
An SAT course is much more than clever techniques and powerful computer score reports. The reason our results are great is that our teachers care so much about their students. Many teachers have gone out of their way to improve the course, often going so far as to write their own materials, some of which we have incorporated into our course manuals as well as into this book. The list of these teachers could fill this page.

Special thanks to Aaron Lindh and all those who contributed to this year’s edition: Amy Minster, Elizabeth Owens, Alice Swan, Chris Chimera, Sara Kuperstein, Cynthia Ward, Grace Cannon, Danielle Perrini, Anne Bader, Jess Thomas, Chris Aylward, Spencer LeDoux, Nicole Cosme, Christina Torturo, and Susan Swinford.

We are also, as always, very appreciative of the time and attention given to each page by Kathy Carter, Jim Melloan, and Deborah Weber.

Finally, we would like to thank the people who truly have taught us everything we know about the SAT: our students.