1813 |
May 5 |
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard born at Nytorv 2 (new number, 27), Copenhagen, son of Michael Pedersen Kierkegaard and Anne Sørensdatter Lund Kierkegaard. |
June 3 |
Baptized in Helliggeist Church in Copenhagen. |
1821 |
Enrolls in Borgerdydskolen in Copenhagen. |
1828 |
April 20 |
Confirmed in Vor Frue Church by Pastor J. P. Mynster (later to become bishop). |
1830 |
October 30 |
Registers as student at University of Copenhagen. |
November 1 |
Drafted into Royal Guard, Company 7. |
November 4 |
Discharged as unfit for service. |
April 25 |
Finishes first part of second examination (Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and history, magna cum laude; mathematics, summa cum laude). |
October 27 |
Completes second part of second examination (philosophy, physics, and mathematics, summa cum laude). |
1834 |
April 15 |
Entry 1 A 1 of journals and papers. |
1837 |
Between May 8 and May 12 |
On a visit to the Rørdams in Frederiksberg meets Regine Olsen for the first time. |
Autumn |
Begins teaching Latin for a term in Borgerdydskolen. |
1838 |
August 9 |
Father dies. |
September 7 |
Publication of From the Papers of One Still Living, by S. Kierkegaard. (About H. C. Andersen as a novelist, with special reference to his latest work, Only a Fiddler.) |
1840 |
July 3 |
Completes examination for degree (magna cam laude). |
July 19–August 6 |
Journey to ancestral home in Jutland. |
Becomes engaged to Regine Olsen. | |
November 17 |
Enters the Pastoral Seminary. |
1841 |
January 12 |
Preaches sermon in Holmens Kirke. |
July 16 |
Dissertation for the master of arts degree, The Concept of Irony, with Constant Reference to Socrates, accepted. |
September 29 |
Defends his dissertation. [Around mid-century magister degrees came to be regarded and named officially as doctoral degrees, such as they are now.] |
October 11 |
Engagement with Regine Olsen broken. October 25 Leaves Copenhagen for Berlin, where he attends Schelling’s lectures. |
1842 |
March 6 |
Returns to Copenhagen. |
1843 |
February 20 |
Either/Or, edited by Victor Eremita, published. |
May 8 |
Leaves for short visit to Berlin. |
May 16 |
Two Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
October 16 |
Repetition, by Constantine Constantius; Fear and Trembling, by Johannes de Silentio; and Three Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
December 6 |
Four Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
February 24 |
Preaches terminal sermon in Trinitatis Church. |
March 5 |
Two Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
June 8 |
Three Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
June 13 |
Philosophical Fragments, by Johannes Climacus, published. |
June 17 |
The Concept of Dread, by Vigilius Haufniensis; and Prefaces, by Nicholaus Notabene, published. |
August 31 |
Four Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
October 16 |
Moves from Nørregade 230 (now 38) to house at Nytorv 2, Copenhagen. |
1845 |
April 29 |
Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
April 30 |
Stages on Life’s Way, edited by Hilarius Bogbinder, published. |
May 13–24 |
Journey to Berlin. |
May 29 |
Eighteen Edifying Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
1846 |
January 2 |
First attack on S. K. in The Corsair. |
January 10 |
S. K.’s reply by Frater Taciturnus in The Fatherland. |
The Concluding Unscientific Postscript, by Johannes Climacus, published. | |
March 30 |
A Literary Review [The Present Age is part of this work], by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
May 2–16 |
Visit to Berlin. |
1847 |
March 13 |
Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
September 29 |
Works of Love, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
December 24 |
Sells house on Nytorv. |
1848 |
January 28 |
Leases apartment at Rosenborggade and Tornebuskgade 152 for April occupancy. |
April 26 |
Christian Discourses, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
November |
Finishes The Point of View for My Work as an Author (Published posthumously in 1859 by S. K.’s brother Peter Christian Kierkegaard.) “Armed Neutrality,” by S. Kierkegaard, written toward the end of 1848 and the beginning of 1849 but not published. |
1849 |
May 14 |
Second edition of Either/Or and The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
Two Minor Ethical-Religious Treatises, by H. H., published. | |
July 30 |
The Sickness Unto Death, by Anti-Climacus, published. |
November 13 |
Three Discourses at the Communion on Friday, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
1850 |
April 18 |
Moves to Nørregade 43, Copenhagen. |
September 27 |
Training in Christianity, by Anti-Climacus, published. |
December 20 |
An Edifying Discourse, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
1851 |
August 7 |
On My Work as an Author and Two Discourses at the Communion on Fridays, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
September 10 |
For Self-Examination, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
1851–52 |
Judge for Yourself, by S. Kierkegaard, written. Published posthumously in 1876. | |
1854 |
January 30 |
Bishop Mynster dies. |
April 15 |
H. Martensen named bishop. |
December 18 |
S. K. begins polemic against Bishop Martensen in The Fatherland. |
January–May |
Polemic continues. |
May |
This Must Be Said; So Let It Now Be Said, by S. Kierkegaard, published. Publishes the first number of The Moment. |
June 16 |
Christ’s Judgment on Official Christianity, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
September 3 |
The Unchangeableness of God, by S. Kierkegaard, published. |
September 25 |
Ninth and last number of The Moment published; number 10 published posthumously. S. K. writes his last entry in his journals. |
October 2 |
Enters Frederik’s Hospital. |
November 11 |
Dies. |
November 18 |