In the beginning, there was a dark, bottomless pit, lonely and silent. The stars of the distant space were shrouded behind the veil of ignorance. Unborn. And in that absolute darkness, darkness crept upon darkness, raising heat. And in that figment of imagination, the first sign of life appeared as the hum of silence. And in that humming, the seed of love was born.

And so, the moments passed by the second as if into hours, and the hours as if into days, and the days as if into fortnights, and the fortnights as if into months, and the months as if into years. For, there was no then then, no there there. There was no time. There was no space. When all of a sudden, a flash of lightning tore the darkness, cracking open the wormhole of the mind, splitting the dark space between the earth and the sky.

And into the abyss fell the seed of love, a thousand times smaller than a speck of dust, growing to the size of a tip of hair, growing, growing, growing . . . to the size of a kernel of millet, a mustard seed, a barley grain, a seed of rice, to the size of a bubble. And the bubble grew in the dark and silent hollow, trapping within it the shadows of the earth, the space, the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the cosmos. For, the bubble alone was the mind, its body life, its form light, its conception truth, its soul space, containing all desires, all odours, all tastes, encompassing all of creation, without speech, without concern.

And within the bubble, emerged the sonorous voice:

The Ownership of the I and the Icon leads to Comparison

This Comparison leads to Desire

That Desire of the Self is to get back to what originally was

This Desire then leads to Discontent

That Discontent leads to Labour

This Labour leads to Employment

That Employment leads to Action

This Action leads to Result

That Result leads to Envy

This Envy leads to Anxiety

That Anxiety leads to Fear

This Fear leads to Thinking

That Thinking leads to Passion

This Passion leads to Lust

That Lust leads to Enmity

This Enmity arises when what is split cannot be got back as One without Eliminating the Other

That Other, if not Eliminated, leads to Hatred

This Hatred is the opposite of Love

That Hatred leads to Confrontation

This Confrontation leads to Violence

That Violence leads to War

This War leads to Destruction

(Upon which the bubble burst and there was darkness once more.)

That Destruction is Liberation

This, then, is the essence of the Universe, trapped within the bubble in a cycle of give and take, of good and bad, fear and hope, joy and sorrow, love and hate, peace and war.

Having travelled beyond the idea of the dot, the self fears dissipation into nothing in the vastness of its reverberations, so it deploys its entire force that emanates out of itself back to the dot that lies at its core within, till it is devoid of energy and is no longer the whole, and so does the identity destroy itself.

This, truly, is the essence of birth and death.

This is also the essence of the collapse of the stars into the wormhole . . .

. . . of the collapse of the worlds . . .

. . . of the collapse of the earth . . .

. . . of the collapse of the plants . . .

. . . of the collapse of the worms . . .

. . . of the collapse of the animals . . .

. . . of the collapse of the forests . . .

. . . of the collapse of habitations . . .

. . . of the collapse of civilisations . . .

. . . of the collapse of philosophies . . .

. . . of the collapse of god . . .

. . . of the collapse of man . . .

And in that complete collapse, life is liberated.

And that life is sva. And from that sva pours forth ha! the seed of love.

And so, travels light from big dazzle to dim light to absolute darkness . . .

. . . in the hope of a new dawn.