Chapter 1

The SAT, The Princeton Review, and You

Welcome! Our job is to help you get the best possible score on the SAT. This chapter tells you what to expect from the SAT as well as some specifics about the test. It will also explain how to make the most of all your Princeton Review materials.


You may have bought this book because you know nothing about the SAT, or perhaps you took the test once and want to raise your score. Either way, it’s important to know about the test and the people who write it. Let’s take a second to discuss some SAT facts: some of them may surprise you.

What Does the SAT Test?

Just because the SAT features math, reading, and writing questions doesn’t mean that it reflects what you learned in school. You can ace calculus or write like Faulkner and still struggle with the SAT. The test writers claim that the test predicts how well you will do in college by measuring “reasoning ability,” but all the SAT really measures is how well you take the SAT. It does not reveal how smart—or how good—a person you are.

Who Writes the SAT?

Even though colleges and universities make wide use of the SAT, they’re not the ones who write the test. That’s the job of the College Board, the organization that creates the tests and decides how they will be administered and used.

The test writers are often criticized for the SAT. Many educators have argued that the test does not measure the skills you really need for college. This led them in 2005 to overhaul the entire test, only to revise it all over again in early 2016. The important takeaway here is that the people who write the SAT are professional test writers, and, with some practice, it’s possible to beat them at their own game.

Wait, Who Writes This Test?

You may be surprised to learn that the people who write SAT test questions are NOT necessarily teachers or college professors. The people who write the SAT are professional test writers, not superhuman geniuses, so you can beat them at their own game.

What’s on the SAT?

The SAT is 3 hours long, or 3 hours and 50 minutes long if you choose to take the optional 50-minute essay. Note that while the essay is optional for some colleges, many schools do require it. Be sure to research the colleges you’re interested in to find out if they require the essay. The SAT consists of the following:

Key Takeaway

What really matters to you as a test taker is how the test is divided up and what YOU need to know to crack it!

Both sections of the Math Test contain some student-produced-response questions called Grid-Ins, but all other questions on the exam are multiple choice. All multiple-choice sections on the SAT have four possible answer choices.

Each part of this book covers these tests in detail, but here’s a brief rundown of what you can expect.

Reading Test

Your scores on the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test (see below) together comprise your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score on the SAT. The Reading Test is 65 minutes long and consists of 52 questions, all of which are passage-based and multiple choice. Passages may be paired with informational graphics, such as charts or graphs, and there will be a series of questions based on a pair of passages. The selected passages will be from previously published works in the areas of world literature, history/social studies, and science. Questions based on science passages may ask you to analyze data or hypotheses, while questions on literature passages will focus more on literary concepts like theme, mood, and characterization. The main goal of the Reading Test is to measure your ability to understand words in context as well as find and analyze evidence.

Want More?

For even more practice, check out 10 Practice Tests for the SAT.

Writing and Language Test

The Writing and Language Test is 35 minutes long and consists of 44 questions, which are also multiple choice and based on passages. However, instead of asking you to analyze a passage, questions will require you to proofread and edit the passage. This means you will have to correct grammar and word choice, as well as make larger changes to the organization or content of the passage.

Math Test

You will have a total of 80 minutes to complete the Math Test, which, as mentioned earlier, is divided into two sections: No Calculator (Section 3; 25 minutes, 20 questions) and Calculator (Section 4; 55 minutes, 38 questions). Most questions are multiple choice, but there are also a handful of student-produced response questions, which are also known as Grid-Ins. For Grid-In questions, instead of choosing from four answer choices, you’ll have to work through a problem and then enter your answer on your answer sheet by bubbling in the appropriate numbers. We’ll discuss this in more detail in Chapter 17. Exactly 13 of the 58 math questions will be Grid-Ins.

The Math Test covers four main content areas, which the College Board has named the following: (1) Heart of Algebra, (2) Problem Solving and Data Analysis, (3) Passport to Advanced Math, and (4) Additional Topics in Math. This last section includes topics in geometry and trigonometry. Part IV of this book covers each of these content areas in depth.

Optional Essay

While the essay is technically optional, many colleges require you take it before you apply for admission. It’s important that you research each of the schools you’re applying to and determine whether the essay is an admissions requirement. The essay requires you to read a short passage and explain how the author builds his or her argument. The test writers want to see how you comprehend a text and demonstrate that understanding in writing, using evidence from the passage.

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Scoring on the SAT

The SAT is scored on a scale of 400 to 1600, which is a combination of your scores for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (a combination of your Reading and Writing and Language scores, scored from 200 to 800) and Math (also scored from 200 to 800). The exam also has a detailed scoring system that includes cross-test scores and subscores based on your performance on each of the three tests. Your score report for the SAT will feature scores for each of the following:

This scoring structure was designed to help provide a more holistic profile of students’ skills and knowledge, as well as readiness for college.

A Note on Essay Scoring

If you choose to write the essay, you will be graded by two readers in three areas: Reading, Writing, and Analysis. Your total essay score will be on a 2- to 8-point scale for each of the three areas. See Part V for more on the essay and how it is scored.

When Is the SAT Given?

The SAT schedule for the school year is posted on the College Board website at There are two ways to sign up for the test. You can either sign up online by going to and clicking on the SAT link, or sign up through the mail with an SAT registration booklet, which may be available at your school guidance counselor’s office.

Try to sign up for the SAT as soon as you know when you want to take the test. If you wait until the last minute to sign up, there may not be any open spots in the testing centers.

If you require any special accommodations while taking the test (including, but not limited to, extra time or assistance), has information about applying for those accommodations. Make sure to apply early; we recommend applying six months before you plan to take the test.

Stay on Schedule

Although you may take the SAT any time starting freshman year, most students take it for the first time in the spring of their junior year and may retake it in the fall of their senior year. In addition, you may need to take SAT Subject Tests (many competitive colleges require them), so don’t leave everything until the last minute. You can’t take SAT and SAT Subject Tests on the same day. Sit down and plan a schedule.


This book is organized to provide as much—or as little—support as you need, so you can use it in whatever way will be helpful to improving your score on the SAT. But before you can decide how to use this book, you should take a practice test to determine your strengths and weaknesses and figure out how to make an effective study plan. If you’re feeling test-phobic, remind yourself that a practice test is a tool for diagnosing yourself—it’s not how well you do that matters, but how you use the information gleaned from your performance to guide your preparation.

So, before you read any further, take Practice Test 1, which starts on this page of Part VII. Be sure to take it in one sitting to mimic the real test-taking experience, and remember to follow the instructions that appear at the beginning of each section of the exam.

After you take the test, check your answers against the Answers and Explanations that start on this page, reflect on your performance, and determine the areas in which you need to improve. Which sections or types of questions presented the most difficulty to you? Which sections or types of questions did you feel most confident about? Based on your performance on each of the sections, should you focus your study more on math, reading, or writing?

How you answer those questions will affect how you engage with Part II (How to Crack the Reading Test), Part III (How to Crack the Writing and Language Test), Part IV (How to Crack the Math Test), and Part V (How to Crack the Essay) of this book. Each of these parts is designed to give a comprehensive review of the content tested on the SAT, including the level of detail you need to know and how the content is tested. At the end of each of these chapters, you’ll have the opportunity to assess your mastery of the content covered through targeted drills that reflect the types of questions and level of difficulty you’ll see on the actual exam.

Scoring Your Practice Tests

At the end of each Answers and Explanations chapter, we’ve provided a table and step-by-step equation to help you score your practice test and determine how your performance would translate to the actual SAT. You can also generate a detailed online score report in your Student Tools. Follow the steps on the “Get More (Free) Content” spread at the front of this book to access this awesome feature.

In addition to content review, this book provides essential test-taking strategies that will help you avoid traps and manage your time in order to maximize the number of points available to you. Strategies are discussed in every content chapter, but you can also find a helpful overview in Chapter 2 of the ones that come up frequently throughout the book. Chapter 2 will help you think about your approach to the various question types on the exam.

You’ll have the chance to apply these strategies in Part VII, which contains the remaining practice tests. If you need additional practice, you can download four more practice tests online by registering your book on our website and following the steps to access your online resources. (See “Get More (Free) Content” on this page.) You do not have to take every practice test available to you, but doing so will allow you to continually gauge your performance, address your deficiencies, and improve.

And remember, your prep should not end with this book. There are a host of resources available to you online, including the online tools accompanying this book (see the “Get More (Free) Content” spread at the front of this book) as well as the College Board website,

Get More Online

Want even more practice? Be sure to register your book to gain access to your Student Tools, which contain a ton of Premium content to help boost your test prep, including four additional full-length practice tests, along with answers and explanations.