Chapter 10



THAT weekend my dad somehow talked my mom into going out—yes, after dark!—for dinner for their wedding anniversary. Once a year he pushed her out of her envelope of safety to go out and have food someone else prepared and brought to them, and maybe even to dance. The instant I heard of their plans I immediately texted Bill and asked him if he could come over for some quality time: MSTR UNTS GOING DNNR SAT. COME EAT W/ME? I kept it generic. What I really wanted to say was: “Dude! Come over and we’ll hump like rabbits until we can’t see straight.” Sigh. Oh, to live in a world where I could do what others did without giving it a second thought.

While my classmates were making plans to go out on dates with one another, that was a luxury we were not afforded. We couldn’t go to dances. We couldn’t go to basketball games together. We couldn’t hold hands in public. Hell, we couldn’t even risk being seen exchanging two sentences together in public! It made me so damned mad I wanted to hit somebody. I wanted to hit them and hit them and hit them over and over and over again so that they felt like I felt—so frustrated.

But I digress. Bill came over in late afternoon on Saturday, arriving before my parents left for their evening. My mother seemed more comfortable with me having someone there to keep me company while they were out. She left food which we sort of inhaled the minute they left. Approximately four-point-two-five minutes after they left we were naked and in bed trying to lick each other’s belly buttons from the inside.

“I don’t ever want to leave this bed,” he whispered to me.

“Deal,” I whispered back to him.

We fell asleep sometime before my parents got home. I don’t really know what time they came home, but I know that I slept better than I had ever slept before. I was wrapped around the man of my dreams who was asleep by my side. And he was naked—and hot! What man wouldn’t sleep the sleep of champions?