At top is the code line “int a[6];”. Below, a column of stacked, adjacent boxes is shown. Jagged breaks at the top and bottom of the column indicate that it continues above and below. The top 13 boxes are labeled, from top to bottom, 1022 through 1034. Box 1023 is labeled “address of a[0]”. Starting with this box, each set of two consecutive boxes is labeled, ranging from “a[0]” to “a[5]”. Box 1029 is labeled “On this computer each indexed variable uses 2 bytes, so a[3] begins 2 times 3 = 6 bytes after the start of a[0].” The first two boxes below 1034 are grouped together and labeled “some variable named stuff” and “There is no indexed variable a[6], but if there were one, it would be here.” The next two boxes below these are grouped together and labeled “some variable named moreStuff” and “There is no indexed variable a[7], but if there were one, it would be here.”