, Wells Woodbridge, 359
Cooley, William, 88
Coolidge, Calvin and Mrs., 245
Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, 10
Cordouan Lighthouse, France, 97–100, 98, 102
Corgan, James and Mrs., 238
Cornwall, England, 13, 336
Cornwallis, Lord, 46
Corwin, Thomas, 124, 128, 131
Craighill Channel Lower Range Front Light, 199
Crane, John, 37
Crescent City, Calif., 152, 276, 347–48
Cuba, 213, 311
Currier & Ives, 190, 273, 273
customs collectors, lighthouse oversight by, 62, 74, 83, 108, 180, 206, 208, 209, 279
Cutler, George, 10
Daily Alta California, 363
Dalén, Nils Gustaf, 222
Dana, Richard Henry, 154–55
Daniels, Oscar, 284
Darling, Ezekiel, 420
Darling, Grace Horsley, 299, 304
Darling, William, 300
daughters, as replacements for keepers, 253–55, 260–63, 267–69, 294–95, 302–3
Davenport, Iowa, 218
Davidge, J. B., 170
Davidson, George, 152
Davidson, Julian Oliver, 186
Davis, Jefferson, 161, 162
Davis, John, 108, 109, 129
Davy, Humphrey, 189
Day, Benjamin, 178
daymarks, 7, 54, 195
Deane, John, 58–60
Dearborn, Henry, 74–75
Declaration of Independence, 45, 81
Delaware, 23, 77, 124, 411
Delaware Bay, 119–20, 198
Delaware River, 22
depression, 284–86
Devil’s Dictionary (Bierce), 208
Devil’s Island Lighthouse, 245
Diamond Shoal Lightship, 229
Diamond Shoals, 61–62, 135
Dice Head Lighthouse, 237
diffraction, 95
disability benefits, 224–25
dogs, 377
rescued, 259–60, 343
rescues by, 272–75, 273
donkey engine (steam-powered winch), 349
“Doomsday List,” 410–11
Doughty, Thomas, xi
Dover’s Powder, 282
Downe Township, N.J., 198
Drake, Edwin L., 188
Drew, Clement, 332
Dry Tortugas, 85, 86, 107
Dry Tortugas Lighthouse, 137, 173
Duane, William John, 104
Dubose, John, 88
Dumpling Rock Lighthouse, 375–77, 375
Dunham, Isaac, 323–25
Dunn, Edward, 278–81
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 124, 174, 180
Dutcher, William, 358, 361–62
Dwight, Timothy, 60–61
Eagle Harbor Lighthouse, 245
earthquakes, 2, 202, 387–89, 387
East Brother Island, 398
East Brother Lighthouse, 396–401, 400
East Brother Light Station, Inc., 400
Easterbrook, George, 235–37
East Penobscot Bay, 270
East Providence, R.I., 382
Eberle, Agnes, 373
Eberle, Walter, 372–73, 375
Eddystone Lighthouse, 3–6, 5, 16, 320
Eddystone Rocks, 3–4
Edge, John, 10
Edison, Thomas Alva, 221
eggers, 148, 149, 360, 361, 362, 363–66
Egg Rock Lighthouse, 273, 273
eggs, common murre, 146–48, 147, 149, 362–66
egg war, 363–64
Einstein, Albert, 286
Eldred Rock, 211–12
Eldred Rock Lighthouse, 212, 212
of 1836, 107
of 1860, 157, 219, 331
of 1928, 288
and automation, 221–22, 391
illumination by, xiii, 189–92, 238, 374, 378
electromagnetism, 124, 131
Elizabeth, wreck of, 135–36
Embargo of 1807, 70
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 87
Engelbrecht, Louis, 283–84
engineering, engineers:
advancements in, 218–22
in lighthouse relocation, 413–14
lighthouses as marvels of, xiv, 2, 177, 230, 240, 318–54
need for expertise of, 112, 117, 119, 127–28
oversight by, 133
U.S Army, see Army Corps of Topographical Engineers
England, 3–6, 12, 13, 17, 70, 76, 115, 155, 188, 299–300, 304
superior lighthouse technology of, xiii, 70, 91, 92–93, 100, 101, 103–4, 107, 108, 109, 112, 117, 119, 126–27, 194, 320, 336
in War of 1812, 76–78, 80
Erie Canal, 85
erosion, 199–200, 411–14, 412
Europe, lighthouses in:
American lighthouses compared to, 113, 115, 117–18
innovation in, 64–76, 92–102, 106, 107
see also England; France
Evacuation Day, 40–41
Evanston, Ill., 142
Everett, Edward, 331
Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations (1853), 137
Expert House Movers, 413–14
Fairport Harbor Museum and Lighthouse, 397
Fairport Historical Society, 397
Falmouth, England, 13
false lights, 87
Fanny, 167
Farallon Island Lighthouse, 150–52, 151, 231, 272, 282–84, 362, 366
Farallon Islands, 145–52, 149, 155, 362–66
Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, 366
Farragut, David G., 179–80
fashion, feather use in, 360, 361, 362
Federal Jack, 75–76
Fernandina Beach, Fla., 411
ferries, 368–69
festivals, 414–15
Fiftieth Massachusetts Infantry, Company B, 307–8
Fillmore, Millard, 128, 133
Fire Island Lighthouse, 135–37, 194, 359, 401–2, 402
Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society, 401–2
Fire Island National Seashore, 401
in attacks, 46–48, 89–90, 175, 178
at lighthouses, 14–15, 16, 18, 201–2, 227, 232
in strategic intentional burning, 34–37, 39, 40
Fish, Emily A. Maitland, 263–66, 264
Fish, Juliet, 263
Fish, Melancthon, 263–64
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S., 366
fishing, 229, 271–72
Five Finger Island Lighthouse, 212
fixed (stationery) lenses, 140–41, 141
Florida, 171–74, 178–79, 195, 287, 290, 311
Florida Keys, 359, 367
lighthouse expansion to, 85–91, 121
Flusser, C. W., 181
Flying Santa, 289–90, 289, 290
fog, 61, 66, 129, 146, 203, 213, 224, 334, 343, 380
fog signals, xiv, 14, 14, 151–52, 155, 224, 266, 273–74, 305–6, 325, 344, 353, 365, 370–71, 377–78, 380, 381, 395, 397, 399, 404, 419
advancing technology in, 203, 220–21, 390
din of, 203–5, 407
maintenance of, 237–38
Fokker C-2 Wright, 314
Fontenot, Henry, 375–76
Fontenot, May, 375
food shortages, keepers’ contributions in, 228–29
foot plates, 121
Ford’s Theater, 183
Forest Hill Cemetery, South Thomaston, Maine, 269
Forfarshire, 300
Fort Adams, R.I., 297, 301, 303
Fort Clark, 165, 167, 171
Fort Hatteras, 165–67, 171
Fort Morgan, 179–80, 179
Fort Point, 145
Fort Pulaski, 174
Fort Sumter, 160–62, 164
Fort William and Mary, 26
Fort Zachary Taylor, 173
Forward, Walter, 114, 115
Fowler, Charles, 178
France, 70, 119, 129, 137, 150, 156, 169, 188, 190, 215, 353
superior lighthouse technology of, xiii, 67, 70, 91, 92–102, 103–4, 107, 108, 111, 112, 117, 119, 126–27, 134, 138, 185, 194
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 164, 300–301
Franklin, Benjamin, 12–13, 12
descendants of, 108, 117, 119, 124
Franklin, Deborah, 13
Franklin, James, 11–12
Franklin, William, 13
Franklin Institute, 402
Franklin Island Lighthouse, 306, 361
Frederick Sound, 212
French Academy of Sciences, 95
French and Indian War (1754–1763), 26, 36
French Revolution, 94
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 92, 93–102, 138, 194, 392, 419
Fresnel, Léonor, 102, 104, 119, 156
Fresnel lenses, xiii–xiv, 96–102, 96, 99, 104, 106, 108–11, 117, 119, 138, 139, 141, 142, 184, 191, 200, 209, 214, 263, 265, 358
American adoption of, 111, 120–24, 126, 128, 129, 137–42, 144, 150, 152, 156, 319
bivalve (clamshell), 191–92, 193
cleaning and maintenance of, 232–34, 233
cost benefits of, 126–27, 187
fifth-order, 181, 266
first-order, 108, 126, 137, 138, 139–40, 139, 150, 169, 174, 185, 194, 233, 344–45, 353, 402
fourth-order, 140, 160, 176, 256, 257, 370, 378, 394
hyperradiant, 215, 216
orders (sizes) of, 101, 139–140
present-day applications of, 139
preservation of, 414–16
replacement technologies for, 391–92
second-order, 108, 120, 142, 169, 174, 305, 331, 332, 418–19
sixth-order, 139, 140, 295, 422
third-order, 120, 139, 140, 144, 150
Frow, Simeon, 172–73
Fuller, Margaret, 135–36, 136
fur trade, 146, 153, 210, 335n
Galaxy, 105, 134
Gallant, Clifford, 265
Gallatin, Albert, 64, 74–75, 79
Galveston, Tex., 143–44, 180
hurricane and flood at, 310–14
Ganze, John, 368–72
gardening, 228–29, 270–71
Garraty, Patrick, 268
Garraty family, 268–69
Gay Head Lighthouse, 63–64, 246, 414
Gedney, Thomas R., 110
General Services Administration (GSA),
George III, king of England, 24, 32, 39
George’s Island, 9
George Washington, 224
Georgia, 54, 174, 196, 263, 406
Germain, George, 39
German submarines, 228–29
Germantown (West Roxbury), Mass., 37–38
Gerry, Elbridge, 51–52, 51, 419
Gettysburg, Battle of, 119, 178
Ghent, Treaty of, 78
ghosts, 415
Gianetti, Giuseppe, 303
Gibbons, Francis A., 145–47, 150, 265
Gillespie, G. L., 334
Gironde Estuary, 97
Glenn, John W., 176–77
Gloucester, Mass., 33, 325, 383
Goat Island, 297
“God’s Rock Garden,” 271
gold rush:
Alaskan, 211–12
Californian, 144, 146, 225
Goldsborough, John R., 174
Goldsmith, John M., 175
Gonsoulin family, 407
Goodwin, William A., 181
Government Island, 327–29
Governor Morehead, 171
Governors Island, 393–94
GPS technology, 404
Grant, Isaac, 269
Grant, John, 269
Grant, Ulysses S., 183, 302
Graves, Samuel, 35–36, 39
Graves Lighthouse, 407, 408
Graveyard of the Atlantic, 62
Graveyard of the Pacific, 334
Gray, Asa, 132–33
Great Captain Island Lighthouse, 204
Great Depression, 226, 229, 241, 260, 375
Great Galveston Hurricane, 311–14
Great Hurricane of 1938, xiv, 368–83, 372, 374, 378
Great Lakes, 203, 221, 225, 239, 290, 362
lighthouse expansion to, 85, 108
see also specific lakes
Great Point, Nantucket, 50
Great Point Lighthouse, 228
Great Storm (1703; England), 5, 320
Great White Fleet, 379
Greeley, Horace, 136
Gross, Sidney Z., 377–79
Grosse Point Lighthouse, 142
Gruber (quarryman), 338–39
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 119
Gulf Coast:
flooding of, 310–14
lighthouse expansion to, 85–86, 158
lighthouses destroyed on, 176–82, 367
Gulf Stream, 61
Gurnet Point, Mass., 24–25, 33–34, 256
Gustavus, Eddie, 373–74
Gustavus, George T., 373–75
Gwin, William McKendree, 145
Haida Indians, 153
Halfway Rock Lighthouse, 305
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 40, 45, 419
Hamilton, Alexander, 62
Hamor, Augustus B., 273–75
Hancock, H. F., 170
Hancock, John, 30
Hanna, Louise, 306, 310
Hanna, Marcus A., 294, 304–10, 307
Hardcastle, E. L. F., 131
Hardy, Thomas, 77
Harper’s New Monthly, 78
Harper’s Weekly, 235, 293, 295, 299, 300–301
Harrington, Isaac, 364
Harris, William Hunt, 286–87
Harrison, Peter, 18
Harrison, Thomas, 182
Hartshorne, Robert and Esek, 21
Hartstene, H. J., 126
Hassan Cigarettes, 244
Havre de Grace, Md., 415
Hawaii, 310, 314–17, 356–57, 389
lighthouse expansion in, 213–15
Hawkins, Rush C., 167
Hayes, John, 13–14
Heath, William, 34, 36
Hecox, Adna, 260–61
Hecox, Laura, 260–62
Hecox Museum, 261–62
Hedgecock, Mr., 47–48
Hegenberger, Albert F., 314–17
He Is Saved (Landseer), 273, 273
Hele, Christopher, 37
Henry, Joseph, 130, 131, 132–33, 187, 188
Hibernia Plantation, 171
Highland Lighthouse, Truro, 56–57, 245
Hobbs, Annie Bell, 285–86, 291
Hoge, Anna Bowen, 249
Hog Island Lighthouse, 181, 255–56, 355–
Holland, Francis Ross, Jr., 84, 130, 267–68
Holt, Giles, 77
Honolulu Harbor, 215
Hoockey, John, 18–19
Hooper Strait Lighthouse, 384, 398, 399
Hoover, Herbert, 228, 287–88
Horn Island Lighthouse, 367
Hospital Point Lighthouse, 383
House of Representatives, U.S., Commerce Committee of, 112–14
Howe, Julia Ward, 240–41
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 240
Howe, William, 40
Hubbard, Charles, 103
Hudgins, Charles S., 201
Hudson River, 85, 286
Hughes, Hugh, 45
Hughs, Ken, 89
Hull, Mass., 6, 34
Hull Lifesaving Museum, 290
Humane Society, English, 300
Humboldt Bay, 350
Humboldt Bay Lighthouse, 145, 149
Humphries, Marion, 291
Hunter, T. T., 158, 160
hurricanes, xiv, 28, 61, 211, 230, 311–14, 341, 367–83
hyperradiant lenses, 215, 216
ice floes, 199–201
Ida Lewis Day, 301
Ida Lewis Yacht Club, 304
automation in, 221, 397, 399, 404
beam focus and direction in, 93, 96, 97, 99, 99, 100–101, 109, 126, 139
beam visibility in, 66–67, 97, 107, 192, 354, 392
brightest, 389
early, 4
evolution of, 64–76
flash pattern in, 70, 99, 105, 135, 140, 142, 191–92, 194, 257, 332–33, 344
innovation in, xiii–xiv, 65, 67, 68, 71, 92–102, 126, 156, 187–95, 216, 221–22, 391–92, 419
maintenance of, 232–38, 248
most powerful, 192
sources of, xiii, 2, 27, 64, 67, 74–75, 93, 100, 127, 156, 187–95, 233
“I Love You Light,” 333
incandescent lights, 221
incandescent oil vapor (IOV) lamp, 192–95, 194, 222, 227, 345, 378–79
industrialization, 123
inns, lighthouses transformed into, 400, 400, 409
insanity, 195, 204–5
Inside Passage, 211–12
insurance companies, 169, 326
Interior Department, U.S., 406n
International Chimney Corporation, 413–14
Intolerable Acts, 31
Ireland, 117
iron-pile lighthouses, 321–22, 328
Isaac Smith, 180
Isère, 310
Isherwood, Benjamin F., 121
Isle of Shoals Lighthouse, 186, 242
Isle Royal Lighthouse, 252
Isles of Scilly, 13
Israel, Mary, 270
Israel, Robert, 270
Ivey, Francis A., 172
Jackson, Andrew, 104
Jamestown, R.I., 17, 368
Japan, 86, 263, 343, 386
Jasanoff, Maya, 34
Jefferson, Thomas, 49, 62–64, 68, 70, 184
Jenkins, Henry, 344
Jenkins, Thornton A., 117, 124
Jennette, Unaka, 233
John Hancock, wreck of, 420
Jones, Christopher, 4
Jones Bridge Wharf, 296–97
Journal of Commerce, 116–17
Juneau, Alaska, 211, 212
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, 171–73
Jurewicz, Pete, 410
Kaohimaunu, John, 227
Kauai, Hawaii, 416
Kearney, James, 124
keepers, 231–92, 231, 418
advancements for, 205–10, 216, 287–88
appointment of, 62–64, 83, 206–10
attacks on, 278–81, 278
avocations of, 261–62, 265–66, 269–72, 366, 379–80
benefits for, 223–26
as bird wardens, 361–62, 366
as celebrated heroes, 293–310
Coast Guard, 386, 392–93
commitment to duty of, xiv–xv, 164, 172, 200, 223, 227, 254–55, 257, 260, 266, 269, 291–92, 299, 302, 307, 313, 314, 325, 345, 363, 374, 379–83, 394, 396, 416
conflicts among, 275–77, 415
criticism of, 111, 114, 125
dangers to, 189, 225, 227, 230, 234, 235–37, 250, 251, 322–25, 344–45, 368, 372–83, 388–89
“department” organization for, 232–35
diminishing role of, xv, 222–24, 229, 239, 242, 392–93
dismissal of, 208, 248, 250, 277, 363
duties and responsibilities of, 133–34, 142, 164, 231–42, 250–51, 379–80
in egg war, 363–66
entertainment for, 205–6, 287–88
families of, 225, 227, 239, 251–255, 251, 268–269, 281–282, 284–285, 291, 368, 371, 372–374, 394
female, 206, 223n, 232, 254, 255–68, 286, 291, 302–3, 420–21
harsh living conditions of, 63, 153, 204, 275–76, 287
incompetent, 207–8
inspector’s evaluations of, 248–50, 252–53, 266
instructions for, 125, 133, 232, 362
intellectual pursuits of, 286–87
intermarriage between, 266–67
last civilian, 393–96
logs of, 47, 238–39, 248, 284, 357, 388
military designation of, 385–86
new kind of, 384–416
pride and satisfaction of, 226–27, 230, 254, 260, 291–92, 379–80, 393, 394
psychological challenges to, 195, 204–5, 284–87
Putnam’s respect for, 222–27
remuneration for, 9, 18, 63–64, 153, 223, 225–26, 246, 248, 267, 270, 287, 366
thrift of, 226
in tourism, 240, 244–47
transgressions of, 249–50
uniforms for, 206
see also specific individuals
Keeper’s Log, 416
keeper’s quarters, 10, 88, 90, 99, 120, 145, 148, 175, 198, 225, 248, 253, 265, 294–95, 299, 306, 321–22, 331, 343, 370, 373, 375–76, 394, 399, 402
“keeper vacations,” 404
Kellar, William, 305, 307, 309–10
Kelly, Francis S., 145–47, 150, 365
Kennebec River, 203
Kennedy, Edward, 396
Kennedy, John F., administration of, 389
kerosene, xiii, 188–89, 190, 192, 222, 233, 238, 314, 379
Keweenaw Peninsula, 238
Key Biscayne, 87–91, 172
Key Largo, 121
Key West, 86, 88, 91, 172–74, 287
Key West Lighthouse, 367
Kilauea Point Lighthouse, 310, 314–17
Killybegs, Ireland, 58
King, Harold D., 230, 383, 384–85
King George’s War, 17
“King’s Broad Arrow” pines, 25
Kirkwood, James, 33–34
Klondike region, 211
Korstad, Nick, 409
Labrador Current, 61
Lacey Act (1900), 361
La Hogue, 77–78
Lake Borgne Lighthouse, 367
Lake Erie, 85, 397, 407
Lake Huron, 85, 268
Lake Michigan, 85, 189, 256–57
Lake Ontario, 85, 217
Lake Ponchartrain, 182
Lake Superior, 238, 239, 245, 246, 249, 252, 268, 284, 291
lamps, 4, 14, 16, 18, 22, 42, 60, 64, 165, 169, 233, 323
innovation in, xiii, 67, 189–91
see also specific types
Landseer, Edwin Henry, 273, 273
Lang, Augustus Oswald, 171–73
La Ninfa, 347–50, 350
lantern rooms, 4, 27, 33, 60, 88–89, 99, 120, 121, 175, 189, 198, 200, 261, 280, 294–95, 331, 344–45, 354, 370
cleanliness and maintenance of, 64, 66, 133, 206, 232–38, 248
design of, 320–21
for Fresnel lenses, 137, 138, 150
geese as threat to, 355–60, 355
restored, 415, 418–19
lard oil, xiii, 188–89, 233
“Last Lighthouse Keeper, The,” 395–96
Lawrence, Mr., 208
Leach, Fred, 278–81
Leadbetter, Danville, 176, 177
LED lights, 392
Lee, Charles, 41
Lee, Robert E., 119, 178, 183
acrylic, 392
colored, 73, 96, 104, 115, 140–41, 255, 422
innovation in, xiv, 69, 96–102
revolving, 99, 111, 138
scratching of, 242
wartime removal and storage of, 164, 166, 169–71, 174, 176, 180–81, 183–85
see also Fresnel lenses
“lenses by steps,” 96–97, 97
Lepaute, Henry, 123
Levitt, Theresa, 96, 156, 164
Lewis, Harriet, 303
Lewis, Hosea (father), 294–96, 299, 302
Lewis, Hosea (son), 298
Lewis, Idawalley Zoradia “Ida,” 293, 294–304, 298, 299, 310
Lewis, Idawalley Zoradia Willey “Zoradia,” 294–97, 299, 303
Lewis, Isaiah William Penn “IWP,” 111–19, 121, 319–21
Lewis, J. W., 305, 307
Lewis, Rudolph, 298, 303
Lewis, Winslow (father), 70
Lewis, Winslow (son), 70–76, 71, 78–79, 96, 104, 110, 128, 129, 180, 319
considered as lighthouse expert, 83–84, 106
criticism of, 106–7, 114, 118, 125
lighthouse management defended by, 111–16
patented lamps of, see “magnifying and reflecting lantern”
Lexington and Concord, battles at, 31–32
Libby Island Lighthouse, 248
“Liberty’s Exiles,” 34
libraries, traveling, 205–6, 205, 287
Lifesaving Benevolent Association of New York, 301
lifesaving medal, 303, 310
light, properties of, 95
lightbulb changers, automatic, 221
“Lighthouse, The” (Longfellow), 53–54
Lighthouse Act (1789), 52–53, 55
“Lighthouse Army of Two,” 78, 78
Lighthouse Automation and Modernization Program (LAMP), 391
Lighthouse Board, 256, 267, 277, 281, 282, 287, 327, 332, 337, 346–47, 361, 371, 421
achievements and accomplishments of, 186–218
in Civil War era, 158–59, 161, 163, 169, 171, 173, 174, 181, 182, 185
establishment of, 124, 127–30, 230
improvements under, 132–56, 206, 208–10, 214, 216–17, 221
lighthouse evaluation by, 125–29
reorganized as Lighthouse Service, 218
Lighthouse Bureau, U.S., 415–16
“Lighthouse Challenges,” 414
Lighthouse Cleanser, 243, 243
lighthouse construction:
challenges of, 62, 119–23, 146, 148–52, 198–203, 318–54, 415
in colonial America, xiii, 1–31, 125
dangers and hardships of, 335–44, 348–53
expansion of, 56, 82, 85–86, 91, 134–35, 155–56, 210–15, 216, 218
funding for, 20–24, 25, 50, 53, 55, 57, 82–83
height factor in, 145–46
innovation in, xiv, 119–20, 195–203, 389
materials of, xiv, 4, 18, 22, 26–27, 54, 60, 134, 143, 146, 195, 196–98, 202, 311, 320–21, 327–30, 342, 350, 386, 389
obstacles to, 62
shoddy, 105, 109, 111–12, 114, 125
site selection for, 112, 125, 145, 152, 210, 319, 327–29, 334–37, 346–47
standards instituted for, 134
see also engineering, engineers
Lighthouse Digest, 410, 416
lighthouse districts, 108
Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter, The (Rockwell), 252
lighthouse management:
cost cutting in, 74, 75, 80–91, 104, 106, 107, 111, 112–13, 115, 118, 131, 220, 221, 222, 226, 229, 321, 351, 385, 390–91, 396
criticism and attempted reforms of, 103–31, 319, 421
FDR’s reorganization of, 385–86
federal control over, xiii, 50–55, 62–64, 73–74, 79, 80–91, 256, 282, 319, 384–85
reorganization from Board to Service, 186–230
standards and practices instituted by, 133–34
two-hundredth anniversary of, 395
see also Coast Guard; Lighthouse Board; Lighthouse Service
lighthouse museums, 397–401, 414, 434–53
see also specific institutions
lighthouse organizations, 427–33
lighthouse preservation, new stewards of, xv, 396–416
advancing technologies for, 389–91
American evolution in, xiii, 64–76
in American Revolution, 31, 32–48
auctions of, 405–7
author’s visits to, 417–19
automation of, 221–30
Christmas at, 288–90, 292
in Civil War, 157–85
damaged and destroyed, 5, 17, 18, 50, 165–85, 189, 199–203, 325–26, 326, 330–31, 346, 367–83, 372, 382, 386–89, 388, 411
darkening of, 18–19, 33, 48, 54, 76, 77, 150, 160, 163–65, 169, 171, 173, 178, 180, 182, 185, 228, 256, 314, 345
decline and neglect of, xv, 389–90, 396–99, 401, 403, 407, 410–11
decommissioning of, xv, 185, 263, 304, 389–90, 397, 401, 403
dimensions of, 2, 50n, 54, 59, 60, 135–37, 176, 215
distinctive painting designs of, 195–96, 197
early history of, 2–3
educational challenges at, 281–82, 286, 291, 295
electrification of, xiii, 189–92, 221–22, 238
elevated height of, 135–37, 143, 174, 195–97
golden age of, 230
identifying and differentiating of, 25, 30, 70, 125, 135, 140, 195–96, 332–33
inspectors and inspections of, 105, 108, 125, 128, 133, 150, 158, 209, 218, 248–50, 252–53
legislation for, 30, 52–53, 55, 87, 129, 224–25, 303, 404–6
maintenance of, 232–40
medical challenges at, 282–84
mission of, xiii, 220, 229, 291–92
modern era of, 230
most expensive, 331, 354
most visited, 246
number of, 3, 53, 56, 75, 82, 85, 91, 144, 155–56, 212, 216, 414
oldest continuously operating, 22
privately owned, 407–11, 414
public interest in, 240–47
purposeful disablement of, 34–37, 39, 40, 41–45, 172–73, 182
rebuilt, 6, 17, 27, 30, 40, 50, 59, 116, 135, 150–51, 191, 196, 199–203, 311, 319, 327, 346, 386, 389, 419–20
relocation of, 411–14
remote and isolated, 222, 225, 239, 240, 244, 246, 276, 281–91, 410
repairs to, 42, 50, 91, 114
rescues aided by, 310–17
romanticization of, xv, 222, 231–32, 240, 262, 273, 286, 293–94, 333, 395, 415
strategic military use of, xiv, 31, 32–48, 76–78, 156, 160, 163–85
tallest, 195, 196, 197
threats to, xiv, 14–15, 355–60, 410–14
twin, xii–xiii, 25, 30–31, 30, 74, 105, 110, 191, 192, 224, 253, 305
in War of 1812, 76–78
Lighthouse Service, 218–30, 256, 262, 267, 281, 287, 317, 378, 383, 393, 396
accomplishments of, 229–30, 310
disbanding of, 385–86
establishment of, 218–20, 310
mission of, 220, 229
Lighthouse Service Bulletin, 227, 250, 310, 317, 345
Lighthouse Society, U.S., 416
lighthouse technology, advancements in, xiii–xiv, 65, 67, 68, 71, 92–102, 126, 156, 187–203, 216, 220–21
“Lighthouse Tragedy, The” (B. Franklin), 12
“Lighthouse Week,” 385
light list, 134
lightning, 14–15
lightning rod, 15
lightships, 82, 107, 216, 221, 229, 268, 283, 326
light waves, theory of, 95
Liliuokalani, queen of Hawaii, 213
Lime Rock Lighthouse, 294–304, 295, 299
Lincoln, Abraham:
assassination of, 183
1861 inaugural address of, 162
election of, 157, 159, 260, 331
presidency of, 163, 166, 208
Lindbergh, Charles, 314–15
Linwood, 165
Literary Digest, 252
lighthouses in, 2, 12, 53–54, 240–42, 416
provided for keepers, 205–6
litharge, 232
Little Brewster Island, 8–10, 8, 14, 33–34, 36, 40, 417–18
Little Gull Lighthouse, 77
Little Traverse Bay Lighthouse, 257
Lively, HMS, 34, 37
livestock, 272
Livorno, Italy, 135
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 229
London, 29
London, England, 11, 58, 137
London, Jack, 211
Londoner reef, 29–31
Longacre, James Barton, 51
Long Beach Island, N.J., 105
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 53–54, 332
Long Island, 40, 60, 77, 135, 314, 358, 383, 393, 402
Long Island Sound, 20, 60, 377
Longstone Lighthouse, 299–300
Lookout Lighthouse, 126
lookouts, lighthouses used as, 177–78
loom of the light, 66
loran (long-range navigation) system, 390
lotteries, lighthouse construction funded by, 20–23, 20, 50
Louisiana, 85, 176, 278, 278, 311
Louisiana Purchase (1803), 86
Lovell’s Island, 9–10
Loxahatchee River, 171
Loy, James M., 404
Lubec, Maine, 196
Lucas, 151
luminous range, 66
Lupatia, wreck of, 343–44
Lutz, Stephen, 122–23
Lynch, Mr. and Mrs., 373, 375
Lynn Canal, 212
Machias Bay, 248
Madison, Dolley, 81
Madison, James, 49–50, 51, 79
Mad River, 350
“magnifying and reflecting lantern”:
expansive use of, 83–84, 123
lighthouses fitted with, 75–76, 78–79, 143, 150, 180
Pleasanton’s commitment to, 110–13
shortcomings of, 71–74, 72, 91, 92–93, 96, 104, 187, 319
Magruder, John Bankhead, 177
lighthouses in, xi, 21, 53–54, 114, 203, 207, 248, 271, 291, 319, 358–59, 361, 404–5
traveling teacher program in, 282
Maine Lighthouse Museum, 415
Maine Lights Program, 404–5
Maine Seacoast Missionary Society, 282
Maitland, Lester J., 314–17
Makah Indians, 152–54
Makapu`u Point Lighthouse, 214–15, 214, 216, 227
malacology, 261
Malcolm, William and Mrs., 41–43
Malcom Baxter, Jr, 201
Malone, Francis, 252–53
Manchuria, 215
Manitou Island Lighthouse, 238–39
Manzanita, 345, 365
Marblehead, Mass., 28–30, 51–52, 417, 419–22, 420
Marblehead Lighthouse, 419–22, 420, 421
Marblehead Neck, 419–22
Marchant, L. D., 227
Marshall Point Lighthouse, 404
Martha’s Vinyard, 16, 63, 103, 246, 414
Martin, Jane C., 420–21
Martin, Thomas, 183
Maryland, 55, 159, 175, 199, 268, 291
Massachusetts, 51, 52, 54, 60, 64, 77–78, 108, 112, 114, 129, 134, 208, 224, 319, 321–22, 331, 408
early lighthouse building in, xii, 24, 27, 33, 50, 60
Massachusetts Humane Society, 56
Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 33, 35
Massachusetts State House, 74
Matagorda Island Lighthouse, 143–44, 143, 177
Mather, Cotton, 11, 11
Matinicus Island, 253–54, 273
Matinicus Rock Lighthouse, 253–54, 253, 268–69, 362
Mayflower, 4, 8
McCobb, James A., 238–39
McComb, Isaac, 49
McKinley, William, 213
McLaughlin, John, 297–99, 298, 301
McPherson, James, 162
McWilliams, Jerome, 175
Meade, George Gordon, 119, 121, 137–38
Meares, John, 144n
medical emergencies, 282–84
Mediterranean Sea, 2–3, 135
Meigs, Montgomery C., 184
Melville, Herman, 16, 59
Menlo Park, N.J., 221
mercury bichloride poisoning, 285
mercury exposure, 195, 205
mercury flotation systems, 193–95
Merrimack River, 50
Mexican-American War (1846–1848), 119, 123, 158, 321
Mexican lighthouse service, 345
Michigan City Lighthouse, 291
Middle Ground Lighthouse, 407
Middletown, N.J., 42, 43
Milo (dog), 272–73, 273
minilibraries, 205–6, 205, 287
Minot, George, 319
Minot’s Ledge, 319, 333, 335, 346
Minot’s Ledge Lighthouse, 286, 408–9
construction challenges of, 319–33
first, 319–27, 322, 326, 330–31
second, 327–33, 330, 332, 333
mirrors, 99–100, 99, 102
“Miss Ida Lewis, the Heroine of Newport,” 293
Mississippi, 85, 176, 279, 311, 367
Mississippi River, 88, 180, 218–19, 307
Mitchell, Alexander, 119
Mobile Bay, Battle of, 179
Mobile Point Lighthouse, 179–80, 179
Moby-Dick (Melville), 16
Mona Island Lighthouse, 214
Monhegan Lighthouse, 116
Monroe, James, 80–81
Montauk Point, Long Island, 60
Montauk Point Lighthouse, 49
Monterey, Calif., 145, 245, 260, 263, 265
Montgomery, Ala., 161–62
“mooncussers,” use of term, 86–87
moonlighting, 270
Moore, Edwin J., 142
Morgan City, La., 279, 281
Morong, Fred, 234
Morris, Buford T., 310
Morris Island Lighthouse, 23–24, 160, 174, 389
Morse code, 220
mortise-and-tenon joints, 351
Mosquito Fleet, 165
Motto, 90
Mount Desert Rock Lighthouse, xi, 271, 272
Mount Tabor, Oreg., 342
Muscongus Bay, 306
Musée des Phares et Balises, Ouessant, France, 98
Museum of Science, Boston, 193
mushroom sinkers, 348
Myers, John, 170
Nantasket Peninsula, 6, 34, 37, 40
Nantucket, lighthouse erected on, 16–17, 50, 120, 228
Napoleon I, emperor of France, 95, 320
Napoleonic Wars, 70
Narragansett Bay, 17, 276–77, 285, 368, 372, 403
Narragansett Pier Lifesaving Station, 277
Nash, Solomon, 43
National Audubon Society, 359, 362
National Historic Landmarks, 412
National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act (NHLPA; 2000), 405–6, 410–11
National Historic Preservation Act (1966), 397
National Lighthouse Day, 52n
National Lighthouse Museum, 133n, 415–16
National Park Service, 390, 397, 401–2, 406, 412–13, 418
National Public Radio, Schubert’s interview on, 395
National Register of Historic Places, 398, 399, 401, 406
National School of Bridges and Highways, 95
National Weather Service, 369
National Woman Suffrage Association, 302
Native Americans:
relocation of, 86–91
tensions with, 152–54
see also specific tribes
natural disasters, xiv, 2, 15, 313
most destructive, 383
see also specific incidents
natural history, 261–62
Nauset Lighthouse, 87
Navesink highlands, 21, 110
Navesink Lighthouse, 110, 111, 126, 191–92, 192, 193
Navigation Acts, 56
Neah Bay, Treaty of, 153
Netherlands, 101
New Bedford, Mass., 382
New Bedford Harbor, 379
New Dungeness Spit, 144, 152
New Empire, 328
New England Almanack (Clough), 1–3
Newfoundland, 20
New Hampshire, 114, 242, 319
New-Hampshire Gazette, 26
New Haven Railroad, 378
New Jersey, 42–46, 110, 134, 135, 191
New London, Conn., 20, 217, 378
New London Harbor Lighthouse, 20
New London Ledge Lighthouse, 217, 392
Newman, W. J., 169
New Orleans, La., 86, 181–82
Newport, R.I., 17, 18–19, 48, 277, 294–97, 295, 299, 301, 302, 304, 374, 403
Newport Bridge, 403
Newport Mercury, 19
Newton, Isaac, 95
New York, N.Y., 13, 20–23, 25, 37, 49, 60, 119, 129, 133, 135, 160, 161, 185, 246, 257, 259–60, 278, 287, 310, 359, 360, 394, 419
Customs House in, 122, 137
in Revolution, 41–46
New York Evening Post, 166, 260
New York Harbor, 190
New York Herald, 204
New-York Journal, 45
New-York Magazine, 46, 73
New York Provincial Congress, 41
New York Times, 212, 230, 304
New-York Tribune, 136, 299–300
New York World, 191
Nichols, Henry E., 266
Nichols, Juliet Fish, 263–66
Nicholson, J. W., 180
Ninth New York Regiment, 168
Nobel Prize, 222, 286
North Carolina, 61, 163, 165–71, 181, 184, 195
Northern Lighthouse Board, English, 320
North Hook Beacon, 193
North Kingstown, R.I., 368
North Pole, 219
Northumberland, England, 299–300
Northwest Passage Lighthouse, 287
North West Seal Rock, 276, 346, 347, 349
Nottingham Galley, wreck of, 58–60
Nursery, The, 285–86
Nygren, Henry, 277
Oahu, Hawaii, 214–15, 214, 314–15
Oakland, Calif., 264, 265, 315
Ocracoke Islands, 165
Off Portsmouth Harbor, N.H. (J. O. Davidson), 186
oil (petroleum), 188
Old Lighthouse Museum, 397
Old North Church, Boston, 11
Old Orchard Shoal Lighthouse, 393
Old Saybrook, Conn., 377
Old Stone Lighthouse Museum, 398
Opal Award, 414
laws of, 95–96, 100–101, 109
modern, xiv, 391–92, 392, 422
Oregon, 246, 345
Oregon Territory, 142–43, 144, 152
Oriole, 146, 149, 150, 152
ornithologists, 359
Ortenberg, Arthur, 401
Osborne, Frederick, 415
Osgood, William, xi–xii
Outer Banks, 61
Outer Island Lighthouse, 284–85
Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement, 414
Owls Head Lighthouse, 273–75, 274
Pacific Egg Company, 147–48, 362–66
Paine, James E., 171–72
Paine, Thomas, 41
Palmer Island, 379, 382
Palmer Island Lighthouse, 379–83, 380
palm warblers, 359
Pamlico River, 169
Pamlico Sound, 165
Papy, Joseph, 171–73
parabolic reflectors, 68–70, 69, 72, 92–93, 93, 94, 96, 109, 112–13, 117, 125
Paris, France, 314
Paris, Treaty of (1783), 48
Paris, Treaty of (1898), 213
Paris Peace Conference (1919), 224
Parker, Hyde, 42
Pasquotank River, 181
Passage Island Lighthouse, 249
Patent Office, 73, 84
patronage, in appointment of keepers, 206–10, 256, 267, 269
Patty (mule), 272
Peaked Hill Sand Bars, 57
Pearl Harbor, attack on, 263, 386
Peary, Robert E., 219
Pelham, Peter, 11
Pelletreau, William S., xv
Pemaquid Point, 361
Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, 306
Pembina, USS, 176
Pennsylvania Gazette, 23
Pennsylvania Journal, 23
Penobscot Bay, 253–54
pensions, 223–24, 267
Perkins, Edward, 364
Perkins School for the Blind, 240
Perry, Matthew C., 86, 109
Perth Amboy, N.J., 43, 45
pets, 272–75
pharology, defined, 3
Pharos Lighthouse, 2–3, 3
Philadelphia, Pa., 22–23, 35, 246, 402
Philadelphia Inquirer, 184
Philippines, 213, 220, 266
Phoenix, HMS, 42
photography, lighthouses in, 242
Pickens, Francis, 160
Pierce, Franklin, 130–31
Pierce, Irving, 305, 307, 309–10
Pigeon Point Lighthouse, 247
Pilgrims, 4, 24
“pinball” effect, 101
Piney Point Lighthouse, 291
Piscataqua River, 25–26
plano-convex glass lens, 69, 71
Pleasonton, Stephen, 79, 80–85, 80, 91, 102, 104, 110, 113–14, 118, 121, 135, 142, 145, 156, 256
criticism of, 105–7, 116–18, 125, 126, 132, 216
lighthouse management status quo defended by, 111–15, 118–19, 128
Putnam compared to, 226
refutation of, 129–31, 216
wife of, 118–19
Plum Beach Lighthouse, 368–73
Plum Island Lighthouse, 393
Plymouth, England, 4
Plymouth, Mass., 8, 70
Plymouth Harbor, 24
Plymouth (Gurnet Point) Lighthouse, 24–25, 33–34, 256
“Poetical Remarks Upon the Fight at the Boston Light-House” (Rich), 38–39
Point Adams Lighthouse, 334
Point Allerton, 2, 6–7, 8
Point Arena Lighthouse, 202–3, 202
Point Arguello Lighthouse, 284
Point Bonita, Calif., 152
Point Conception Lighthouse, 145, 149, 150, 155, 155
Point Fermin Lighthouse, 262, 270
Point Loma Lighthouse, 145, 149, 270, 284, 397
Point Pinos Lighthouse, 145, 146, 245, 263–64, 265
Point Reyes Lighthouse, 204, 237, 250
Point St. George, 345, 346
favoritism in, see patronage
in lighthouse management status quo, 118–19, 130, 135
Polk, James, 117
Ponce de Leon Lighthouse, 195
Ponsart, Bette, 375–76
Ponsart, Emma, 375–77
Ponsart, Octave, 375–77
Poole, A. W., 365
popular culture:
heroes of, 293–317
lighthouses in, xv, 240–47
Port Clyde, Maine, 361, 404
Porter, David D., 126
Porter, Jane Molloy, 26
Portland, Maine, 305, 310
Portland, Oreg., 336
Portland Advertiser, 207
Portland Head Lighthouse, 53–54
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse, 25–27
postcards, lighthouses in, 243, 243
Post Office, 82
Potomac River, 81, 159, 291
Pottle, George, 361
Presque Isle, 85
heroes sensationalized in, 299–301, 303
lighthouse coverage in, 240, 395
Preston, HMS, 35
printing press, 11–12
prisms, 96, 97, 99–102, 99, 137, 138, 140, 191, 215, 232, 345, 392
Prohibitory Act, 41
Providence, R.I, 17, 76, 299, 323
“Providence Asserted and Adored” (C. Mather), 11
Provincetown, Mass., 56, 323
Prudence Island Lighthouse, 373–75, 374
Puerto Rico, lighthouse expansion on, 213–14
Pulitzer, Joseph, 191
Puritans, 11
Putnam, George Rockwell, 218–30, 219, 287, 384
Que (Chinese servant), 263–66
radar, 263, 404
radio beacons, 220–21, 389
radio-direction-finding station (DF), 386–89
donated to lighthouses, 287–88
shortwave, 345
Raleigh, N.C., 166, 184–85
Randolph, Beverley, 55–56
Rappahannock River, 55
Read, Abner, 177–78
Reagan, Ronald, 52n
innovation in, xiii, 96, 100–101, 117
lenses compared to, 126–27
shortcomings of, 109, 112, 125
see also parabolic reflectors
refraction, 96–97, 97, 100–101, 138, 233
Refugee Town, Refugee Tower, 46
Reorganization Plan II, 385
Rescue, 301
rescues, xiv, 293–317, 396, 420
see also specific incidents
retirement system, 223–24, 267
Rexena (dog), 377
Rhode Island, 17–19, 37, 52, 60, 207, 368–75, 397
Rich, Elisha, 38–39
Richards, Laura E. H., 240–41
Roanoke Island, 167–69
Robbins Reef Lighthouse, 257–59
Roberts, Seamond Ponsart, 376
Roberts, Thomas, III, 401
Rochester Harbor Lighthouse, 85
Rockland, Maine, 273–74, 288–89, 392, 415
Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, 392
Rockport, Mass., xii, 29
Rockwell, Norman, 252
Roebuck, HMS, 47–48
Rogers, Sam, 33–34
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 385–86
Roosevelt, Theodore, 191, 212, 379
Root, Elihu, 191
Rose, Nancy, 286
Rose Island Lighthouse, 403–4, 403
Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation, 403–4
Rose Polytechnic Institute, 219
rotating (revolving) lenses, 99, 111, 140–42, 332–33
innovation in, 193–95
mechanism of, see clockwork rotation mechanism
Roux, George, 276
Rowan, S. C., 166, 170
Russia, Russians, 146, 160, 213
Alaska purchased from, 210, 211
Russian-American Company, 210
Sabine Pass Lighthouse, 177–78
Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 290
Sachuest Beach, 19
Saddleback Ledge Lighthouse, 270–71
Saffir-Sampson Scale, 312
St. Agnes Lighthouse, 13
St. Augustine Lighthouse, 180
St. Croix River Lighthouse, 271
St. George Reef, 345–46, 353
St. George Reef Lighthouse, 276, 318, 354
construction challenges of, 319, 345–54, 350
construction crew for, 352
St. Joseph, 150
St. Joseph Lighthouse, 85
St. Mark’s Lighthouse, 178–79
St. Michaels, Md., 384, 398
Saint Michael’s Church, Charleston, 24
St. Simons Island, Ga., 415
St. Simons Lighthouse, 415
Sakonnet Point Lighthouse, 370
Salem, Mass., xii, 74, 105, 420
Salem Marine society, 57
salvage, from shipwrecks, 57, 86–87, 136
San Andreas Fault, 202–3
Sandgren, T. E., 132, 151, 155, 265
San Diego, Calif., 145, 270, 397
Sand Island Lighthouse, 176–77, 368
Sand Key Lighthouse, 86, 137, 173, 367
Sandy Hook, N.J., 20–21, 129, 193
Sandy Hook Lighthouse, iv, 20–22, 41–46, 46, 73, 110, 125, 257
San Francisco, Calif., 144–47, 150, 205, 247, 282, 347, 366
San Francisco Bay, 145, 154–55, 266, 399
San Francisco Chronicle, 249
San Francisco Earthquake, 202–3
San Francisco lightship, 283
Sanitary Commission, U.S., 263
San Juan Lighthouse, 244
Sankaty Head Lighthouse, 120–21, 126
San Pablo Bay, 399
San Pablo Strait, 398–99
San Pedro Bay, 262
Santa Barbara, Calif., 145, 152, 155
Santa Cruz, Calif., 247
Santa Cruz Lighthouse, 260–62
Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 262
Santa Cruz Public Library, 261–62
Sapelo Island Lighthouse, 196
Saunders, J. W., 215
Saunders, Robert, 13–14
Savannah, Ga., 54, 174
Savannah River, 54
Saybrook Breakwater Lighthouse, 377–79
schooling, for keepers’ children, 281–82, 286, 291, 295
Schubert, Frank, 393–96, 394
Schubert, Marie, 394–95
Scituate Lighthouse, 77–78
Scotch Cap Lighthouse, 212, 240, 386–89, 387, 388
Scotland, lighthouse technology of, 70, 117, 126–27, 138, 320, 337
Scotty (dog), 259–60
screw-pile lighthouses, 119–20, 181, 197, 200–202, 250, 278, 398
Sea Gate, Brooklyn, 398
sea lions, 339–40, 365
seals, 365
secession, 157–59, 161, 163, 173
Second Seminole War, 87–88
Seguin Island Lighthouse, 203
Seminoles, 87–91
Semmes, Raphael, 158–63, 158
Senate, U.S., 52n, 62, 104, 130
Committee on Commerce, 108–11
Sentinel Island Lighthouse, 212
Seward, William H., 210
Shadwell (slave), 9–10, 268n
Sharps Island Lighthouse, 199–201, 201, 250
sheep, rescue of, 296–97
Sherburne (Nantucket), Mass., 16
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 184, 301–2
Ship Island Lighthouse, 176
Ship John Shoal Lighthouse, 198
Ship Passing Minot’s Light (Drew), 332
Ship Shoal Lighthouse, 278–81, 278
shoran (short-range navigation) system, 389–90
Shubrick, William B., 124, 161, 184, 185
“Siren is Breaking Up Happy Homes,” 204
Sixteenth Army Corps, 263
Skagway, Alaska, 211, 212
skeleton-tower lighthouses, 121, 196–97, 238, 321, 355, 359, 421
Skiff, Ebenezer, 63–64
Skomal, Lenore, 294, 301
slaves, slavery, 6, 17, 20, 23, 55, 88, 135, 156, 157
fugitives, 45–46
in lighthouse duties, 9–10, 268n
Small, Arthur, 379–83, 381
Small, Connie, 291–92
Small, Elson, 271, 291
Small, Mabel, 379, 381, 381, 383
smallpox, 135, 153, 256
Smeaton, John, 319–21, 327, 331–32
Smith, Ellsworth, 285
Smith, Nellie, 285
Smith, Robert and Russell, 285
Smith Island, 152, 174
Smithsonian Institution, 131, 357
Snow, Anna-Myrle and Dorothy “Dolly,” 290
Snow, Edward Rowe, 269, 289–90, 290, 379
Snowe, Olympia, 404
Snowman, Sally, 418
Sombrero Key, 173
Sombrero Key Lighthouse, 359–60
Somerset, wreck of, 56–57
Sostratus, 2
South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 174, 180
South Carolina, 157–63, 174
Southern Blockading Squadron, 177
South Seas Exploring Expedition, U.S. (1838–1842), 118
Spain, 86, 213–14
Spanish-American War, 213, 220, 253, 266
spar buoys, 348
spark-plug lighthouses, 199, 276, 285, 368, 370, 372, 377, 393, 407, 409
Spencer, Captain, 19
spermaceti, 64–65
Spermaceti Cove, 43
sperm whales, 43, 64–65, 79
spherical reflector, 72, 125
spider lamps, 64–67, 65, 70, 71, 73, 74, 79
Spirit of St. Louis, 314–15
Split Rock Lighthouse, 246, 247, 291
Spot (dog), 273–75, 274
Spotswood, Alexander, 55
Spruce Head, Maine, 269
stag stations, 251, 275–76
Stamford Harbor Lighthouse, 292
Stamp Act, 31
Stannard Rock Lighthouse, 239
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 302
Staples, Hiram, 306–9
Staples, Nathaniel, 308–9
Star of the West, 160
State Department, U.S., 73, 82
Staten Island, 42, 133, 257, 393, 415–16
Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World), 190–91, 190, 310, 354
Stephens, Alexander H., 159
Stephens, John, 415
Stevenson, Alan, 126
Stevenson, Robert, 319–21, 327, 332
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 245
Stevenson family, 126–27, 215, 245, 320
Stonington Harbor Lighthouse, 397, 398
Stony Point Lighthouse, 85, 286
Strait of Juan de Fuca, 144
Stuart Island, 229
“Submarine Silhouette Book,” 228
Sugar Act, 31
suicide, 284–85
Sullivan, Dan, 372–73
Sullivan’s Island, 389, 390
Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse, 160
Sumter, CSS, 163
sun valve, 222
survivor’s benefits, 225
Swift, William Henry, 321, 324, 325–26
“switchies,” 238
Taft, William Howard, 218, 220
Tag, Thomas, 193–94
tall tales, 247
Tarr, Charles L., 200
Tatoosh Island (Cape Flattery) Lighthouse, 152–54, 154, 251, 284
Taunton, Mass., 321
Taunton River, 409
Tayloe, David T., 170–71, 185
Taylor, Fred, 273, 273
Taylor, George, 42, 43
Taylor, George B., 273
Taylor, Zachary, 145
telegraph, 131
telephone service, 228, 344
Temple, Shirley, 241
Texas, 142–44, 143, 155, 163, 177, 310–11
Thacher, Anthony, 27–29
Thacher Island Lighthouse, xii, 27–31, 30, 33–35, 74–75, 224, 357–58
Thames River, Conn., 290, 392
Thanksgiving, 358–59
Thaxter, Celia, 242, 357
Thimble Shoal Lighthouse, 201–2, 410
Third Georgia Regiment, 167–68
Thirty Mile Point Lighthouse, 217
Thomas, Hannah, 255–56
Thomas, Henry L., 228–29
Thomas, John (father), 255–56
Thomas, John (son), 256
Thomas, Philip F., 158–59
Thomas Corwin, 335–37
Thompson, Charles, 184
Thompson, John W. B., 88–91
Thompson, Martin, 373, 374, 375
Thompson, Mary, 10
Thompson, Smith, 86
Thoreau, Henry David, 245, 286, 322–23
Thunder Bay Lighthouse, 85
Tilghman Island, 199, 200
Tillamook Head, 334
Tillamook Indians, 334–35
Tillamook Rock, 334–37, 335, 338, 341
Tillamook Rock Lighthouse, 319, 333–45, 342, 343, 346–47, 349
timers, automatic, 221
Tinker’s Island, 420
“Tombstone Twins,” 213
Toomey, Alexander, 227
Totten, Joseph G., 124, 327, 331–32
tourism, tourists, xv, 121, 240, 244–47, 246, 261, 270, 301, 395–96, 402–4, 406, 408–10, 414, 417–19
Townshend Acts, 25, 31
Townsville, N.C., 171, 185
Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition (Omaha; 1898), 209
Trapani, Bob, 410
travelers (transport devices), 338–40, 349, 350, 351
Treasury Department, U.S., lighthouse oversight by, 52, 62, 79, 128, 326
Trewavas, John R., 336–37
Triangular Trade, 17
Trinity House, 4
Truro, Mass., 56–57
tsunamis, 387–89, 387
tuberculosis, 101, 300
Tucker, Frederick O., 303–4
Tuliano, Tony, 393
Tulip, 378, 393
tungsten-halogen lamps, 391–92
Tupper, Benjamin, 36–39, 43–45, 418
Turn Point Lighthouse, 228–29
Twentieth Indiana Regiment, 167–68, 167
Two Years Before the Mast (Dana), 154
Tybee Island Lighthouse, 54, 174, 175
Tybee Island Lighthouse and Museum, 406
Tyler, John, 114
Udall, E. J., 359
Umpqua River, 152
Unimak Island, 212–13, 386–89
Union, xii–xiii, 105, 134
vacation getaways, 407–10
Vancouver, George, 345
vandalism, 396–97, 399, 403
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 403
Van Riper, Clement, 256–57
Vega light (VRB-25), 392
Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 224
“Versailles of the Sea,” 97
Victoria, queen of England, 300
View of Piscataqua Lighthouse from Kitterie Point, 27
Vineyard Gazette, 129
Virginia, 6, 55, 81, 163, 171, 174, 178, 181, 183, 263, 268, 355, 410
Virginia Beach, Va., 243
Virginia Key, 85
volcanoes, 213, 276, 342
Vose, Joseph, 32–34, 36
Wade’s Point Lighthouse, 181–82
Wageman, M. A., 32
Walker, Jacob, 257–59
Walker, John, 257–58
Walker, Katherine, 257–60, 258
Walker, Robert J., 117–18
Walker’s Point, 395
Waller, 408–9
Wall Street Journal, 410
Wall Street panic (1884), 351
Wampanoag Indians, 16
War of 1812, 56, 76–79, 80, 163, 420
War of the Austrian Succession, 17
Warren, James, 35
Washington, DC, 112, 119, 129, 143, 183, 184, 359–60
burning of, 80–81, 81
Washington, George, 81
in American Revolution, 32, 36, 38, 41–43, 44–46, 44, 52
presidency of, 55, 62–63, 384
Washington, N.C., 166, 169–70
Washington State, 144, 229, 236, 337
Washington Territory, 153
Wass, Philmore B., 248
Watch and Wait, wreck of, 27–29
“Watch of Boon Island, The” (Thaxter), 242
Watertown, Mass., 240
Weather Bureau, U.S., miscalculations of, 311–13, 369
Welles, Gideon, 166
Wellfleet, Mass., 56–57, 70
Wentworth, John, 26–27
West Coast, lighthouse construction on, 144–56
West Indies, 17, 20
West Point, N.Y., 85
West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, 197
West Rigolets Lighthouse, 182
whaleboats, wartime use of, 34–37, 43
whale oil, xiii, 14, 16, 18, 22, 33, 34, 42, 60, 64–65, 79, 84, 89, 175, 180, 233
alternatives to, 187–88
Whale Rock Lighthouse, 276–77, 278, 372–73, 372, 383
whaling, 16–17, 187
Wheeler, H. S., 335–36, 343
Wheeler, Thomas, 8
Wheeler Field, 315–17, 316
Whitcomb, Asa, 40
White Fang (London), 211
White Head Lighthouse, 269
White Island, N.H., 242
Whitelaw, 347–48
Whitman, Levi, 57
Whitton, James, 172
“wickies,” 233, 238
wick trimming, 233, 238
widows, as replacements for keepers, 256–60, 267, 302
Wilkes, Charles, 118
Willapa Bay, 156
Williams, Dan, 257
Williams, Elizabeth Whitney Van Riper, 256–57
Williams, William C., 358–59
Wilson, Joseph, 324–25
Wilson, William Heard, 302
Wilson, Woodrow, 224
Wincapaw, Bill, Jr., 289
Wincapaw, William H. “Bill,” 288–89
Wines, Nerva, 363
Wing Neck Lighthouse, 208
Winstanley, Henry, 4–5, 5, 320
Winstanley’s Waterworks, 4
Winthrop, Robert Charles, 112
Witt, John, 298
Wolf Rock Lighthouse, 336–37
excluded from lighthouses, 251
heroism of, 294–304
as keepers, 206, 223n, 232, 254, 255–68, 286, 291, 302–4, 420–21
as keepers’ wives, 251–54, 251, 284–85, 291, 306, 310, 373–74, 379, 381, 383
rights of, 302
workplace equality for, 267
Wood, Luff, 365
Woodbury, Levi, 104, 106, 108
Woods, James, 279–81
Woods Hole, Mass., 16, 367
World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago; 1893), 215
World War I, 224, 228–29
World War II, 263, 386, 390, 394
Worthylake, Ann (daughter), 10, 11, 418
Worthylake, Ann (mother), 9, 10, 11, 12
Worthylake, George, 9–13, 10, 268n, 418
Worthylake, Ruth, 9, 10
wreckers, 86–87
Wright, A. R., 167
Younghans, Maria, Perry, and Miranda, 263
Zagoskin, Lavrentiy, 210
Zanuck, Darryl F., 241