The illustration shows the output of a code segment:

"Choose 1 to see the next homework assignment.

Choose 2 for your grade on the last assignment.

Choose 3 for assignment hints.

Choose 4 to exit this program.

Enter your choice and press Return:

Assignment hints:

Analyze the problem.

Write an algorithm in pseudocode.

Translate the pseudocode into a C++ program.

Choose 1 to see the next homework assignment.

Choose 2 for your grade on the last assignment.

Choose 3 for assignment hints.

Choose 4 to exit this program.

Enter your choice and press Return:

End of Program." with “3” entered after the first “Enter your choice and press Return: ” and a "4" after the second "Enter your choice and press Return:"

The output lines "Write an algorithm in pseudocode." and "Choose 1 to see the next homework assignment." are annotated as “The exact output will depend on the code inserted into the switch statement."