Not to be known, the inconceivable
Head that the eyes ripened in. Yet the torso
Is like a branching gas-lamp, glowing still,
In which his gaze, no more than turned down low,
Burns on, gleams. Else it could not dazzle so,
The curved swell of the chest; nor could there be
In the slight twist of the loins a smile that goes
Toward the fulcrum that was potency.
Else the stone would appear disfigured, lopped,
Beneath the shoulders’ lucid plunge and rush
And would not glisten like a wild beast’s pelt;
And would not from its proper contours thus
Break like a star: for there is nowhere safe
Say, poet, what it is you do. – I praise.
How can you look into the monster’s gaze
And accept what has death in it? – I praise.
But poet, the anonymous, and those
With no name, how do you call on them? – I praise.
What right have you though, in each changed disguise,
In each new mask, to trust your truth? – I praise.
Both calm and violent things know you for theirs,
Both star and storm: how so? Because I praise.