A Wasp

I had only half-opened one of the window’s wings

                  Ovid, Amores

High over our bed, a wasp.

And this slim Egyptian queen

is dancing in the hot air,

spinning, vibrating in a sunbeam,

whizzing between the curtains, swooping,

circling the downy quince,

then rising again, buzzing, drifting on air,

and tracing yellow circles around the quince,

till all of a sudden the head thrusts deep

into the fruit’s tunnel.

The whole body wants to squeeze into it…

Wants to get wings and sting and all

into the darkness.

To suck tart juice with the proboscis

and, sunk into the damp womb,

to dart in it like lightning,

to reach as far down as the oozy pip,

that we might hear it booming

like the Deluge with its awesome waves, and later

erupting from the darkness a limpid drop

will moisten the flattened down.

Translated with Viara Tcholakova


Scaling Carp

St George’s Day