The Parable of the Sower

Stained glass in the Arts & Crafts style, set in a medieval church


The sower goes out to sow. His sense and form

Move only in a landscape of stained glass;

              The leads like ivy stems,

              Enmeshing, bind him in.

Outside, it is afternoon; inside, the sun

Irradiates a face in shadow, eyes

              Inclined toward the earth,

              Crimsoning underfoot.

The glory round about and through his limbs

Is vision in excess of daily need,

              Devotion in the work

              Dispersed beyond the seed.


Victorian glass of eighteen ninety-seven,

Replacing the clear light in the west wall

              In homage to a time

              That built as if for ever.

The vision is of a vision that transfigured

Perspectives on the clear field; but with skill

              The craftsman has contained,

              Edged, the unearthly glow.

His observation accurate, the self

A blemish that his labour should efface,

              Devotion to his craft

              Speaks through the pictured face.