Practice Programs

Practice Programs can generally be solved with a short program that directly applies the programming principles presented in this chapter.

  1. Redefine CDAccount from Display 10.1 so that it is a class rather than a structure. Use the same member variables as in Display 10.1 but make them private. Include member functions for each of the following: one to return the initial balance, one to return the balance at maturity, one to return the interest rate, and one to return the term. Include a constructor that sets all of the member variables to any specified values, as well as a default constructor. Embed your class definition in a test program.

  2. Redo your definition of the class CDAccount from Practice Program 1 so that it has the same interface but a different implementation. The new implementation is in many ways similar to the second implementation for the class BankAccount given in Display 10.7. Your new implementation for the class CDAccount will record the balance as two values of type int: one for the dollars and one for the cents. The member variable for the interest rate will store the interest rate as a fraction rather than as a percentage. For example, an interest rate of 4.3% will be stored as the value 0.043 of type double. Store the term in the same way as in Display 10.1.

  3. Define a class for a type called CounterType. An object of this type is used to count things, so it records a count that is a nonnegative whole number. Include a default constructor that sets the counter to zero and a constructor with one argument that sets the counter to the value specified by its argument. Include member functions to increase the count by 1 and to decrease the count by 1. Be sure that no member function allows the value of the counter to become negative. Also, include a member function that returns the current count value and one that outputs the count to a stream. The member function for doing output will have one formal parameter of type ostream for the output stream that receives the output. Embed your class definition in a test program.