The table reads as follows:

Arrows indicate a flow from left to right in each row, and from top to bottom in each column.

The entries in the bottom row are annotated as follows from left to right:

“grade[3][0 ] is the grade that student 4 received on quiz 1.”

“grade[3][1] is the grade that student 4 received on quiz 2.”

“grade[3][2] is the grade that student 4 received on quiz 3.”

quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3
student 1 grade[0][0] grade[0][1] grade[0][2]
student 2 grade[1][0] grade[1][1] grade[1][2]
student 3 grade[2][0] grade[2][1] grade[2][2]
student 4 grade[3][0] grade[3][1] grade[3][2]