Chapter 41

I helped with the search and by blind luck found the missing women. They are staying in an abandoned garage, no doubt waiting for the search to die down so they can make a break for the border. I saw them but did not draw attention to their location. These women are probably much more dangerous with a weapon than myself and a large part of me hopes they make it to freedom.

—The journal of Isaac Ryland

The sun was down, but Grant’s spirits were lower. They made it back to Grant’s mansion, and he still hadn’t heard any news about the French. Agent Barker’s phone was going straight to voice mail now; soon enough they would be reported missing and Grant could step in without drawing suspicion. He was now showered and changed into a set of maroon silk pajamas, complete with matching robe. He couldn’t think of a more commanding outfit to wear while inflicting some pain.

He was unsure which of his two targets to deal with at the moment. Then the thought hit him. Grant could do both at the same time.

When he jogged down the stairs it was no surprise to see Rex waiting at the bottom. The man’s awful stench was gone. He had showered and dressed in a tight black T-shirt and combat pants, the exact uniform Grant expected.

“Follow me,” Grant said.

The man didn’t question his orders when he followed Grant through the secret passage in the kitchen. They walked in silence among the dark hallways. Grant hoped Rex’s fear was growing. Silence sometimes helped the mind envision what awful things lay ahead, and Grant did not want to disappoint.

Rex followed Grant out into the east wing. Grant did not slow his pace. They made it to the long corridor of rooms. Grant stopped and Rex almost ran into him. Grant took this as a good sign; the large man was off his game.

“I thought you might enjoy this as a welcome-home present,” Grant said.

He pushed open the door to Rod’s room. The man was unconscious. Grant forgot he had ordered the doctor to keep him under at all times. He glanced at the tray sitting next to the man’s IV. There were three loaded syringes. One of them had to bring the man to life. Problem averted.

“I’d like to introduce you to Roderick Rowe,” Grant said. “Also known as Carter’s father and Amelia’s assistant. Now, I like to think of him as my personal and most important guest.”

Grant studied Rex’s face. If the large man felt for the bedridden person he was showing no signs. Grant had expected some reaction, but he continued to smile, sure he could detect an involuntary indication Rex had switched sides.

“Have a seat,” Grant said. “You’re being quiet tonight.”

“I’m tired,” Rex said.

“Roderick has been my backup plan,” Grant said. “I’m certain the young Mr. Rowe will trade his father’s life for the life of my former bride.”

Rex still gave no reaction.

“What do you say we wake him up?” Grant asked.


“I promised his son I wouldn’t harm his father,” Grant said, “if he delivered Amelia to me. It was simple at first, but Roderick has regained some of his memory and was asking too many questions, so I’ve kept him unconscious. We can’t do any serious harm to the man. You know I keep my word. But if he awakes and is inconsolable we may have to use some force.”

No reaction from Rex yet. Grant looked at the tray and picked up the middle syringe. He found the injection port in Rod’s IV and steadied the needle.

“For all I know this might kill him,” Grant said. “Should I inject him anyway?”

There was a slight hesitation, but Rex nodded. Grant pushed the fluid into the IV.

“Would it bother you if this man died?” Grant asked.

“No,” Rex said. “He has nothing to offer.”

Grant frowned. Even if Rex had switched sides, that would be the answer he’d give. Rod offered little to Mia’s cause and Rex would never show concern for strangers. Grant opened his mouth to rephrase the question but before he could get a word out Rod shot up in bed.

“Where am I?” Rod asked. “Where’s Carter?”

Laughter escaped from Grant’s lips. Of course he had chosen the right medication. Rex did his best to chuckle, but Grant could tell he wasn’t as animated as he should have been. Grant stopped his laughter.

“Your son is helping return my wife to me,” Grant said. “Then I shall kill her and the two of you will be on your way.”

Rod was breathing heavily, unable to respond. Grant diverted his attention to Rex. The man’s breathing had gotten heavier, but not enough for Grant to enjoy his affliction.

“Carter is not that dumb,” Rod said. “You will never win.”

“There are so many places on the human body that are capable of experiencing intense pain,” Grant said. “Some so much even the mind can’t mask what the person is feeling.”

Grant spun his chair around and started to look for an instrument. He had to open a few drawers before he found a long needle that lay on a piece of blue cloth. It was designed to be inserted into a person’s spine, but Grant wasn’t about to paralyze his hostage. He turned his chair back around. Rex was still acting compliant.

“You’ve already lost,” Rod said. “Just kill me.”

The hostage started tugging at the cuffs on his wrists. Perfect, Grant thought. He grabbed the man’s hand and held it down to the bed. Rod was too weak to overpower Grant. He looked at the vein and knew he had to avoid the main source of blood flow.

“I don’t know which is more effective,” Grant said. “Pain or fear. I’ll go for both.”

Grant slid the giant needle into Rod’s wrist and down through his palm. Grant could see the tool under Rod’s skin. The man started struggling and yelling. Grant kept going, watching as the large apparatus appeared under his skin. He pushed it all the way through his middle finger. Rod stopped screaming and was incapable of making noise.

“What do you think, Rex?”

Grant wanted a response, anything to signal Rex had switched sides, but the man was too well trained. He appeared as impassive as ever.

“Might as well do it all the way,” he said.

Grant looked back down and pushed the needle in all the way. The tip burst out the end of Rod’s finger. The hostage found his voice again and started screaming. Grant let go of the needle.

“Does this please you?” Grant asked.

“Are you trying to get information from him?” Rex asked.

Roderick was not the man Grant was after. Rex was doing his best to avoid Grant’s questions, but his eyes were unwavering. There was no way to read the large man. Grant turned back to the tray and inserted another dose of medication into Rod’s IV. It took seconds for the screaming man to become unconscious again. Rex continued to look straight ahead.

“I’m glad you’re back,” Grant said.

Rex nodded his head. He showed no hesitation. Their eyes would meet and Rex would stare right back. Grant looked down at Rod and noted the bleeding was minimal. Dr. Schaffer could clean this up in the morning.

Grant stood up from his chair and left the room. Rex followed. Grant hadn’t lied. He was happy Rex was back. Now he had something to focus his attention on. Grant was certain Mia was in the country, but until he had a more accurate location for the girl Grant could plan the slow torture of Rex. He was exhilarated. The hunt was back on.