Skylar scrunched onto the backseat’s floorboard, squeezing herself into the tight space as far as possible. Had she not been looking toward the road, she might’ve missed the black van’s approach. She wouldn’t have seen the vehicle turn into the parking lot.
She sent a text to Slade to warn him and then eyed the weapon he had left behind. She didn’t know what type of handgun it was. She didn’t care. It looked powerful enough.
Staying low, Skylar palmed the gun, checked for bullets. Fully loaded. She’d fired at paper targets before, but could she aim at another human being and squeeze the trigger? She prayed Slade would intervene in time, and she wouldn’t have to find out.
The sedan’s interior had cooled but sweat beaded at her temples as she waited. A low rumbling came closer, and she recognized the van’s deep, throaty exhaust. Doors opened and then slammed shut. Voices sounded—deep, male voices, from close by. Any semblance of hope they wouldn’t investigate the sedan vanished.
Blood rushed through her veins in tune with her pounding pulse. Lord, help me!
Skylar raised the gun, pointing it toward the driver’s side window. Her fingers grew slick making it difficult to handle the weapon properly. The barrel shook as her hands trembled.
Slade walked into her line of sight. He kept his gaze aimed toward the voices as he turned and backed his large frame against the side window. Had he read her text? Did he know she’d ducked onto the floorboard? He must, because he was effectively blocking her from view as he joined in a conversation.
Slade could handle this. He would protect her, but not if she accidentally shot him. She set down the gun.
Moments later, Slade turned, unlocked the door and climbed inside. The sedan shifted as he settled into the seat, set down two coffee cups and shut the door all the while keeping his gaze straight ahead.
“What’s happening? It’s Aston isn’t it?” Skylar asked.
“Yeah.” A jaw muscle twitched. “And Mayhew.”
“What do they want? Did they follow us here from my uncle’s house?”
“I don’t think so. Barnes said they were driving by on the way to the garage, saw the sedan.” Slade’s features turned grim as his brows drew together in a tight pinch. “He wants me to follow them to the garage. There’s no time to drop you off. You’re going to have to come with me.”
Blood drained from her head to her toes. After last night’s ordeal, she never wanted to see that garage again. “If they find me with you, we’ll both be targets.”
“Then we’ll have to make certain they don’t see you.”
“What are you going to do? Stuff me into the trunk?”
“I hope it won’t come to that.”
“You hope?” No way could she handle being locked inside a confined space. “I’d panic in there.”
Slade glanced her way. “Barnes doesn’t want anyone to know he’s using the old garage so he always parks inside. I’ll park outside. There’s no reason for them to come close to the sedan. If you stay down, you should be all right. Odds are they’re more interested in tracking Willow than searching my car.” Slade started the engine and pulled onto the street.
“How did you explain the two coffee cups you carried out of the store?”
“I told them I was up all night dealing with you. I said I needed the extra caffeine. I gave a few descriptive details of what I did to you. They both seemed impressed by my imagination.”
A shudder passed through her, shaking her from the inside out. “You must be very convincing.”
Slade reached back and grasped her hand and lowered his voice into that soothing everything-will-be-all-right tone. “I’m not the cruel, heartless person they think I am.”
“I know,” she whispered. Slade had a passion for justice—not only for his sister, but for others in need. She settled her hand deeper in his as compassion converged with overwhelming gratitude.
Lord, thank You for bringing this man into my life.
He slowed the sedan and turned the wheel right. The vehicle bounced and jarred on a gravel road. They must be getting close. Skylar’s nerves pitched a fit. Her stomach knotted. She felt like throwing up.
“We’ll be there soon,” Slade confirmed. “I want you to keep the gun with you. I’ll leave the car keys in the ignition in case you need to drive away on your own.”
“You mean, in case they suspect something and kill you?”
“Well, there’s always that chance.”
Fear, raw and sickening, wedged its way into her chest. “Then don’t go inside.”
“I have to finish this, one way or another.” Slade released her hand, ran a palm over his five o’clock shadow. “If something does happen to me, tell Sarah…” His voice cracked as his words faded. His love for his sister was as transparent as sparkling glass.
Skylar’s blood pounded in her ears as a deep longing burst forth, strong and swift as a river’s current. What would it be like to have this man’s unconditional love and devotion? That kind of bond could not be broken. Not by time, distance, or even death. Powerful, everlasting loyalty was in Slade’s DNA.
“Promise me you’ll tell her I love her.”
“I promise, but I have a feeling she already knows.”