The illustration shows a code segment with the lines numbered from 1 through 43 and the annotations are as follows:

"//Program to demonstrate the class BankAccount.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Class for a bank account:
class BankAccount
"void set(int dollars, int cents, double rate);" annotated as "The member function set is overloaded."
"//Postcondition: The account balance has been set to $dollars.cents;
 //The interest rate has been set to rate percent."
" void set(int dollars, double rate);"annotated as "The member function set is overloaded."
" //Postcondition: The account balance has been set to $dollars.00.
 //The interest rate has been set to rate percent.
 void update( );
 //Postcondition: One year of simple interest has been
 //added to the account balance.
 double getBalance( );
 //Returns the current account balance.
 double getRate( );
 //Returns the current account interest rate as a percentage.
 void output(ostream& outs);
 //Precondition: If outs is a file output stream, then
 //outs has already been connected to a file.
 //Postcondition: Account balance and interest rate have
//been written to the stream outs.
double balance;
double interestRate;

double fraction(double percent);
//Converts a percentage to a fraction. For example, fraction(50.3)
//returns 0.503.
int main( )
BankAccount account1, account2;
cout << "Start of Test:\n";"
"account1.set(123, 99, 3.0);" annotated as "Calls to the overloaded member faction set." 
"cout << "account1 initial statement:\n";
"account1.set(100, 5.0);" annotated as "Calls to the overloaded member function set."
"cout << "account1 with new setup:\n";