1. A Christmas present from Harriet. Lowell: “The tedium and deja-vu of home|make me love it; bluer days will come|and acclimatize the Christmas gifts:|redwood bear, rubber-egg shampoo, home-movie-|projector” (“Christmas 1970” [Flight to New York 10] 1–5, “The Dolphin” manuscript; cf. “Christmas” [Flight to New York 12] 1–5, The Dolphin).
2. Lowell: “I was learning to print. I wrote in ugly legible letters: ‘Arms-of-the-Law, A Horrid Spoof. Arms-of-the-Law was a horrid spoof most of the time, but an all-right guy on the 29th of February. He was also a Bostonian, an Irish policeman, and a bear’” (“My Crime Wave” typescript, “Autobiographical prose,” Robert Lowell Papers, *73M-90 bMS Am 1905, folder 2223, Houghton Library), quoted in Ian Hamilton, Robert Lowell: A Biography (1983), p. 15. While a student at Kenyon College in 1938, “Lowell had dreamed up a world peopled by ‘bear-characters’—or ‘berts’ [French pronunciation], as he called them—and his favorite off-duty sport was to invent bear-dramas or bear-parables, which incorporated caricatures of friends and relatives. Each friend would be given a bear-name and an appropriate bear-voice. Lowell himself seems to have been the chief bear, known as Arms of the Law (the hero of his ‘horrid’ childhood ‘spoof’)” (Hamilton, Robert Lowell: A Biography, p. 55).
3. Lowell: “I feel how Hamlet, stuck with the Revenge Play|his father wrote him, went scatological|under this clotted London sky” (“Plotted” 7–9, The Dolphin); “‘If it were done, twere well it were done quickly— to quote a bromide, your vacillation|is acne” (Artist’s Model [3] 1–3, The Dolphin).
4. In The Education of Henry Adams (1907); see among other passages Adams’s account of meeting Swinburne (pp. 139–44), given Lowell’s allusion to Swinburne’s “tears of time” below (Lowell to Hardwick, January 9, 1971).
5. Crossed with Lowell’s letter of January 7, 1971.
6. Possibly a reference to a second January 8 letter from Hardwick that is now missing.
7. Crossed with Hardwick’s letter of January 8, 1971.
8. Lowell: “Behind their cage,|yellow dinosaur steamshovels were grunting|as they cropped up tons of mush and grass|to gouge their underworld garage” (“For the Union Dead” 13–16, For the Union Dead).
9. In Connecticut.
10. Cf. Ezra Pound: “Then from my sight as now from memory|The courier aquiline, so swiftly gone!” (“Canzone: Of Angels” 29–30); and Swinburne: “Us too, when all the tears of time are dry,|The night shall lighten from her tearless eye” (“Tristram of Lyonesse” 231–32).
11. Lowell: Sidney Nolan “and I are very close friends and have frequent lunches, but his wife, described by Kenneth Clark as a German abstract expressionist painting of the angel of death done without passion, refuses to see us. An embarrassment” (Lowell to Frank Parker, [March 20, 1973], in The Letters of Robert Lowell, p. 605).
12. Limited edition of “Winter Visitors” (the first chapter of Birds of America), with pictorial boards, “published as a New Year’s greeting to friends of the author and the publisher” (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970).
13. Mary McCarthy, “Birds of America,” Southern Review (Summer 1965).
14. Playwright of Having Wonderful Time (1937) about a camp in the Catskills.
15. “Militant Nudes,” New York Review of Books, January 7, 1971; Mary Thomas.
16. “A Doll’s House,” New York Review of Books, March 11, 1971; “Ibsen and Women II: Hedda Gabler,” New York Review of Books, March 25, 1971.
17. Mary McCarthy to Hardwick: “All I’ve heard from England … was an hysterical letter from Sonia, accusing you, me, and everyone of having put false stories in circulation about her: typical denials of charges never made, such as that she had talked to you against Caroline, her dearest friend, and how could one be so wicked as to think she would…? I answered this with a quite sharp letter that’s never been mailed, since the day after I wrote it, the [postal] strike started, and the p.o. here wasn’t accepting anything for England” (February 15, 1971, Elizabeth Hardwick Papers, HRC).
18. Hardwick’s letter of January 8 and Lowell’s letter of January 9, 1971.
19. State Street Trust Company.
20. March 2, 1971, the day after Lowell’s fifty-fourth birthday.
21. Lowell: “Sometimes the little muddler|can’t stand itself!” (“Child’s Song” 17–20, For the Union Dead).
22. Cf. “Green Sore” [The Burden 5] 11–14, “The Dolphin” manuscript (see poem on page 154) and “Green Sore” [Marriage 7] 10–13, The Dolphin.
23. Corrections in Lowell’s and Frank Bidart’s hand.
24. Crossed with Hardwick’s March 12, 1971, letter to Blackwood.
25. Seyersted, whom the Lowells had met when he was a student at Harvard in 1956. They were introduced by Huyck van Leeuwen.
26. Central Park West.
27. Taylor.
28. The Winters Tale 1.2: “We were as twinn’d lambs that did frisk i’ the sun,|And bleat the one at the other”; Milton: “For we were nurst upon the self-same hill,|Fed the same flock, by fountain, shade, and rill” (“Lycidas,” 23–24).
29. Rich: “your eyes are stars of a different magnitude|they reflect lights that spell out: EXIT|when you get up and pace the floor|talking of the danger|as if it were not ourselves|as if we were testing anything else” (“On Trying to Talk with a Man,” 35–40 [1973]).
30. Review of Stanley Kunitz’s The Testing-Tree (1971) in the New York Times Book Review, March 21, 1971.
31. Lowell: “Now that obscure poetry is perhaps out of fashion, one must pay homage to its supreme invention and exploration. I remember Empson years ago with a group discussing one of his poems, ‘To an Old Lady.’ Was it about the moon described as an old lady, or an old lady as the moon? Was it physics or metaphysics? Empson said, ‘It’s my grandmother. The old girl would have been furious if she had known I was writing about her.’ Wasn’t he right? Think of the simple, heartfelt, offensive poems that have been written about friends, wives, children. What hope for the half-poet? The frank, open and vulnerable, the voice of a generation, fades as soon as the elitist incantations of the hermeticist” (New York Times Book Review, March 21, 1971). But compare Empson’s own account of “To an Old Lady,” in which he says that it was about his mother. She had said to him, “‘I will say, that poem about your Granny, William, now that showed decent feeling.’ And I was greatly relieved by her saying this; I thought the situation was very embarrassing. She thought it was about her own mother […] and I meant it about her” (The Ambiguity of William Empson, BBC Radio 3 [22 October 1977]; quoted in William Empson, The Complete Poems [2000], p. 193).
32. Lowell: “It’s strange having a child today, though common,|adding our further complication to|intense fragility” (“Overhanging Cloud” [Burden 3] 4–6, “The Dolphin” manuscript); cf. “Overhanging Cloud” [Marriage 14], The Dolphin.
33. Ted Hughes, Crow (1970).
34. Crossed with Lowell’s letters of March 14 to Harriet Lowell and March 20 to Hardwick.
35. Madame Olga Novikoff: “[Alexander] Kinglake interrupted me. ‘Pray, remember I am a heathen. I dislike churches and, had I my way […] I would write on every church, chapel, and cathedral only one line—“Important if true.”’” (The M. P. for Russia, Reminiscences and Correspondence, vol. 1, ed. W. T. Stead [1909], p. 151).
36. Satirical. Cf. Hardwick: “What a sad countryside it is, the home of the pain of the Confederacy, the birthplace of the White Citizens Council. […] [T]he whole region is fiction, art, dated, something out of a secondhand bookstore. And this, to be sure, is the ‘Southern way of life,’ these dated old photographs of a shack lying under a brilliant sky, the blackest of faces, the impacted dirt of the bus station, the little run-down churches, set in the mud, leaning a bit. […] Life arranges itself for you here in the most ‘conventional’ tableaux. Juxtapositions and paradoxes fit only for the most superficial art present themselves over and over. […] These Southerners have only the nothingness of racist ideas, the burning incoherence, and that is all” (“Selma,” New York Review of Books, April 22, 1965).
37. “Ibsen and Women III: The Rosmersholm Triangle,” New York Review of Books, April 8, 1971.
38. In Rich’s The Will to Change: Poems 1968–70 (1971).
39. Mstislav Rostropovich’s 1969 performance with the Berlin Philharmonic (cond. Herbert von Karajan) of Antonín Dvořák’s Concerto in B Minor for Cello and Orchestra (Op. 104, s), released by Deutsche Grammophon.
40. Prometheus Bound, dir. Jonathan Miller, opened at the Mermaid Theatre in London on June 24, 1971.
41. Irene Worth and Kenneth Haigh.
42. Hardwick: “there is a radical undercurrent to the realistic plays. If they have any moral it is that, in the end, nothing will turn out to have been worth the destruction of others and of oneself” (“Ibsen and Women III: The Rosmersholm Triangle,” New York Review of Books, April 8, 1971).
43. Lowell: “The postman \The morning mail brings/ America \the familiar voice to Kent/ to Kent:|‘not that I wish you entirely well, far from it’” (“Green Sore” [The Burden 5] 3–4, “The Dolphin” manuscript; see poem on page 154); “words of a moment’s menace stay for life:|not that I wish you entirely well, far from it” (“Green Sore” [Marriage 7] 3–4, The Dolphin).
44. Lowell to Hardwick, March 20, 1971.
45. Letter and Lowell’s reply now missing. But Lowell wrote to Blair Clark in 1973: “I have something of a grudge against Whittemore. A year or two ago he wrote a six page letter protesting against a review I’d written of Kunitz—log rolling, praising mediocrities etc. at the expense of Reed etc. Very hysterical, almost unhinged, but well-meant I suppose” (Lowell to Clark, July 31, 1973).
46. Mona Van Duyn won the 1971 National Book Award for To See, To Take, which “was hotly disputed by Allen Ginsberg, the poet [a judge for the award]. The book […] was on the long end of a 4-to-1 vote, with Mr. Ginsberg, the lone dissenter, supporting Gregory Corso’s ‘Elegiac Feelings American.’ Mr. Ginsberg called the choice of the other four jurors ‘ignominious, insensitive and mediocre’” (George Gent, “Bellow Wins 3d National Book Award,” New York Times, March 3, 1971).
47. Adrienne Rich.
48. By Alexander Pope (1712).
49. By Herman Melville (1851).
50. Thomas Hardy: “Let him in whose ears the low-voiced Best is killed by the clash of the First,|Who holds that if way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst,|Who feels that delight is a delicate growth cramped by crookedness, custom and fear,|Get him up and be gone as one shaped awry; he disturbs the order here” (“In Tenebris II” 13–16).
51. First Lieutenant William L. Calley, Jr., was convicted on March 29, 1971, for the premeditated murder of 22 South Vietnamese civilians during the 1968 My Lai massacre. On April 1, President Richard Nixon ordered him released from jail. For British coverage, see “Calley Guilty of My Lai Murders” (Guardian, March 30, 1971); Michael Leapman, “Lieut. Calley jailed for life amid wave of U.S. protest” (Times, 1 April 1971); Louis Heren, “Lieut Calley, a cog in a war machine” (Times, 1 April 1971); and Fred Emery, “Nixon order to free Lieut. Calley from prison pending review” (Times, 2 April 1971). Cf. Lowell, “Women, Children, Babies, Cows, Cats,” History (1973).
52. Lowell: “I hoped to gamble with unloaded dice…|like Racine, no enemy of craft,|drawn through his maze of iron composition|by the incomparable voice of Phedre.|As for this writing … flowers for the dead,|faulty things once written as best I might,|when I sat in service to the too many|words of the collaborating Muse,|and plotted perhaps too freely with my life,|not avoiding injury to persons,|not avoiding injury to myself— we ask compassion. Why should the bait be eaten|when the sharks swim free? This book is fiction,|an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting” (“Fishnet,” from “Excerpt from ‘The Dolphin,’” The Review 26 [Summer 1971]). Cf. “Dolphin,” The Dolphin.
53. Silvers replied on April 6, 1971 that “We certainly want to publish the message you sent me,” sending Lowell a fair copy of the “badly transmitted” text (silently corrected here; for the original, see Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York Public Library). Lowell replied by telegram on April 13, 1971, with corrections. The statement was published as “Judgment Deferred on Lieutenant Calley” (Lowell’s title), New York Review of Books (May 6, 1971):“A principle may kill more than an incident. I am sick with fresh impressions. Has no one the compassion to pass judgment on William Calley? His atrocity is cleared by the President, public, polls, rank and file of the right and left. He looks almost alive; like an old song, he stirs us with the gruff poignance of the professional young soldier. He too fought under television for our place in the sun. Why should the bait be eaten when the sharks swim free? I sense a coldness under the hysteria. Our nation looks up to heaven, and puts her armies above the law. No stumbling on the downward plunge from Hiroshima. Retribution is someone somewhere else and we are young. In a century perhaps no one will widen an eye at massacre, and only scattered corpses express a last histrionic concern for death. We are not hypocrites, we can learn to embrace people outside society—President Nixon, our own Huckleberry Finn who has to shoot everyone else on the raft.”
54. “The islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea […] are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the negroes now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States […] each family shall have a plot of not more than (40) forty acres of tillable ground” (General W. T. Sherman, “Field Order No. 15,” January 16, 1865, from sections I and III). Eric Foner: “Sherman later provided that the army could assist them with the loan of mules. (Here, perhaps, lies the origin of the phrase ‘forty acres and a mule’ that would soon echo throughout the South)” (Reconstruction, America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877 [1988], pp. 70–71). The Field Order was overturned in the fall of 1865 by Andrew Johnson.
55. James Dickey was professor of English at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, S.C.
56. On April 9, 1971, at Frank E. Campbell’s Funeral Home on Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
57. Flavio de Macedo Soares Regis, nephew of Bishop’s lover Lota de Macedo Soares.
58. Lota de Macedo Soares committed suicide in 1967. Ted Hughes’s first wife, Sylvia Plath, committed suicide in 1963, and his lover Assia Wevill committed suicide in 1969 (also killing their daughter, Shura, in the act).
59. Hardwick: “All my life I have carried about with me the chains of an exaggerated anxiety and tendency to worry, an overexcited imagination for disasters ahead, problems foreboding, errors whose consequences could stretch to the end of time. I feel some measure of admiration for women who are carefree, even for the careless; but we work with what we are given, and what I know I have learned from books and worry” (“The Ties Women Cannot Shake and Have,” Vogue, June 1971, p. 86). Cf. Hardwick: “A lifetime of worrying and reading may bring you at last to free trips you are not sure you wish to take” (Sleepless Nights, p. 129).
60. Crossed with Hardwick’s letter of April 9, 1971.
61. See footnote 6 on page 160 (Hardwick to Lowell, March 21, 1971); cf. also Lowell to Silvers, April 2, 1971, with Lowell’s early draft of “Dolphin” (pages 166–67, footnote 2).
62. The Lowells visited Bishop and Lota de Macedo Soares in Brazil in 1962. See Words in Air, pp. 415–25; and Elizabeth Bishop, One Art: Letters, pp. 405–13.
63. Botsford.
64. See Hardwick to Lowell, April 9, 1971 (above): “Harriet is fine, but she doesn’t like to talk about what is happening to you, even though she does talk about you, as you were, with much pleasure and pride.”
65. For the Vietnam War Out Now rally on April 24.
66. Cf. Lowell, “‘I despair of letters…’” [Burden 6], “The Dolphin” manuscript (see poem on page 172); and “Letter” [Marriage 8], The Dolphin.
67. Kunitz to Lowell: “A few months ago, at Lenox Hill [Hospital], I thought I was really through with my body. But in the springtime I seem as tough as ever” (April 23, 1971).
68. Wittgenstein: “Death is not an event in life. Death is not lived through. If by eternity is understood not endless temporal duration but timelessness, then he lives eternally who lives in the present. Our life is endless in the way that our visual field is without limit” (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 6.4311, trans. C. K. Ogden [1922]). Lowell: “Death’s not an event in life, it’s not lived through” (“Plotted” 14, The Dolphin).
69. Kunitz to Lowell: “When exactly is your revised Notebook coming out here? The books of verse that stand out for me this season are Ted Hughes’s nightmarish Crow, which has been extravagantly praised, and Jim Wright’s beautiful but unsung Collected. Adrienne’s The Will to Change has just arrived in the mail” (April 23, 1971). Ted Hughes, Crow (1970); James Wright, Collected Poems (1971); Adrienne Rich, The Will to Change (1971).
70. Olwyn Hughes, who managed the private Rainbow Press that she and Ted Hughes had founded together. Cummington Press was the publisher of Lowell’s first collection, Land of Unlikeness (1944).
71. Lowell: “this book is fiction,|an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting” (“Fishnet” 12–13, “An Excerpt from ‘The Dolphin,’” The Review 26 [Summer 1971]; see poem on pages 166–67, footnote 2.); “yet asking \ask/ compassion for this book, half fiction,|an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting” (“Dolphin” 12–13, “The Dolphin” manuscript); “this book, half fiction|an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting— my eyes have seen what my hand did” (“Dolphin” 13–15, The Dolphin).
72. Lowell: “You have done too much. This hailstorm of gifts is poverty” (Prometheus Bound, page 24).
73. Lowell had Jewish ancestors on his paternal and maternal sides. They had similar names. His Lowell grandmother descended from Mordecai Myers (1776–1871), mayor of Kinderhook, New York, and Schenectady, New York. His Winslow great-grandmother, Margaret Devereux (née Mordecai) of Raleigh, North Carolina, was descended from Myer Myers (1723–1795), a New York silversmith. See Lowell to Ezra Pound, October 24, 1956: “I have no mind for your gospel, and don’t let us talk about the Jews. I have several on my family tree” (The Letters of Robert Lowell, p. 263). About his father’s side: “The account of him is platitudinous, worldly and fond, but he has no Christian name and is entitled merely Major M. Meyers in my Cousin Cassie Myers Julian-James’s privately printed Biographical Sketches: A Key to a Cabinet of Heirlooms in the Smithsonian Museum […] he was Mordecai Myers. […] a German Jew […] Mordecai Myers was my Grandmother Lowell’s great-grandfather. His life was tame and honorable” (“91 Revere Street,” Life Studies, p. 11). About his mother’s side, see Nicholas Jenkins, “Beyond Wikipedia: Notes on Robert Lowell’s Family,” http://arcade.stanford.edu/blogs/beyond-wikipedia-notes-robert-lowells-family.
74. Kunitz to Lowell: “The interview with you in the NY Times a few weeks ago troubled me a bit. I had the impression that you were being pestered and badgered by an insensitive clod—no pal of yours, I hope” (April 23, 1971).
75. Lowell: “Shakespeare was an unusual playwright and not typical of his age. He was much less successful than Ben Jonson and I imagine people who saw his plays were a very small number, and the playhouse was very small, and the plays ran for a very short time; and I imagine the people who bought his first folio when it came out were a very small number. I don’t have the figures but I’m sure that his sales weren’t anything like the hundredth best seller this year” (Dudley Young, “Talk with Robert Lowell,” New York Times, April 4, 1971).
76. “Young: “What about the speculation that you are in flight from America? Is that a myth you want to endorse at all? No, I’ve been here the best part of a year and I’d quite like to stay another year and it is a vacation from America which has no sort of symbolics. I’ll go back to America and be American and I’m not comparing the countries. So we’re not to see you as a disenchanted pilgrim, returning to European sources. It’s an American theme … the discovery, the pioneer going into the wilderness. After a while the wilderness changes into the Europe of Henry James and Eliot—a freehold almost barbaric in its newness” (“Talk with Robert Lowell,” New York Times, April 4, 1971).
77. V. S. Pritchett, “Ironical Aviary,” New York Review of Books, June 3, 1971.
78. Mary McCarthy, “The American Revolution of Jean-François Revel,” New York Review of Books, September 2, 1971 (“The following will appear as an Afterword to Jean-François Revel’s Without Marx or Jesus, to be published by Doubleday”).
79. See Simone Weil, “The Iliad, or The Poem of Force,” trans. Mary McCarthy, Politics (November 1945).
80. Aerogram.
81. Anzilotti.
82. Lowell to Theodore Roethke, June 6, 1958; September 18, 1958; and July 10, 1963 (copies, with notes and queries by a researcher, HRC). See also The Letters of Robert Lowell, pp. 427–28.
83. Possibly Jonathan Raban.
84. By Nathaniel Hawthorne (1850); Hardwick, “Seduction and Betrayal I,” New York Review of Books, May 31, 1973, and Seduction and Betrayal (1974), pp. 180–84.
85. The May Day protests in Washington (May 1–6, 1971). See Richard Halloran, “30,000 Anti-War Protesters Are Routed in Capital,” New York Times, May 3, 1970; Richard Halloran, “7,000 Arrested in Capitol War Protest; 150 Are Hurt as Clashes Disrupt Traffic,” New York Times, May 4, 1971; and James M. Naughton, “Protesters Fail to Stop Congress; Police Seize 1,146,” New York Times, May 5, 1971.
86. Panel discussion with Sonia Orwell, Edna O’Brien, Anne Sharpley, and Jill Tweedie following a production of Jane Arden’s A New Communion for Freaks, Prophets, and Witches (also known as Holocaust) by the Holocaust theatre group at the Open Space Theatre in London. Millett did not appear. Caroline Blackwood: “As though a Women’s Institute fete had been expecting a visit from the Queen and had only been informed after it opened that she was confined to her bed with a heavy cold, a feeling of let-down hung over the Women’s Lib rally … ‘Where’s Kate Millett?’” (Blackwood, “Women’s Theatre,” Listener, 3 June 1971).
87. Lowell revised his earlier translations of Homer, Sappho, Leopardi, Heine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Rilke, and Annesky from Imitations (1961), and of Juvenal and Góngora from Near the Ocean (1967), for History.
88. Jorge Luis Borges was awarded an honorary D.Litt by Oxford University on April 29 and then spoke for the ICA in London on four evenings from April 30 to May 13, 1971.
89. Theatrical agent at Ashley Famous Agency.
90. Hardwick: “I have never felt free. I do not speak of the constraints of society but of the peculiar developments of my own nature. All my life I have carried about with me the chains of an exaggerated anxiety and tendency to worry, an over-excited imagination for disasters ahead, problems foreboding, errors whose consequences could stretch to the end of time. I feel some measure of admiration for women who are carefree, even for the careless; but we work with what we are (“The Ties Women Cannot Shake and Have,” Vogue, June 1, 1971, p. 86).
91. Accountant.
92. Thus, for “xeroxes.”
93. For “mostly critical,” see Lowell to Theodore Roethke, July 10, 1963, in The Letters of Robert Lowell, pp. 427–28. About “breakdowns,” Lowell writes: “Getting out of the flats after a manic leap is like our old crew races at school. When the course is half-finished, you know and so does everyone else in the boat, that not another stroke can be taken. Yet everyone goes on, and the observer on the wharf notices nothing” (Lowell to Theodore Roethke, June 6, 1958, copy in Robert Lowell Papers, HRC); and “You sound yourself and clearly must be. For months (perhaps always) there are black twinges, the spirit aches, yet remarkably less as time passes. I fell almost in a thanksgiving mood—so much of life is bearable. I’ve quite stopped wanting to turn the clock back or look for a snug hole” (Lowell to Theodore Roethke, September 18, 1958, copy in Robert Lowell Papers, HRC).
94. Letter now missing.
95. Lowell and Hardwick traveled to Brazil in 1962 for the Congress for Cultural Freedom. A 1966 New York Times article reported secret, indirect C.I.A. support for academic and cultural organizations, including the C.C.F., explaining how the C.I.A “may channel research and propaganda money through foundations—legitimate ones or dummy fronts […] Through similar channels, the C.I.A. has supported […] anti-Communist but liberal organizations such as the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and some of their newspapers and magazines. Encounter magazine, a well-known anti-Communist intellectual monthly with editions in Spanish and German as well as English was for a long time—though it is not now—one of the direct beneficiaries of C.I.A. funds” (T. Wicker, J. W. Finney, M. Frankel, E. W. Kenworthy, others, “Electronic Prying Grows: C.I.A. Is Spying from 100 Miles up; Satellites Probe Secrets of the Soviet Union” New York Times, April 27, 1966). See also Matthew Spender, A House in St. John’s Wood: In Search of My Parents (2015).
96. Aerogram.
97. V. S. Pritchett, “How They Talked” (a review of Robert Baldick’s Dinner at Magny’s [1971]), New Statesman, 21 May 1971. Hardwick had written about the dinners in “Memoirs, Conversations and Diaries,” Partisan Review 20, no. 5 (September 1953).
98. Peter S. Prescott, “Candide without Voltaire,” Newsweek, May 24, 1971.
99. Lowell: “the Aztecs knew these stars would fail to rise|if forbidden the putrifaction of our flesh,|the victims’ viscera laid out like tiles|on fishponds changed to yellow flowers” (“Oxford” [Redcliffe Square 4] 6–9, The Dolphin).
100. See Caroline Blackwood, “Women’s Theatre,” Listener, 3 June 1971.
101. Angela Thorne.
102. David Horovitch.
103. “You have done too much. This hailstorm of gifts is poverty” (Prometheus Bound, p. 24).
104. Nadezhda Mandelstam: “Dear Robert, Do come here. I want to see you so much. Soon you’ll be late—I am old and can’t last long. And it is not a novel (imagination!), it is life. It is far more difficult to live one’s life than to write about it. Do come … As to you, I think that the second marriage is always better than the first. I am greatly for divorces. I hope you soon will be through it. [p.s.] If you want to make a call - my number 126-67-42. But I am rather deaf. Do speak slowly” (to Robert Lowell, June 1, [19]71, HRC; quoted in Michael Watchtell and Craig Cravens, “Nadezhda Iakovlevna Mandel’shtam: Letters to and about Robert Lowell,” The Russian Review 61, no. 4 [October 2002], p. 524). Hope Against Hope: A Memoir, trans. Max Hayward (1970).
105. James Hogg, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner (1824).
106. Postscript typed above the date and address to Hardwick. See Hardwick to Lowell, May 27, 1970, in which she writes that Stony Brook had offered “to give me if I want it a good, high-paying one day a week job as curator of these papers.”
107. Adrienne Rich.
108. Thus, for “advise.”
109. See footnote 2 on page 146 (Lowell to Harriet Lowell, January 6, 1970 [1971]).
110. Hochman, with whom Lowell had an affair during a manic episode in 1961.
111. Donald Newlove, “Dinner at the Lowells’,” Esquire, September 1969.
112. Hemingway: “It was only Zelda’s secret that she shared with me, as a hawk might share something with a man. But hawks do not share” (A Moveable Feast [1964], p. 185). Hardwick: “Hemingway is smug and patronizing to Fitzgerald and urges upon us forgiveness by laying Fitzgerald’s weaknesses and pains at the feet of his wife. Hemingway sees Zelda as a ‘hawk’” (“Caesar’s Things,” New York Review of Books, September 24, 1970; and Seduction and Betrayal, pp. 89–90).
113. The New York Times and The Washington Post began publishing the Pentagon Papers during the week of June 13, 1971 (The New York Times on June 13 and the Post on June 18). See Paul L. Montgomery, “Ellsberg: From Hawk to Dove: Ex-Pentagon Aide Now Outspoken Critic of the War,” New York Times, June 27, 1971; Robert Rheinholds, “Ellsberg Yields, Is Indicted; Says He Gave Data to Press,” New York Times, June 29, 1971.
114. In June 1968, when Lowell received an honorary degree from Yale; William Bundy (a distant Lowell cousin) was a Fellow of the Yale Corporation at the time.
115. Hardwick, “On Sylvia Plath,” New York Review of Books, August 12, 1971.
116. See Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar, with a biographical note by Lois Ames (1971). Ames was under contract for a full biography with Harper & Row, but the book was not completed (see Doug Holder, “Lois Ames: Confidante to Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton, Interview (2005),” November 13, 2009, http://dougholder.blogspot.com/2009/11/lois-ames-confidante-to-sylvia-plath.html).
117. “Whether [Plath] was anything like the creature her hasty biographer, Lois Ames, seems to be patching together we will never know. Mrs. Ames follows the Indian trail of the natural wherever a hint of a footprint can be found. Thus, we learn that ‘she played tennis, was on the girl’s basketball team, was co-editor of the school newspaper…’ and so on” (“On Sylvia Plath,” New York Review of Books, August 12, 1971).
118. Henry James, The Aspern Papers (1888; revised 1908).
119. Ferris Greenslet and Bruce Rogers: “In 1806 Charles Lowell [Robert Lowell’s great-great grandfather] married Harriet Traill Spence, an indirect cousin and a childhood’s sweetheart. Both her father, Keith Spence, and her maternal grandfather, Robert Traill, were born in the Orkney Islands, and the imaginative Mrs. Lowell and her more imaginative son [James Russell Lowell] liked to trace their descent to persons no less portentous than Minna Troil and Sir Patrick Spens. At any rate, Mrs. Lowell possessed much of the wild beauty of the people of those windy northern isles, and her mind showed an irresistible tendency toward their poetic occultism. This tendency became irretrievably fixed by a visit which she made to the Orkneys in company with her husband early in their married life. Thenceforward until 1842, when her tense brain became disordered, she was a faerie-seer, credited by some with second sight […] there was a certain dreamful languor in the blood that blent queerly with the characteristic Lowell effectiveness. Throughout his [James Russell Lowell’s] early life, whenever he failed to do any of the things which, for his academic or domestic health, he should have done, the Lowell connection was prompt to attribute it to this deep quality, which they mis-called ‘the Spence negligence’” (James Russell Lowell: His Life and Work [1905], pp. 9–10).
120. Satirical, as against “to jew down.” OED: “Phr. to jew down, to beat down in price […] These uses are now considered to be offensive.” Among the examples given by the dictionary of the phrase in print from 1825–1972 is “1970 R. Lowell Notebk. 69 This embankment, jewed— No, yankeed—by the highways down to a grassy lip” (“Jew|jew, v.,”OED Online. March 2016. http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/101211?rskey=Br5XvE&result=2&isAdvanced=false [accessed March 27, 2016]; from the Second Edition [1989]). See Lowell, Charles River [7] 4–5, Notebook70.
121. Reviews as of July 3, 1971: Benedict Nightingale, “By Jove,” New Statesman, July 2, 1971; Kenneth Hurren, “God the Father,” Spectator, July 3, 1971.
122. Lowell: “Smiling on all|Father was once successful enough to be lost|in the mob of ruling-class Bostonians” (“Commander Lowell” 62–64, Life Studies); “He smiled his oval Lowell smile”; “After a morning of anxious, repetitive smiling,|his last words to Mother were:|‘I feel awful’” (“Terminal Days in Beverly Farms,” 9 and 44–46, Life Studies). For “smiling,” see also Hardwick to Lowell, June 26, 1970, footnote 4 on page 69.
123. Lowell: “Luck threw up the coin, and the plot swallowed|monster yawning for its mess of pottage” (“For John Berryman” 4–5, Notebook69-1).
124. Dupee.
125. “The Ties Women Cannot Shake and Have,” Vogue, June 1971. Photograph of Hardwick by Cecil Beaton.
126. Vogue biographical note: “With her daughter Harriet Lowell, Elizabeth Hardwick lives in a rambling two-story studio-apartment […] filled with the paintings and books she and the poet Robert Lowell collected during the twenty-one years of their marriage” (“The Ties Women Cannot Shake and Have,” Vogue, June 1971, p. 87). Wordsworth: “Behold her, single in the field,|Yon solitary Highland Lass!” (“The Solitary Reaper,” 1–2).
127. Workin’ Together (1971).
128. Sam Shepard, La Turista, introduction by Elizabeth Hardwick (1968).
129. Jarrell’s editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
130. Anne and Carl Cori.
131. Hardwick, “On Sylvia Plath,” New York Review of Books, August 12, 1971.
132. Harriet Lowell’s Spanish teacher at Dalton, who was politically conservative.
133. Lowell: “The merciless Racinian tirade|Breaks like the Atlantic on my head” (“Holy Matrimony” 39–41 [draft of “Man and Wife”]; Houghton Library, bMS Am 1905, folder 2204, p. 1); cf. “Your old-fashioned tirade,|Loving, rapid, merciless,|Breaks like the Atlantic Ocean on my head” (“Man and Wife” 26–28, Life Studies).
134. Lowell: “Once a week, we have our old French readings with our friend, who teaches French at Exeter. But we’ve been rather frighteningly improved by Mary, who always does her homework … and knows the language” (To Adrienne Rich [August 1967], The Letters of Robert Lowell, pp. 489–90).
135. By Gustave Flaubert (1869).
136. First published in 1883, but the edition that Lowell was reading is not known. See Hardwick, “Amateurs: Jane Carlyle,” New York Review of Books, December 14, 1972.
137. “Rhythm in the Voice: Lowell’s ‘Prometheus Bound,’” Times Literary Supplement, 9 July 1971.
138. Letter addressed to “Miss Harriet Lowell, c/0 Senorita Eda Gomez, Portofirio Diaz no-I-E, Ixtalahuaca, Mexico.”
139. (1853).
140. Charlotte Brontë, Villette, with an introduction by Q. D. Leavis (1971), pp. vi–xii. Reprinted in Q. D. Leavis, Collected Essays, vol. 1, The Englishness of the English Novel, ed. G. Singh (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983).
141. Arendt was on the faculty of the Committee for Social Thought at the University of Chicago from 1963 to 1967.
142. Ian Hamilton, “A Conversation with Robert Lowell,” the Review 25 (Summer 1971).
143. Robert Lowell, “The Art of Poetry No. 3,” interview by Frederick Seidel, Paris Review, no. 25 (Winter–Spring 1961).
144. Card now missing.
145. Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son (1848).
146. Ariel (1965).
147. “new poems”: Winter Trees (1971); “intermediate”: Crossing the Water (1971).
148. See Sigmund Freud, “The Moses of Michaelangelo” (1914) and Moses and Monotheism (1939). Cf. Lowell, “Freud” [London and Winter and London 3 \4/ \5/], “The Dolphin” manuscript, and “Freud” [Winter and London 5], The Dolphin.
149. “How often have I mounted the steep steps from the unlovely Corso Cavour to the lonely piazza where the deserted church stands, and have essayed to support the angry scorn of the hero’s glance … But why do I call this statue inscrutable? There is not the slightest doubt that it represents Moses, the law-giver of the Jews, holding the Tables of the Ten Commandments” (Freud, “The Moses of Michaelangelo,” trans. James Strachey, in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, vol. 13 [1955], p. 213).
150. Lowell, Life Studies; Plath, Ariel.
151. Franz Schubert, “An die Musik” (D 547) and “Gretchen am Spinnrade” (D 118/Op. 2); very likely the 1952 Schwarzkopf recording (Columbia 33CX 1040). Hardwick: “When I visited him in the hospital […] we were always ordered rather grandly to bring the Vergil, the Dante, the Homer, the Elisabeth Schwarzkopf record” (“Cal working, etc.,” from a letter to Ian Hamilton, n.d., 1981 or 1982; see pages 473–75). See also Lowell, “Elisabeth Schwarzkopf in New York” (Midwinter 5), Notebook69-1, -2; (Midwinter 7), Notebook70; and History.
152. Harris (“Tommy”) Thomas.
153. “In Maine,” New York Review of Books, October 7, 1971.
154. From Sarah Orne Jewett, “The Town Poor,” Stranger and Wayfarers (1891), pp. 43–44.
155. OED: “To put up with, bear with, endure, tolerate [a fig. sense of ‘to stomach’ in 2]. Now only in negative or preclusive constructions” (“Brook, v.” 3, Oxford English Dictionary Vol. I).
156. Phyllis Munro Seidel (née Ferguson) was married to Frederick Seidel from 1960 to 1969.
157. Grace Dudley.
158. Meade.
159. Hubert Humphrey; cf. Seidel: “I miss the dry-ice fire of Bobby Kennedy.|I met McGovern in your living room.|Hubert Humphrey simply lacked the lust” (“The Former Governor of California” 15–17, My Tokyo [1992]).
160. Possibly Hardwick’s biography of Emily Brontë in Atlantic Brief Lives: A Biographical Companion to the Arts, ed. Louise Kronenberger and Emily Morison Beck (1971). Hardwick would write further about her in “Working Girls: The Brontës,” New York Review of Books, May 4, 1972.
161. Simone de Beauvoir, Le Deuxième Sexe (1949). Hardwick: “The Subjection of Women,” Partisan Review 20, no. 3 (May/June 1953), reprinted in A View of My Own (1962). Hardwick would write further about de Beauvoir’s The Coming of Age in The New York Times Book Review (May 14, 1972); see also remarks about de Beauvoir in “The Art of Fiction No. 87,” interview by Darryl Pinckney, Paris Review, no. 96 (Summer 1985).
162. Possibly Anne (née Clifford), Vicountess Norwich. John Julius Norwich: “V. odd. In 1971 Lady Norwich would have been my first wife Anne. (My mother never used the title.) But neither of them ever cranked a car in her life. Nor does that strangely defensive remark ring true. I think he got the name wrong!” (email message to editor, October 14, 2014).
163. Page torn.
164. Page torn.
165. Thus, for “through.”
166. Dir. Robert Feust (1970).
167. Typed on the verso of the aerogram.
168. “The Dolphin” manuscript.
169. See Hardwick to Lowell, June 26, 1970, footnote 4 on page 69.
170. Lowell: “Today I leaned through lunch on my elbows,|watching my nose bleed red lacquer on the grass; I see, smell and taste blood in everything” (“Ninth Month” [Marriage 11] 4–6, The Dolphin).
171. Castine physician.
172. Hardwick: “Strange, what I have written about the working habits, the coming out of the hospital is not new. It is what I wrote in the ‘notebook’ I tore up, which did not seem to have a proper context for such reflections. It turns out that one has very few ideas finally and I have written more or less these same things to friends over the years in letters that also contained my distress over Cal’s actions” (“Cal working, etc.,” n.d., 1981 or 1982; p. 475).
173. “Opus Dei” (an eight-poem sequence) was published in Delusions, Etc. (1972).
174. Beethoven, Missa solemnis in D major, Op. 123 (1819–1823).
175. Now missing.
176. Lowell: “in less than thirty seconds swimming the blood-flood:|Little Gingersnap Man, homoform” (“Robert Sheridan Lowell” 7–8, The Dolphin).
177. Antihypertensive drug.
178. The manuscript of Bidart’s Golden State (1973).
179. Bishop had an asthma attack in late October 1971, and “on November 9 she collapsed and was taken by the university police to the Harvard infirmary. Transferred immediately to Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, she remained in an oxygen-deficit fog for eight days.” She was then “back at Stillman Infirmary at Harvard, where she remained for three more weeks, until December 6” (Brett C. Millier, Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It [1993], pp. 454–55).
180. McCarthy covered Captain Ernest Medina’s trial for his role in the 1968 My Lai Massacre. See her study, Medina (1972).
181. Mary Thomas.
182. Dante: “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita|mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,|ché la diritta via era smarrita” (“In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself in a dark wood where the straight way was lost” [Temple translation, 1900]; Inferno, I:1–3).
183. Unsigned.
184. Caravaggio and His Followers, The Cleveland Museum of Art, October 22, 1971–January 2, 1972.
185. Hotel in Manhattan.
186. See Hardwick’s thank-you letter of January 23, 1972.
187. Lowell: “Robespierre and Mozart as Stage” (The Powerful 14) Notebook70; and “Robespierre and Mozart as Stage,” History.
188. See Thomas Carlyle, The French Revolution (1837); Jules Michelet, Histoire de la révolution française (1847–53); Georg Büchner, Dantons Tod (1835).
189. Harriet Lowell’s fifteenth birthday was on January 4, 1972.
190. Macbeth, dir. Roman Polanski (1971).
191. Thus, for “along.”
192. Seidel: “He took an office just like Norman Mailer.|He married a writer just like Lizzie Lowell.|He shaved his beard off just like. Yes. Exactly” (manuscript draft of “What One Must Contend With,” 24–26, dedicated to Elizabeth Hardwick; Elizabeth Hardwick Papers, HRC). In the version published in Sunrise (1979), the dedication was removed and the lines read: “He took an office just like Norman Mailer.|He married a writer just like—yes exactly.|He shaved his beard off just like—et cetera.”
193. An allusion to Randall Jarrell. Peter Taylor: “I remember once at Kenyon there was a student who had done a painting, a landscape, and had it proudly displayed in his room. When Randall came in and saw it there, he exclaimed, ‘Gosh, that’s good!’ He pointed out all the fine qualities. The painter sat soaking up the praise. They talked of other things for a while, and when Randall got up to leave he said, putting his fist on his hip and frowning, ‘You know, I’ve changed my mind about that picture. There’s something wrong, awfully wrong, about the light in it. You ought to work on it some more, or maybe you really ought to just throw this one away and do another’” (“Randall Jarrell,” in Randall Jarrell, 1914–1965, ed. Robert Lowell, Peter Taylor, and Robert Penn Warren [1967], pp. 246–47).
194. Hardwick: “Women, wronged in one way or another, are given the overwhelming beauty of endurance, the capacity for high or lowly suffering, for violent feeling absorbed, finally tranquilized, for the radiance of humility, for silence, secrecy, impressive acceptance. Heroines are, then, heroic; but the heroism may turn into an accusation and is in some way feared as the strength of the weak. The Wife of Bath, coarse, brilliant, greedy, and lecherous as any man, tells a tale of infinite psychological resonance” (“Seduction and Betrayal: I,” New York Review of Books, May 31, 1973). The essay “was read at Vassar College in 1972” (Seduction and Betrayal, p. vii). See also Lowell’s “To Speak of Woe That Is in Marriage” (Life Studies).
195. Macdonald.
196. To Joanna Rostropowicz.
197. Berryman committed suicide on January 7, 1972.
198. Ian Hamilton: “In January 1972 Lowell’s stepdaughter Ivana (now aged six) overturned a kettle of boiling water and was badly burned; she spent three months in the hospital” (Robert Lowell: A Biography, p. 428). See Lowell’s “Dolphins” and “Ivana” [Another Summer 2 and 3], The Dolphin, and Caroline Blackwood’s “Burns Unit” (For All That I Found There [1973]). For her own account of the accident, see also Ivana Lowell, Why Not Say What Happened? (2010), pp. 34–40.
199. Thus, for Heathrow.
200. The babynurse hired by the Lowells after the birth of Harriet in 1957. See “Home After Three Months Away” (Life Studies) and The Letters of Robert Lowell, pp. 270, 278, 281.
201. Wordsworth: “a voice|That seemed the very sound of happy thoughts” (“The Wanderer” 734–45, The Excursion).
202. Marianne Moore died on February 5, 1972.
203. R. P. Blackmur, “The Method of Marianne Moore,” in The Double Agent: Essays in Craft and Elucidation (1935).
204. In Britain, coal miners downed tools on January 9, 1972. On February 16, the BBC reported that the Central Generating Electricity Board had announced “many homes and businesses will be without electricity for up to nine hours from today.”
205. The miners ended their strike on February 19, 1972.
206. Lowell: “She\’s/ a friend to Mom now, not an enemy,|except for my yelling, Dammit, brush your teeth!” (“Fox Fur,” 11–12, “The Dolphin” manuscript, p. 47; see poem on page 249).
207. Harriet Lowell: “One time [my mom] was drilling me—I had a spelling bee and I guess I misspelled ‘strange’ and [my father] would say, ‘Well, Ben Jonson spells it that way, so she can,’ and she was furious because, [as she said,] ‘We don’t need this now, we want her to pass the test!’” (Harriet Lowell Interview, “On Robert Lowell,” Harvard Oral History Initiative, August 2016).
208. “Working Girls: The Brontës,” New York Review of Books, May 4, 1972.
209. For “The American Woman: A Time Special Issue,” Time Magazine 99, no. 12, March 20, 1972, which is unsigned, as was Time Magazine’s practice. See especially “The New Woman, 1972.”
210. Zhou Enlai; Nixon visited China from February 21–28, 1972.
211. Among the chronicles of New York literary social life in 1972 is Robert Craft’s: “On February 21, I shared a table with Lincoln and Fidelma Kirstein […] for the Random House-New York Review Auden testimonial dinner, a combination birthday party and Last Supper […] I saw Elizabeth Hardwick home afterward” (An Improbable Life [2002], pp. 306–307).
212. Twemlow in Charles Dickens’s Our Mutual Friend (1865).
213. Lowell: “a mother, unlike most fathers, must be manly” (“Dolphins” [Another Summer 2] 12, The Dolphin).
214. Harriet Lowell: “I remember my mother saying […] [that] he asked for an art book called Horrors of the Vatican [for Christmas] and my mother went all over looking for it but it was just a joke” (interview with the editor, July 5, 2016).
215. “Old Snapshot from Venice 1952” (Hospital II 3), The Dolphin.
216. Pilgrims; both “Pilgrims” and “Romero” were draft titles for “Marriage?” (Caroline 4), The Dolphin.
217. Guglielmo Ferrero, Aventure. Bonaparte en Italie. 1796–1797 (1936).
218. Dickens: “And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!” (final sentence in A Christmas Carol [1843]).
219. That is, Hardwick herself.
220. Handwritten.
221. “For John Berryman,” New York Review of Books, April 6, 1972.
222. John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (1971); Stuart Hampshire, “A Special Supplement: A New Philosophy of the Just Society,” New York Review of Books, February 24, 1972. See also Marshall Cohen, “A Theory of Justice by John Rawls: The Social Contract Explained and Defended,” New York Times Book Review, July 16, 1972.
223. Dir. Marcel Ophüls (1969).
224. Giuseppe Verdi, Otello (1887), dir. Franco Zeffirelli, Metropolitan Opera, March 25, 1972.
225. Lowell (speaking in Hardwick’s voice): “‘My sister, Margaret, a one-bounce basketball|player and all-Southern Center, came home|crying each night because of “Happy” Chandler,|the coach, and later Governor of Kentucky.|Our great big tall hillbilly idiots keep|Kentucky pre-eminent in basketball’” (“The Graduate” [Summer 12] 5–11, Notebook69-1, -2; [Summer 20], Notebook70; and [Late Summer 7], For Lizzie and Harriet).
226. “Frank has given me The Dolphin to read. It is beautifully made, every line won hard, and it is sad and comforting at one and the same time. But 1 and 2 on page 47 will tear Elizabeth apart, important though I agree they are to the wholeness of the book. I have to say that” (William Alfred to Lowell, March 12, 1972, Texas). In “The Dolphin” manuscript, the poems on page 47 are “Fox Fur” and “The Messiah” (Flight to New York 1 and 2). (See poems on page 249.)
227. Lowell mistook the page number (see footnote immediately above), but he may have been thinking of the poems on page 46 of “The Dolphin” manuscript, “Before the Dawn of Woman” and “Dawn” (Before Woman 1 and 2). Cf. The Dolphin: Two Versions, 1972–1973.
228. William Alfred: “I met Auden for the first time at Kronenbergers. He looked a dirty snowman with a boys’ wig on. He spoke of not speaking to you because of the book [The Dolphin]. When I said he sounded like God the Father, he gave me a tight smile. I write to warn you” (Alfred to Lowell, March 12, 1972, Texas; quoted in Ian Hamilton, Robert Lowell: A Biography p. 425). Robert Craft: “On January 11 [1972], Wystan Auden, rumpled face now resembling that of a shar-pei, and Chester Kallman came for dinner. Conversation was like old times […] W.H.A. was indignant about ‘Cal’ Lowell’s treatment of Elizabeth and Harriet in his last poems” (Craft, An Improbable Life, p. 306).
229. Compare “The Messiah” 1-4 with “In the Mail” 8-10, The Dolphin; see footnote 2 on page 293.
230. “The Poet Robert Lowell—Seen by Christopher Ricks,” Listener (21 June 1973).
231. Thomas Hardy to James Douglas, November 10, 1912, published in the Daily News (November 15, 1912); quoted in Florence Emily Hardy, The Life of Thomas Hardy, 1840–1928 (1962), pp. 358–59.
232. “From My Wife” [The Farther Shore 1], “The Dolphin” manuscript; see poem on page 260. Cf. “Voices” [Hospital II], The Dolphin.
233. “Fox Fur” and “The Messiah” [Flight to New York 1 and 2], “The Dolphin” manuscript, the same poems that William Alfred objected to in his letter of March 12, 1972, to Lowell; see poems on page 249.
234. Hopkins: “This is the chastity of mind which seems to lie at the very heart and be the parent of all other good, the seeing at once what is best, the holding to that, and the not allowing anything else whatever to be even heard playing the contrary. Christ’s life and character are such an appeal to all the world’s imagination, but there is one insight St. Paul gives us of it which is very secret and seems to me more touching and constraining than everything else […] It is this holding of himself back, and not snatching at the truest and highest good, the good that was his right, nay his possession from a past eternity in his other nature, his own being and self, which seems to me the root of all his holiness and the imitation of this the root of all moral good in other men. I agree then, and vehemently, that a gentleman, if there is such a thing on earth, is in the position to despise the poet, were he Dante or Shakespeare, and the painter, were he Angelo or Apelles, for anything in him that shewed him not to be a gentleman […] The quality of a gentleman is so very fine a thing that it seems to me one should not be at all hasty in concluding that one possesses it. […] By and by if the English race had done nothing else, yet if they left the world the notion of a gentleman, they would have done a great service to mankind. As a fact poets and men of art are, I am sorry to say, by no means necessarily or commonly gentlemen” (Gerard Manley Hopkins to Robert Bridges, February 3, 1883, The Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins to Robert Bridges, ed. Claude Colleer Abbott (1935), pp. 175–76). Quoted in Bishop’s posthumously published “Efforts of Affection: A Memoir of Marianne Moore,” Collected Prose, ed. Robert Giroux (1984).
235. Henry James: “Receive from me (apropos of extraordinary women) a word of warning about Vernon Lee. I hope you won’t throw yourselves into her arms—and I am sorry you offered to go and see her (after she wrote to you) first. My reasons are several, and too complicated, some of them, to go into; but one of them is that she has lately, as I am told (in a volume of tales called Vanitas, which I haven’t read), directed a kind of satire of a flagrant and markedly ‘saucy’ kind at me (!!)—exactly the sort of thing she has repeatedly done to others (her books—fiction—are a tissue of personalities of the hideous roman-à-clef kind), and particularly impudent and blackguardedly sort of thing to do to a friend and one who has treated her with such particular consideration as I have” (Henry James to William James, January 20 [1893]; Henry James, Letters, vol. 3, 1883–1895, ed. Leon Edel [1980], p. 402). See Leon Edel, Henry James: The Middle Years, 1882–1895 (1962), pp. 332–35, which quotes from the letter and is likely the source of Bishop’s knowledge of the incident.
236. Thus, for Bloomfield.
237. Lowell: “Nothing but dung of the marsh, the moan of cows,|the machismo of the peacock” (“Oxford” [Redcliffe Square 3] 3–4, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “nothing but the soft of the marsh, the moan of cows,|the rooster-peacock” (“Oxford” [Redcliffe Square 4] 3–4, The Dolphin).
238. Lowell: “The saint and animal|swim Carpaccio’s tealeaf color” (“Old Snapshot and Carpaccio” [The Farther Shore 2] 9–10, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “The courtesans and lions|swim in Carpaccio’s brewing tealeaf color” (“Old Snapshot from Venice 1952” [Hospital II 3] 9–10, The Dolphin).
239. Lowell: “But surely it cuts the toll more than men count—” (“Flashback to Washington Square 1966” [Caroline 1] 12, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “though we earn less credit than we burn” (“Flashback to Washington Square 1966” [Caroline 1] 12, The Dolphin).
240. Lowell: “I have no friend to write to … I love you” (“July-August” [Caroline 3] 13, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “I have no one to stamp my letters … I love you” (“July-August” [Caroline 3] 13, The Dolphin). Cf. Hardwick to Mary McCarthy, July 1, 1970: “He made a plaintive remark: ‘I’d write you and Harriet but I can’t find any stamps since I left Oxford.’”
241. Lowell: “Up the carpeted stairway, your shoes thump,” (“Morning Blue” [Caroline 4] 9, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “Up the carpeted stairway, your shoes clack” (“Morning Blue” [Caroline 5] 9, The Dolphin).
242. Lowell: “a vibrance in the news and fat of my legs” (“Summer Between Terms” 7, “The Dolphin” manuscript). The line was deleted; cf. Summer Between Terms 2, The Dolphin. OED: No entry for vibrance in the 1933 edition but an entry from the 1993 supplement “vibrance n. = vibrancy n.” gives two examples in print before 1972, including “1934 in Webster Dict.” (“vibrance, n.” OED Online. March 2016. http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/243291?redirectedFrom=vibrance (accessed March 28, 2016).
243. Lowell: “\Here/ a huddle of shivering cows and feverish leaves|\burying old lumber without truce./” (Fall Weekend at Milgate [1] 11–12, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “I watch a feverish huddle of shivering cows;|you sit making a fishspine from a chestnut leaf” (Fall Weekend at Milgate [1] 11–12, The Dolphin).
244. Lowell: “love vanquished by his mysterious carelessness.” (“‘I Was Playing Records,’” 14, “The Dolphin” manuscript; cf. “Records,” 14, The Dolphin.)
245. Lowell: “I’ve wondered who would see and date you next,|and grapple in the aspic of your flesh” (Mermaid [5] 1–2, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “One wondered who would see and date you next,|and grapple for the danger of your hand” (Mermaid [5] 1–2, The Dolphin).
246. Cf. Lowell: “Rough Slitherer in the your grotto of haphazard” (Mermaid [5] 10, “The Dolphin” manuscript). “Rough Slitherer” may have suggested the “asp” in “aspic” to Bidart’s ear.
247. Lowell: “What were was the lessons of the wolverine,|the Canada of Earnest Seton Thompson” (“Wolverine” [More London Winter 1] 1–2, “The Dolphin” manuscript). The poem was removed from The Dolphin and added to History as “Wolverine, 1927.” See also Ernest Thompson Seton, Rolf in the Woods (1911).
248. Lowell: “‘We can’t swing New York on less than thirty thousand,’” (“Transatlantic Call” 1, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “We can’t swing New York on Harry Truman incomes—” (“During a Transatlantic Call” 1, The Dolphin). Hardwick to Lowell, June 23, 1970: “next year if you are leaving us or if I am leaving you I will have to have $20,000. I can’t get by on less that first year and cannot even pay the taxes on that.” ($20,000 in June 1970 is approximately $130,296 in 2019 dollars [CPI].)
249. F. Scott Fitzgerald, “How to Live on $36,000 a Year,” Saturday Evening Post, April 5, 1924; Thomas Caldecott Chubb: “In a short career, even now amounting to only five years, Scott Fitzgerald has already found time to do a great many things […] He has told,—and presumably based the telling on his own experience,—how it is possible to live on $30,000 a year” (“Bagdad-on-Subway,” Forum 74, no. 2 [August 1925]). Fitzgerald’s 1924 figure of $36,000 is approximately $532,160 in 2019 dollars; Lowell’s 1972 figure of $30,000 is approximately $184,508 in 2019 dollars (CPI).
250. Mary McCarthy: “But to speak of my doubts about the radicalism of the Thirties, what did we accomplish? Almost nothing that I can see […] Some of us (you and me included) were OK on [Senator Joseph] McCarthy, but again history took care of that, and I would not like to claim that our disputes with [Sidney] Hook and others had any influence on events. Meanwhile, like most American writers, professors and editors, we were getting richer. And less revolutionary. Not just because we had more money, but because we were getting older, and because, according to our analysis, it was not ‘a revolutionary situation’” (Philip Rahv, “The Editor Interviews Mary McCarthy,” Modern Occasions 1, no. 1 [Fall 1970], p. 22).
251. Lowell: “‘My mother really learned to loathe babies,|she loved to lick the palate of her Peke,|as if her tongue were trying a liqueur…|What I am saying \say/ should go into your Notebook:|I’d rather have my children on morphine than religion’” (Artist’s Model [3] 1–5, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “‘My cousin really learned to loathe babies,|she loved to lick the palate of her Peke|as if her tongue were trying a liqueur— what I say should go into your Notebook.…|I’d rather dose children on morphine than the churches’” (Artist’s Model [2] 1-5, The Dolphin).
252. OED: “Palate 1. The roof of the mouth (in man and vertebrates)” (“palate, n. and adj.” Oxford English Dictionary Vol. VII).
253. Lowell: “I sit with my fresh wife, children, house and sky—” (“Later Week at Milgate” [Burden 7] 12, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “I sit with my staring wife, children … the dour Kent sky” (“Late Summer at Milgate” [Marriage 10] 12, The Dolphin). Cf. Lowell’s use of “unfresh” in “‘I despair of letters…’” [The Burden 6] 13 in “The Dolphin” manuscript, and in “Letter” [Marriage 8] 13, The Dolphin).
254. From “Christmas 1970” [Flight to New York 10] 14, “The Dolphin” manuscript; cf. “Christmas” [Flight to New York 12] 14, The Dolphin.
255. Lowell: “A thick \heavy/ book, sunrise-red from Lizzie,|with, ‘Why don’t you try to lose yourself|and write a play about the fall of Japan?’” (“Christmas 1970” [Flight to New York 10] 5–7, “The Dolphin” manuscript); cf. “Christmas” [Flight to New York 12] 5–7, The Dolphin.
256. Lowell: “Have we got a child…|Our bastard, easily fathered, hard to name?” (“Knowing” [Burden 1] 6–7, “The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised to read “We have our child,|our bastard, easily fathered, hard to name…” (“Knowing” [Marriage 5] 6–7, The Dolphin).
257. In “The Dolphin” manuscript, the protagonist learns that the Caroline character is expecting a child after his return from New York, and after his decision to leave the Lizzie character for Caroline. For the published version of The Dolphin, Lowell revised the order of the poems away from the actual chronology of events, fictionalizing them. He moved poems about Sheridan’s conception and birth to a sequence titled Marriage, which occurs before Flight to New York. The visit to New York takes place a full year after his birth, and after the protagonist and the Caroline character have married.
258. For Lowell’s substitution of “slave” for “woman” in “From my Wife” [The Farther Shore 1], cf. Hardwick: “We are as good and useful as men. Equality is self-evident. We do not want to be slaves or married to slaves—but this is the condition of so much of the suffering world. When that happens, human beings can only cling together, huddling under the blanket” (“The Ties Women Cannot Shake and Have,” Vogue, June 1, 1971, p. 87).
259. Lowell: “She is normal and good because she had normal and good|parents” (“In the Mail,” 6–7, The Dolphin); see footnote 2 on page 293. Cf. also Frank Bidart to Lowell, June 4, 1970; Hardwick to Lowell, OCT 16 PM 5.13 [1970]; and Hardwick to Lowell [no date summer 1972].
260. Taylor.
261. The poems in Burden [1-10] (the penultimate sequence in “The Dolphin” manuscript) were revised and added to a sequence newly titled Marriage [1-16] (The Dolphin); “Sickday” [Sickday Leaving America for England 3] was retitled “Sick” [Leaving America for England 5]. The idea to change the title of Flight to New York [1-10] in “The Dolphin” manuscript to To New York did not last; Lowell went back to Flight to New York [1-12] for the sequence title when he published The Dolphin.
262. “From My Wife” [The Farther Shore 1] in “The Dolphin” manuscript was rewritten as “Voices” [Hospital II 1] in The Dolphin.
263. See John Thompson to Robert Lowell, May 24 [1972], Robert Lowell Papers, HRC.
264. Hardwick to Ian Hamilton, that before the publication of The Dolphin in 1973: “All I knew, and this from everyone visiting at Milgate, was that he was using my letters” (Elizabeth Hardwick Papers, HRC); see also Hardwick’s remarks in footnote 1 on page 366 (Lowell to Giroux, July 26, 1973).
265. In Honoré de Balzac’s Eugénie Grandet (1833).
266. Cf. Hardwick: “There is some dispute about Rousseau. Perhaps he did not abandon his children to the foundling hospital. What a base lie. Not to have abandoned the children, all five of them. But of course he sent the children to the foundling hospital. Everything we know about him and Thérèse Levasseur makes it ‘work.’ That is if there actually were children born. There’s always that” (“Cross-Town” [1980] in The New York Stories of Elizabeth Hardwick [2010], p. 159).
267. For the American edition of Alvarez’s The Savage God (1972) (published in the U.K. in 1971). Hardwick: “A. Alvarez does make her alive and real to us and his chapter on Sylvia Plath in his book about suicide is very moving. Alvarez is restrained, but he manages to suggest many of the private sufferings that were there at the moment of suicide” (“On Sylvia Plath,” New York Review of Books, August 12, 1971).
268. Carol Brightman: “When the Wests returned to Paris from [Nicola] Chiaromonte’s funeral in Rome, Mary had noticed a black speck in her right eye […] A torn retina was diagnosed, and McCarthy had checked into the American Hospital at Neuilly for laser surgery. Recovering at home, her eyes bandaged, [she was] unable to move her head for weeks” (Writing Dangerously: Mary McCarthy and Her World [1992], p. 566).
269. Robert Bland.
270. Hans Jonas.
271. McCarthy: “About the ms. he gave to Faber he knows I don’t commend him for it. I think he might have made the sacrifice, for the time being, of those poems. But Cal is not a sacrificing man, least of all, I suppose, where his poetry is concerned, which means more to him than any people. People in fact are sacrificed to it, to keep the flame burning. It is a Jamesian subject, I guess—the Moloch-artist. I just had a note from Gaia, saying, among other things, that Roger Straus told her that Cal had given him two manuscripts, and that he and Giroux didn’t know what to do. I suppose that means publish or don’t publish; Gaia is always elliptic. Perhaps the poems aren’t so bad; I mean, from your point of view as, so to speak, co-author. I don’t know. I saw only one or two, long ago, when he had the place on Pont Street. It wasn’t hard to recognize your voice, certainly. Have you seen them and what do you feel?” (to Elizabeth Hardwick, April 5, 1972).
272. McCarthy: “Incidentally, I thought his Berryman piece was quite good. Patronizing, but he did not try to hide that. To my mind, Berryman, though, has been overrated; I don’t feel he does compare to Cal, which people were tending to do more and more” (to Elizabeth Hardwick, April 5, 1972).
273. Figurative (OED: “happy dust n. slang [orig. U.S.] = cocaine n.” [“happy, adj. and n.],” OED Online. March 2019. http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/84074?redirectedFrom=happy+dust [accessed March 29, 2016]).
274. An Anthology of Twentieth Century Brazilian Poetry, ed. Elizabeth Bishop and Emanuel Brasil (1972).
275. R. K. Meiners, Everything to Be Endured: An Essay on Robert Lowell and Modern Poetry (1970).
276. John Berryman, Delusions, Etc. of John Berryman (1972).
277. “Efforts of Affection: A Memoir of Marianne Moore” in Bishop’s Collected Prose (1984).
278. Probably “Poem,” which Bishop enclosed with “In the Waiting Room” (see Lowell to Elizabeth Bishop, April 24, 1972, below).
279. For Golden State (1973).
280. “Golden State,” Golden State (1973).
281. Letter from Bidart now missing. Lowell had written an earlier draft of a blurb for Bidart’s Golden State in a letter to Bidart on March 25, 1972.
282. Among Lowell’s papers, typed by Lowell: “A Cursory list of|Errors with Harriet:|1. Staying too long at Maidstone and bringing C. to London|2. Dinner with Grey and Neiti|3. Gold ring|4. House of Lords?|5. Waterloo and Original?|6. Late hours, Blue Nun and Irish Coffee?|7. C. and H. wildly arguing women and socialism against Harriet’s father.|8. Swanly College, Duckworth|9. Having Ivana and Jenia around too much; not having Ivana and Jenia around enough.|10. Failure to buy clothes|11. Uninventive present to Harriet of a check|12. Failure to pick up two registered letters|13. Failure to take H. to call on New York Book Review elders|14. Paltry stop-gap presents from Cal to H. and E.|15. English weather|16. Meeting with Lady Dufferin|17. Introducing of Israel, the norm, humorously into talk.|18. Lady Caroline Lowell” (HRC). (“Israel” is a reference to Israel Citkowitz.)
283. About Robert Craft’s chronicle of Igor Stravinsky in the New York Review of Books; see “Pages from a Chronicle” (February 25, 1971); “Stravinsky: End of a Chronicle” (July 1, 1971); and “Venice: Paragraphs from a Diary” (October 5, 1972). If Hardwick ever did write about Craft and Stravinsky, she did not publish it.
284. Elizabeth Bishop, “Poem” and “In the Waiting Room” (Geography III [1976]).
285. Bishop: “Your Uncle George, no, mine, my Uncle George,|he’d be your great-uncle, left them all with Mother|when he went back to England.|You know, he was quite famous, an R.A.…” (“Poem” 40–43, Geography III [1976].) R. A.: Royal Academician.
286. Elizabeth Bishop, “In the Village,” New Yorker (December 19, 1953); reprinted in Questions of Travel (1965). See also Lowell, “The Scream,” For the Union Dead.
287. Stanley Kunitz, The Testing-Tree (1971). Cf. Robert Frost’s title A Witness Tree (1942); and his lines “One tree, by being deeply wounded,|Has been impressed as Witness Tree|And made commit to memory|My proof of being not unbounded” (“Beech,” 6–9).
288. Kunitz: “As for Dolphin, I should be less than honest if I didn’t tell you that it both fascinates and repels me. There are details that seem to me monstrously heartless. I will grant that parts of it are marvelous—wild, erotic, shattering. (Who else has the nerve for such a document of enchantment and folly?) But some passages I can scarcely bear to read: they are too ugly, for being too cruel, too intimately cruel. You must know that after its hour has passed, even tenderness can cut the heart. What else need I say to you, dear Cal, not as your judge—God save me!—but as your friend. In any event, these are matters that I have not discussed with another soul” (Stanley Kunitz to Lowell, April 19, 1972; quoted in Hamilton, Robert Lowell: A Biography, p. 422).
289. “Morning Away from You” (The Burden 9) 8–12 (“The Dolphin” manuscript). Revised: “Goodmorning.|My nose runs, I feel for my blood,|happy you save mine and hand it one,|now death becomes an ingredient of my being— my Mother and Father dying young and sixty” (“Morning Away from You” [Marriage 16] 7–11, The Dolphin).
290. “Plane-Ticket” (Flight to New York 3) 13–14, in “The Dolphin” manuscript; cf. “Plane-Ticket” (Flight to New York 1) 13–14, The Dolphin.
291. “Departure at the Air-Terminal” (Flight to New York 4) 13–14, “The Dolphin” manuscript. Revised: “Surely it’s a strange joy|blaming ourselves and willing what we will” (“With Caroline at the Air-Terminal” [Flight to New York 2] 12–13, The Dolphin).
292. “Green Sore” (The Burden 5) 11, “The Dolphin” manuscript; see poem on page 154. Cf. “Green Sore” (Marriage 7) 11, The Dolphin.
293. Third page of letter now missing.
294. Hardwick, “Working Girls: The Brontës,” New York Review of Books, May 4, 1972.
295. See Lowell to Hardwick, September 2, 1971, footnote 2 on page 216.
296. Talent agency that handled Lowell’s plays.
297. Private boarding school in Wallingford, Connecticut.
298. Brooks.
299. Devie Meade, daughter of Lowell’s cousin Alice Winslow Meade.
300. The University of East Anglia awarded Lowell an honorary Doctor of Letters (Litt.D.).
301. Thus, for “devolved” or “developed.”
302. Bishop marked this word with an asterisk and the rest of the paragraph with a line. At the bottom of the page, she wrote to Alice Methfessel, to whom she gave the letter: “Coitado! one can see what comes first! SAVE, please—”
303. That is, Sheridan, Ivana, and Evgenia, as well as Natalya when she was home from boarding school.
304. “Night City (from a Plane),” New Yorker (September 16, 1972). See Bishop to Lowell, July 12, 1972, Words in Air, p. 719.
305. “The Moose,” New Yorker (July 14, 1972).
306. “12 O’Clock News,” New Yorker (March 24, 1972).
307. “Poem (About the size of an old-style dollar bill),” New Yorker (November 11, 1972).
308. Thus, hand-corrected by Lowell to read graceful. Milton: “And now lastly will be the time to read with them those organic arts which inable men to discourse and write perspicuously, elegantly, and according to the fitted stile of lofty, mean, or lowly. Logic therefore so much as is useful, is to be referr’d to this due place withall her well coucht Heads and Topics, untill it be time to open her contracted palm into a gracefull and ornate Rhetorick taught out of the rule of Plato, Aristotle, Phalereus, Cicero, Hermogenes, Longinus. To which Poetry would be made subsequent, or indeed rather precedent, as being less suttle and fine, but more simple, sensuous and passionate.” (Milton, Of Education [1644].) Cf. The Letters of Robert Lowell, p. 25.
309. An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry, ed. Bishop and Brasil.
310. To visit Lowell’s aunt and uncle, Sarah and Charles Cotting, who had a house in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts.
311. See “Terminal Days in Beverly Farms” (Life Studies).
312. Lowell: “‘Rock was my name for Grandfather Winslow’s country place at Rock, Massachusetts” (Collected Prose, p. 359). See also “My Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow,” “Dunbarton,” and “Grandparents” (Life Studies).
313. Cf. “Old Snapshot and Carpaccio” (The Farther Shore 2), “The Dolphin” manuscript; and “Old Snapshot from Venice, 1952” (Hospital II 3), The Dolphin.
314. Twenty years ago.
315. Lowell and Hardwick were married on July 28, 1949, the day after Hardwick’s thirty-third birthday.
316. See Hardwick to Lowell, June 26, 1970, footnote 4 on page 69.
317. Postmarked August 4, 1972.
318. Katherine Meredith Keast (sister of William Meredith) and her daughter, Susan Meredith Keast, who was a childhood friend of Harriet Lowell’s.
319. Enclosure now missing.
320. Both the 1972 Republican and Democratic Primaries were held in Miami Beach, Florida, the Republican from August 21–23, the Democratic from July 10–13.
321. In 1972, Hardwick contributed to the unsigned article “The New Woman, 1972” and perhaps others in “The American Woman: A Time Special Issue,” Time Magazine (March 20, 1972); wrote seven articles for Vogue, including “Is the ‘Equal’ Woman More Vulnerable?” (July 1, 1972); and “Election Countdown ’72: One Woman’s Vote,” a six-part series published between August 15 and November 1, 1972; wrote four articles for the New York Review of Books, “Working Girls: The Brontës” (May 4, 1972); “On the Election” (November 2, 1972); “Amateurs: Dorothy Wordsworth and Jane Carlyle” (November 30, 1972); and “Amateurs: Jane Carlyle” (December 15, 1972); and published “Scenes from an Autobiography” (Prose 4, 1972).
322. Lowell: “Your student wrote me, if he took a plane|past Harvard, at any angle, at any height,|he’d see a person missing, Mr. Robert Lowell.|You insist on treating Harriet as if she|were thirty or a wrestler—she is only thirteen.|She is normal and good because she had normal and good|parents. She is threatened of necessity.…|I love you, Darling, there’s a black black void,|as black as night without you. I long to see|your face and hear your voice, and take your hand— I’m watching a scruffy, seal-colored woodchuck graze|on weeds, then lift his greedy snout and listen;|then back to speedy feeding. He weighs a ton,|and has your familiar human aspect munching” (“In the Mail,” The Dolphin). Cf.: Frank Bidart to Robert Lowell, June 4, 1970; Elizabeth Hardwick to Robert Lowell, OCT 16 PM 5.13 [1970]; and Robert Lowell to Harriet Lowell [April 2, 1972]. Cf. also lines 8–10 with “The Messiah” [Flight to New York 2] 1–4, “The Dolphin” manuscript, on page 249.
323. Quentin Bell, Virginia Woolf: A Biography (1972); Quentin was the son of Clive Bell and Vanessa Stephen.
324. Postscript written by hand.
325. Second page of letter now missing.
326. Thus.
327. Hardwick: “My lawyer drew up the settlement in consultation with Cal’s lawyer. It was complicated by provisions for Harriet and so on and it is wrong to say the money was ‘given’ to me, since she was 13. It was for both of us. It was the income from the trusts, amounting to about $20,000 dollars, on which I paid the taxes and sent Harriet to school, maintained the house and so on. This at the time was about the same amount Cal had from his royalties, plays and so on. There were provisions for death, illness, and the usual legal requirements. […] I think the fact that Caroline had a good deal of money made Cal wish to pose as a man who would have been rich had he not been ‘wiped out.’ He wasn’t rich at all and the divorce was financially hard on him and on me, according to our previous income when we were together” (Hardwick to Ian Hamilton, copy in the Elizabeth Hardwick Papers, HRC).
328. History is dedicated to Stanley Kunitz and Frank Bidart.
329. Kunitz: “I could enumerate for pages the things that are wrong with History—its rhetorical excesses, its hints of vainglory, its clutter, its trivia, etc.—but it would be a silly enterprise, for this is a monumental poem, your monument, a generation’s book of days, and great enough to make its flaws inconsequential. You have made vast improvements with your rearrangements and revisions of Notebook, and some of the new sonnets are among your best. But if you intend to complete the book with For Harriet and Lizzie [thus], I wish you would think twice about it. They are separate structures and don’t belong together. The main work is diminished in its grandeur by the juxtaposition: the whole dwindles to pathos, domesticities, and anti-climax” (to Robert Lowell, April 19, 1972).
330. That is, Blackwood’s writing.
331. Morton Bloomfield was the chair of the Harvard English Department from 1968 to 1972. Bishop was anxious that Lowell’s return to teaching at Harvard would displace her. See Lowell and Bishop’s exchange of letters in Words in Air, pp. 728–33.
332. Among many articles covering the 1972 U.S. presidential elections in the British newspapers, see Adam Raphael: “President Nixon, riding the crest of a 23-point gallup poll lead, came here [Chicago] to consolidate what his aides are now predicting will be one of the greatest landslides in American political history” (“Nixon sets out on triumphal progress—in advance,” Guardian, November 4, 1972). See also “The meeting of St George and the Godfather: How President Nixon swung the tide of unpopularity,” Times (London), November 6, 1972.
333. See Lowell, “Words for a Guinea-Pig” (Eloges to the Spirits 4), all three editions of Notebook; and “Words for Muffin, a Guinea-Pig” (Circles 7), For Lizzie and Harriet.
334. Lowell: “a barracuda settlement. (Santo Domingo,|quick divorces, solid alimony,|its dictator’s marina unsafe because of sharks|checking in twice daily like grinning, fawning puppies|for our sewage” (“Alimony” [Another Summer 4] 7–11, The Dolphin).
335. Ezra Pound died on November 1, 1972. “A Quiet Requiem for E.P” at the Donnell Library Center (20 West 53rd Street), with Lowell, Leon Edel, Robert Fitzgerald, James Laughlin, and Robert MacGregor.