SINCE THIS IS A SISTERS’ BOOK, I want to first thank my amazing sisters, Michelle and Stacy. You taught me how to curl my hair, flirt, wash laundry, and pick myself up after a fall. Thank you for reading countless pages of my writing. You are both strong, smart, and capable women and I look up to your examples (even if you’re both shorter than I am).

I often tell people that I married Mr. Bingley because my husband is the nicest, most patient man alive. Jon, I am so grateful for your love and endless support. I couldn’t write without my family; all my love to Andrew, Alivia, Isaac, and Violet. To Mom and Dad, thank you for buying my books by the case and giving them away to everyone you know. You’re the best!

To my longtime besties, Dannielle and Katie: friends can be like sisters and our shared memories make us family.

A huge shout-out to my beta readers: Maren, Erin, Lisa, Nichole, and Susannah. Thank you for being willing to read early drafts and for giving me thoughtful feedback.

I am so grateful for book bloggers, YouTubers, Instagrammers, reviewers, teachers, and librarians around the world who have supported my book. Especially Krysti and Sarah from YA & Wine: You two are amazing, and I’m so grateful for your friendship as well as your bookish support.

The writing community in Utah is incredible, and I’m so thankful for the encouragement I’ve received from other authors. A special thanks to Tricia Levenseller, Kathryn Purdie, Emily R. King, Sara B. Larson, and Caitlin Sangster.

I was blessed to debut with so many talented authors whom I now call friends: Tiana Smith, Addie Thorley, Crystal Smith, Sofiya Pasternack, Erin Stewart, RuthAnne Snow, and Jennieke Cohen. I couldn’t have picked better partners for my publishing journey.

To my agents, Jen Nadol and Jennifer Unter, I can’t thank you enough for your support on this book and I look forward to making more stories with you.

To Sheldon and Tyler, you give the best medical consultations for fictional characters; any mistakes are my own.

I am so grateful for the Swoon Squad (other Swoon Reads authors). Your wit, wisdom, and wonderful books have enriched my life.

I’ll be forever indebted to Jean Feiwel and the Swoon Reads imprint for publishing my stories. A huge thank-you to the rest of the Swoon team: Lauren Scobell, Holly West, Kat Brzozowski, and Emily Settle. Emily, you are a delight to work with and the best editor around.

Katie Klimowicz, thank you for my incredible cover and interior book design. Cheers to my copyeditor, Juliann Barbato, for helping me polish my book until it shined. I appreciate the wonderful work of my production editor, Ilana Worrell. And I’m so grateful for my publicist, Madison Furr, for her enthusiasm and support.

Dear Reader, thank you for joining me on this adventure. May you always have a fresh cup of tea, a new book to read, and enough bravery to sail toward your dreams.