The illustration shows code segment with "Explicitly Nested Loops." The lines numbered 10 through 46 are as follows:

<< "Each conservationist's report consists of\n"
 << "a list of numbers. Each number is the count of\n"
 << "the eggs observed in one"
 << "green-necked vulture nest.\n"
 << "This program then tallies
 << "the total number of eggs.\n";

 int numberOfReports;
 cout << "How many conservationist reports are there? ";
 cin >> numberOfReports;

 int grandTotal = 0, subtotal, count;
 for (count = 1; count <= numberOfReports; count++)
 cout << endl << "Enter the report of "
 << "conservationist number " << count << endl;
 cout << "Enter the number of eggs in each nest.\n"
 << "Place a negative integer at the end of your list.\n";
 subtotal = 0;
 int next;
 cin >> next;
 while (next >= 0)
 subtotal = subtotal + next;
 cin >> next;
 cout << "Total egg count for conservationist "
 << " number " << count << " is "
 << subtotal << endl;
 grandTotal = grandTotal + subtotal;

 cout << endl << "Total egg count for all reports = "
 << grandTotal << endl;

 return 0;
The statements numbered 22 through 41 are boxed. The statements 31 through 36 are also boxed within the larger box.