The illustration shows some lines of code numbered from 30 through 62 with the following annotation:

“//Uses iostream:
void introduction( )” annotated as “fully tested function”
using namespace std;
cout << "This program determines the retail price for\n"
<< "an item at a Quick-Shop supermarket store.\n";
//Uses iostream:
void getInput(double& cost, int& turnover)” annotated as “fully tested function”
using namespace std;
cout << "Enter the wholesale cost of item: $";
cin >> cost;
cout << "Enter the expected number of days until sold: ";
cin >> turnover;
//Uses iostream:
void giveOutput(double cost, int turnover, double price)” annotated as “function being tested”
using namespace std;
cout << "Wholesale cost = $" << cost << endl
<< "Expected time until sold = "
<< turnover << " days" << endl
<< "Retail price= $" << price << endl;
//This is only a stub:
double price(double cost, int turnover)” annotated as “stub.”
return 9.99; //Not correct, but good enough for some testing.