Doubting Heart
Lenny kissed me, and I kissed him back, my heart aching because I had caused him so much pain. But try as I might, I couldn’t feel sure of my love for him anymore. My lips were kissing him, but my head and my heart felt curiously detached, like I was only going through the motions.
Lenny must have sensed how I felt, because he pulled away from me. “It’s not working, is it? You don’t love me anymore, do you?”
It felt awful to hear him say it like that. I didn’t want to hurt him more, but I knew I had to be honest. “I don’t know, Lenny, I just don’t know. I still care for you, I really do! But I can’t swear I still love you, because if I did, I don’t know if I could still feel the way I do about Dave. I’m so confused. I just don’t know what to do ...”
“What to do? The choice is clear to me, Linda. You can still have me if you want me, but you’re going to have to end it with Dave. You can’t be my girl and keep seeing him, too.”