15.2 Inheritance Details

The devil is in the details.


This section presents some of the more subtle details about inheritance. Most of the topics are relevant only to classes that use dynamic arrays or pointers and other dynamic data.

Functions That Are Not Inherited

As a general rule if Derived is a derived class with base class Base, then all “normal” functions in the class Base are inherited members of the class Derived. However, there are some special functions that are, for all practical purposes, not inherited. We have already seen that, as a practical matter, constructors are not inherited and that private member functions are not inherited. Destructors are also effectively not inherited.

In the case of the copy constructor, it is not inherited, but if you do not define a copy constructor in a derived class (or any class for that matter), C++ will automatically generate a copy constructor for you. However, this default copy constructor simply copies the contents of member variables and does not work correctly for classes with pointers or dynamic data in their member variables. Thus, if your class member variables involve pointers, dynamic arrays, or other dynamic data, then you should define a copy constructor for the class. This applies whether or not the class is a derived class.

The assignment operator = is also not inherited. If the base class Base defines the assignment operator, but the derived class Derived does not define the assignment operator, then the class Derived will have an assignment operator, but it will be the default assignment operator that C++ creates (when you do not define =); it will not have anything to do with the base class assignment operator defined in Base.

It is natural that constructors, destructors, and the assignment operator are not inherited. To correctly perform their tasks, they need information that the base class does not possess. To correctly perform their functions, they need to know about the new member variables introduced in the derived class.

Assignment Operators and Copy Constructors in Derived Classes

Overloaded assignment operators and constructors are not inherited. However, they can be, and in almost all cases must be, used in the definitions of overloaded assignment operators and copy constructors in derived classes.

When overloading the assignment operator in a derived class, you normally use the overloaded assignment operator from the base class. We will present an outline of how the code for doing this is written. To help understand the code outline, remember that an overloaded assignment operator must be defined as a member function of the class.

If Derived is a class derived from Base, then the definition of the overloaded assignment operator for the class Derived would typically begin with something like the following:

Derived& Derived::operator =(const Derived& rightSide)
    Base::operator =(rightSide);

The first line of code in the body of the definition is a call to the overloaded assignment operator of the Base class. This takes care of the inherited member variables and their data. The definition of the overloaded assignment operator would then go on to set the new member variables that were introduced in the definition of the class Derived.

A similar situation holds for defining the copy constructor in a derived class. If Derived is a class derived from Base, then the definition of the copy constructor for the class Derived would typically use the copy constructor for the class Base to set up the inherited member variables and their data. The code would typically begin with something like the following:

Derived::Derived(const Derived& object)
               : Base(object), <probably more initializations>

The invocation of the base class copy constructor Base(object) sets up the inherited member variables of the Derived class object being created. Note that since object is of type Derived, it is also of type Base; therefore, object is a legal argument to the copy constructor for the class Base.

Of course, these techniques do not work unless you have a correctly functioning assignment operator and a correctly functioning copy constructor for the base class. This means that the base class definition must include a copy constructor and that either the default automatically created assignment operator must work correctly for the base class or the base class must have a suitable overloaded definition of the assignment operator.

Destructors in Derived Classes

If a base class has a correctly functioning destructor, then it is relatively easy to define a correctly functioning destructor in a class derived from the base class. When the destructor for the derived class is invoked, it automatically invokes the destructor of the base class, so there is no need for the explicit writing of a call to the base class destructor; it always happens automatically. The derived class destructor therefore need only worry about using delete on the member variables (and any data they point to) that are added in the derived class. It is the job of the base class destructor to invoke delete on the inherited member variables.

If class B is derived from class A and class C is derived from class B, then when an object of the class C goes out of scope, first the destructor for the class C is called, then the destructor for class B is called, and finally the destructor for class A is called. Note that the order in which destructors are called is the reverse of the order in which constructors are called.

Self-Test Exercises

  1. You know that an overloaded assignment operator and a copy constructor are not inherited. Does this mean that if you do not define an overloaded assignment operator or a copy constructor for a derived class, then that derived class will have no assignment operator and no copy constructor?

  2. Suppose Child is a class derived from the class Parent, and the class Grandchild is a class derived from the class Child. This question is concerned with the constructors and destructors for the three classes Parent, Child, and Grandchild. When a constructor for the class Grandchild is invoked, what constructors are invoked and in what order? When the destructor for the class Grandchild is invoked, what destructors are invoked and in what order?

  3. Give the definitions for the member function addValue, the copy constructor, the overloaded assignment operator, and the destructor for the following class. This class is intended to be a class for a partially filled array. The member variable numberUsed contains the number of array positions currently filled. The other constructor definition is given to help you get started.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std; 
    class PartFilledArray
        PartFilledArray(int arraySize);
        PartFilledArray(const PartFilledArray& object);
         void operator =(const PartFilledArray& rightSide);
         void addValue(double newEntry);
         //There would probably be more member functions
         //but they are irrelevant to this exercise.
         double *a;
         int maxNumber;
         int numberUsed;
    PartFilledArray::PartFilledArray(int arraySize)
                  : maxNumber(arraySize), numberUsed(0)
        a = new double[maxNumber];

    (Many authorities would say that the member variables should be private rather than protected. We tend to agree. However, using protected makes for a better practice assignment, and you should have some experience with protected variables because some programmers do use them.)

  4. Define a class called PartFilledArrayWMax that is a derived class of the class PartFilledArray. The class PartFilledArrayWMax has one additional member variable named maxValue that holds the maximum value stored in the array. Define a member accessor function named getMax that returns the maximum value stored in the array. Redefine the member function addValue and define two constructors, one of which has an int argument for the maximum number of entries in the array. Also define a copy constructor, an overloaded assignment operator, and a destructor. (A real class would have more member functions, but these will do for an exercise.)