REA’s “Essentials of History” series offers a new approach to the study of history that is a marked departure from what has been available traditionally. Each book in the series has been designed to steer a sensible middle course, by including neither too much nor too little information.
Compared with conventional history outlines, the “Essentials of History” series offers far more detail, with fuller explanations and interpretations of historical events and developments. Compared with voluminous historical tomes and textbooks, our books offer a far more concise, less ponderous overview of each of the periods they cover.
The “Essentials of History” are intended primarily to aid students in studying history, doing homework, writing papers, and preparing for exams. The books are organized to provide quick access to information and explanations of the important events, dates, and persons of the period. The books can be used in conjunction with any text. They will save hours of study and preparation time, while providing a firm grasp and insightful understanding of the subject matter.
Instructors, too, will find the “Essentials of History” useful. The books can assist in reviewing or modifying course outlines. They also can assist with preparation of exams, as well as serve as an efficient memory refresher.
In sum, the “Essentials of History” will prove to be handy reference sources at all times.
The authors of the series are respected experts in their fields. They present clear, well-reasoned explanations and interpretations of the complex political, social, cultural, economic, and philosophical issues and developments which characterize each era.
In preparing these books REA has made every effort to ensure their accuracy and maximum usefulness. We are confident that each book will prove enjoyable and valuable to its user.
Dr. Max Fogiel, Program Director