Chapter 4
Understanding Social Security retirement benefit calculations
Determining the best age for you to begin benefits
Understanding your options for increasing benefits when you’re married (or have been)
Avoiding lost benefits from working
Reducing taxes on Social Security benefits
Social Security is one of the least understood components of senior Americans’ personal finances. Traditionally, income during retirement comes from a combination of three sources, often referred to as legs of a three-legged stool. The three legs are employer pensions, personal savings, and Social Security. Many Americans generally take the Social Security leg for granted and don’t give it much thought.
However, this leg is quite important as you attempt to get a firm grasp on your personal finances. Too few people take the time to understand their options and the effects of their decisions about Social Security. And most financial advisers don’t know enough about Social Security retirement benefits.
That’s why this chapter is here: to help you get a better grasp of how Social Security can affect your finances. This chapter focuses on the important decisions involving Social Security retirement benefits and how you can make them. It explains how benefits are calculated, how to determine the best age at which to begin taking benefits, and how having a spouse may affect that decision. Although the benefits were once tax-free, an increasing number of beneficiaries pay taxes on their benefits each year. So this chapter talks about how to minimize income taxes on your Social Security benefits as well. You can also review how working while receiving Social Security benefits may cause your benefits to be reduced.
We also consider the financial condition of Social Security in this chapter. A number of people say they don’t include Social Security benefits in their planning because they don’t expect to receive any benefits. This chapter takes a look at the program’s solvency and asks whether that’s a reasonable way to view Social Security benefits and plan your retirement finances.
Most Americans think that Social Security simply is an automatic payment that begins at retirement and that they have little or no influence over the amount of the payment. In truth, Social Security is a fairly broad and complex program that provides retirement, survivor, and disability benefits. Retirement benefits are not automatic. You choose when they begin, and the choice affects the amount of benefits you receive. The amount of benefits you receive can also depend on your spouse’s benefits. You may even be able to change your mind after starting to receive benefits.
The original intent of Social Security’s retirement benefits was to provide a basic minimum income for retired workers. The lower your working years’ income was, the greater the percentage of that income Social Security would replace. However in recent years, Social Security has undergone some changes, and employers are steadily eliminating defined benefit pension plans (those that guarantee a fixed monthly retirement payment for life), shifting the risk of saving and investing to employees. As a result, for many people, Social Security retirement benefits are the only source of retirement income that’s both guaranteed and indexed for inflation.
You (and other beneficiaries) have several opportunities to make choices about your retirement benefits, and the choices greatly influence the amount of payments you’ll receive. Because Social Security continues for life, the choices you make can alter lifetime income by tens of thousands of dollars or more. The decisions you make also affect the amount of survivor benefits received by your spouse. Your financial security is enhanced if you search for ways to increase the guaranteed income from Social Security retirement benefits.
Many people believe decisions about Social Security retirement benefits are final, but that’s not the case. You can change your mind and restart benefits in at least two situations (explored in this chapter). See the later sections “Understanding the choices for spousal benefits” and “Ensuring spouses are taken care of: Survivor’s benefits.”
You’re eligible for Social Security retirement benefits after earning 40 work credits. You earn a work credit for each quarter year (three months) in which your earned income, subject to the Social Security tax, exceeded a minimum level. The minimum income level is indexed for inflation and was $1,120 for 2010. Therefore, you’re entitled to retirement benefits if you work a total of at least 40 quarters (ten full years) during your lifetime in which you earn more than the minimum amount of income covered by Social Security.
After you know you’re eligible to receive benefits, determining the level of benefits you use isn’t quite as clear. The benefits are based on the highest 35 years of earnings before beginning benefits. The earnings from prior years are indexed for wage inflation as part of the computation. The result is a figure called average indexed monthly earnings, which is used to determine your benefits. This computation is quite technical, but this chapter covers the essentials. If you’re interested in more of the fine details, go to the Social Security website (
Even though higher income earners receive more benefits than lower income earners, the benefits for higher income earners replace a smaller proportion of earnings than for lower income earners. In other words, individuals with lower lifetime earnings have a higher replacement ratio than those with higher incomes. The replacement ratio is the percentage of working income that’s paid in retirement benefits. Lower income retirees can receive Social Security benefits equal to about 90 percent of their preretirement income. The benefits of high income retirees are about 15 percent of preretirement income.
So how can you figure out when you can start receiving distributions from Social Security and what the benefits would be at different ages? The following two sections can help you make those determinations. If you’re not at retirement age yet, your first resource is the annual earnings history report you receive from the Social Security Administration (SSA) or can find on the Social Security website. You also need to know what Uncle Sam has defined as the age you can retire to receive your full benefits.
The SSA used to send everyone over age 24 with an earnings history an annual statement of estimated benefits a few months before his or her birthday. That practice was stopped as a cost-saving measure in 2011. In 2014, the SSA said it would mail statements to workers 25 or older in years when they attain ages that end in “0” or “5” (25, 30, 35, and so on). You can obtain a statement of your earnings online anytime by establishing a personal account at
. SSA is encouraging people to open online accounts and hopes to phase out paper statements and forms. The statement shows the earnings history in Social Security’s records and estimates the retirement benefits that would be received if benefits were to begin at ages 62, 70, and full retirement age (which for most people still working is around age 66 or 67). Other information and estimates are also included.
The federal government has set the benchmark for retirement benefits, called full retirement age (FRA), or normal retirement age. If you begin retirement benefits at this age, you receive full retirement benefits (FRB), also known as normal retirement benefits. Begin benefits earlier, and you receive lower monthly benefits. Delay receiving benefits after FRA, and you receive a higher annual payment.
For many decades, FRA was 65. The reforms of 1983 phased in a higher FRA for anyone born after 1937 (anyone who turns 65 after 2002). When fully phased in, the schedule creates a new FRA of 67 for anyone born after 1959. Check out Table 4-1 for a schedule of FRAs to see where you fall.
TABLE 4-1 Age to Receive Full Social Security Benefits
Year of Birth |
Full Retirement Age (FRA) |
1937 or earlier |
65 |
1938 |
65 and 2 months |
1939 |
65 and 4 months |
1940 |
65 and 6 months |
1941 |
65 and 8 months |
1942 |
65 and 10 months |
1943–1954 |
66 |
1955 |
66 and 2 months |
1956 |
66 and 4 months |
1957 |
66 and 6 months |
1958 |
66 and 8 months |
1959 |
66 and 10 months |
1960 and later |
67 |
Note: If you were born on January 1 of any year, you should refer to the previous year. If you qualify for benefits as a survivor, your full retirement age may be different.
An annual limit exists on the amount of retirement benefits, regardless of preretirement income. The limit is indexed for inflation. So, for example, someone retiring at full retirement age in 2017 received no more than $2,687 monthly regardless of how high her lifetime earnings were. Someone retiring at age 70 in 2017 had a maximum monthly benefit of $3,538. (For comparison, the average monthly retirement benefit paid in 2009 was $1,328.)
TABLE 4-2 Full Retirement and Age 62 Benefit by Year of Birth
At Age 62 |
Year of Birth |
Full (Normal) Retirement Age |
Months between Age 62 and Full Retirement Age |
A $1,000 Retirement Benefit Would Be Reduced to |
The Retirement Benefit Is Reduced By |
A $500 Spouse’s Benefit Would Be Reduced to |
The Spouse’s Benefit Is Reduced By |
1937 or earlier |
65 |
36 |
$800 |
20.00% |
$375 |
25.00% |
1938 |
65 and 2 months |
38 |
$791 |
20.83% |
$370 |
25.83% |
1939 |
65 and 4 months |
40 |
$783 |
21.67% |
$366 |
26.67% |
1940 |
65 and 6 months |
42 |
$775 |
22.50% |
$362 |
27.50% |
1941 |
65 and 8 months |
44 |
$766 |
23.33% |
$358 |
28.33% |
1942 |
65 and 10 months |
46 |
$758 |
24.17% |
$354 |
29.17 |
1943–1954 |
66 |
48 |
$750 |
25.00% |
$350 |
30.00 |
1955 |
66 and 2 months |
50 |
$741 |
25.83% |
$345 |
30.83% |
1956 |
66 and 4 months |
52 |
$733 |
26.67% |
$341 |
31.67% |
1957 |
66 and 6 months |
54 |
$725 |
27.50% |
$337 |
32.50% |
1958 |
66 and 8 months |
56 |
$716 |
28.33% |
$333 |
33.33% |
1959 |
66 and 10 months |
58 |
$708 |
29.17% |
$329 |
34.17% |
1960 and later |
67 |
60 |
$700 |
30.00% |
$325 |
35.00% |
Note: If you were born on January 1, you will be treated as if born the previous year. If you were born on the first of the month, the benefit is figured as if your birthday was in the previous month. You must be at least 62 for the entire month to receive benefits. Percentages are approximate due to rounding. The maximum benefit for the spouse is 50% of the benefit the worker would receive at full retirement age. The % reduction for the spouse should be applied after the automatic 50% reduction. Percentages are approximate due to rounding.
The law provides an incentive, known as delayed retirement credits, to delay receiving benefits after FRA. The credits are a rate of increase in your benefits for each month you postpone receiving benefits, and the rate of increase depends on the year you were born. So your age and the number of months you delay receiving benefits determine how much benefits increase when you wait. A third factor is the salary you receive if you continue to work before receiving benefits. Because your highest 35 years of earnings are used to calculate benefits, working more years may increase your FRB if later higher-earning years push lower-earning years out of the top 35. Table 4-3 shows the rate at which FRA increases. There are no increases for delaying benefits past age 70.
TABLE 4-3 How Much Will Delayed Retirement Increase My Benefits?
Year of Birth |
Yearly Rate of Increase |
Monthly Rate of Increase |
1930 |
4.5% |
of 1% |
1931–1932 |
5.0% |
of 1% |
1933–1934 |
5.5% |
of 1% |
1935–1936 |
6% |
of 1% |
1937–1938 |
6.5% |
of 1% |
1939–1940 |
7% |
of 1% |
1941–1942 |
7.5% |
of 1% |
1943 or later |
8% |
of 1% |
Many seniors consider more than themselves in financial decisions. They also have spouses to be concerned about, and benefits for a spouse are among the least understood aspects of the Social Security program. Here are the two dimensions to incorporating a spouse in decisions on Social Security benefits:
The age at which you decide to begin benefits affects the benefits received by a spouse, a surviving spouse, and even by an ex-spouse. If you’re not married and have never been married, you can skip this section. We begin with some simple strategies and build to some more sophisticated strategies.
One way you can enhance your personal finances as a senior is to take advantage of the spousal benefit. The spousal benefit is the amount of retirement benefits a married person is entitled to based on the earnings record of the other spouse. This benefit is different from the retirement benefit you’re entitled to based on your own earnings history. You may receive either the spousal benefit or the retirement benefit, but not both.
If you’re the lower-earning spouse, you can start receiving spousal benefits when your higher-earning spouse begins receiving retirement benefits. The two of you have some important decisions to make before the lower-earning spouse takes benefits, however. Note: To help you grasp what you and your spouse can do, this discussion assumes that one spouse has higher lifetime earnings than the other, hence, the higher-earning spouse and the lower-earning spouse.
So what choices does the lower-earning income spouse have? The following sections explain your options along with some examples.
When the higher-earning spouse hasn’t begun receiving retirement benefits, the lower-earning spouse’s only option is to begin receiving retirement benefits based on her earnings history. A spousal benefit can’t begin until the higher-earning spouse actually begins receiving benefits. If the lower-earning spouse wants to begin benefits but the higher-earning spouse is delaying benefits, the lower-earning spouse’s only option at that point is to receive benefits based on her own earnings record. After the higher-earning spouse begins receiving benefits, the lower-earning spouse can shift to the spousal benefit.
After the higher-earning spouse begins retirement benefits, the lower-earning spouse can choose either a spousal benefit or his own retirement benefit. When the lower-earning spouse already is receiving benefits based on his own earnings history, he can switch to the spousal benefit after the higher-earning spouse begins retirement benefits.
If a lower-earning spouse decides to take benefits based on the higher-earning spouse’s earnings record, the lower-earning spouse receives half of the higher-earning spouse’s FRB, but only if the lower-earning spouse waits until his own FRA to begin any benefits. If the lower-earning spouse decides to begin benefits (whether his own retirement benefit or a spousal benefit) before his own FRA, the spousal benefit will be less than half of the higher-earning spouse’s FRA. The benefit will be reduced on a sliding scale just the same as if the person began receiving his own benefits before FRA. If the lower-earning spouse selects age 62, he will receive a benefit that’s 35 percent of the higher-earning spouse’s FRA benefit.
For example, say that each spouse is age 62. The lower-earning spouse’s earned retirement benefit is $900 monthly at FRA or $500 at 62. The higher-earning spouse is entitled to $1,900 monthly at FRA. The lower-earning spouse wants to begin receiving benefits now. The higher-earning spouse continues to work and delays benefits. The lower-earning spouse begins receiving $500 at 62. The higher-earning spouse finally begins receiving benefits at FRA of $1,900. The lower-earning spouse now can switch to receive half of the higher-earning spouse’s benefit. Normally, the spousal benefit would be $950 (half of the higher-earning spouse’s FRB), but because the lower-earning spouse began receiving benefits at 62, the benefits are reduced by 35 percent. By beginning his own retirement benefits early, the lower-earning spouse permanently reduces monthly benefits, even if he later switches to the spousal benefit.
You have a third option as a lower-earning spouse. Social Security allows a person to file for retirement benefits and then suspend receipt of them. The suspension is treated as though the person never applied for benefits during the suspension period. The monthly reductions for claiming benefits before FRA aren’t applied, and delayed retirement credits accumulate during the suspension period. When a beneficiary suspends benefits, he can have the benefits resume at any time. Benefits can be suspended only at FRA or later. If the benefits are applied for at FRA, say at age 66, but suspended until age 70, the maximum benefit may be received at 70.
This is known as the claim-and-suspend strategy. The claim-and-suspend strategy can be used to allow the lower-earning spouse to begin receiving a spousal benefit now while the higher-earning spouse effectively delays receipt of benefits and receives higher benefits in the future. The higher-earning spouse files for benefits at FRA and then immediately files to suspend the benefits. Then the lower-earning spouse can begin receiving one-half of the high-earning spouse’s benefits at FRA.
If you’re the higher-earning spouse, you want to make sure your lower-earning spouse is taken care of. In that case, you, the higher-earning spouse, need to consider survivor’s benefits when deciding the age to begin retirement benefits. A Social Security survivor’s benefit is the benefit payable to a surviving spouse after the other spouse passes away. The survivor’s benefit is 100 percent of the benefit the deceased spouse was receiving. A surviving spouse can begin survivor’s benefits as early as age 60 but will receive a lower benefit. This section identifies some strategies you can use to ensure that your spouse receives the maximum benefits after you’re gone.
You can increase the lifetime income of your lower-earning spouse if you delay retirement benefits, but only if you, the higher-earning spouse, die first. Delaying benefits is a form of free life insurance that provides extra income to the lower-earning spouse.
The survivor’s benefits rules should influence the age at which a higher-earning spouse decides to begin retirement benefits. For example, say the higher-earning spouse is eligible for $1,800 monthly at FRA, while the lower-earning spouse is eligible for an earned benefit of $700. (Assume both are at FRA.) If the lower-earning spouse chooses to take the spouse’s benefit while the other spouse is still alive, he will receive $900 monthly, half of the higher-earning spouse’s FRA benefit. The amount received by the higher-earning spouse (and the lower-earning spouse) will depend on the age her benefits began. Suppose she delayed benefits past FRA and receives $2,200 monthly. If the higher-earning spouse passes away first, the lower-earning spouse would then receive $2,200 monthly as a survivor’s benefit. If the lower-earning spouse passes away first, the higher-earning spouse continues to receive only her earned benefit. Suppose instead the higher-earning spouse began benefits before FRA and was receiving $1,500 monthly. If the higher-earning spouse passes away first, the surviving spouse will receive $1,500 monthly.
The Social Security law allows married couples to use a strategy that could be called “beginning your benefits twice,” which can increase lifetime benefits. With this strategy, a spouse initially begins benefits, either his own earned benefit or a spousal benefit. After a few years, he switches to the other benefit. The strategy can maximize lifetime benefits, depending on which spouse earned more income and when each begins receiving earned retirement benefits.
For instance, consider the example in the earlier section “Understanding the choices for spousal benefits,” where the lower-earning spouse began benefits based on his own earnings record because the higher-earning spouse hadn’t yet begun receiving benefits. After the higher-earning spouse began benefits, the lower-earning spouse switched to spousal benefits based on the higher-earning spouse’s earned benefit at FRA. In this case, the lower-earning spouse began benefits twice.
Similarly, a high-earning spouse can choose to receive spousal benefits based on the lower-earning spouse’s benefits — even if that results in a lower monthly benefit — and then later switch to a benefit based on her own earnings record.
Suppose, for example, the lower-earning spouse would be entitled to $1,000 monthly at FRA and the higher-earning spouse would receive $2,000 at FRA. They’re both 62 years old. The lower-earning spouse begins benefits now, receiving $750 monthly. The higher-earning spouse wants to delay retirement benefits until age 70 to maximize lifetime benefits and also the survivor’s benefit. To generate cash flow before then, at her FRA, the higher-earning spouse applies for only spousal benefits equal to one-half the lower-earning spouse’s earned benefits at FRA, or $500. Then at age 70, the higher-earning spouse can apply for retirement benefits and begin receiving about $2,600 monthly.
Either spouse or both spouses can use this strategy. If both spouses wanted to use the strategy, each would receive half of the other’s FRA benefit until choosing to begin retirement benefits based on his or her own earnings record. For example, say a husband and wife are the same age and have reached FRA. The higher-earning spouse is entitled to $2,000 monthly and the lower-earning spouse to $900 monthly on their own earnings records. The higher-earning spouse applies for spousal benefits, receiving $450 monthly. The lower-earning spouse applies for retirement benefits, receiving $900 monthly. At age 70, the higher-earning spouse applies for retirement benefits, which now are $2,700. The lower-earning spouse applies for the higher of retirement benefits and spousal benefits. The spousal benefit is half of what the higher-earning spouse was entitled to at FRA, $1,000 monthly, and is likely to be the higher benefit.
Social Security is an asset. It’s a stream of income the government owes you. Like any asset, you need to manage Social Security to maximize lifetime income in a way that’s consistent with your other goals and needs. When considering the time to begin drawing benefits, answer the questions in the following sections, which cover both a case of an individual deciding when to take benefits and a case when a spouse is involved. The situation with a couple is a little more complicated. The couple can decide either to maximize lifetime benefits or to ensure that the lower-earning spouse receives the highest possible benefits if he survives the other spouse.
If you need access to your benefits to pay expenses before you’re eligible for full benefits, you probably have no choice but to begin receiving benefits early. If you’ve left the workforce — whether through choice or circumstances — you may have limited sources of income. You may need to begin Social Security retirement benefits to pay living expenses as early as 62. Someone who is still in the workforce but on a part-time basis or at a reduced income may also need to begin benefits to meet expenses. If, however, you can continue to work and have investments or pensions that generate enough income to support your standard of living, you can afford to hold off on receiving benefits until your FRA or later.
When you don’t have immediate need for retirement benefits before FRA, you may want to receive benefits based on the age that will generate the largest lifetime income. You can estimate this age by considering a simple trade-off: Begin retirement benefits early and you receive benefits for a longer period of time. Delay benefits and you receive a higher benefit. At some point, waiting to receive the large benefit is worthwhile.
So how do you really know when you’ve reached this point? A simple way to decide is to calculate the rough break-even point. The break-even point is the year when the total lifetime benefits received from beginning benefits at a time other than FRA equals the benefits that would be received from beginning benefits at FRA.
For example, say your benefit at FRA (age 66) is $1,400 per month. If you start benefits at 62, the benefit is reduced by 25 percent to $1,050, or $350 less per month. But you receive the benefits for an extra 48 months. The total benefits received between 62 and FRA would be $50,400. Divide that by $350, and the result is 144. That’s the number of months you would have to live beyond FRA to receive the same lifetime benefits as would be received by starting benefits at age 62. If you divide 144 by 12, you get 12 years. You would have to live to age 78 to reach the break-even point. If you live longer than the break-even point age of 78, you would come out ahead by $1,050 for each additional month lived by waiting to receive benefits.
Now, consider yourself in the same position but drawing benefits later. The benefit at age 70 would be $1,820 monthly, or 130 percent of the FRA benefit. Beginning benefits at 66 means receiving benefits for 48 extra months for a total of $67,200 of benefits received by age 70. Waiting until age 70 would result in an extra $420 per month. Divide the total benefits that would be received between ages 66 and 70 by the extra amount received by waiting until age 70. The result is 160. So it would take 160 months after age 70 for the lifetime payments received by beginning benefits at 70 to equal those received by beginning benefits at 66. If you divide 160 by 12, the result is 13.33 years. That means you would have to live another 13.33 years (until age 83 and a third) to reach the break-even point of receiving the same amount of lifetime benefits. If you live longer than 13.33 years, the lifetime benefits are higher by waiting.
After you calculate the break-even point, review the later section, “What’s your life expectancy?” Doing so can give you a good idea of the probability you’ll reach the break-even point should you choose to delay benefits.
The break-even calculation is very simple. It can be made more complicated and precise by considering alternative uses of money and investment options as we discuss briefly in the next section.
If you have an investment portfolio or other income capable of paying living expenses, you have discretion over when to begin Social Security retirement benefits. By beginning benefits early, you have the option of leaving money invested instead of taking it out to pay expenses. Or you can invest the Social Security benefits as received and continue spending the other sources of income.
Under either scenario, you have an investment side fund that compounds until it’s needed. You can assume an after-tax rate of return on this fund and estimate whether the fund would compound enough to justify taking lower benefits early instead of waiting for the higher benefits. If your side investment fund does well, the break-even point from waiting to begin benefits is pushed further into the future. (Refer to the preceding section “Will waiting pay off?” for more on break-even points.)
Another factor to consider is any penalty for earned income received while receiving Social Security benefits. If you won’t be working when receiving benefits, this isn’t an issue for you. It also isn’t an issue after FRA. But if you plan to work full- or part-time before FRA, you may earn so much that your benefits are reduced. In that case, it may not make sense to begin receiving benefits before FRA or until you stop working. Check out the section “Noting How Working Reduces Benefits,” later in this chapter for more details.
You need to consider income taxes when deciding your beginning date for benefits. The general rule is that Social Security benefits are excluded from gross income when computing federal income taxes. But as income rises, a portion of the benefits may be included in your gross income. If your income is high enough to trigger taxes on the benefits after 62 but the income is likely to decline later, it may make sense to delay benefits until a smaller portion of them are taxed. See the later section “Being Aware of Potential Income Taxes on Your Benefits” for more info on the income taxation of Social Security benefits.
The key to choosing the best date to begin Social Security retirement benefits is to estimate how long you’ll live. The benefit levels for different ages were calculated so a person who lives to life expectancy receives the same lifetime benefits regardless of when the benefits were begun. Life expectancy for an age group means half the people in the group will live longer and half will live shorter lives.
Of course, you don’t have a crystal ball you can rub to tell how long you will live (and you may not want to know either). But here are a couple of factors you can keep in mind when considering the issue:
If you receive Social Security retirement benefits from age 62 to your FRA, you face a limit on the amount of income you can earn while receiving those benefits. The limit and amount of the penalty for earning more than the limit depend on your age. You can check out the limits on the Social Security Administration website at
. Note: The limit is applied monthly and applies until you reach FRA.
Earned income is income from a job or self-employment. It includes most sources of income from providing personal services or selling goods or services. Earned income doesn’t include investment income and passive income such as interest, dividends, capital gains, pensions, and IRA distributions. Self-employment income is net self-employment income, which is gross income from the business minus business-related expenses.
If you’re still working, you tell the SSA before the start of each year how much income you expect to earn for the year. When your estimated income will exceed the earned income limit, the SSA then computes the penalty and withholds the appropriate amount from your benefits check each month. If your earned income changes in either direction, you must notify the SSA so it can adjust the withholding.
Between age 62 and the year FRA will be reached, benefits are reduced $1 for every $2 earned over the limit. The limit was $16,920 for 2017 and is indexed for inflation each year. For example, 62-year-old Sally is due $7,200 in benefits, but because she’s earning $35,000 in 2015 she would lose all Social Security benefits for the year. If Sally actually earned only $20,000 that year, only $1,540 of her benefits would be withheld. (The income of $20,000 minus the limit of $16,920 shows an excess income of $3,080. Divide the excess by two, and she loses $1,540 of benefits.) The SSA would withhold her January through April benefits. The $600 monthly benefits would be paid May through December. In January 2018, Sally would be paid the $440 that was withheld in April 2017.
In the year you reach FRA, retirement benefits are reduced $1 for every $3 earned over a dollar limit. The limit, which is indexed for inflation, is $44,880 in 2017. The limit applies on a monthly basis until the month you reach FRA. Beginning with that month, full retirement benefits are received no matter how much income is earned.
For example, say that Bobby Beneficiary hasn’t yet met FRA at the beginning of 2017, but he reaches it in November 2017. The retirement benefits are $600 per month, or $7,200 for the year. Bobby earned $46,200 in the ten months from January through October. The SSA would withhold $440 ($1 for every $3 earned above the $44,880 limit). To implement the limit, the SSA would withhold the January check of $600. Beginning in February 2017, Bobby would receive the $600 benefit monthly, and this amount would be paid each month for the remainder of the year. The SSA would pay Bobby the remaining $160 from his January 2017 check in January 2018.
When someone begins Social Security benefits during a calendar year (versus at the beginning of the year), income earned before the benefit beginning date doesn’t count in applying the penalty. Instead, the annual earnings limit is computed on a monthly basis, and only the monthly earnings after the date retirement benefits begin count toward the penalty. For example, in 2017, the monthly earnings limit for someone younger than FRA is $1,410 ($16,920 divided by 12).
Imagine a man begins retirement benefits at age 62 on October 30, 2017. He had $45,000 of earned income through October. He leaves that job and takes a part-time job beginning in November earning $500 per month. His earnings for the year substantially exceed the limit of $16,920, but only the monthly earnings after October count. Because each month after October he will earn less than $1,310, he won’t experience any reduction in benefits in November and December. Beginning in 2018, only the annual limit will apply for this beneficiary if he continues to work the entire year.
The loss of benefits from the earned income limit may not be permanent. After FRA is reached, benefits will be recomputed to give you credit for the lost benefits. But credit is allowed only for the months when the entire benefit was withheld.
Continuing to work may actually increase your benefits after FRA. Your highest-earning 35 years will be used to determine the benefits. Each year, the SSA reviews the records of beneficiaries who receive earned income. If the most recent year is one of the top 35 earnings years, the benefits are automatically recalculated. The higher benefit should begin in December of the year after the earnings year. For example, suppose your 2017 earnings would result in a recalculation of benefits during 2018. The additional benefits would be retroactive to January 2018 and would be paid in a lump sum in December 2018.
You may be able to plan and manage your income to avoid losing Social Security retirement benefits before reaching FRA. But you also need to be wary of any strategies that people suggest, because if the Social Security Administration doesn’t like what it sees, your strategy could be a mistake that costs you money. If someone recommends a strategy to you, check it out with a knowledgeable, objective adviser or contact the SSA. The good news: This section looks at a few ways you may be able to earn some income legally without having your Social Security retirement benefits reduced.
One strategy you may be able to take to preserve your Social Security retirement benefits is to defer some of your income. Income deferral means you perform services this year but payment for the services is not due until a future year. The classic case of income deferral is a pension. You work for 30 years or more and part of your earnings are not paid until you retire. Income can be deferred for shorter periods, even from one year to the next, and you can defer income outside of a retirement plan.
Here are a couple of options to defer your income that help you avoid the earned income limit:
Defer it under a retirement plan in which employer contributions aren’t vested. If you work and employer contributions are paid into a retirement plan but aren’t vested, the employer contributions aren’t considered earned income. They haven’t been paid to you, and you don’t have a legal right to them yet.
However, the earnings limit applies if you work and earn retirement benefits that are vested or not at risk of forfeiture. Also, although the money deferred may avoid federal income taxes this year, it’s included in earned income to determine the earned income limit.
Defer it under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan. This type of plan is a contract between you and your employer. To avoid having the money considered earned income for the year, there must be a risk that you would lose or forfeit the money before receiving it. The money can’t be payable to the employee until the future. The employer can’t place the money in a trust for the worker’s benefit or purchase an annuity in the employee’s name. If the employer goes bankrupt, the employee must have the status of a general creditor with no secured interest in an asset that would pay the income.
The rules are complicated, and you should seek an experienced lawyer to draft the agreement. The expense and trouble may not be worth the amount of benefits at stake.
If you own a business through a corporation, you may be able to use the corporation to avoid the earned income limit on Social Security benefits. You set your salary so it’s under the earned income limit.
When trying to preserve your Social Security benefits, you may want to take a closer look at ways to earn exempt income. Exempt income is income that doesn’t count toward the earnings limit. As a general rule, compensation that’s tax-free under the tax code isn’t counted as wages or earned income for purposes of the Social Security earnings limit.
For example, you may be able to work with your employer to maximize medical expense coverage and other tax-free benefits and minimize cash compensation. Your employer, for example, may be able to restructure things so it pays more of your insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. These generally are exempt income. In return, the employer reduces your cash compensation. You should check with the SSA to verify that a form of compensation doesn’t count toward the earnings limit.
To preserve your Social Security benefits, you can rely on other types of income that are taxable but that the SSA doesn’t consider earned income. Examples of special income include the following:
More details about how different payments are classified are available in the Social Security Handbook (free from local SSA offices), on the SSA website, and through the SSA telephone assistance hotline at 800-772-1213.
Originally, Social Security retirement benefits were exempt from federal income taxes. However, in 1986, Congress made some benefits subject to income taxes. In 1993, more of the benefits paid to higher-income beneficiaries became subject to federal income taxes. The result is that the marginal tax rate (the tax rate on the last dollar of income earned) for some Social Security beneficiaries can be 70 percent or higher. Lower-income beneficiaries still receive all their benefits tax-free, but higher-income beneficiaries can have up to 85 percent of benefits included in gross income.
As a result, you need to know when your Social Security retirement benefits may be subject to income taxes. This section explains how the taxes are calculated on your benefits and what you can do to lower yours.
The level of taxation of Social Security benefits depends on your modified adjusted gross income, or MAGI. MAGI is adjusted gross income (AGI) from your income tax return (before considering taxable Social Security benefits) plus one-half of your Social Security benefits and some types of exempt income (such as interest from tax-exempt bonds).
Your AGI is the amount left after subtracting from gross income deductions such as IRA contributions, self-employed health insurance premiums, and a few other expenses. Itemized expenses (such as mortgage interest and charitable contributions) and the standard deduction aren’t subtracted to arrive at AGI. (Tip: You can find your AGI on the bottom of the first pages of Forms 1040 and 1040A and line 4 of Form 1040EZ.)
The main type of excluded income that’s added back is tax-exempt interest income. This type of income is interest earned on debt issued by states and localities. Other types of exempt income to add back are interest from qualified U.S. savings bonds, employer-provided adoption benefits, foreign-earned income or foreign housing assistance, and income earned by bona fide residents of American Samoa or Puerto Rico.
So if you’re married and filing a joint return, Social Security benefits are taxed as follows:
If you’re unmarried, Social Security benefits are taxed as follows:
Benefits are included in gross income on a sliding scale. In other words, if you’re married and filing jointly and your MAGI is $33,000, you don’t include a full 50 percent of benefits in gross income. You include a portion of the benefits in income, but 50 percent of benefits isn’t included in gross income until your MAGI equals $44,000.
You also need to check with your state department of taxation or your tax adviser about how your state taxes Social Security benefits. Some states completely exempt Social Security benefits. Others piggyback on the federal system or tax the benefits at a different rate.
If your MAGI is in the range at which some of your benefits will be included in gross income, you may be able to take steps to reduce the taxes on your benefits.
For a married couple, the amount of benefits included in gross income is determined by the joint MAGI. The tax on benefits isn’t avoided or reduced by filing separate returns. In fact, for married couples filing separately, the benefits will be included in gross income when MAGI exceeds $0. On a joint return, it’s the joint MAGI that determines the level of benefits taxed. The taxes aren’t computed separately on the benefits of each spouse. The joint income can cause benefits to be taxed even if only one spouse is receiving them.
Almost all regular tax planning strategies that reduce MAGI can be used to reduce the amount of benefits included in gross income. These strategies include reducing gross income and increasing deductions for AGI. Remember that increasing itemized deductions, such as mortgage interest and charitable contributions, doesn’t reduce MAGI. Here are strategies that are most likely to be valuable to you when reducing the taxes on your benefits:
Consider using taxable accounts to purchase deferred annuities. Income earned within an annuity is tax deferred; it won’t increase MAGI as long as it remains in the annuity. In addition, annuities aren’t subject to the required minimum distribution rules. For more information on annuities, see Book 4, Chapter 3.
This strategy probably isn’t worth using simply to avoid taxes on benefits. You need to consider a wide range of issues (such as whether an annuity fits with the rest of your portfolio and helps you meet your investment goals) before deciding an annuity is appropriate for you. Furthermore, if you do decide to go this route, many different types of annuities are available, so make sure you know what you’re getting.
The list in the preceding section includes ways you can reduce income and reduce MAGI. You can also take some deductions from gross income that can reduce MAGI. Even though itemized deductions (such as mortgage interest and charitable contributions) don’t reduce taxes on Social Security benefits, the following deduction strategies may help:
Social Security benefit decisions are generally permanent, but some exceptions do exist. For example, a spouse can switch from retirement benefits to spousal benefits or vice versa under some circumstances. You can also switch to survivor’s benefits after a spouse dies. You can begin retirement benefits and then suspend them as well (as discussed earlier in this chapter).
Finally, you can change your mind with your Social Security benefits in one other way — when you realize you may have made a mistake. Suppose that you are already receiving Social Security retirement benefits and decide you should have waited to a later age to begin benefits. Believe it or not, you may get a “do-over.” You may be able to change the beginning date of your benefits.
Unfortunately, SSA greatly restricted the availability of the do-over. You used to be able to implement a do-over at any time. Now, the do-over is allowed only within 12 months after you begin receiving retirement benefits.
So how do you know whether you should consider changing your benefits with a do-over? You may find yourself in one of the following situations:
To complete a Social Security do-over, just follow these steps:
Complete Social Security Form 521, “Request for Withdrawal of Application.”
Filling out this form is simple. You can find a copy of the form at any Social Security office or online at
Submit the form with repayment of all the benefits paid to date.
Repaying may seem like a stiff price for a change, but keep in mind that no interest is charged. You return only the amount received. In return, after repaying the benefits, you can change the start date of your benefits so you receive higher benefits every month for the rest of your life. Your spouse may receive higher survivor’s benefits as well.
Each year, usually in May, the trustees of Social Security and Medicare issue reports on the financial status of the programs. The reports have worsened over the years. As the Baby Boom generation approaches normal retirement age (the first Boomers turned 65 in 2011), the financial strain on the system is expected to increase because the Boomers aren’t being replaced in the workforce at the same rate they’re expected to retire.
The 2015 report estimates that after 2019 the Department of the Treasury will redeem trust fund assets to the extent that the program’s costs exceed tax revenue and interest earnings. The trust fund reserves are estimated to be depleted in 2033. Although this may paint an unhappy picture, it doesn’t mean you should write off Social Security and assume no benefits will be available to you. If you’re already a senior, the government is likely to find a way to pay you the full benefits you expected. It would be difficult politically to reduce promised benefits to a large, financially vulnerable and politically powerful part of the population.
Most people overlook one positive factor from the report. Each year, the trustees estimate that annual Social Security tax revenues will finance 70 to 75 percent of scheduled benefits almost indefinitely. This means that Social Security will be able to pay most of the promised benefits for many years. Congress will make changes, but those changes won’t include a complete cessation or dramatic reduction of benefits. Instead of eliminating Social Security retirement benefits, Congress is likely to take a combination of the following actions:
Social Security’s solvency may also be improved by actions of beneficiaries. If fewer Baby Boomers are financially prepared for retirement, they may work longer and delay benefits. Because they would pay more taxes into the program during those additional working years, the financial condition of the program would improve. The improvement isn’t likely to be enough to prevent any future changes to the program, but it would extend its life for some years and allow other changes, such as higher taxes and reduced benefits, to be less extreme. The program’s financial health could also be improved if the young working population increases faster than expected.
Although the elimination or dramatic reduction of Social Security benefits isn’t expected, you should make plans for possible changes in benefits. Those with higher retirement incomes should leave a cushion in their retirement budgets to accommodate possible means-testing. Those not already retired should plan for the possibility of lower retirement benefits than currently promised and higher taxes at some point during their working years.