Chapter 60

Tonight is my wedding. I have yet to view my wife, but I hope that she is pleased with me. The honor of her hand in marriage has cost me a great deal.

—The journal of Isaac Ryland

A woman. There was a female leader in a hidden part of America. If someone had told Andrew that a few months ago he would have laughed in their face. Mikey strolled into the small room and up to the chairs in which Andrew, Carter, and Zack were seated.

“I have heard the most interesting story tonight,” she said. “That you three, along with some others, are trying to stop the Registry. I also hear you have lots of outside help and your insane plan has a chance of success.”

“More than a chance,” Zack said.

“Well then the three of you have my blessing,” Mikey said. “And you are free to leave.”

None of them moved.

“Or stay if you like,” she said. “You have a high regard for women and are welcome in our small community.”

“Thank you,” Zack said.

“I wouldn’t thank me yet,” she said. “We waited too long to bring you up here.”

“What does that mean?” Carter asked.

“It means we used all the fuel from your car and already started ripping out the parts.”

“We can walk,” Zack said. “A few hundred miles to civilization, right?”

“If it was a straight plain,” she said. “You’re in the mountains. The road goes up and down here. It will be closer to five hundred.”

“That’s too long,” Carter said.

“That’s also if you don’t die from the elements along the way.”

Andrew was in shock. He was grateful they were allowed to go, but his gratitude was replaced by rage at the treatment of their equipment.

“You had no right,” Andrew said.

“I had every right,” she said. “You’re the ones who abandoned your vehicle for a night.” She looked into Andrew’s eyes with matching fury. “Don’t blame me for your foolishness,” she said.

Andrew was at a loss for words. He struggled to pull together his thoughts but she continued.

“I do feel a bit bad though,” she said. “We have one car here. Someone takes it into civilization, as you call it, once every other month and comes back with some much-needed supplies. They are on the road right now but won’t be back for another ten days.”

“Ten days?” Carter asked.

That was not good news to Andrew. He was set to meet Mia tomorrow; being trapped here for ten days would mean she would figure he was dead. He didn’t even want to think about what could happen to her alone in that time. Andrew knew why Carter was getting worried too. That was too close to Grant’s deadline for Rod. There were no other options though. Andrew didn’t want to lose this chance.

“And we can take your car in ten days?” Andrew asked.

“Someone will drive you to the nearest town in ten days,” she said. “From there you can find your own way.”

Carter was about to protest, but Andrew cut him off. “Ten days then.”

Mikey nodded her head. “Until then consider yourselves at home,” she said. “One of my sons is setting up some beds for you.”

Carter shot Andrew a dirty look and Andrew gave him a reassuring nod. That was pushing their deadline, but it was still doable.

“Dustin will take you on a small tour,” she said.

“What about Agent Quillian?” Andrew asked.

“He is a threat to me and mine,” she said, “and will be dealt with.”

“Where is he?” Andrew asked.

“His execution is being scheduled,” Mikey said. “If you would like to watch it can be arranged.”

“You can’t kill him,” Andrew said.

“Just an hour ago he was begging us to kill you,” Mikey said.

That didn’t matter. Andrew had promised Mia he wouldn’t kill the agent, and letting him die was the same as pulling the trigger.

“He is the exact type of person we are trying to save,” Andrew said.

“JR,” Mikey said. “Bring the RAG agent here.”

“Andrew, don’t push our luck,” Zack said in a hushed voice.

It didn’t take long for JR to drag Agent Quillian into the room. His ropes had not been cut; instead his face had. There was a gash next to his eye. He had sweated through his clothes and he hit the floor with a thud when JR released his arm.

“This young man seems to think you deserve to live,” Mikey said.

“I do,” Agent Quillian said.

“He knows of our plans,” Andrew said. “He doesn’t approve of the Registry either. He’s too scared to stop it.”

“If he escapes your custody he could set some of his brethren on us,” Mikey said.

“I won’t,” Agent Quillian said. “I swear. Please don’t kill me.”

“Shut up,” Andrew said.

“Plead his case again,” Mikey said.

“Agent Quillian is the type of person who will rejoice once our mission is complete. He’ll switch to our cause and your people will have nothing to fear.”

“What if you lose or he escapes?”

“I won’t escape,” Agent Quillian said. “Please, I want to stay with these men. I hate the American government.”

“Shut up,” Andrew said.

He didn’t break eye contact with Mikey. She wore a slight smile and held her hand out for Andrew to continue.

“You cannot kill him unless you’re willing to kill me too,” Andrew said.

“So you tie your life to his?” Mikey asked.

“Yes,” Andrew said.

She paused and glanced down at the shaking agent.

“I’m feeling generous tonight,” Mikey said. “The agent can live, but if over the next ten days I see him more than ten feet away from you the both of you are dead.”

“Can we make it twenty feet?” Andrew asked. “He’s a little annoying.”

Mikey let out a laugh and clapped her hands.

“Thank you,” Agent Quillian said. “Thank you . . . thank you . . . thank you.”

“JR, cut off Trent’s ropes,” she said. “Agent Quillian is dead, but he lives.”

Mikey stood up from her chair and started walking out of the building. She turned and gave Andrew a nod and a wink, cementing what Andrew already knew. Mikey had had no desire to kill Agent Quillian; instead she’d made sure Andrew had a loyal follower for life.