Aurora: a self-guided tour booklet of Sears homes is available from the Planning Department. Visit for information.
Carlinville: “Standard Addition” nine square blocks of 152 Sears homes erected for miners at the Standard Oil Company mine. Visit for information.
Elgin: Two local mail-order home surveys and rare mail-order catalogs from multiple companies are available at the Gail Borden Public Library, 270 N. Grove Avenue. Visit and click on “research photographs, Illinois Digital Archives” for information.
Libertyville: Cook Memorial Public Library District has a reference book of materials about the town’s mail-order homes, in addition to various other titles. Visit for information.
Bay City, Michigan: The Bay County Historical Society has information about area mail-order home manufacturers. Visit for information.
Mount Pleasant, Michigan: Clarke Historical Library, University of Central Michigan, holds sales records from the Aladdin Company. Visit for information.
Birmingham, England: Austin Village, built in 1917 by Herbert Austin to house munitions workers at Longbridge during World War 1.
Hopewell, Virginia: Aladdin Village, 294 homes built for Dupont Company workers. Visit for information.
Laramie, Wyoming: University of Wyoming American Heritage Center has a large collection of Montgomery Ward mail-order home catalogs. Visit for information.