Chapter VI

1 London Gazette Extraordinary within the Scots Magazine of August 1786.

2 Ibid.

3 Hereford Journal, 10 August 1786.

4 Anon., Authentic Memoirs of the Life of Margaret Nicholson (London: James Ridgeway, 1786); followed by Anon., The Plot Investigated (London: E. Macklew, 1786).

5 ‘The Examination of Margaret Nicholson’, 42/9/455-456, Public Record Office, Kew.

6 Hereford Journal, 17 August 1786.

7 Chelmsford Chronicle, 11 August 1786.

8 Ipswich Journal, 26 August 1786.

9 Hereford Journal, 17 August 1786.

10 Belfast Evening Post, Dublin Evening Post, 28 August 1786; Caledonian Mercury, 30 August 1786.

11 The Parish Registers of Stokesley, Co. York, 1571−1750, ed. John Hawell (Leeds: Yorkshire Parish Register Society, 1901), p. 227.

12 Knollys, William, in a letter to the Countess of Banbury, 30 August 1786, National Archives, ref: 21M69.

13 ‘The Examination of George Nicholson’, HO 42/9/457, Public Record Office, Kew.

14 Old Bailey proceedings, 30 May 1781.

15 Scots Magazine, 12 August 1786.

16 The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, vol. XIV, eds A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1907−21).

17 Sophie in London, 1786, Being the diary of Sophie von La Roche, trans. Clare Williams (London: Jonathan Cape, 1933), pp. 166–71.

18 Cambray, Jacques, De Londres et de ses environs (Amsterdam: 1788), ii, pp. 12–13.

19 Anon., Sketches in Bedlam (London: Sherwood, 1823), pp. 253–8.