A great deal of gratitude goes to my husband, Stuart, for helping with our two energetic, creative, and inquisitive children and assisting with household tasks while I write on deadlines. It’s not easy keeping the kids away from my desk so I can focus on work.
Thank you to Chere Poole with Clear as Day Copyediting, for offering to review my story before it was submitted to make sure all my T’s were crossed and my I’s dotted in the right places. And thank you to Ellen Tarver, my amazing editor from Barbour, for all of her help with story ideas, plot development, and strengthening characters. This story wouldn’t be what it is without those two.
I’m extremely grateful to Gina Welborn and Cindy Hickey who assembled this project and invited me to be a part of it. It’s been a lot of fun working with them and the other six co-authors. What a great bunch of ladies!