Las Abejas. Literally meaning “the bees,” this is a religious organization that sympathizes with Zapatista demands but does not support armed struggle.
AMMAC. Abbreviation for Asociación Mexicana de Mujeres Asociación Civil (Mexican Women’s Association).
ANCIEZ. Abbreviation for Alianza Nacional Campesina Independiente Emiliano Zapata (Emiliano Zapata National Independent Peasant Alliance).
ARIC. Abbreviation for Asociación Rural de Interés Colectivo (Rural Association ofCollective Interest).
campesino. A peasant.
Caracol. Literally meaning a “snail shell, conch, or spiral”; formerly called Aguascalientes, these are the five regional seats ofthe Zapatista autonomous government. 302 = COMPAñERAS
cargo. A position of leadership or authority.
CCRI. Abbreviation for Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena (Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee).
CIEPAC. Abbreviation for Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Políticas de Acción (Center of Economic and Political Investigations of Community Action).
CIOAC. Abbreviation for Central Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos (Independent Center for Agricultural Workers).
CNC. Abbreviation for Confederación Nacional Campesina (National Peasant Confederation).
CNI. Abbreviation for Congreso Nacional Indígena (National Indigenous Congress).
CODIMUJ. Abbreviation for Comisión Diocesana de Mujeres (Women’s Commission of the Diocese).
comandante/comandanta. Literally meaning a “commander,” this refers to the EZLN’s political leaders and members of the CCRI.
compañeras. The feminine, plural version of compañero, which is how Zapatista women refer to themselves.
compañero. A comrade or companion. In a political context, compañero generally refers to someone who belongs to a particular organization or movement. For the EZLN, compañero, or compa for short, is synonymous with “Zapatista.”
consulta. A popular referendum.
DESMI. Abbreviation for Desarrollo Económico y Social de los Mexicanos Indígenas (Social and Economic Development of Indigenous Mexicans).glossary = 303
don/doña. An honorific in Spanish, placed before a person’s first name and used as a sign of respect.
ejidos. Communally held land. The ejido system was an important aspect of land distribution programs in the wake of the Mexican Revolution. Until the Mexican Constitution was changed in 1992, ejidos could not be divided or sold. (An ejidatario is a member of an ejido.)
encomienda. The system used during the Spanish conquest of Latin America to give conquistadors control over the indigenous people living there.
encuentro. A gathering.
EZLN. Abbreviation for Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Zapatista Army of National Liberation).
la familia chiapaneca. Literally meaning “the Chiapanecan family,” which refers to a small group of families that has historically maintained a grip on wealth and power in Chiapas.
finca. An extensive and largely self-sufficient agricultural estate that often controlled indigenous laborers through debt peonage, many times from generation to generation. Also known as a hacienda in other parts of Latin America. (The owner of a finca is known as the finquero.)
FLN. Abbreviation for Euerzas de Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Forces).
Junta de Buen Gobierno. Good Government Council.
kaxlan. In Tzeltal and other Mayan languages, a word that refers to a nonindigenous person. mestizo/mestiza. A person ofmixed Spanish and indigenous heritage. miliciano/miliciana. A member of the Zapatista militia; an individual who lives in a Zapatista village, receives periodic military training, and can be called upon by the Zapatista army if necessary. milpa. A cornfield.
nombre de lucha. Literally meaning a “name of struggle,” which is a pseudonym that Zapatistas choose for themselves.
OCEZ. Abbreviation for Organización Campesina Emiliano Zapata (Emiliano Zapata Peasant Organization).
palabra de Dios. Literally meaning the “word of God.” This refers to biblical texts as well as the organizing process led by the Catholic Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas.
panela. A solid block of unrefined cane sugar.
patrón. A landowner or boss.
pozol. A drink made of corn dough mixed with water.
PRI. Abbreviation for Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party).
PROCEDE. Abbreviation for Programa de Certificación de Derechos Ejidales y Titulación de Solares Urbanos (Program for Certification of Ejidal Rights).
Seguridad Pública. The state police.
zócalo. A central plaza in a city or town.